Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 788 788 More Work?

Chapter 788 788 More Work?

Wolfe followed Priya back to her house, where she put Tian to sleep with Tammi next to her in their princess - themed room. It was strange to see a tiny succubus so happily sleeping in a childish room, but as a former body double for a Succubus Princess, she not only missed out on most of her childhood, but she would be used to the theme.

Well, maybe not. Dana didn't seem like the Princess room sort of person.

But as long as the girl was living her best life, it was fine. Even if that best life meant cuddling a tiny witch to sleep every night.

Once they were settled, Priya led Wolfe down the hall to a master bedroom that was decorated in a fashion that was clearly generations old, and not what she would have chosen for herself, given how her room was decorated in Forest Grove.

It hadn't been given to anyone, her room was still hers, with all her stuff in it and would stay that way unless it was clear that she was never coming back. But that portion of the underground area was far from overcrowded, as the whole wing was reserved for those close to Wolfe, and it ran under the parking garage, so there was no need to extend anything downward and claim that space.

"This is the official Family Head's bedroom. It's a bit stuffy, but it's against Family rules to renovate it, so it remains the same generation to generation. Honestly, it gives me the creeps even now that the curses and hostile spells have all been purged from the room, but nobody will bother us here.

In fact, they can't. If I set out that do not disturb sign, then the only ones who would willingly come in here are probably the maids, and they don't start cleaning bedrooms until after noon." Priya explained.

Wolfe smiled. "Then what are we waiting for? Get that sign out and let's lock ourselves in for the night."

Millie snorted with amusement and flapped her wings a little to remind Wolfe that she was still on duty.

Priya laughed at the antics of the annoyed Demon. "Right, no need for the sign, we won't be disturbed anyhow. But Millie, you can sleep tonight, there is a bedroom off the entry, it's intended for a personal servant, but it should be alright for a night. If they want to get to us, they have to pass through the main room and past you through our locked door to get there. I doubt that anyone could get into the main room without waking you, much less pick the lock to the bedroom."

Millie gave her a polite, formal bow and smirked. "If you say that I'm off-duty, I am. I will gladly rest for the evening after having to watch out for everything from poisoning attempts to the smooth seduction techniques of a six-year-old."

With that, the Demon retired to the side bedroom while Wolfe led Priya into the master bedroom to catch up on lost time. They managed to remain there, undisturbed, until twenty minutes before noon, when the servants came to see if they would like lunch in the room or in the main dining hall where the rest of the Priya Family who lived on the estate would be gathered.

They had a lot to discuss, as they were planning to expand their businesses to include trade all over the Frozen Wastes, and for that, Wolfe would be indispensable.

Wolfe sighed, but gave the servant a nod of agreement. "Alright, give us twenty minutes, and we will be ready enough to attend a luncheon. Please advise the relevant members of the Family, as I am certain that they will be eager to hear my response."

"That is possibly the greatest understatement I have heard in weeks. They're so eager to get a jump on these new money making ventures, I'm surprised that they're not humping your leg." Priya joked.

"Certainly, the fine soldiers of the Priya Family are above such behaviour." Wolfe replied with mock dignity.

No, they were not above such behaviour, and everyone present knew it. If it came down to money or power, they would do much more than that to ensure that it remained in their family. But they didn't have to worry too much, as they were already in his favour and not a bunch of strangers asking for favours. With Priya beside him, it would make her family much more brave, but Wolfe would show them quickly that they couldn't just make assumptions using his name as a shield.

Everything that was about to happen this morning was orchestrated by others, and his influence was mostly limited to affairs inside of Forest Grove and larger matters than merchant routes. He had never interfered with them before, other than to help ensure that Forest Grove supplied what they could of the merchants' orders, so they had no reason to believe that he would interfere now.

Wolfe dressed in his 'demon lord' outfit of a black suit with red coat, but skipped the horns, wings and intimidating aura, though they were all just muted and waiting to be activated, in case he needed to make a point to the Witches.

Priya went for a simple robe, while Millie was back in her usual armour over a dark blue dress with slits up the side of the legs so she could still move freely when necessary.

The small procession drew an incredible amount of attention as they walked down the stairs, and Wolfe heard Priya sigh beside him.

"We've got guests. The Coven Council is here for lunch unannounced. I should have expected it, given that you were staying here last night, but it will make things more difficult, and we won't be able to discuss Family business." She whispered.

"I can ask them to go away, and I bet that they would. But I get the feeling that you would get mad at me for making your life difficult if I did. Are there any of them that are particularly troublesome?" Wolfe asked.

"Are any of them not particularly troublesome? Actually, they're all on reasonably good terms with the Family, so it should just be a couple of hours of power plays and doublespeak." Priya muttered.

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