Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 832 832 Brave New World

Chapter 832 832 Brave New World

The first one up was the Finance Minister and her family, as decided by the Council. If there was anyone who should be seen to be publicly supporting the measure, it was the one in charge of the city's finances, after all.

So, without hesitation, she led a large cargo truck next to Wolfe and came to whisper in his ear.

"We don't need to unload it, do we? I would rather not show the whole world how much money my Family has built up over the last two centuries."

Wolfe had suspected that might be the case, but it would also make his life much easier, as nobody would be directly comparing net worth in public, so they wouldn't know how much he was topping the cubes up by.

He had agreed to give them a favourable rate to help the city get back on its feet, but the Council Families had been abusing their power for a long time, and it was better to set things right, even if just a little bit.

Those who did the most for the community, like the seemingly incorruptible family of the Finance Minister, he would give a bit extra to, just a few percent more to bump up their funds, while those who had hurried to try to make more crystals and scam extra wealth would be closer to a direct exchange to make up for the cheating.

"Saint Noxus, can you tell us how you make the cubes store so much energy that an entire truckload of mana crystals will fit into that small box?" The reporter with the annoying voice asked.

"That's the easy part. A higher ranked Magi can create higher grades of mana crystals, and I had a particularly special encounter that allows my mana flow to be incredibly dense, even by Magi standards. These cubes hold thousands of times more than the cards do, and they are incredibly valuable, not just for the monetary value of their storage, but for the ability to power complex magical facilities.

The conversion is more efficient than with the traditional mana crystals, so your energy bills will go down a little after today, but if these cubes are used to power the city, then much of the energy rationing of the past can be eliminated.

As part of the upcoming city improvements, the power grid of the city will be reworked, but that is not my department, the Coven Leader's Advisor has been placed in charge of the renovations."

The talk had distracted the reporters long enough that they hadn't noticed Wolfe was actually working, and that the cube was now full, while the mana crystals in the truck were completely empty.

Wolfe handed the cube to the Finance Minister, who turned the face to her Family Head, so she could see the reading.

The old woman smiled up at Wolfe, doing her best to straighten her hunched posture.

"Thank you, young man. You have done great things for this city." She declared with a toothless smile.

It wasn't that dentures didn't exist, many people had them, or at her level of wealth, her teeth could be returned with magic, but for some reason, she had chosen not to.

It was a rather endearing sight, making the Council Family's head seem a bit more human and relatable to the people of the city, and Wolfe had to admire the forethought that went into choosing that particular tactic.

Most of the others had sent a representative of the Family, as the actual Family Head was generally elderly, and they didn't want to portray any weakness. But the Finance Minister's Family came off as the good guys, soft instead of authoritarian.

Then they stepped back, and Reiko came over with a truck full of mana crystals and a smile.

"I should get back to the interviews, there are still numerous concerns about the process and the exchange." She explained.

"In that case, I will do this quickly." Wolfe agreed, before emptying the truckload of crystals and giving the cube a small top-off.

"That's it for you. Have fun with the reporters." Wolfe laughed.

The reporters covering Wolfe's work all smiled, glad to have caught a personal moment from the reclusive Coven Leader on film. But what was more interesting to the cameras was the Fae woman who was shadowing the Coven Leader everywhere that she went.

They could all tell that the Fae was powerful, on par with the other three witches that had arrived with Wolfe, but nobody had introduced her, and she was just there, like an overpowered bodyguard.

By comparison, Wolfe's bodyguard seemed much more predictable. A Demon woman two and a half metres tall seemed like just the sort of thing that the Snow Demon would have to guard his back, and most of them hadn't realized that the twins were with Wolfe and not with Arthur, who was sitting in the background, sipping tea with some of the Council Members.

Until the pair of Succubi finished with the legalese interpretation, they didn't have much to do, but they all needed to be nearby when it was time to make the official announcement.

They all expected it to be soon, and it would interrupt the procession of money exchanges and keep the news cycle from getting boring.

Their estimate was uncannily accurate, and just as they were starting to get bored with the repetition of scenes and the descriptions of how the new currency worked, the Succubi pair and the legal team came out with smiles on their faces.

"Good news everyone, the deals are both confirmed, with no discrepancies between the two sides, and we are ready to begin the formal signing procedure whenever we have the appropriate venue set up." Rail announced as they approached.

All of the cameras turned her way, noting the women from the legal team carrying the formal folders behind her. The reporters and everyone else in town had assumed that it was a done deal and they were just being informed of what was happening after the fact.

But now, it was clear that the Forest Grove contingent was so confident that a deal would be made that they had started early, and began to distribute cash payments to the people of Morgana Fortress before they had even confirmed that the entire city would convert to their currency.

That was cocky bordering on insane, but everyone was in agreement that it was working out pretty well for them. They had even gotten a bonus payment to cover all the back bills they had paid this morning.

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