Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 849 849 Grievances

Chapter 849 849 Grievances

Within seconds of the live broadcast announcing the changes, there was chaos in the streets of the other cities.

The General had somewhat expected this outcome when he agreed to meet with the representatives from Morgana and Sylvan Covens, so he had briefed the subordinates that were left in charge on the procedures for the turn-over.

However, those procedures were completely forgotten when everyone realized that the Snow Demon was now a Saint, and that he had come in person. That had not been part of the calculations, and with his reputation for going on solo rampages through entire military units, they weren't willing to risk waiting as they were instructed, and instead immediately began to release the collars from the captured witches.

Then they gave them copies of the keys to allow them to free the others, and the witches began to go door to door to ensure there were none being held or hidden away from their legal freedom.

Then the people of the towns started to panic about what would happen with the trials. Would the Snow Demon use them as an excuse to round up all the soldiers for public execution? Would he be turning them over to Demons or Fae for punishment?

They were so worried that half of the population wasn't even listening to the next part of the broadcast, when the General came back on screen with Priya to clarify the situation.

"Starting tomorrow, we will hear evidence, but unless there is evidence of criminality beyond the scope of what was ordered by their superior officers, there will be no further charges laid. The officers will take responsibility for the orders they were given, while the rank and file will be given a reprieve.

Think of this as your second chance, a chance to do right by others and integrate into society here in the Morgana Territory." Priya announced, with the General looking relieved beside her.

The General spoke to confirm her words. "It has been codified in our agreement, so please, do not do anything stupid that will earn you unnecessary punishment. It is our most sincere hope that you can adjust to the laws of the rest of the continent, and learn to live in harmony with your neighbours."

Those words warmed many hearts in the villages nearby, and enraged more than a few in the villages along the coast, who had been counting on the Grand Dutchies army to be their shield against the retaliation of the Morgana Coven.

The Rebels were almost all the older generation, and with the changes that had taken place, both from the increased mana levels and the Mana Purification spells Wolfe had placed removing the bloodline curse, they were falling further behind the average power level with every passing day.

Soon, they would be a laughingstock even to the students of the Academy.

Worse, with some of the witches awakening their powers at a young age, the older generation might not even have the advantage over children for much longer.

Fortunately for the General, though most of his orders had been forgotten in the panic that followed the announcement, the military police were still well-trained to keep order in the towns, and they began working to prevent violence and ensure the smooth transition of the released captives and a quick return to normalcy within the cities.

Because other than a minor lack of staff, nothing had really changed. The majority of the captured witches had the collars removed, and their magic returned to them within the hour, and with typical military efficiency, they were all accounted for within the next two hours.

That military precision was enough of a sign that things were changing that the witches decided against a full-scale revolution, but there were plenty of calls made to the Parliament building where the General and the others were being held, requesting vehicles to bring witnesses for the next day's trials.

There were also some additional arrests made, people that the soldiers knew belonged in prison, but hadn't gotten authorization to take down before because of rank or business connections back home.

Now, none of that would protect them, and the police were more focused on letting everyone know that the political games wouldn't influence the enforcement of the law anymore.

Wolfe sat in the meeting room with a cup of coffee and listened to the reports as they were relayed from the various towns. It was too little too late in many people's minds, but it was a start, and his messages to Forest Grove had already been answered. The helicopter would be here at first light, with a group of Elves who had volunteered to take on the task of overseeing these villages.

They were all somewhat related, so they would be used to working together, and the Elves were all high nobles, and well known for their love of rules. They would be the best option for getting the witches to accept the new normal. Or at least, that was Wolfe's hope.

"Are you going to be staying the night in the parliament building?" One of the reporters asked as Wolfe savoured his coffee.

"We are. It wouldn't be well received if we just left the officers here before their trial unattended, so we will all sleep here tonight, with a barrier up around the building, so that nobody comes in or out.

That seems like the best course of action to me, and then we can get started with the trials at first light. I can feel the movement of auras outside, and I already know that there are dozens of people gathering, anticipating getting their chance to speak." Wolfe explained.

"In that case, we will leave you for the evening, as we did not bring any overnight supplies, and this building is not equipped for overnight guests." The reporter replied, while the cameramen packed up their gear, and the rest of the team that the officers had assembled prepared to head to their homes for the evening.

"If any of you are likely to face accusations tomorrow that will land you in serious trouble, I recommend that you stay here. If the people think that you're trying to flee, you won't get the leniency from them that those turning themselves in to face justice in the first group will." Wolfe reminded them.

"Understood, Saint Noxus. We will return tomorrow to do our duty." One of the assistants replied, with an expressionless mask firmly in place.

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