Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 857 857 They’re Still Trying

Chapter 857 857 They're Still Trying

If they hadn't been watching everything on the screens, it would have been easy to miss the point when the spell dropped over one of the attack sites, disrupting communications for a moment. It would have been hard to miss the radio announcement that there was an invading army of magic using humans coming toward the city, but they definitely would have missed the activation of the Dungeon Spell.

Watching it activate in real time gave Wolfe and the others a clear view of how it was being done, and the flaws in the activation of the spell.

They still hadn't put up an outer barrier around it to keep the area isolated, and they hadn't made any attempt to block communications. But with his sense of mana manipulation already on alert, Wolfe was able to feel the change in the distance as one city to the south of them had a point in time marked by the spell, right before a portal to another world opened.

"I think that it's better if I don't appear right away. If they believe that the spell is glitched to target me, we won't be able to learn how they're doing it. But we need to make sure that they do not succeed and leave with a bunch of technology from the mundane armies." Wolfe declared.

"There is a protector and his retinue with that group. How strong are these enemies going to be?" The Grand Dutchies Guardian asked.

Wolfe shook his head. "There is no way to know. But the last time, they had multiple Rank Four and Rank Five magic users with them. The humans are limited like the witches, in that their style of magic requires them to draw mana from the surrounding area, so it takes time and too many mages fighting at once will deplete the area for a moment.

Male Demons have the advantage in that way, as they can use their abilities instantly, but these humans should be excellent at working together.

Can we adjust the drone to see how many there are in this group?"

The Guardian shook his head. "Not really. The drone controls have a limited range from the battleships, and they're not magical. Should we go watch and make certain that they are not going to win?"

Wolfe sighed. "What I'm really wondering is if their Emperor is with this group, or if he sent a group of adventurers through first this time to ensure that they didn't get ambushed by me or someone close to my power.

The Fae explained the spell to me after I saw it last time, and we think that they're using it to train, and haven't realized that it's targeting our world directly."

The Demonic Guardian smiled at Wolfe. "So, you're saying that they were gifted the spell, and they don't really understand how it works? They believe that it's just creating a space for them to train in? Oh, this could be brilliant. I have the most wonderful idea."

Wolfe waited for him to continue as the Demon took out a cell phone and dialed a number.

"Send a message to the towers. I need squad seven to these coordinates in the next three minutes. I will pay double." He announced, before reading off a list of numbers.

There was a pause and then he continued. "No, not for the assault, it's going fine. There is an attacking force from that world full of human mages, and they're using a time loop spell as a training dungeon, but they didn't put a protective barrier around it."

Then he hung up the phone and nodded to Wolfe.

"That should solve it. Team Seven specializes in temporal disturbances. They have magic devices that will prevent the loop, or allow them to pull people out of a time loop when necessary." He explained.

"This one leaves things just as they were, so if there is damage, it is better that they let it finish, though that will reset any progress your assault made. If you can pull their people out, they will likely think that they died inside, so have the team let one return with the message.

I would assume that the team is not excessively overpowered, just a specialist group?" Wolfe replied.

The Demon nodded. "Rank Four and five. Weak enough that they're not covered by the rules of engagement for powerful beings, but strong enough that they can deal with most temporal magic as a group."

The Kingdom of Magic really had thought of everything when they prepared their army, Wolfe decided. He had seen the complex regulations that they held their troops to in the battle against the Fallen, and generally agreed with them. When beings at his power level squared off against each other, the damage to the surrounding environment could be extreme.

If it happened regularly, as it very well could in the Demon Realms, thanks to their abundant population of powerful residents, it would quickly destroy their home beyond repair. A single incident would be enough to create their own version of the Frozen Wastes, with layers of broken spells that wouldn't fade for centuries.

It would either be a cleanup nightmare, or turn the entire Realm uninhabitable.

But that gave Wolfe an idea.

In the Lumix Household, there was a group of butler spells, complex constructs made of hundreds of layers of spells. Instead of sending troops to battle, he could create an army of constructs and send them instead. Even the third Familiars that the first Pentacle had summoned were constructs that had taken on a life of their own.

Making more of them, at a lower power level, should be allowable by the rules of war.

They worked together exceedingly well, and with a specified power, Wolfe could assign them as Protectors of small villages instead of relying on the Fae and Demons to keep sending more people as the population of the Frozen Wastes settled new areas.

The conditions were getting better, and with the monsters more under control now, the villagers were thinking of creating surface farms to compliment their underground operations. They would require less magic and work to grow, and they could increase the variety of crops with all that extra space.

But that meant more villages, and many of them in remote areas not linked to anywhere else, with only a handful of families who had clustered their farmhouses together to work the area. That was hardly worth sending an actual person to supervise.

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