Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 270: Muyan is malnourished?

However, food is different. All kinds of food have different tastes. During pregnancy, human appetites will change. You may want to taste both sweet and bitter, but there are tastes that will make people react. After eating this kind of food, I can't help but feel sick.

But Zheng Xueyan and the others obviously couldn't understand morning sickness now, and when they heard that Mu Yan vomited everything they ate, they immediately became worried.

"It's no wonder that Yan Yan looks thinner and eats less and less every day. Why doesn't this silly kid tell us?" Zheng Xueyan was so anxious that she was about to cry, and immediately walked to the yard where Mu Yan was. People followed closely.

On the way, Zheng Xueyan sent someone to invite the doctor over.

Here, Mu Yan had just finished drinking the nutritional supplement, and he looked lazy. He was lying lazily on the concubine chair basking in the sun, and then he heard the sound of someone coming.

"Yanyan, how do you feel now? Do you still want to vomit?" Zheng Xueyan immediately walked over and asked with concern as soon as she came over, looking Mu Yan up and down.

That slightly pale face and that thin body made her feel very distressed.

When Ah Chen was about to leave, she told her to take good care of Mu Yan, but she ended up taking care of Mu Yan like this. If Ah Chen came back and saw Mu Yan become like this, he would definitely feel distressed to death?〇

"Mom? Why are you here? I'm fine." Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, then sat up, smiling and expressing that he was fine.

"You silly boy, why didn't you tell your mother that you couldn't eat anything? If you don't want to eat, we won't eat it. Let's find another way." Zheng Xueyan still couldn't hold back, and said with a sob.

Such a well-behaved and sensible child has suffered so many days, and she didn't know it.

When Mu Yan saw this, he knew that Zheng Xueyan should know that he would vomit after eating, and suddenly felt a little unfeminine.

"Gi, I'm fine, these are normal, it will be fine after a while." Mu Yan replied with a smile.

He was like this when he was pregnant with Qiuqiu, and he also had morning sickness for a while, but he got better soon, but this time the reaction time seems to be a bit long, but now he has found a solution.

"Next time you have to tell mom about something, don't hide it from yourself, okay? Otherwise, we will all be worried." Zheng Xueyan warned.

At this moment, the doctor just came in, Zheng Xueyan immediately gave up her seat and asked the doctor to check Mu Yan.

Mu Yan also knew that he had made everyone worry, so he obediently let the doctor do the examination.

"Doctor, how is Yan Yan? He can't eat these days, and he vomits up all he eats." Zheng Xueyan talked to the doctor carefully, and asked worriedly.

"The young master's body is quite emaciated, and his nutrition can't keep up. Babies need a lot of nutrition for their development, especially one of them has a supernatural baby. It's not an option to keep losing weight like this. If you can't provide the nutrition for the babies to grow If not, they will continue to get nutrition from the mother, and the young master will lose weight even more, which will affect both adults and babies." The doctor said with a frown.

It was the first time he had seen someone who had problems during pregnancy because they could not provide the baby with nutrition.

He knew that Jiang's family ate carefully prepared delicacies every meal. He had eaten those delicacies before. Although the nutrition may not be more than that in the nutritional supplements, they are very pure. If you eat three meals a day, the nutrients you ingest are also It is no less than that in nutritional supplements, and it is even better for the human body.

That being the case, how could Mu Yan be malnourished? He didn't believe that it was the Jiang family who withheld Mu Yan's rations.

Suddenly, the doctor remembered what Zheng Xueyan said just now. She said that Mu Yan would vomit after eating. If she vomited out all the food she ate, then naturally she would not be able to take in nutrients, and she would become malnourished and become sick. Get thinner.

Then there is an explanation for all this, but I have never seen such a situation where I vomit after eating.

"Then what should we do? Yan Yan has been unable to eat for the past few days, and he would vomit after eating, so how to supplement his nutrition." Zheng Xueyan was shocked into a cold sweat when she heard the consequences. If she could, she would even I want to take out the baby in Mu Yan's stomach right now, and cultivate it outside the body. This will be good for both the baby and Mu Yan.

However, the doctor also said before that Muyan is special, and we need to wait for a while to study when it is most suitable to take it out.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. I just drank the nutritional supplement, and my body is fine." Mu Yan worried that Zheng Xueyan was too anxious, and hurriedly comforted her.

The doctor's mind brightened, and he said: "Nutritional supplements are indeed a good choice. Pregnant women used to drink nutritional supplements, and there was no case of malnutrition. Maybe the young master can also try it. Recently, I don't want to eat delicious food. Just drink nutritional supplements, and I will come back to check again in a few days."

"Okay, then I'll trouble the doctor, and when is the right time to take out the baby in Yan Yan's belly?

"Zheng Xueyan asked.

"It also depends on the baby's development. Now the nutrition can barely keep up. The condition is not very good. Let them stay in the mother's body for a while. After all, no environment can compare to the mother's body." the doctor replied.

Mu Yan touched the babies in his belly. If possible, he also hoped that he could raise them until they were born.

"Okay, please trouble the doctor, Xiaoxue, take the doctor out first." Zheng Xueyan said to Jiang Xuexi

Jiang Xuexi took the doctor out first, leaving only Zheng Xueyan and Zhao Shuqi in the room.

Both of them looked at Mu Yan worriedly, "Yan Yan, take a good rest during this time, don't worry about the nutritional supplements, I'll buy them for you, don't think too much, everything will be fine, Chen and Zhi Yang will also return safely."

In fact, Zheng Xueyan couldn't see Mu Yan's worry during this time, after all, she was in the same mood. ?

Her husband and son are both on the front line, so how could she not be worried? Even though so many victories have been fought before, even if the son is hailed as the national male **** and national hero, in the eyes of the federal people, he is the undefeated God of War!

But in the eyes of her mother, she is just a son. The battlefield is unpredictable, and who can always win the battle, so every time someone goes to the battlefield, she will always be worried.

On the surface, she maintained a relaxed state, but she just didn't want others to worry, but in fact, she was also burning hot inside.

Therefore, she can understand Mu Yan's mood very well, but Mu Yan's current situation is special, and she is still pregnant, so she can't think too much, too many negative emotions will also affect the physical state.

"Well, I believe in A-Chen." Mu Yan's eyes flashed with a firm light, he believed that A-Chen would come back safely, because of what he had promised him ^

Ah Chen's promise to him has never failed!

"Then you have a good rest, and mom won't bother you." Zheng Xueyan watched Mu Yan lie down on the imperial concubine chair again, and then left the small courtyard with Zhao Shuqi.

"It's better for us to find something to divert Yanyan's attention, otherwise he will always think of Achen if there is too much time, and naturally he will not be able to relax." Zhao Shuqi suggested.

Zheng Xueyan thought it made sense, but for a while she couldn't think of what to use to divert Mu Yan's attention, "Then what kind of things are you looking for?"

Zhao Shuqi thought for a while, and said: "Isn't A Yuan expanding food production? Yanyan was the first to propose this, and he has the most say. Otherwise, let him and A Yuan do this together. , V can just divert his attention and make him happy."

"Well, I think it's okay, I'll make a video call to A Yuan to talk about it later." Zheng Xueyan replied.

After the two parents left, Jiang Xuexi, who sent the doctor away, returned to the yard where Mu Yan was, and saw the third sister-in-law basking in the sun in the yard.

"Sister-in-law three." Jiang Xuexi called out, "Is your health better now?"

"Well, it's nothing serious." Mu Yan smiled at him and said.

Jiang Xuexi found a stool and sat next to Mu Yan. The two chatted without saying a word. Most of the topics revolved around the live broadcast.

"Sister-in-law, don't you know that now the number of fans on the live broadcast has exceeded 100 million? My Weibo has been compromised, and there is only one topic, which is to ask where you have been, and when will you come back to live broadcast." Jiang Xuexi said exaggeratedly, while wrinkling her small face, making Mu Yan couldn't help laughing, her mood also followed a lot

Since Mu Yan was pregnant, he was worried about being seen by others, so he interrupted the live broadcast. His interruption was naturally a big deal for the fans, and they all started to scan places where they could contact Mu Yan Screen, come to report almost every day, just like going to the live broadcast room with the same regularity and persistence.

And the person who has the deepest connection with Mu Yan is naturally the administrator Mu Xiaoxue. Therefore, apart from Mu Yan's Weibo being checked in by fans every day, Jiang Xuexi's Weibo was not spared either.

Mu Yan seldom goes to Weibo. The most important function of the terminal is to send text messages, play video and live broadcast. He rarely uses other functions.

Listening to Jiang Xuexi's interesting stories about fans, Mu Yan also felt very happy, and unconsciously relaxed a lot, opened the terminal, logged in to his Weibo, and saw the countless comments and comments on it. Number of fans.

"You see, the fighting power of these fans is really terrifying. Being on time every day is like clocking in to and from get off work." Jiang Xuexi said helplessly.

Mu Yan clicked on the comments and watched with relish the popular comments that were upvoted. .

"Yan Da, why is the live broadcast interrupted again? It was once a week before, but this time it's completely gone. Is there something wrong with Yan Da? I hope everyone can reach out to let Yan Da see it, and reply us. Don’t make us worry, we will always support Yanda and wait for Yanda’s return.”

After Mu Yan saw this comment, he clicked on the reply and wrote: Thank you for your concern. Due to physical reasons, the broadcast may be temporarily suspended for a period of time, but it will resume in the future. When the live broadcast resumes, I hope everyone can and I cook together.

Mu Yan calculated the time, and the babies will not be born for about six months. By that time, the fruit and vegetable supermarket Jiang Yuanxi planned will open in many planets. At that time, fans can go to buy ingredients, and then Did it with him.

"Yan Da, your health is important, we will always be here waiting for your return, don't worry, take good care of yourself, I have already played the previous live broadcast three times, and I am planning to do it for the fourth time, and what to do inside I have memorized the steps of the dishes, and after the fruit and vegetable supermarket opens, I can try to make food by myself, and I will take photos for Yan Da to see."

This comment was followed by a lot of comments from other fans, most of which were "666", indicating that the owner is very powerful or asking the owner to take a photo at that time.

Mu Yan read the comments one by one, basically encouraging him and wishing him well. Although everyone didn't know his specific situation, they still cared about him in such a state. Mu Yan felt very touched. It was also very heartwarming, my heart was warm and swelled, and the sorrow because of Jiang Chenxi's departure before was also slightly dispersed.

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