Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 202: Non-Event Horizon

Chapter 202: Non-Event Horizon

The precious picture before us clearly depicted a black hole, a black region surrounded by a border of light. Like an unseen beast, it silently hid in its corner of the universe. The black region gave off a sensation of deep and profound darkness, as though it was an endless abyss.

And within the Schwarzschild radius, numerous objects could be seen. The final picture taken by laser ray photography was much clearer than all the previous pictures we had received. All the indistinct regions in the previous pictures could be clearly seen in this picture.

All of us could see that at the boundary between the Schwarzschild radius and the event horizon, countless stars, planets, comets, meteors, and even the two drones we had lost contact with could be seen.

That was a sight that far exceeded our understanding and existing knowledge about black holes. Within the darkness of the black hole, other objects had actually appeared. According to our existing knowledge, even time would be devoured within a black hole, to say nothing of the form of any objects. All of us were stunned by the clear picture of the black hole. We weren't even prepared to witness this sight, which defied everything known about black holes.

"Why do I feel like this picture looks weird?" I muttered when I noticed something off about the picture.

"What's weird with the picture? Just say it, why are you hesitating?" said Wind Spirit impatiently.

"I feel like the objects within the picture resemble my space toys when I was a kid," I said.

"Canyue, those toys are imitations of celestial bodies. Of course they will look similar," said Zhang Bao'er as he rolled his eyes.

"No, that's why it's weird. Look at these celestial bodies. The stars, planets, comets, meteors, and even the drones are of a similar size, just like the toys we played with when we were kids that were intentionally manufactured at different scales. That is understandable for toys, but wouldn't it be weird to see the same in outer space?" I said.

Everyone sank into silence. It was indeed weird. Everyone started to silently contemplate because the mysterious appearance of the black hole had assaulted our existing knowledge, causing us to forget our other mission.

"I believe the issue with time itself has caused these appearances," Old Du suddenly broke the silence.

"Time? I thought the black hole had swallowed time itself?" said Dondon.

"At this point, all our existing knowledge on black holes can be thrown away. Do not limit your mind to only existing knowledge. I believe the size of these objects is related to the time they had swallowed. For example, look at that star. It might have been swallowed millions of years ago. Thus, its appearance is a size similar to the newly swallowed drones. We're probably looking at the different objects this black hole has swallowed for the past millions of years," said Old Du confidently.

One ought to admit that Old Du's hypothesis was rather fitting to what we see in the final picture. In any case, we couldn't think of any better hypothesis.

"However, one thing is particularly odd. If this star has been swallowed for millions of years yet still exists, just how deep does it go inside this black hole? Also, how big is that star for it to still be visible even after so long? This is too inconceivable," said Zhang Bao'er, voicing a view that we couldn't deny.

His words caused all of us to sink further into confusion. Based on what we knew, a black hole was formed from an exploding star. But if a swallowed star could remain flying in a black hole for millions of years without being torn apart, the inside of a black hole would probably be the equivalent of a micro-universe. That was a discovery that would overturn all existing knowledge about black holes.

"No. That star; those planets, meteors, and comets; and even the drones no longer exist. What we're looking at is the final image of their existence in the universe," said Baron Sisse after a few minutes of silence.

Baron Sisse's hypothesis triggered another round of intense discussion.

"Baron, you think that these objects are only imprints left behind by the actual swallowed objects?" asked Old Du.

"Yes. The existing knowledge of black holes is correct. Time and space still can't escape the pull of a black hole, but we have gained the ability to improve what people know about black holes," said Baron Sisse.

His words piqued our attention. Everyone stopped talking, waiting silently for Baron Sisse to talk more about his idea.

"I believe that after these objects entered the black hole's gravitational radius, what you Bluelings know as the Schwarzschild radius, they were torn apart by the powerful gravitational force and ceased existing. But precisely because of the sheer strength of the gravity, these objects were destroyed so rapidly that images of them were left behind. Their physical forms no longer exist, but their images were preserved," said Baron Sisse.

"Baron, you think that rapid destruction will instead leave a time-space imprint behind?" asked Old Du, still skeptical of the hypothesis.

"I once studied a recording of a historical interstellar war. The Bluelings once attacked a military base of ours with a super nuclear warhead. At the time, the powerful nuclear attack had instantly evaporated hundreds of Gliesen warriors. Because they were resting, they weren't suited up. After the ambush, the soldiers tasked to clean up the battlefield discovered that the silhouettes of soldiers that had been instantly evaporated by the nuclear weapon had been left on the ground," said Baron Sisse.

At that point, we were slowly starting to see his point.

"Therefore, I believe that these images are imprints left behind after these objects were rapidly destroyed by the black hole. The sizes of the images differ based on the time they were swallowed. As time passes, the images will only keep shrinking. This super black hole must have swallowed a star during its early period. The latest objects it had swallowed are our scouting drones," said Baron Sisse, whose confidence was boosted upon seeing that we approved of his hypothesis.

One ought to admit that Baron Sisse had been able to further contribute to the existing knowledge on black holes without discrediting any pre-existing knowledge.

"I approve of Baron Sisse's hypothesis. This picture is showing the images of these celestial objects before they were destroyed by the black hole. As for the location of these images, that only proves that the gravitational force in that area is exceptionally powerful, to the point that these images were left behind by the destroyed objects," said Master Crystal.

"Yes. I agree as well. In unique environments, unique sights will appear. A good example would be the auroras on the magnetic poles of Blue," I voiced my opinion as well.

"In that case, we have helped improve the existing knowledge on black holes. Looks like we have gained much from this exploration," announced Baron Sisse in excitement.

All of us were brimming with excitement at the thought that we had contributed to the advancement of the exploration of the universe.

"I think we should name this place. Why don't we name the unique region with all the images the Sisse horizon?" suggested Master Crystal.

We all agreed unanimously.

"No, no, no. This is a team discovery. Everyone has worked hard for this. There are greater researchers in the universe that have not named their discoveries after themselves. My little contribution is nothing. I suggest we name this region the non-event horizon. That will make it easier for the researchers in the future as well," said Baron Sisse, rejecting our offer.

Seeing how resolute the baron was, we did not force the issue. With that, this region where images of objects were left behind after rapid disintegration by the black hole came to be known as the non-event horizon.

At that point, our exploration mission came to an end. Everyone had received a satisfied answer from the exploration. With the perfect ending, Baron Sisse gave the order to return to Planet Rumble. Suddenly, Zhang Bao'er and I felt tired. We went to the corner of the command room and slumped down in two chairs. Jack and Dondon would be the ones handling the return.

"Canyue, do you think the league will issue us a medal for our discovery?" asked Zhang Bao'er before he went to sleep.

"With your contribution, I believe you can get at least a purple star medal," I praised Zhang Bao'er.

"Hehehe. But my military rank is too low. Why am I only a second lieutenant? When would I be able to rise up the ranks?" Zhang Bao'er started grumbling.

"Yes, that is truly unfair. With your prestige, you should be at least a general," I continued praising the fellow.

But I had barely finished my words when snores rang out beside me. Zhang Bao'er had fallen asleep. Exhaustion could very easily sink in during the moment of relaxation after an intense episode. Thus, the snores did not bother me as I easily fell asleep as well.

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