Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 66: Violent District

Chapter 66: Violent District

"Yes, I do. I was about to tell you about it," I turned to face Zhang Xingxing. "Let's get everyone together."

Zhang Xingxing gathered everyone at the lounge while I had Sarje hang a sign at the entrance indicating that the tavern was closed for business.

In the lounge, I told Zhang Xingxing everything I had learned from Master Crystal. Prince Toruse appeared to be in disbelief when he heard that the emperor had gone missing.

"What do you plan to do next?" Old Du asked.

"I feel like Master Crystal knows the Imperial College well. I wasn't able to get more information from him, so I think you still need to pay him another visit," I said.

"Giorno asked to meet you alone at the Miner's District tomorrow. It's too dangerous. We should go visit Master Crystal together and learn more before making a decision," Zhang Xingxing said.

"No. We can't afford to miss out on any leads. We're also short of time. Leader, you should visit Master Crystal with everyone and Sarje. I'll meet Giorno tomorrow," I said.

"I disagree. It's too dangerous," Zhang Xingxing protested.

"I already went against orders once. I hope you don't make me do it again, leader. I don't think there will be any issues. There is no need for him to make things so complicated if he intends to harm me. I'll be careful," I argued.

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone," Zhang Xingxing was still worried.

"I have an idea," Domo said.

Everyone looked at him.

"You're not going to ask for money again, are you?" said Zhang Bao'er, who was getting nervous.

Domo walked toward me in an unhurried manner and reached out his tiny hand. "Boss, let's settle the previous bill first."

I did not know whether to laugh or cry. But I did promise him payment, so I took out a diamond and placed it on Domo's palm.

"Why are you being paid before doing anything? Canyue, did you hit your head somewhere?" Zhang Bao'er complained.

Domo looked at Zhang Bao'er with derision and said, "There is no need for adults to explain their business to kids."

"You!" Zhang Bao'er was about to rage, but Old Du stopped him.

"Bao'er, stop messing around. Focus on the matter at hand," I said.

"Yes, I see my beloved employer is still the polite one," said Domo as he put the diamond away before reaching out with his hand again.

That action stunned even me.

"Domo, I don't have more money on me," I said.

Perhaps even Domo himself believed that he was asking too much, so he pulled his arm back, grumbling silently.

"In that case, you owe me 10 imperial gold coins for now," said Domo.

"No problem," I agreed easily.

"What rotten idea do you have? Say it." Zhang Bao'er was getting impatient yet again.

Domo glared at Zhang Bao'er before turning to face Dondon. "Doesn't this fellow know how to fly?"

Dondon was hiding in a corner eating some crackers. When everyone looked at him, he was startled and dropped his crackers on the ground.

"How did you know?" Old Du asked.

"I saw this fellow floating in the air and eating some crackers when we were waiting for Canyue in the tunnel," said Domo.

Everyone did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Canyue, give me another battery. I need to charge my concealment cloak," said Domo as he took out the cloak of invisibility we had used previously.

"Use mine. Canyue, keep yours for an emergency," said Old Du as he took out a battery from his suit.

"Dwarf, remember this. Fly into the sky and come under the cover of my concealment cloak. It will keep you invisible for two hours. After you find a hiding place, remember to turn it off to save energy. You're the only one who can fly here," said Domo.

"Good idea. Have Dondon back Canyue up. Dondon, take my gun with you. It is fully charged and is good for up to three hours of combat," said Zhang Xingxing as she handed her personal laser gun to Dondon.

Dondon accepted the gun. It was the size of a pistol, but it still looked out of place in Dondon's tiny paws.

"The two of you must keep your communication networks connected. Especially you, dwarf. Remember to hide somewhere without electromagnetic interference," reminded Domo.

"That's the plan, then," I said to Zhang Xingxing. "Everyone, let's get a good rest tonight. I'll keep watch with Sarje."

"I'll keep watch with the Gando. You have an important mission tomorrow. Get a good rest," offered Titan.

"That's agreeable. Canyue, you'll be meeting a gang alone tomorrow. Take a good rest," said Old Du.

We were the only guests left in the massive tavern, so we all looked for different rooms to spend the night in. Masse was locked in one of the rooms by Sarje. The sequence of thrilling events had left me physically and emotionally exhausted. Thus, I drifted into a deep sleep not long after my head hit the pillow.

My sleep was deep, and I had nothing in my mind, allowing me to recharge myself emotionally. The next day, the noise from the bazaar woke me up. I bolted upright and saw Domo sitting before my bed.

"I reinforced your disguise just in case the imperial police find you," said Domo.

"Thank you," I said.

"I had the tavern boss draw a detailed map of the Miner's District. Follow the route on the map. Consider this map and your disguise my gift to you. I'm making a loss doing business with you," said Domo as he handed me a map.

I gave Domo a nod of gratitude. When I left the room, I saw that everyone was waiting for me in the lounge. As usual, Dondon was busy eating a canned space ration for breakfast.

"It's getting late. Let's get ready to set off," I said.

"Alright. We've been waiting for you to wake up. Watch your back and keep your communication channel open. We will be waiting for you at Master Crystal's place," said Zhang Xingxing.

Each time she expressed her concern for me, my heart would be engulfed by warmth. I nodded at everyone before leaving with Dondon.

"Canyue, you must be careful. Take care of yourself," Zhang Bao'er's voice came as I stepped out of the tavern.

Outside, the street was already bustling with activity. I brought Dondon as I headed for the Miner's District according to the map. From the map, the Miner's District was quite far from the downtown area. We traveled according to the route on the map.

A few hours later, the buildings and pedestrians around us became sparse while hills with oddly shaped plants appeared in our surroundings. The further we went, the taller and wilder the hills became. It was as though we were heading deep into the jungle.

"Canyue, this does not look like a district at all. Did the tavern boss draw us the wrong route?" asked Dondon.

"According to the map, we'll be there after going around this rugged hill," I said.

We continued for about 10 minutes before we finally walked around the mountain. The terrain opened up, revealing a massive basin before us. Its entrance was connected to several roads coming from the nearby mountains, and the roads were filled with people.

Big vehicles were taking off in a constant stream and landing at a massive mountain in the distance, giving off the impression of a busy workplace. On the road ahead of us, a checkpoint could be found. More than 10 imperial police officers were there, performing inspections on those looking to enter the basin.

"Canyue, those are imperial police officers. Do we take a detour?" asked Dondon nervously.

"Wait here. I'll go take a look. If anything happens, improvise. Shut your communicator for now in case their monitoring system can catch it," I said.

I then turned on my shield. I noted that I still had 32 hours' worth of energy left. I followed the road and slowly approached the checkpoint. I could see that every pedestrian needed to go through some sort of scanner before they could enter. Two armed officers mounted on battle-wolves were keeping watch to the side.

'This must be the genetic scanner Domo mentioned. I did not expect them to have this thing installed here at a place apart from the space station,' I thought to myself.

Noon slowly approached, and just as I was thinking of a way to enter, someone patted my shoulder. I turned, and a familiar scarred face entered my vision.

"Great explorer, I've been waiting for quite a while," said Giorno with the same treacherous smile on his face. Behind him were about a dozen armed Liyate warriors.

"There's a genetic scanner from the police force ahead of us. How should I enter?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Everything is already prepared for a VIP like you," said Giorno as he pointed at a carriage beside us.

I followed his finger and noticed an oddly-shaped carriage parked beside us. The beast pulling the carriage was breathing heavily. Its head was decorated with three massive horns, looking like a combination of a buffalo and a rhinoceros. An iron chain, connected to the carriage behind it, was fastened on its middle horn, and its six powerful limbs were also chained. It seemed like they relied on these chains to control this beast.

A sturdy Liyate was sitting in the driver's seat. He was tightly gripping the iron chain with two of his hands and was holding a sharp shining spear with his other two hands. Below the triangular carriage were two massive wheels.

"Please board the carriage, great explorer," said Giorno.

To avoid exposing Dondon, I got on the carriage without any hesitation. Giorno also followed me onto the carriage.

"Go," said Giorno as he knocked at the front wall of the carriage.

The driver stabbed the beast's rear with the shiny spear. With a muffled bellow, the beast slowly dragged the carriage forward. Shortly after, we arrived at the checkpoint. The police officers completely ignored us. A Liyate opened a side entrance and allowed all of us to strut in.

'I wonder if Dondon is following us from the sky,' I thought.

"Welcome to the Brotherhood's base of operations, the Miner's District," said Giorno.

I could see numerous laser cannons surrounding the basin. Patrolling the sky were the military air defense drones that I feared most. Countless armed Liyates and thugs of different races were keeping watch at the entrance. Everyone had a six-pointed star necklace hanging on their neck.

'The criminal organization here is way too powerful. They seem even better equipped than their police force. With the strict security here, how am I supposed to escape later?' I reflected.

Apart from the Brotherhood members who had the six-pointed star necklaces, there were also many individuals with yellow star necklaces around us. They seemed to be the small business owners in the basin with the constant hawking of their wares on the streets and in their shops.

'Looks like this district has formed its very own system,' I thought.

The carriage continued past the cannons and shopping district. Ahead of us, I saw a group of Katars without any necklaces. They were all chained, and each carried a big basket of black ores on their back. They were busy working under the supervision of several armed Liyates.

"Why aren't these Katars marked? What ores are they carrying?" I asked.

"These are the captives from our war on Planet Kadote. They're here to work on the mine," said Giorno.

"Katars and Liyates are both citizens of the empire. Does the empire not care that you're enslaving your fellow citizens? Are you not afraid that the free Katars will attack you after learning of this?" I asked.

"Great explorer, you're still too young. Nothing is impossible when the gain is great enough," said Giorno.

"What are you mining here?" I asked.

"These are iron ores of the highest purity," said Giorno.

The mention of iron reminded me of the exploitation of Bluelings under the Gliesens. Everything was for the sake of iron, and even here, that did not change.

Giorno seemed to have guessed what I was thinking. He slowly said, "Don't think of yourself as some noble hero. Many of the ships from your league are also powered by our iron. That probably includes the ship you used to land on Jupiter II, Li Canyue."

'All the promises the league made us are nothing but lies,' I thought to myself.

While I was deep in thought, the carriage stopped before a big cave.

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