Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 84: Impossible Mission

Chapter 84: Impossible Mission

"Bluelings, as decreed by His Majesty, the highest level secret of the empire shall be shared with you," said the person in white before calling the Gando warriors.

One burly Gando warrior stepped inside.

"Please escort the prince out. Here is His Majesty's imperial edict decreeing that Prince Toruse will be in charge of handling the matters of Akko. Please escort the prince back immediately," said the person in white.

"Team Leader Xingxing, Canyue, my citizens need me to return. They all thirst for peace. Let us take our separate ways here. After I'm done, I will definitely look for you," said the prince emotionally.

"Go. We will help you if you need it," said Zhang Xingxing.

"We will meet again!" I said to the prince as I cupped my hands at him.

After bidding us farewell, the prince saluted the emperor and left. We had been staying with the prince for quite a while. As I looked at the frail departing back that was about to shoulder a heavy burden, melancholy filled my heart.

After the prince left, the person in white opened the scroll in their hand. I noted with astonishment that their hands greatly resembled Dondon's.

"The great Divine Empire rules over seven massive stars. To the north of the imperial territory is a zone stabbing deep into the Milky Way Galaxy. The smallest and the most mysterious of the seven stars is there. The star is known to us as Fargod," the person in white slowly narrated.

"Fargod," Zhang Xingxing repeated.

"Yes. Fargod, known to Bluelings as Bellatrix," explained the person in white.

"Bellatrix? The smallest star among the seven brightest stars of the Orion Constellation, the nearest star to Blue," I said.

"Exactly. It is located to the north of the empire, deep inside the Milky Way Galaxy. The planets in that system are cold. Because of that, comparatively larger life forms had come into existence there," said the person in white.

"What do you want us to do? You want us to capture those animals?" I asked.

"You are worthy of your reputation, great explorer. The farthest planet from Bellatrix, a planet known to us as Abyss, houses a large life form," said the person in white.

"What kind of life form is that? How powerful is it?" I asked.

"Don't worry, great explorer. That life form is nothing compared to something like Jupiter II. It has a unique ability, an ability of control," said the person in white.

"Ability of control? Can I know more about it?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"The empire has sent six teams of explorers, but without fail, all communication would be lost not long after a team enters the region. Every subsequent team was able to discover the remains of the previous team, only to also perish," said the person in white.

"A complete wipeout on every mission? Aren't you basically sending us to our deaths?" I said.

"The last team was able to send us the exact location of the monster's lair before losing contact with us. Details of the monster's behavior when attacking were also attached to the information sent back. That is the biggest help we can give you," said the person in white before handing the scroll over to me.

"This mission does not make sense. We don't have any useful information. You're basically asking us to throw our lives away." I refused to accept the scroll.

"What does the empire want us to do exactly?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"Help bring the life form back to the empire," Fille IV suddenly said.

"All your men were wiped out when they came into contact with this monster. Why do you even think that we can bring it back?" I said.

"Because you're a great explorer. I have great trust in your ability," said Fille IV.

"What if I refuse?" I persisted.

"Then we'll have to deal with you in accordance with our laws. The Divine Empire will offer a formal retaliation to Planet Blue's provocation. My army will be sent to attack Blue," said the emperor coldly.

I sank into silence. In all honesty, my sacrifice was insignificant. However, I could not allow Blue to once again be pulled into a war. We had lost two billion people in the previous war. Blue could not afford another war. I looked at Zhang Xingxing. She seemed to have the same thought.

"What's next for us if we are able to bring the life form back?" Zhang Xingxing asked.

"Every illegal action you have performed in the past will be written off. At the same time, we will offer you asylum from the league and provide a place you can live in," said the emperor.

I looked at Zhang Xingxing, and I understood her decision from her eyes.

"Fine. We accept this mission," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Good. I believe in the reputation of the great explorer's team," said the emperor.

"I need my people with me on this mission. I hope the empire can provide us with a travel pass to go through the empire and help with our supplies. Additionally, I want 10,000 imperial gold coins," I demanded.

"Granted. Time to get going. I'll await your good news," said the empire indifferently.

I regretted not asking for more gold coins.

"Everyone, I'll see you out. Great explorer, you will receive what you've requested before you're back at the trade station," said the person in white.

Zhang Xingxing and I gave the emperor a bow before leaving the room. Outside, we retrieved our weapons and suits. Just as we were about to head out with the imperial policemen, the person in white pushed them aside.

"Come with me," said the person in white.

We did not ask anything and followed him to a different courtyard. The courtyard wasn't too big. In the middle of the courtyard was a flying vehicle.

"This is a glide-type shuttle I personally prepared for you. I also have a gift for Canyue," said the person in white.

"So this is the so-called glide-type shuttle? Is it for us? What's the gift you have for me?" I asked in joy.

"The friend you left on Eternal. He's now at Master Crystal's place. Take this shuttle to him. The coordinates are already inputted in the system," said the person in white.

"Are you referring to Dondon, senior? He's at Master Crystal's place? Thank you. Let's go look for him!" said Zhang Xingxing in excitement.

"Yes, him," said the person in white.

"Thank you very much, master. I really don't know how I can thank you," I said.

"No need to thank me. 'Beyond the starry sky, fate scattered by tribulations. Debt of kinship love, awaiting in silence.' Please bring these words to Master Crystal," said the person in white.

"What should I call you?" I asked.

"You may call me Wind," replied the person in white.

"Thank you, Master Wind," both of us thanked Master Wind before climbing into the shuttle.

"I feel like this Master Wind knows Master Crystal very well," said Zhang Xingxing.

"That's obvious enough. I reckon they are fellow apprentices since they both seem to enjoy reciting poetry," I replied.

"The controls seem simple," said Zhang Xingxing as she pointed at the single red button on the dashboard.

"Let me give it a try," I said as I pressed the button.

A pair of massive wings immediately unfolded from the shuttle's back.

"This thing probably utilizes the force of thrust to lift and glide in the air, similar to the airplanes on Blue," I remarked.

I had barely spoken when the wings pulled back, causing the front of the shuttle to directly face the sky. The shuttle then shot straight into the sky.

The massive force ensured that my entire body was stuck to my seat. The scenery outside the windows seemed to have turned into a series of lines from how fast we were moving.

"This is way too sudden. It's like a rocket," I complained as the heavy pressure made it hard for me to breathe.

"I thought you said that this was similar to our airplanes?" replied Zhang Xingxing.

The shuttle continued until it reached outer space. From where we were, I could already see the many trade stations and spaceships outside the planet. Suddenly, the shuttle readjusted its body so that it was parallel to the planet. Once again, its wings unfurled wide as it engaged the gliding mode.

No longer moving with the power of the engine, peace descended upon the shuttle with only the whistling of the air outside the windows present in our ears. In such silence, we proceeded toward our destination. The beautiful view of Planet Eternal entered my eyes yet again. This experience felt like I was floating above the planet on a paraglider.

"This must be the coordinates inserted before this," said Zhang Xingxing as she looked at the display screen.

"Yes. I reckon the height we rise and the length we glide will be adjusted depending on our destination," I replied.

The shuttle flew over high mountains, lakes, grasslands, and towns as it carried us to our destination. From the screen, we could see that the red dot indicating our destination was getting nearer and nearer.

"This is basically piloting for idiots. There's no need for even licenses anymore. It would be great if we could bring this technology back to Blue," I said with a sigh.

"We can definitely go back one day. I'm confident. Trust me," said Zhang Xingxing.

I nodded. I also believed that everything would change. The shuttle started slowing down. About 100 meters from the ground, it suddenly stopped and hovered in the air before descending perpendicular to the ground. Finally, it landed smoothly.

Master Crystal's familiar grass building appeared before me. We hurriedly got off the shuttle and ran toward the building. We pushed and rushed through the gate. Inside, we saw Dondon lying comfortably on the top of a rock garden, bathing in the sunshine while munching on some food.

"Dear boss, we have been worried sick for you, but it turns out you have been enjoying life here," I said when I saw the look of enjoyment on Dondon's face.

Our sudden arrival gave him a scare. He nearly fell down from the rock garden.

"Boss, you can't expect me to be meditating all the time while waiting for you, right?" complained Dondon.

"Dondon, are you fine?" asked Zhang Xingxing with concern.

"Don't worry. I'm perfectly fine," said Dondon happily.

"You're finally here. Take this fellow away already. I'm getting poor from feeding him. Look at how fat he has become," Master Crystal's grumbling words came.

"Those who come from the same roots, what's the rush to part?" said Dondon.

"Not even those from the same roots can sustain your eating. The little bit of money I had painstakingly saved for my drinking was all spent on your food!" scolded Master Crystal.

I noticed with astonishment that with his cloak off, Master Crystal actually had the appearance of a Storm.

"Y-y-you, why are the two of you so alike?" Zhang Xingxing said in astonishment.

"Alike? What do you mean? I'm going broke from feeding this fellow," scolded Master Crystal.

"I might be young, but in terms of seniority, I'm higher!" said Dondon.

"Oh, piss off. You can't even talk properly yet, and you're claiming to be my senior? I'm the descendent of a famous line," said Master Crystal with a sneer.

"Don't be angry, master. How much did you spend on Dondon? We'll pay you back. Don't worry," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Really? At least half a gold coin, I suppose," said Master Crystal.

"My god, how did the little snacks amount to half a gold coin? You're too dishonest!" Dondon protested.

"Um, about that. You need to pay rent for staying here, right?" said Master Crystal. He even looked embarrassed saying those words.

"I'll give you 10 gold coins," I said.

Both Master Crystal and Dondon collapsed onto the ground from shock.

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