Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 97: Battle Amid Light and Shadow

Chapter 97: Battle Amid Light and Shadow

"Looks like the big fellow finally can't hold back from showing up anymore," Old Du's voice came from the communicator, our surroundings still pitch black.

A massive shining ball slowly appeared on the distant horizon, revealing just how big it was. The ball emanated a light-yellow light, and like everything else here, its light did not spread farther than its own body. Like a giant blue whale, it slowly moved toward the gathering place of the transparent creatures.

"What can we do?" I asked.

"Observe. Observe silently first. Is everyone here?" Master Crystal asked.

"From the sounds around us, we are all near each other," said Dodo.

"I'm with Snow and Adelan. Adelan has lost the ability to fight," said Lifu.

To be honest, I felt like my entire person was suppressed by a sense of fatality. Everything around me was pitch black, with only some light flickering here and there, light that did not illuminate its surroundings, a reality completely different than the one I was accustomed to. Because of that, my brain was under indescribable discomfort.

While the big shining ball was approaching, the many transparent creatures were quickly assembling. Around a thousand gathered, and from afar, they looked like they had transformed into a large shining creature that could contend against the first big shining ball.

On one side was a massive light-yellow shining body. On the other side was a light green transparent silhouette of many creatures. The two slowly approached each other, and a massive battle was imminent.

"Hold, everyone. Don't move until I say so," Master Crystal suddenly assumed command.

The large shining ball came nearer and nearer to the green shining creatures, and something could be seen flowing rapidly within its body. At the same time, I heard the sound of a huge volume of electrical energy being charged.

"The big fellow seems to be ready to attack," said Old Du.

"Yes, and I can feel it charging the electrical energy in its body. The charging is also getting faster and faster," I said.

Immediately, a loud crack sounded, and a thick light-yellow beam shot toward the transparent creatures.

"Wow, an energy attack!" Zhang Bao'er exclaimed.

In the blink of an eye, the gathered transparent creatures collectively unleashed a thick light green beam toward the incoming light beam. The two light beams clashed, and light rippled from the point of collision as the two beams tangled like two giant wrestlers. I could see the substance in the transparent creatures flowing rapidly. It looked like they were supplying as much energy as they could to the beam of energy.

Around 10 minutes later, I saw that the light-yellow beam was starting to gain the upper hand. The green beam was finding itself outmatched as the yellow beam slowly pushed it back.

"This is bad. Bulu's kin are not its match," I exclaimed.

At this time, a ball of light jumped out from my back. Bulu, who was emitting a red light, rushed toward its kin. At the same time, I saw even more transparent creatures climb out of the tunnel we came from. Clearly, our attack had created a crack in the tentacle's perfect defense.

There weren't a lot of new transparent creatures, and they did not seem capable of changing the course of the fight. The yellow beam was slowly devouring the green beam as it pushed forth steadily.

"This is bad, Canyue. Bulu and the others are losing," Zhang Bao'er said.

I could feel that Bulu and its kind were on the verge of defeat.

"Master Crystal, shouldn't we help the transparent creatures fight the big fellow?" I asked anxiously.

Master Crystal was completely silent.

"Master, say something. Otherwise, we'll go ahead and make a move," Zhang Bao'er's twitchy voice rang out.

"Wait a little bit more. Wait for the monster to waste more of its energy," Master Crystal finally opened his mouth.

"Do we shoot directly later?" I asked.

"Use rayguns to aim at the yellow part in the middle of the monster. That is where the monster's internal substance flows the fastest. The color there is also the deepest. I suspect that the creature's core organ is there," said Master Crystal.

The green beam became shorter and shorter, looking like it was on the verge of complete collapse.

"Take aim at the deep yellow spot, fire!" Master Crystal commanded.

I immediately raised my gun and shot at the monster. Shooting sounds came from my companions all around me. A scene that was peculiar yet unsurprising appeared. The laser rays we shot out were not visible at all. The only sign that our attack had struck was the ripples appearing on the monster's body.

"Did we even hit it?" Zhang Bao'er grumbled.

"Don't mind it. Continue shooting. Don't stop," I said.

We stopped thinking and started firing madly based on our instincts. Instantly, a loud hum came from the monster. Our attacks seemed to have done something. The massive light-yellow body took two steps backward. At the same time, we noticed that the green beam was actually able to push forward.

"Our attacks are working. Continue firing. Hold nothing back," said Master Crystal.

Everyone fired madly, working alongside Bulu's kin to push the light-yellow beam back.

"Hold nothing back! Blast it apart!" I roared.

The assault proceeded exceptionally smoothly. No clear damage was visible on the monster's body, but we could clearly see the rapidly spinning yellow substance in its body. The light-yellow beam was pushed back again and again, to the point it was nearly pushed back into the monster's body.

"Keep going! We're going to completely beat the light beam soon!" I said.

Just as victory was within grasp, I saw the monster's body rise. The substance within its transparent body started moving at a far faster speed.

"This is bad. The monster is probably using some ultimate attack. Watch out, everyone!" Old Du said.

The substance within the monster moved faster and faster. In a few minutes, an ear-piercing shriek rang out. The deep yellow slowly spread over the monster's body as it turned into a dazzling deep-yellow creature.

The deep yellow continued spreading along its body, and its tentacles withdrew from the tunnel, turning translucent in the process. The tentacles gathered in front of the monster. The monster stood up straight, becoming over 100 meters tall.

'So is this the complete form of this monster?' I thought inwardly.

A shrill shriek rang out as the substance in the monster's body spun like a wheel, its light intensifying greatly.

"This is terrible. The monster is going to turn berserk," said Zhang Bao'er.

He had barely finished his sentence when a much thicker yellow beam shot forth in the same path as the light-yellow beam. The powerful new beam rapidly pushed the green beam back. Defeat was imminent for the transparent creatures. We shot frantically at the monster, but the berserk monster completely ignored our attacks.

"This isn't looking good. The monster is too powerful. Conventional weapons are useless against it," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Either we use the Pointed Snake or we use nuclear warheads. We have no other choice," said Old Du.

"Using the Pointed Snake will kill everything here. If we use the nuclear warhead, we still have a hope of surviving," I said.

"Shit! Bulu and the others can't hold on anymore!" Lifu's anxious voice rang out.

I saw that the green beam was now less than three meters long. For some reason, a massive sense of defeat rose in my heart. Facing a monster so powerful, my instincts were telling me that the weapons we had on us wouldn't be able to harm it. Only destruction awaited us.

"I'll launch the nuclear warheads. Everyone, prepare your shields," I said.

I fished out two nuclear warheads from my suit. Facing the unequaled monster in this place of extreme cold, I was prepared to unleash the attack that carried my final hope.

"Five, four, three, two..." While I was counting down, intense vibrations and sounds suddenly came from my left.

An incredibly big life form with a shining dark green body emerged from the tunnel. The newcomer's appearance resembled Bulu, with its size about a thousand times bigger. Its transparent body flickered with a dark green light while the substance in its body flowed like a torrential river.

"Mother. This is their mother. It has appeared," said Old Du.

"This is the mother you saw when you were communicating with Bulu?" I asked.

"No, I didn't see it. I had merely heard of it. This mother beast is the one propagating their species, keeping their species alive to this day," said Old Du.

The loud appearance of the mother beast attracted the monster's attention. Its front part, including all its tentacles, turned together to look at the mother beast. For the very first time, the two life forms that had been battling for hundreds of millions of years were standing face to face.

With a thundering shriek, the mother beast accelerated toward the yellow monster. In less than 10 seconds, the mother beast reached the monster and pounced on the monster's head.

The mother beast's attack placed the monster in an awkward position where it was attacked from the front and the back. The thick yellow beam that was holding the upper hand immediately turned smaller, allowing the green beam to regain some foothold.

"Everyone, stop shooting. We don't want to hit the mother beast by accident," said Master Crystal.

We all lowered our guns. I saw a massive spiked tentacle come out of the mother beast's body and stab into the monster's head. A dark green liquid was then pumped into the monster through the tentacle. Slowly, the green liquid spread through the monster's body.

An odd roar rang out as the yellow monster wailed miserably. It twisted its body, and as all its spiked tentacles latched out at the mother beast wrapped around its head, the yellow beam vanished. The monster could no longer pay any attention to the transparent creatures because it had to fully focus on the mother beast.

The transparent creatures naturally wouldn't let go of such a chance. Their mother beast's assistance raised their morale, and an even brighter green beam shot forth and struck the monster's back.

This was a world-shaking battle between creatures that were essentially ancient mythological beasts. Our surroundings were shrouded in darkness, but from the dazzling light beams and shining bodies, we could clearly see how bitter the fight was.

Numerous wounds appeared on the mother beast's body due to the spiked tentacles. Through the tentacles, a yellow substance was injected into the mother beast's body. Both parties were poisoning each other, and the final victor had yet to be decided.

All of us watched on with bated breaths, not daring to make any sound for fear of interrupting this epoch-making battle. Suddenly, with a pop, the green beam pierced through the monster's skin. The substance that had flowed forth alongside the beam instantly invaded the monster's body through the newly made hole.

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