Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 445

Episode 445 We Will Be Blessed (2)

“You couldn’t see clearly because it was dark? I heard you saw it clearly with your own two eyes. “Are you kidding me?”

“I’m sorry! But what they ate was real!”

“This damn person really pisses me off. do you want to die?”

“No, no! “I’ll remember right away!”

Unfortunately for the Deathbringer, the damn attempted molester didn’t know much compared to what caught his attention.

“The hair was long…”

“To a certain extent.”

“Uh uhhh… I think I covered my entire back.”

“…Ha, it really sucks. No, yes. and?”

“That was tall!”

“How much.”

“Well, I was lying face down at the time, so the exact level is….”


As soon as I asked, I got this kind of answer, so I guess I can understand the level without any explanation.

“You go to jail and get rehabilitated, you idiot.”

“Please just act as security guard! “If you are taken away now, you will be sent to a punishment unit!”

“Do you understand? “If you’re going to commit a crime, you can get caught or not.”

Otherwise, I should have done something that people around me would turn a blind eye to. It’s like he killed a nobleman right in front of his eyes and the servants let him go.

With that mindset, Deathbringer threw the attempted molester to the security guard. It was a good thing that he would join the punishment unit and stand on the front lines.

“He’s a man-eater…”

Instead, he thought about the being he was talking about. It has a long head, its entire body is split, and it eats others.

“If it were a devil, the Inquisitor would have found it right away…”

However, looking at the description, it is nothing more or less than a devil. So it was even more questionable.

If it’s a devil, why couldn’t the Heretic Questioner find it? If it’s not a devil, what is its identity? Could it be that it is related to the white crow? White Crow was originally said to be a wizard who was skilled in life magic and creating chimeras through it.

“…I guess I need to find out about the person who went missing yesterday.”

He moved his feet in search of the incident site that had been torn apart by that bastard. I figured that if I searched around that area, I would come across a couple of guys who were using that area as a place of activity, and if I asked them, I would be able to identify the human who was eaten yesterday.

“Please don’t get caught this time….”

Only then will you have the courage to see me before I leave.

He put his cloak back on, hoping that this had something to do with the White Crow. fluttering. Beyond the shaking collar of his cloak, a young man with his hair cut plainly is walking. He was a young man with chestnut-brown hair, a common sight around the world.

* * *

“Job, are you okay?”

“…Oh, I’m sorry. “What did you just say?”

“I asked if it was okay. “You seem particularly out of it this morning.”


I quietly listened to Timanuk, who had come to watch me perform my magic, and withdrew the magic I had been manipulating. As he said, I couldn’t concentrate at all today.

“I guess it’s because it’s the last time.”

“The last one… you mean? Oh well. “If you come victorious, the fight against demons will end.”

“That’s true, but… the last thing I said is a little different.”

No matter how the fight is won or lost, I will return home. That alone is a confirmed fact. Whether I kill the devil or be killed by the devil, both will send me home.

“You’ve probably already heard about my situation.”

“Yes, I heard. “You said it was enjoined on this body.”

“Once this fight is over… I will be released from my power and return to my original body.”

“Now that I think about it, I don’t think I heard anything about the original body. “If it’s not rude, is it okay if I ask you?”

I put my hand into my inventory while looking at Timanuk’s expression, which was naive to put it best and fierce to put it a little honestly. What immediately popped out was a lollipop made with maple syrup. Timanuk took it familiarly.

“Not in this world.”

“I see… This is my first time knowing that another world exists. So, a world other than the Demon World.”

“I also learned about this incident.”

“What kind of place is that?”

“It’s a place with less fighting than here.”

I was speechless, thinking of the wars that erupt on the Internet when I’m bored. Since I don’t point my weapon openly… I guess it’s okay to say it’s less?

“Is it easy to live in?”

“Convenience has become more advanced… However, individual difficulties are the same whether there or here.”


Timanuk, who was flicking the candy with his tongue, paused for a moment and squatted down. It seemed like his legs were starting to hurt as he continued to stand and watch.

“Are you leaving right away?”

“That… I don’t know. “Will the decree be released immediately after killing the Demon King, or will some time be given?”

Even though the small Timanuk is squatting down, the eye level is not right. I sat down with my legs stretched out.

“Which do you want Job to be?”


If it means getting killed and going back, there is no choice in the first place, so I rule it out. If killing Satan gives me a choice…

“I don’t care how long you stay. No, of course you want to go back right away…”

I said anything was fine, but then I took a deep breath as I heard the boy’s voice turning hastily.

“I have no intention of staying for long, but I would like to at least say hello to everyone. “I especially want to meet those who are staying here again and say a proper goodbye.”

“…Is that so?”

“okay. “Wouldn’t it be so sad if it was the last time we said goodbye before fighting?”

Those who will enter the evil station together will be able to say goodbye right away if they survive until the end, but for those who stay here, all they will receive is a message or have something to say before departure. And that… no matter how much I think about it, it’s a shame.

“So, when the opportunity comes, will Job come to say hello to me too?”

“of course.”

“okay. “I’m happy.”

Timanuk, who was licking the candy, smiled simply like a dandelion.

“Then I will wait for Job to come back and say hello.”

“okay. But you might not get that chance… so don’t wait too long.”

There is nothing more sad than waiting without any promise. I leaned back slightly with my hands on the ground behind me, then removed one hand and brought it toward the sky.

A gloved hand blocked the sun. The light leaking through the cracks in my hands was dazzling.

“I guess I’ll have to give up today and rest.”

“good idea. Job studied hard in the past days. “It is not considered necessary to study until the last day.”

“It wasn’t a decision I made specifically for that reason, but…”

I closed my eyes and stood up.

“Follow me.”


“I told you to show me riding Frederick again. “You have to keep your promise.”


decided. Today, I give up studying and spend time with each person.

“That way you won’t have any regrets.”


I started taking action to not leave those regrets behind.

“Is horseback riding just a matter of suddenly dragging someone who is taking a break?”

I gently stroked Frederick’s mane, which I brought here because I couldn’t control his temper after leaving him at the city’s magic tower. Purruk. He was gently petted today.

“Tei-kun his horseback riding is very artistic. Please be patient.”

“Do you think I’ve seen him horseback riding once or twice?”

“It will be different than usual.”

But will it be like that again?

“Even if it’s not that, Meister. “Take a good look.”

“why me.”

“I’ll leave Frederick to you.”

“…why that bad-tempered guy?”

I don’t think that’s what you would say… I chuckled at Meister’s words and adjusted Frederick’s reins. Purr. I could see that the guy was slowly becoming uncomfortable, as if he felt something when he was told to leave it to me.

“I need someone to take care of him after I leave, and I just thought it would be good to have you.”

“Leave me to a hero or a thief?”

“They all have feet that can defend themselves, but not you.”

Frederick is a horse with quicker feet than anyone else, and for Meister, who doesn’t have the strength to fight, that will be quite helpful. The best thing is that there is nothing to write about… but the world doesn’t know.

“More than anything, if you leave Frederick in charge, won’t he be coming out of his closet regularly even if he doesn’t want to? “You need to get some sun at least once a week.”

“…What if I don’t take care of him?”

“well. “I have no way of knowing, so I can’t get involved, but…”

I stared at the meister.

“If you don’t like it, tell me. “I’ll either leave it to others or send it back to where it came from.”

“I can’t even fucking refuse.”

“That horse and Mr. Tei… can we really get along? “If the two of you fight, Tei-kun will die.”

“Why are you doing this again?”

“…hmm. “That’s definitely a bit of a worry.”

I was momentarily troubled by the very realistic point that Timanuk made.

After all, is it impossible to leave it to a meister? I’m worried that if I don’t do something like this, he will die from overwork while focusing on his research.

“Fuck, really. Hey, you think I can’t do it? “Do you think I can’t do it?”

“I guess it won’t work.”

I need to get him another small animal. But is there anyone raising small animals here too…? I heard they raise some chicks and chickens though.


“What kind of goose is a pestilent goose?”

“Maybe a goose would be better….”

“This bastard says he’ll see, really.”

This side is also famous for its foul temper, but would it really be possible to die from a goose bite? And since geese are good housekeepers, this might be better.


“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Now that I think about it, I should have taken Frederick’s doctor into consideration as well. I think I made the decision too unilaterally.

I turned away from the grinning Meister and placed my forehead against Frederick, who was scratching the ground with his front paws. The anger that could not be hidden could be felt in Frederick’s breathing.

“I decided too arbitrarily when your opinion is important.”


“Oh, look at that bastard interrupting the conversation.”

“Tei-kun, please be patient. And it’s true that Tei-kun lost to that horse.”

“Brother, do you think I can’t hit you?”

But you can’t stop him from leaving. I locked eyes with Frederick and gently brushed his neck and mane.

“…Can you distinguish souls too?”


“If you face the same person with the same face but with different gestures and intonation, will you first recognize that they are different beings rather than seeing them as the same person?”

In fact, the best thing is to hand Frederick over to Faust.

Because their bodies are the same, they can be seen as the same person, and Faust will faithfully fulfill my request rather than refuse it, and at the same time, this will be a reason for Faust to continue living.

“It’s hard to come to a conclusion because I don’t know how far your cleverness may extend.”

However, in the process, I don’t know whether Frederick will recognize me and Faust as different people, or whether he will be confused as to why the same guy is acting differently. So, it is difficult to leave it to this side.



“I’m going home soon.”


“I will go back to my hometown where I miss my family and friends… but I will go to the other side of the world where I will never be able to come here again.”

I gently brushed Frederick, who was frowning in disgust, and the bridge of his nose bumped his face.

“I never meant to go alone because I didn’t like you and didn’t want to take you with me. “You are the greatest horse I know and the most important friend to me.”


“But the place is too far away and the road there is rough… I can’t bear to take him with me. sorry.”

The fur that I brushed and stroked every morning matted softly to my skin. I continued to feel that softness and placed my entire forehead against it.

“Instead, someone who looks like me will remain here. “He was the first person I thought of as a candidate for you.”

Of course, I never asked about Faust’s intentions. But I won’t ask him until the end. Anyway, how much have I done for you, so why would you not grant me this much of a favor?


“Of course, if you don’t like it, you can refuse. “Because you have the right to be free.”


“However, if you don’t like him at all… I’d like to suggest how about becoming a meister. He will make a lot of money in the future… and with that money, you too will be able to lead a prosperous life.”

All in all, I wish he would enjoy the Meister’s money normally, but take the role of taking that bastard out when he gets into trouble. Please don’t go around hitting on people.

“If you don’t like that, you can go back to the city you came from. You can also select an inquisitor or other companions. “If you like the wild, you can send it there.”

Anyway, even though Frederick rarely played a practical role, there was not a day or two where I felt comforted by having Frederick by my side.

So, I want to reflect Frederick’s opinion as much as possible. I smiled as I stroked the body of the animal that had spent countless nights with me.

“There is no need to choose right away. Instead, if I leave tomorrow and someone other than me comes back here… draw a conclusion then. Who you want to be with and where you want to go.”

At the same time, the reins were released and I climbed onto Frederick’s back.

“Until then, you can play with me. As much as you want.”


Frederick started to act like a person venting his anger after being notified of a breakup.

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