Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 458

Episode 458 You will be blessed like that (4)




We narrowly escaped the airship just before being swallowed by the dragon’s maw. So maybe it was. Among the debris scattered in the sky, no thick streaks of blood were yet visible.

“I’m going to build a platform!”

“no! “Open the parachute first!”

Of course, even at this moment, the dragon passing us was so massive that it did not fully reflect the sight on the other side. Just because you can’t see blood here, you can’t just relax.

“Hey hey! Parachute doesn’t work? hey?!”

“Pull the string!”



At least there were no injuries on my side. It is said that Inquisitor, Crusher, and Lord Sapphire were fine. Even though it is falling vertically from hundreds of meters in the air.

“Lord Sapphire’s hand!”

“Thank you for the feeling—”

We talked, forgetting about the existence of a walkie-talkie. In my case, it’s not that I forgot, but I just chose voice communication because I was running out of battery power, but whatever.

I caught Sir Sapphire, who jumped out without even taking the parachute. I was very fortunate that it was a distance where we could not only communicate positively, but also hold hands.

Even if it weren’t for that, I would have jumped in the air and grabbed it using the trick I learned from Kye-myung.

“Pull the police!”

However, I gave the command as soon as I caught him, but I had no choice because my parachute had not yet opened to catch Sir Sapphire.


Still, Lord Sapphire soon understood what I was saying without the subject. Even though he didn’t have time to pack a parachute, he seemed to have the presence of mind to figure out why I almost hugged him.

Sir Sapphire fumbled through the air and tugged at the strap of the small pack held in my other hand.


At the same time, the cloth unfolded and a tremendous recoil hit my body. It was a recoil that might have broken his arm if he hadn’t strengthened his body with magic.

“Hey, what should I do now?!”

“Head towards the Demon King’s Castle!”

Just looking at the altitude, there is still room to reach the Demon King Castle. I held on tightly to the parachute strap as I looked at the Demon King that still existed at my feet. It was impossible to steer as we were holding on to Sir Sapphire, but fortunately the wind was on our side.

“What is Sir Sapphire’s situation?!”

“Individual Cain is approaching the city and Eve collides with Master Suzaku and is in a standoff! “I can’t see any other enemies!”

That’s a blessing out of misfortune.

I chewed my lip when I heard that Cain was heading towards the city instead of continuing to attack us. It might have been easier if they tried to catch us. I felt very uncomfortable in my chest in the foreseeable future.

“What about the others?”

“Hero, Crusher Ship… Commandment survival confirmed.”

“What about Berserk and Sir Zrya?”

“…not confirmed.”

“Let’s get in touch.”

Please note that the color of the assigned parachute varies from person to person. It was for easier observation when it was inevitable to check on a person from above… I had no idea it would be used like this now.

My eyebrows wrinkled when I heard that Berserk and Sir Zrya’s parachute were not visible.

“New Berserker. “If you can hear me, check for additional enemies!”

“…I saw it too.”

However, disasters come at the same time, and before the two could even think about the empty space, new enemies appeared. They were mischievous but flying demons who could fly.

“Ah, this is Hawkeye’s specialty.”

Crusher, who had already arrived nearby, muttered at a slightly higher altitude than us. If Hawkeye were actually here, he wouldn’t have had much trouble holding on to the parachute.

“It would be a waste to waste the Inquisitor’s power already…”

Fortunately, the number is not that large. So it would be better for me to step forward here, right?

I constantly checked the positions of my colleagues, calculating how to send the magic spear. This was because I was worried that there might be an attack, and I couldn’t believe that the fate of Berserk and Lord Zrya was already unclear.

“Save your strength, Inquisitor!”

“Ha but!”

However, apart from belief, it is not visible to the naked eye. Even if you try to detect the presence of an enemy, the situation is so confusing that just recognizing the enemy is difficult.

My teeth were clenched.

Why don’t these people answer my phone calls? I also told you how to use it.

“I’m the one who-”


The moment I was about to make an annoyed decision, a tremendous sound pierced the air.

Pow! At the same time, the head of the devil that was coming toward us burst open, and waves of blood and air were scattering in its place like a donut.



It didn’t stop with just one time. With a little time lag, the heads of the demons were smashed one by one. It wasn’t always the head that exploded, but there was no difference in that even if the torso was hit, the person would lose function and fall to his death.

In an instant, the devil that was targeting us was completely exterminated from our son-in-law.

“This is…”

“Hawkeye guy! “You’re doing your job right!”

“Do you mean this is an arrow?”

It definitely felt like something black and long was passing by when the demons’ heads exploded… Was that an arrow? Hawkeye shot that too?

“That’s ridiculous skill…”

I promised myself as I looked at the monstrous archery skill that could distinguish us from demons from this distance, accurately target only the demons, and hit only the demons from this distance.

If we ever run into each other again, we must never forget. Yes, you should never fold it.

“Are Berserk and Sir Zrya still unconfirmed?”


But that is only possible if this thing ends well. I forced myself to swallow the sinking feeling and took in the wind. A lot had happened in a short period of time, but the Demon King Castle was just around the corner.

[Do you think they will let me go obediently?]

Of course, even that distance could not be easily narrowed. The reason is that even though we are all miscellaneous, this being called Eve was also standing here, targeting us.

[How dare you!]

[…Insignificant old things.]

However, since Suzaku is thoroughly marking that area, it is easy to ignore it. Suzaku’s body rose from below to block Eve’s body rushing towards us and scratched her with sharp claws.

Eve’s torso was cut into three wounds, which were then filled with gurgling darkness.

[Ah, you really don’t know who the insignificant thing is!]

[Get out of here, you dirty bird! You can’t stop the master’s steps!]

[Oh, you won’t even be able to stop the invasion of a mere human!]

The two beasts puffed out their necks and flapped their wings. One side consisted of flame feathers, and the other side had no feathers, only a blue skin.



Horrible cries, like the sound of rolling jade and scraping iron plates, erupted from both sides, squeezing each other. As is typical in bird battles, their beaks are busy aiming for the opponent’s neck.

Shak shaak!

At the same time, their claws cut and grabbed each other’s chest and torso. Even though Suzaku has excellent regenerative power because it is made of flame, Eve also kept going without falling due to her resilience. There was no such thing as a monster battle.

“…I think we can leave it there for an hour for now.”

From the other side, they would have wanted to target us as much as possible – it would be rare to find a moment as defenseless as this – but Suzaku’s defenses were so thorough that concerns were eased.

I quickly rode the wind with Sir Sapphire dangling. Fortunately, Inquisitor and Crusher followed me without difficulty. Our bodies, riding the air current, raced through the sky, leaving behind a pure white trail.

“The commandments are going well too.”

Although there is some distance, I can see that Kyemyung is going well somehow. There is no need to waste the radio’s battery by contacting them.

So, I ignored Lord Sapphire’s cackling and put more pressure on the hand holding the parachute. What really happened to Berserk and Lord Zrya? A corner of my mind was quite complicated.

* * *

『Does it hurt, Ellie?』

『…Aren’t you in pain?』

『Well… I’m not sure.』

The girl looked at the boy crouching next to her. Then I saw nothing special, chestnut-colored hair and black skin. It was a common enough appearance in the north to get kicked in the face.

『On the contrary, it might be a bit fun?』


『At least you won’t starve to death. It’s not even cold.』


『Compared to the cold and hunger you’ll feel outside, isn’t this level of pain a good price? There… there are a lot of fun and useful things here. Although there is not much I am allowed to do.』

But the gist of it is, well. The boy was very ordinary and extraordinary at the same time. It may have felt that way even more because I was a person who felt interest over fear and curiosity over discomfort at any moment.

『Today’s experiment will hurt a bit.』

『It’s okay. Do you think it’s a bit of a big experiment if you give a warning than that?』

『…I’m going to touch it to clearly recognize the existence of the soul.』

『Wow. Magic was capable of something like that.』

Or maybe it was more surprising that they behaved so calmly even to the person experimenting with them.

『Can you bring in someone else’s soul by separating the soul and body?』


『If the body contains several souls, will the body be able to handle it in the first place?』

『What are you talking about….』

『So the soul Rather than recklessly containing it, shouldn’t we first try to expand our capacity?”

Gradually learning about what you are being subjected to, what this is for, how this is done, whether there are any better improvements, etc., and the act of putting that before pain. this.

Maybe I didn’t understand those things so much that I just idolized them.

『The program experiment was a failure. It was impossible to summon the spirit of the dead.』

『Only the soul of the test subject was split… I guess I can’t use this.』

No, no.

『Should we all dispose of it…?』

It wasn’t because of those moments that the girl truly admired the boy but felt afraid of him.

『I see. This is the end.』


『How! I’m sure they put a safety device in place— Ugh!』

The face that was smiling until the hair turned gray at the moment when most of the test subjects that had survived in the aftermath of the last experiment were dying was so clear. The blood that splattered on that smiling face was so red.

『Wake up, Ellie. Let’s go now.’

Both the researchers and the test subjects died, so the only ones left were each other.

『Because there is nothing more we can do here.』

『Why did you kill them?』


『There were children who were still alive. Why even those kids…”

『Because they weren’t successful like us. Wouldn’t it be right to let you go in peace if you’re going to collapse and die with half of your soul lost?』 『

It was you in the first place…!』

『I only told you. that’s right. However, if Ellie had succeeded in splitting the souls of all of them, there would have been no opportunity to kill the researchers.』 『

…But there was no need to make them all die. You could have aimed for another time!』


Still, it was too much to stay by the boy’s side…

『Would they really have succeeded just because I told them? And even if they had succeeded, would their uncertain survival have been worth more than the secure escape of the two of us? I think this was the best exchange rate.』


『Ellie Don’t get too caught up in their lives. Because only the more valuable things survive in the world anyway.’

Because it was so painful. That’s why the girl left this land.

With hair as white as snow and bearing scars that can never be erased.

『…You want to learn how to split shadows?』

『Yes. They say you can become stronger if you have that.』

『That’s not something you can do carelessly. If you’re not careful, you could die.』

『It’s okay. If I’m going to live like this, it would be better to die while doing something.』

Still, I couldn’t let go of my regrets…


Deathbringer begged Skyla and woke her up with memories of the day she first saw the shadow. He didn’t wake up because he wanted to. It was almost as if something… a powerful force had scratched the back of his head.

“What is the limit to the power that the Great Devil can use?”

However, before he could raise his upper body, a voice caught his ear. The voice of the white crow. Deathbringer reflexively lowered his breathing and slowed down his body movements.

“Is it possible to put many people to sleep as long as it is close to the demon area and there are many sacrifices?”


“That can’t be possible. “If such a thing were possible, you would have tried it a long time ago.”

What happened? Why did he wake up?

Deathbringer quickly grasped the unfolding situation and listened to the conversation that followed. Kwasik! An ominous crashing sound was heard from nearby.

“In the end, it is a race against time, master of sloth.”

You can think about why he came to his senses later. Because that’s not important.

However, what is really important are these striking sounds… If you look at the sound alone, it seems like something powerful is continuously striking both people and the earth. If you look at the direction from which the White Crow’s voice is heard – and the location – – it keeps changing, what he is dealing with is It must be something powerful.

“Now then, would you like to make a bet?”

And the identity of that powerful something is probably…

“Who will fall into the dream first?”

It would be the great evil of sloth.

The Deathbringer’s hand quietly grasped the hilt of the sword.

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