It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 130: Adelle’s Alone Time

Chapter 130: Adelle’s Alone Time

"What brings him here?"

As he got closer, I immediately took notice of the bruises on his face. He walked past me without batting an eye at me. I was expecting he would recognize me. I looked briefly at Ciel's back.

"Ciel," I called him.

"Who called me?" Ciel turned around to check who called him. "Oh, the gigolo."

That's an actual rumor about me!? First, the woman from Stephanie's group inadvertently called me out. I don't know who started it, but I swear to heaven—I will send that person to hell. Thinking about it... It's probably them in the first place... Moreover, who calls someone like that? What's their basis? Decent-looking? I know that the Class where I was assigned was also the reason why. Ridiculous.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I hate people I'm not familiar with, calling my first name." He frowned.

"I don't know even know your last name, to begin with."

His expression softens. "Ciel Klaox. That's my name. So what can I do for you?"

I quickly think of an excuse because I called him out of blue without a real reason. "No reason... I don't really want to pry, however, your injuries piqued my curiosity. Did you bump into someone?"

"I did this to myself from my training. Anyway, if that's all, I'll leave now. I have a grave situation that needed to be taken care of." He makes a respectful bow to me.

I also responded with a bow. I was so eager to ask him about his relationship with that Ami girl, but I stopped myself as I'm entering the private territory.

My initial first impression of him was this unsophisticated and rude brat, but with our short talk, that is still not enough for my impression to change. I scratched the back of my head and turn my heels the other way. "Ciel Klaox, Ciel Klaox, Ciel Klaox... I'm pretty sure I've heard him from my brother... Ciel Klaox. Hm..."

"Hmm... He's one of the villains? If so, what boss level is he? He's probably on the higher difficulty or... the beginning bosses? He's not that weak though... Hm... Maybe he's just a love interest rival? Damn, my memory is kind of fuzzy. Haah..."

I'm completely oblivious about Ciel's background nor even Ami. From what I remember, they're engaged to each other by their families. However, I'm certain that Ami came from a commoner family just like Shin. Ami wouldn't reject the idea of it if the two are really into each other. Quite a complicated matter, but interesting to watch how it will turn out.

I briefly looked at Ciel's back again to notice the bloodstains in his uniform. Unlike his face, his body doesn't seem to be in the same state as his face he's fairly walking normally. Moreover, the bloodstains in his uniform don't seem to be his own blood. For a brief second, a trail of miasma appeared behind Ciel's back.

"Training, huh? Who're you kidding? Your body reeks, buddy." I smirked.

"Boo!" Someone shook my shoulders, followed by a giggle.

Turning my head around. "Adelle? Did you follow me?"

"Yep, I sneaked out." Adelle

I stared at Adelle for a few seconds before stealing her lips. She was evidently speechless by my unforeseen action. It was a quick peck in the lips, but it was satisfying. After our lips separated, Adelle looked me in the eyes before laughing.

"You're such a pervert."

"It's your own fault. Not me. I'm getting aroused by your bright mood... It's so definitely weird."

Adelle continued laughing. And so, I stole her lips again... But now, it's lasting for quite some time, as the small peck in the lips gradually turned into a sensual one. It got out of hand, so Adelle tried her best to push me but failed. Moreover, we're in a public area where few students could see us.

A while later...

"I got carried away..." I said, wiping the saliva out of my mouth.

"I-It's fine. But next time, do it somewhere private..." Adelle responded with her face turning red, also wiping the saliva out of her mouth.

"Yeah. I should've thought of that in the first place. Let's get out of here." I took her hand while wishing the earth would swallow me from the people's gazes around us. There are only a few of them, yet it's so embarrassing!

"I agree, let's go."

I took Adelle somewhere, somewhere far from the eyes of people. At that point, we let out a breath of relief and began walking normally.

"It's your fault. Why would you that!"

"I don't know... I told you, I got carried away. I completely forgot that we're in public. I promise, there will be no next time." I raised my right hand and placed my left hand in my chest.

Adelle pinched the bridge of her nose, giving me a sigh. "This isn't the first time. You've done this many times. Not only to me but to Stephanie too. As for Clara... She seemed to like it... so I wouldn't include her. This got worst because of your Master."

"Well... That's true... But trust me, I'm also embarrassed. I'm only doing it unconsciously."

"Yeah, right. That means, there will be next time." Adelle scorned.

"So anyway... Why did you follow me?"

"I thought... We can spend time together for today until our curfew. Recently, you hardly had any time to spend since you're quite busy nowadays.  I kind of miss the good ol' days. The days where there's only the two of us, bonding together." Adelle averted her eyes away.

"Didn't we spend together last time—?"

"That's different!"

"If you say so." I reach out my hand to her, to which she easily accepted with a bright smile on her face. We interlock our hands together, as we stroll through the quiet scenery of the wind ringing into our ears. We didn't say a word and peacefully absorb the air around us.

Among the five, she's the most selfless person. She's willing to give the people in need their needs as long it's within her capabilities.

As we were having a good mood with each other, I noticed a man walking in front of us. From just his uniform, I easily figure out that he's a second-year student from Class-S, an elite. He walked past us. He was looking at me with his left eye twitching uncontrollably. Obviously, he creeped me out. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Do you know him, Adelle?"

"Who?" Adelle slowly faces me.

"The guy back there."

Adelle looks behind us. "No. I don't know him."

"Really? I thought it will be one of your admirers attacking me again."

Upon hearing my remark, Adelle frowns. "I dare them."

I pulled her cheeks softly.

"Stop pulling my cheeks. It's not like I'm the only one. You got many of them! They're far more terrifying!"

"Hmm... At least they're not stupid enough to attack you from out of nowhere just to prove their worth."

I glanced at the man once again, realizing that he was not looking at Adelle at all. His eyes are locked on my back. His body was releasing a distinct smell that I recognized from Ciel earlier too, so I raised my guard up in case he'll do something funny. Then once our eyes made contact, he stared intently for a few seconds before breaking contact and walking away. I don't think it's a coincidence since he's also walking to the place where I came from.

"Hello?" Adelle softly hit my head.

"Eh? What?"

"I've been talking to myself for a while now. You've been staring in the distance."

"Ah, sorry. My mind got occupied by something."

"You're thinking something perverted, aren't you?" Adelle flashed a smile before laughing hysterically.

Since earlier, I've been observing Adelle. She was sweating abnormally and her skin color was different than usual, and the fatigue was apparent on her face. And from time to time, she'll lick her lips. At first, I thought it was because she keeps laughing, so I'll test something.

So while she's laughing, neither did she know that I'm leading her somewhere secluded where no eyes will catch us. I placed a barrier around us without her noticing. Once she did, Adelle looked me in the eyes with tears of joy falling down her face.

"Hahaha... Wait, where are we?"

I smiled condescendingly. "You said you wanted some 'alone' time with me."

"Not that... way."

"Did I hear a hesitation?" I pressed my hand against the back of my ear.


"I heard it again. I know that your last meal was not enough to suffice your hunger." I unbuttoned my uniform, for Adelle to behold the sight of my bare neck in front of her.

Adelle gulped and opened her mouth. Her canine tooth gradually got longer and without wasting any seconds. She pounced on me, sinking her fang deep inside my flesh. She wrapped her leg around my waist and her arms around my back. As she feeds herself with my blood, I stroked her soft silver hair. I carefully scanned the surrounding.

"I knew it."

Watching her nomming on my blood like a child was a sight that I truly enjoy. It may be my blood and quite taxing, but as long she's satisfied then that's good enough for me. Even when a year has passed, her eyes will sparkle as if she just tasted it for the first time every time she drinks my blood.

She's been acting odd ever since Lily arrived in our life. I can't read their minds, but whenever my guts tell me something wrong with them—I do whatever I can to alleviate those thoughts that are troubling them. Among all of them, Lily is the only person who's open about sharing her thoughts and eager to know mine like earlier. Clara doesn't talk. Stephanie always had a habit of keeping everything to herself, a reserved person. As for Adelle... I don't know. She's not the person that likes to share personal stuff.

In a more probing matter, Ciel and the guy earlier were acting too suspicious. They have got nothing to do with me, so I shouldn't be even giving a thought about it...

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