Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 117: Gaining Supplies Part Two

Chapter 117: Gaining Supplies Part Two

The process of moving every trailer they could find back to the base took a week to accomplish. In total, they brought back over three hundred trailers, and each trailer was either used for storage or used as part of the building blocks of the new walls that will surround the base. 

After a long week, instead of moving right away to head back to her home to her underground bunker to get her things, Ai decided to spend the night at the base to relax a little. Ai was currently sitting with Mai in the meeting room, drinking a cup of tea. "I haven't had green tea in so long!"

"We were lucky there was an entire truck of it." Mai replied as she took a sip of her tea as well.

"So Mai, how are you and Shogo doing?" Ai asked. Her question bringing a blush to Mai's cheeks.

Mai had never expected that spending the past week with Shogo in the same room day and night would bring about so many different things. They had moved their training from just sitting in their underwear to wearing nothing at all. So now, every night, they would see each other in the buff. But this had also brought the two of them closer together. It only took a few days for them to be comfortable enough to sit next to each other when naked. But last night, something else happened.


The previous night

Mai walked into her room in her pajamas after coming from the bathes. Shogo was already back and stripped down to his underwear. Upon seeing Shogo, Mai remembered what Ai had told her as she said: "Ai said there will be one more load by tomorrow morning, but most of it will probably end up staying on the trailer."

"Finally, we can relax for a few days then. Those two may have been mutated, but they have to remember that we are still normal humans..." Shogo whined as he rubbed his muscles. He was sore from head to toe with the nonstop unloading. 

Mai let out a laugh as she stripped down to her underwear and walked over to Shogo, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She climbed up and moved behind him, and began massaging his shoulders. Shogo let out a relaxed sigh and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against Mai's chest. Mai looked down at Shogo's relaxed expression and smiled. She gazed at his face from his eyes to his nose, then to his lips. She remembered seeing Eiji and Ai kissing, which made her wonder what it was like, and before she knew what she was doing, she was already leaning down, pushing her lips against Shogo's.


Mai snapped out of her small daze and nodded her head. "We are doing fine." There was no way she could tell Ai that her and Shogo's relationship had already become one of boyfriend and girlfriend. Although their kiss only lasted a short time, it made Mai understand her feelings for Shogo. And last night, they had officially become a couple. But with that came more awkwardness, and now they were back to wearing clothes. Although after they did get changed into clothes, they ended up cuddling together and talking for most of the night until finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

"Then that's good. Just remember, don't cross the line." Ai said with a knowing smile. She could tell something happened between the two. She had known Mai her entire life, and there was no way she could hide anything from her. 

Mai blushed and pursed her lips before asking: "How do you and Eiji stay so calm? I mean, the way you two are, you would expect..."

"Mmm I think Eiji just doesn't want me to walk away from him if he went too far. Originally I never actually planned to be with anyone because death was always around the corner. But now Eiji is like me, so I am not so worried about that. Even still, we do not do much more than kiss and cuddle. As long as you do not go past this and restrain your natural instincts for a few years, your hearts will grow closer. At least, this is my take on it. Plus" Ai leaned forward and whispered into Mai's ear: "If you keep him from getting what he wants most even though it is in front of his eyes, wouldn't he be wrapped around your finger and willing to listen to your every command? It's kinda like raising a dog." 

Mai couldn't help but laugh out loud and feel sorry for Eiji. "I understand this much, but even I get curious, you know."

"Well... if you ever get to the point where you think you will cross the line, just make sure you are protected. I will not tell you what to do. But I will ask you to wait at least two more years." Ai could only do so much. She knew when things happened, it happened. She, too, had these thoughts many times but restrained herself. 

Mai smiled and nodded her head, agreeing with Ai: "I will keep this all in mind."

Night came, and Ai and Eiji were lying in bed. Ai was resting her head on Eiji's chest absentmindedly playing with his belly button. "Eiji, we will be heading back to my old bunker again tomorrow. After we return, we will be heading south. We will be very busy. Soo." 

Ai rolled on top of Eiji and pushed her lips against his. Eiji reacted in kind, and the two began kissing. To him, if his girl wanted to kiss, he would kiss! 

---AN: Just, so you all know. I will be alternating this novel with a few of my other novels, so it will be getting updated more. I apologize for the long wait. I have been concentrating on my two newest novels The Trinity System and Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System. ---

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