It's Not Easy Being Your Love Rival's Big Brother

Chapter 51

Translator: Mosstree

Chapter 51: Fighting Love Rivals Inside and Outside of Dreams

Now that he’d become a big fatty again, Wei Han immediately covered his face when he realized this terrible fact. However, his hands still couldn’t cover his current fat face.

After seeing Wei Han’s move, Chu Chuanyao looked distracted for a moment, and then smiled and said, “Big Brother Wei, you don’t need to feel embarrassed. I still want to introduce you and Zhifan.”

Hearing this, Wei Han slowly put his hands down and looked at Qi Zhifan who was not far away, trying to tell himself to calm down in his heart.

Qi Zhifan was drinking tea. When he sensed Wei Han’s gaze, he also hurriedly shot him a glance. Then he got up and walked to Chu Chuanyao’s side. “Forget it. I’m not interested in knowing this kind of person. Seeing his tonnage, he’s doomed to a lonely life.”

Wei Han: “......”

Sure enough, Qi Zhifan still said the same words during their first meeting, and even his disdainful look and tone were exactly the same.

“No, no, no.” Wei Han shook his head, grabbing his hand and firmly holding it. “I won’t have a lonely life. I have you!”

Qi Zhifan: “......”

Chu Chuanyao: “......”

Seeing Qi Zhifan’s face instantly turning green, Wei Han blinked his pair of innocent eyes and once again confirmed and firmly nodded.


On the contrary, Qi Zhifan looked at Wei Han with eyes filled with disgust. He quickly pulled out his hand and immediately turned to leave.

Seeing this, Wei Han quickly chased him and called him to stop, “Wait, Odd Trouble!”

Qi Zhifan’s steps stopped and he frowned. “Are you calling me?”

“Uh...” Wei Han was a little dumbfounded. In his anxiety, he’d called out this ‘Odd Trouble’ nickname, forgetting that in this lifetime, Qi Zhifan simply didn’t know what this was.

Qi Zhifan hooked his lips and couldn’t help but laugh, “Hey, you should hurry up and go to the hospital to see the psychiatric department.”

Wei Han: “......”

After Qi Zhifan left, the embarrassed Chu Chuanyao rushed forward. “I’m sorry, Big Brother Wei. You shouldn’t worry about those things that Zhifan said. He’s really a good person, just his temper is a littleー”

“A little of a headache!” Wei Han supported his forehead, really wanting to cry without tears. Now, Qi Zhifan in this lifetime was so hard to get along with, could he really start from scratch?

Chu Chuanyao was stupefied for a moment and then forced out two laughs, “Big Brother Wei, do you really feel uncomfortable today? How come you’re so weird?”

Wei Han spoke several sentences in a row, but Chu Chuanyao didn’t understand them. Furthermore, his action to pull Qi Zhifan’s hand and stop him...what was going on? He couldn’t comprehend.

Wei Han didn’t want to explain too much and also didn’t want to beat around the bush, so he straightforwardly asked, “Little Yao, do you like Qi Zhifan now?”

Chu Chuanyao’s face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head, answering by default.

Sure enough, although Little Yao had already been moved at this time, but the two hadn’t officially dated yet. Having confirmed the current situation again, Wei Han couldn’t help but clench his fists. “Then Little Yao, I’ll tell you clearly: I also like him, and I will definitely catch him!”

Chu Chuanyao: “......”

In the days that followed, Wei Han was almost always looking for opportunities to meet Qi Zhifan.

“Odd Trouble.”

Qi Zhifan was quite out of sorts. “Don’t call me that.”

Wei Han smiled with a thick face and said, “Heheh, you’ll get used to it the more you hear it. You can also call me ‘Stomach Cold’.”

“......” Qi Zhifan had a burst of speechlessness. “In the future, remember to take your medicine before going out.”

Qi Zhifan was twenty-five and already had a lawyer’s job. Before and after work everyday, he always “ran into” Wei Han. After a week of continuous “running into,” Qi Zhifan’s patience finally reached its limit and he could no longer endure it.

“Exactly what do you want to do?”

Qi Zhifan’s gloomy face looked very dreadful, but Wei Han still cheerfully opened his mouth and loudly said, “Odd Trouble, I like you.”

Qi Zhifan: “...You’re hopeless.”

“I won’t give up so easily.”


The next day, Wei Han held roses in his hands and under Qi Zhifan’s office, he pulled out his voice and belted out a love song. His lively ‘singing’ caused the crowd of onlookers to collapse. Finally, a pale-faced security guard drove him away.

As a result, everyone knew that the perfect in all aspects Qi Zhifan was being pursued by a silly fat man with no shortage of sounds.

“Odd Trouble, don’t just see that I’m fat now; I’m sure I’ll lose weight later. After all, every fat person has good prospects,” Wei Han said with a sincere look.

Qi Zhifan eyebrows were drawn out. “Even if you slim down, you’re also not the type that I like. In contrast, I’m more interested in Chu Chuanyao.”

“Aren’t you interested in Little Yao because of his face?”

Qi Zhifan was inevitably surprised and said, “You?”

“Odd Trouble, for some reason, I know everything about you. Wouldn’t it better if you find a person you really like?”

“......” Qi Zhifan didn’t speak, looked at Wei Han profoundly and then turned away.

After that, Wei Han always brought his homemade food to see Qi Zhifan...

“Odd Trouble, I know your taste is very picky, but I’m very good at cooking and I can one hundred percent satisfy you.”

“......” Qi Zhifan seemed to believe and not believe, but when he ate the first bite, his attitude changed greatly. “You come to my house as a nanny.”

“Bro doesn’t want to be a nanny!”

This day, Wei Han specially prepared a large bag of candy for Qi Zhifan.

“Odd Trouble, look! This is all candy. Whatever you want, it’s there. You have low blood sugar. It’s best if you keep a few in your pocket everyday, just in case.”

Qi Zhifan lowered his eyes and looked at him, the tip of his brows couldn’t help shaking. This really was having everything you wanted: big white rabbit milk candy, Wangzai milk candy, Alps candy; and coconut candies, milk candies, peanut candies, peppermint candies and cotton candy...

“Mm.” Qi Zhifan nodded.

“Haha, it’s good that you like it.”

Qi Zhifan was slightly stunned. Wrong! Facing this fool’s silly smiling face, not know what demons and gods were at work, he actually nodded?!

Another day, Qi Zhifan had a heavy workload and worked overtime late into the night. Once he walked out of the office door, he found Wei Han squatting in the doorway.

“How come you’re here?”

“Because Odd Trouble, you’re afraid of ghosts. I’m afraid you wouldn’t dare to walk on the road alone at night.”

Qi Zhifan: “......”

Wei Han forced out two heheh laughs. Sometimes, in order to find ways to create opportunities for him to get along with Qi Zhifan, he really had to use all kinds of reasons.

Tonight, there were no stars in the sky and only a cold moon hung lonely in the night sky. Wei Han and Qi Zhifan walked side by side on the road. Walking and walking, Wei Han clenched his teeth and suddenly pulled Qi Zhifan’s hand.

Qi Zhifan became slightly sluggish, and then coldly said, “Let go.”

“I won’t let go!” Wei Han resolutely shook his head, holding it tighter instead. “Qi Zhifan, I really like you. I want to always stay with you.”

“Stay with me?” Qi Zhifan stopped and turned his face to meet Wei Han’s eyes. “Lucky that you still remember.”

“Of course I remember.”

“Really?” Qi Zhifan looked deeply into Wei Han’s eyes as if he wanted to see through him. “Then why don’t you hurry back and stay with the real me?”

Wei Han was dumbstruck, but before he understood it, his hand was suddenly empty. In an instant, Qi Zhifan also disappeared before his eyes.

“Odd Trouble, where are you? Where are you!”

Wei Han wanted to scream, but he suddenly couldn’t make a sound. He reached out and wanted to grab it, but he couldn’t grab anything.

The endless darkness quickly swallowed everything. While Wei Han was in a daze, he was returned to the cold and boundless darkness. The heavy body uncontrollably sank down and kept sinking down. He was getting colder and colder, the fear in his heart gradually spreading to his whole body, wave after shivering wave.

Suddenly, Wei Han felt a hint of warmth. Relying on this feeling, he groped wildly in the dark and finally grasped a big, warm hand. Immediately, there was a force that pulled him forward, helping him slowly come out of the darkness towards the light...

The birds sang cheerfully outside the window, and the first rays of morning light shone on Wei Han’s face. Suddenly, his fingertips moved and he abruptly opened his eyes. “Odd...Odd Trouble?”

Qi Zhifan was dazed, touching Wei Han’s face somewhat in disbelief. Then, the corners of his lips unconsciously lifted up in a wan smile. The smile was shallow, but was filled with endless tenderness and pampering, making Wei Han’s heartstrings move when he saw it.

Several years later, Wei Han could always recall this morning day and remember Qi Zhifan’s warm smile. He felt that this was always the most beautiful scene he’d ever seen in his life.

“Are you a pig? Actually sleeping for so long.”

“Odd Trouble, I seem to have had a long, long dream.”

“Was I in your dream?”

“Yeah, the dream was all about you.”

“Then that’s still good enough.”

Wei Han: “......”

My little brother is becoming more and more narcissistic. What should I do?

Wei Han woke up after many days. In addition to Dad Qi and Mother Wei, and also Qi Zhifan, who took turns to take care of him, many people also came to visit him.

The already discharged Shao Yi came over. Jiang Chengrui often came over and sometimes, he also brought several colleagues from the bureau who had a good relationship with Wei Han. Leng Yan also visited several times.

This day, Qi Zhifan was originally taking care of Wei Han when he received an important phone call at the last minute and said that he’d have to go out for half an hour. Wei Han smiled. Feeling that he was already able to get out of bed on his own, he also urged him to hurry up and go.

He also knew that Qi Zhifan had definitely delayed many important work because of his matter.

While the nurse was taking Wei Han’s temperature, a male doctor suddenly came in and smiled. “It seems that you’ve recovered well.”

“Little Yao?” Wei Han looked up and then he was silly. “No, not right, you’re...”

Although the male doctor’s looks were similar to Chu Chuanyao, but he was clearly a mature, upgraded version of Little Yao!

Not to mention the body mannerisms, but just looking at this pair of eyes, they weren’t the same. The light in Chu Chuanyao’s eyes were pure and limpid, but this person had obviously experienced a lot and his eyes were more slender, the bottom of his pupils also fainting revealing a mature and demonic charm.

He...he wouldn’t be...

Wei Han didn’t dare to think about it. His eyelid was already twitching, feeling that something was wrong from head to toe.

“First time meeting. Hello, I’m Ou Yizhe, Cyril.” Ou Yizhe extended his hand toward Wei Han, the corner of his mouth holding in a smile. “I think you should have heard of me?”

Although he’d already guessed it, Wei Han’s heart still suffered a blow. “...Yeah.”

Fuck! After he woke up from his injury, how did Ou Yizhe come back? In his dream, he had to fight over Qi Zhifan to grab him from Chu Chuanyao’s hands. Don’t tell him that he had to do it again in reality?

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