Kaleidoscope of Death

Chapter 96: A Day in Reality

Chapter 96: A Day in Reality

Ruan Nanzhu kept that fiery gaze fixed on Lin Qiushi even after he spoke. A bit embarrassed to be stared at like this, Lin Qiushi made to speak, when there came from the entrance the sound of the door opening. He turned and saw Cheng Qianli and Cheng Yixie walking in, grocery bags of all sizes in their arms.

What are we having for dinner? How about hotpot? Thick-skinned as he was, Cheng Qianli didnt notice the odd atmosphere between Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu at all. In fact, he even pouted after Ruan Nanzhu glared at him. Why do you glare at me like that, Ruan-ge I havent done anything wrong, at least not recently.

Ruan Nanzhu didnt say a word, just got up and left.

Cheng Qianlis gaze turned toward Lin Qiushi. Lin Qiushi shrugged like he didnt know anything.

Cheng Yixie scoffed in mocking laughter at the side.

Prickling, Cheng Qianli asked, the heck are you laughing at?

Cheng Yixie, at you being dumb.

Cheng Qianli, how am I dumb, how am I dumb?! Even if Im dumb, its because you sucked up all the nutrition that shouldve belonged to me in our mothers womb. Pay me back, give me back my intellect!

Cheng Yixie shot Cheng Qianli a single quelling look. The bewailing Cheng Qianli went instantly silent, wilting like a piece of limp lettuce.

Go wash the vegetables. Cheng Yixie jerked his chin in Cheng Qianlis direction, hustling him to the chores in the kitchen.

Cheng Qianli wanted to protested, but after a while of just his lips moving, no words came out. In the end he could only slink after Cheng Yixie with his head down to do as he was told.

The previous matter so abruptly interrupted, Lin Qiushi didnt quite know how he felt about it. Nowadays, he could actually sort of tell that Ruan Nanzhu treated him differently, but that sort of supposition was too unbelievableLin Qiushi couldnt understand at all why Ruan Nanzhu would feel that way about him, in fact wondering at first if it wasnt just his own wishful thinking.

After all, couldnt a man as gorgeous and incredible as Ruan Nanzhu get any girl he wanted? Why would he be interested in a guy as stiff as Lin Qiushi?

It was in moments like this that the importance of prior romance became obvious. As someone whod never been in love, whod never even had a secret crush, Lin Qiushi had absolutely no experience in these matters. It was like being outfitted in some LV.1 armor and heading straight for the top bossbefuddlement wasnt even a question. He couldnt even pass the maze that came before the boss.

After some thought, he went to help prep dinner in the kitchen.

It was hotpot tonight. On TV, Tan Zaozaos movie from a few years ago was coincidentally playing. Lin Qiushi watched the burbling pot, and recalled the two movie tickets Tan Zaozao had gifted him before. He considered it, then opened his mouth: Um Nanzhu, are you free the night of the twelfth?

Ruan Nanzhu was just biting into a meatball. He finished chewing and swallowing first, before a faint confirmation.


Lin Qiushi, well Tan Zaozao gave me those two movie tickets, didnt she? That films premiering on the twelfth, I think.

Tan Zaozao? Can I go? Cheng Qianli butted in from the side.

Youre busy that day, Cheng Yixie coldly interjected.

Im not busy Cheng Qianli looked baffled.

Cheng Yixie slapped his chopsticks down, tone unrelenting. If I say youre busy, youre busy.

Cheng Qianli, Against his brothers cruel imposition of will, he still chose, in the end, to weakly surrender, sounding very wronged: okay fine, Im busy.

Seeing that Cheng Yixie had gotten rid of Cheng Qianli, Lin Qiushi once again cast his gaze back to Ruan Nanzhu.

Sure. Ruan Nanzhu nodded slightly.

Okay, so see you then, Lin Qiushi smiled happily.

The twelfth was a Friday, and the weather wasnt bad. Having just rained the day before, it was relatively cool.

Ruan Nanzhu was dressed simply, in a dark red checkered shirt, blue jeans, and high tops. He sat in his seat, sleeves slightly pulled up to reveal his lovely wrists and a dark blue watch. His head was vaguely bowed as he eyed the phone in his hands. Against the well-known faces of the entertainment industry around him, he didnt pale in the slightest.

Nanzhu. Returning from the bathroom, Lin Qiushi saw a middle-age man standing beside Ruan Nanzhu, trying to chat him up.

Lin Qiushi didnt even have to get close to hear that man saying: come on young man, you really wont give it some thought? We can provide excellent resources, make you famous

Ruan Nanzhu didnt look up at all, his tone cool like he was blowing off a salesman at the door of his home: Not interested.

Why not? The man wasnt giving up. Youre really suited to this industry.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed to prickle, asking, how much do you earn in a year?

The man said, a year? If you make it big enough, ten or even a hundred million a years not impossible at all

Ruan Nanzhu scoffed. You know how much I earn in a year?

The man started.

Ruan Nanzhu said, I can make two million in ten minutes, and you want me to go be a star? His dark eyes were filled with disdain. Are you crazy or am I?

The man went silent, then left in frustration.

Lin Qiushi reached him just now, laughing, got hit on again?

Ruan Nanzhu, mh.

If you hadnt encountered the doors, would you consider being a star? Lin Qiushi was suddenly curious. He knew the Ruan Nanzhu right now was entirely specialized in the matter of the doors, and had little energy to get involved in other jobs in reality.

I dont know, Ruan Nanzhu said. When I met the doors I still hadnt figured out what I wanted to do.

Lin Qiushi went silent. It was only then that he remembered, Ruan Nanzhu seemed too far entangled in the doors. Leaving it behind was practically impossible.

But back to the matter at hand, Ruan Nanzhu really wasnt lying when he said he made two million in ten minutes. Didnt a single door last only ten minutes in reality?

As Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu chatted on, Tan Zaozao arrived.

She wore a beautiful bespoke gown, surrounded by a crowd of people. Black curls brushed along the pale skin of her back and shoulders, making her seem both dignified and matureshe drew everybodys gaze.

Tan Zaozao and the movies director went up on stage. After a few short comments, the movie started.

She took the dark as an opportunity to take the empty seat on Lin Qiushis left, whispering, Qiushi.

Lin Qiushi, hm?

Tan Zaozao, thanks for coming to see my movie.

Lin Qiushi, it should be us thanking you for the invite

Tan Zaozao seemed to want to speak more, but the movies audio track was already playing, so she went silent instead.

The movie was about a swordsman in Ancient China out for vengeance. Tan Zaozao played a dancer, a Hellenic beauty. She looked absolutely stunning in the film; the scene where she danced on the male actors palm was particularly breath-taking. But the movie was a tragedy. The swordsman trained for ten years, overcoming countless hardships, only to find in the end that his nemesis was already dead. Having lost his faith he slit his own throat. The dancer, devoted to him in love, held his head in her arms at the end of the movie before she threw herself into a sea of flames.

Lin Qiushi didnt expect the ending to be like this. He asked, will a tragedy sell?

There was humor in Tan Zaozaos tone. This was never meant to be a commercial film. Its award bait.

You think youll get it? Lin Qiushi asked.

Probably, Tan Zaozao said. Everybodys pretty confident. She spoke lightly. I wasnt so confident, but after seeing the film, I am now.

Then my early congratulations, Lin Qiushi said.

When the credits ended, the auditorium lights came up. Then it was some organizers events.

Tan Zaozao looked over at Ruan Nanzhu, seated on Lin Qiushis right. Ruan-ge, theres something Id like to discuss with you. Do you have some time?

Ruan Nanzhu lightly inclined his head.

Lets go talk in the dressing room, theres less people there. Tan Zaozao twirled a strand of hair by her ear.

Then Ill wait for you two outside, Lin Qiushi said.

Mh. Ruan Nanzhu stood, and left with Tan Zaozao. Lin Qiushi too chose to leave the theater, found a more remote corner, and fished out his phone, ready to play for a while. But just as he got his phone out, he heard a very peculiar noise

Lin Qiushi startled, looking toward the source of the noise at the stairs marked Emergency Use.

Hesitating, he slowly approached the emergency steps. He saw, deep in the passage, two people overlapped Though it was dark here, Lin Qiushi could still clearly see that one of the people was the proud director Tan Zaozao had introduced to Ruan Nanzhu, that Zhang Yiqing. And the person embracing him, kissing him, was Ruan Nanzhus good friend Bai Ming.

In shock, Lin Qiushi couldnt help a shuffle back. The two wrapped up in each other seemed to hear his footstep, their motions halting before looking out at the entrance.

Bai Mings usual grin was nowhere to be seen, his eyes gone frosty and sharpat a glance, he actually seemed quite like Ruan Nanzhu. He said, whos there?

Releasing Zhang Yiqing, he took on a protective stance, before speedily coming to the entrance.

Lin Qiushi, with an awkward expression, stood where he was, afraid to moveuntil Bai Ming came out of the fire exit.

Bai Ming turned the stairs and saw Lin Qiushi. His tense expression instantly loosened, as he exclaimed, what are you doing here?

Tan Zaozao gave me two tickets, Lin Qiushi explained. When it was over she said she had something to talk to Ruan-ge about, so I was just finding a place to sit.

Oh, Bai Ming laughed. I see. He scratched at those fluffy curls of his, grinning like a big harmless pup. Then well leave you to it.

Zhang Yiqing had also come out of the tunnel. His hair was a mess, and his face was flushed an uneven red. Gaze wandering, his usual look of aloof indifference was utterly missing. When he saw Lin Qiushi, he only offered a nod of greeting before taking off.

Bai Ming hurried after him, saying, babe, dont be angry

Zhang Yiqing lowered his voice, but Lin Qiushi could still hear; he sounded slightly mortified. I told you not to do it here, why didnt you listen

How could I know someone would actually come here? Babe I was wrong, dont blow me off, Bai Ming coaxed, as if to a child.

The two continued speaking, disappearing into the distance.

Watching their backs, Lin Qiushi had on a complicated expression. He did not think at all that Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqings relationship was of this nature. Hed thought that Bai Ming was just a fan, but who knew these two

The complex feelings lasted for a while. He glanced at the time, thinking Tan Zaozao and Ruan Nanzhu were probably done by now, so headed for the dressing rooms. When he got to the door though, he heard Tan Zaozao crying inside.

Ruan-ge, Im begging you, Ruan-ge The dressing rooms were likely well-soundproofed, but Lin Qiushi still caught the faint sobs. Ruan-ge, please say yes, Ill pay anything. Ill give you money, Ill give you anything else. I dont want to die I dont want to die.

Lin Qiushis footsteps stalled.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed to have been silent for a while, and now finally spoke. You think, the only reason Lin Qiushis survived is because of me?

Isnt it? Tan Zaozao said. Hes less experienced than I am Clearly, youre the one who got him out

Ruan Nanzhu replied, youre too naive. The only reason hes here today is himself. Zaozao, Ive also asked you before. The one who chose this was you.

Tan Zaozaos sobs grew more tragic.

Lin Qiushi stood at the door in a daze, until the sound of Ruan Nanzhu opening the door snapped him back. Seeing Lin Qiushi outside, Ruan Nanzhu said, lets go.

Mh, Lin Qiushi replied, gaze cast behind Ruan Nanzhu.

But Ruan Nanzhu didnt offer any explanation, wide strides carrying him out. Lin Qiushi didnt know how to ask either, and could only follow behind.

After exiting the theater and getting into the car, Lin Qiushi suggested, are we going straight back? Or should we find a spot to drink? He could feel that Ruan Nanzhus mood was poor.

When he himself wasnt feeling great, Wu Qi would come for a drink. A drink and chat between two people could help an incident pass by just like thatthose trenches you couldnt vault over stopped seeming so impressive. But Wu Qi was gone now. Lin Qiushi didnt have anyone to get a drink with anymore.

Youre still gonna drink? Ruan Nanzhu said. If the doctor finds out their liver cancer patients drinking, theyll burst a vein.

Lin Qiushi had completely forgotten his status with the liver cancer. It was always Ruan Nanzhu reminding him, so he was a bit exasperated: I forgot, didnt I?

Ruan Nanzhu, you remember it now?

Lin Qiushi could only nod.

Lets go. Home, Ruan Nanzhu said. Lu Yanxue made snow fungus soup. We can drink away our sorrows with an extra bowl.

Lin Qiushi huffed a laugh.

Ruan Nanzhu gripped the steering wheel, taking them forward.

Lin Qiushi asked, what did you and Zaozao talk about?

You cant figure it out? Ruan Nanzhu bluntly replied.

Lin Qiushi, I can figure some of it out He actually quite liked Tan Zaozao. Hearing her cry so hard today left an unpleasant feeling inside him.

Its exactly as you figure, nothing complicated, Ruan Nanzhu said. Not everybody can face death calmly. Then with a self-deprecating sneer, I couldnt, in the past.

Lin Qiushi was quiet for a bit. Is she doing her next door on her own?

Probably not. She can find someone else to take her case, but the rate of success is not guaranteed, Ruan Nanzhu said. So really, its a gamble with her life.

Lin Qiushi leaned against the car window and sank into silence.

I asked her at the beginning, if she only wanted me to take her through the doors, or if she wanted me to train her. She chose the former. Ruan Nanzhus eyes remained fixed ahead, his tone impassive. The choice was hers.

Lin Qiushi didnt know what to say at all. He fished out a piece of candy, peeled off the wrapper, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Theyd also come to a red light with seventy seconds left. Ruan Nanzhu braked and turned to look at Lin Qiushi. I want candy too.

Oh, Lin Qiushi said, and just as he was pulling out a second piece, he saw Ruan Nanzhu lean over, face looming suddenly large before him.

The next moment, Lin Qiushi felt a soft, warm touch on his lips. It lasted for only a moment before pulling away. By the time Lin Qiushi came back to himself, Ruan Nanzhu was licking his lips, with the mild comment, tastes sweet.

Lin Qiushis face went instantly red. He thought he ought to calmly reply something, but his heart had picked up a wild rhythmhe didnt know what to do at all. Just now, Ruan Nanzhu, with that pretty face of his, had been so close. Lin Qiushi could practically still smell Ruan Nanzhus faint woodsy scent lingering.

Green light. The car started again. The two didnt speak the rest of the way.

Though they werent speaking, Ruan Nanzhus mood seemed to have massively improved. The corners of his lips were lightly turned up.

Lin Qiushi kept feeling like he ought to say something, but he couldnt figure out what. And so, under great conflict, he covertly pulled out his phone and typed into the search bar: what to talk about after kissing.

But all the results were: what to talk about to get a kiss

Lin Qiushi, We didnt even have to talk before getting to kissing! People needed search results for this?!

Ruan Nanzhu didnt want to talk, and Lin Qiushi didnt know what to talk aboutso the two maintained this atmosphere between them all the way until Lu Yanxue passed them each a bowl of snow fungus soup, and Lin Qiushi cleared his throat. He said, tastes good.

Ruan Nanzhu, mh.

Lin Qiushi, Mh, thats it? You dont want to say anything else?

Then, after he finished his soup, Ruan Nanzhu just got up and left for upstairs. Lin Qiushi watched his back disappear, feeling momentarily cheated and wronged for taking a tease seriously.

Lu Yanxue, whod seen their odd interaction, asked, what happened between you two?

Nothing, Lin Qiushi said. Nothing. He finished his soup, and asked, Lu-jie, how long have you been here?

Lu Yanxue replied, I was the latest. I came maybe three years after Yi Manman? Whats up?

Lin Qiushi cleared his threat. Have uh, have you ever heard Nanzhu talk about girlfriends?

Girlfriends? Lu Yanxue shook her head. Never. Ruan-ge never seemed very interested in that sort of stuff, I havent seen him get close to anybody. After that, she added, well, except you.

Lin Qiushi, ah?

He really does treat you differently. Lu Yanxue didnt seem to know how badly her words were shaking up Lin Qiushis world. Ive never seen him care about somebody so much.

Lin Qiushi looked at the empty bowl in his hand, not knowing what to say.

What is it? Lu Yanxue asked. Oh but Chen Fei mentioned that Ruan-ge once had a partner, who died in their ninth door it looks like. That had a major impact on him but I wasnt around then, so I didnt see it happen.

Lin Qiushi vaguely remembered this matter of a partner. But there didnt seem to be any trace of that other person in the mansion, and Ruan Nanzhu had never mentioned the partner to him either. There were only the faintest clues from those whod been around the longest.

Got it, Lin Qiushi nodded.

He set down his empty bowl and returned to his room. Tossing about in his bed, he couldnt get to sleep, and so opened up the doors forum on his computer to check out the chats.

But then his DMs pinged. Lin Qiushi opened it, and saw it was Gu Longming messaging him, all not sleeping this late at night? You ghost-huntin?

Lin Qiushi: Youre not sleeping either.

Gu Longming: Im out of the country, its daytime for me now.

Lin Qiushi: Oh.

Gu Longming: Whats up? Bad mood?

Lin Qiushi: Its fine.

A lot happened today, and digestion was slow: Tan Zaozao, Bai Ming, and that kiss He thought a while, then asked: Have you ever been in love?

Gu Longming: Had my first kiss at six, have had more girlfriends than can be counted on both hands!

Lin Qiushi: What a coincidence! He also had his first kiss, just, oh, about twenty years later than Gu Longming! But people ought not try to top each other; mental balance was at risk.

Did you meet a girl you like? Gu Longmings viscous love for gossip practically oozed from the screen. Tell me, lets see if I can give you a piece of advice or two.

Shes really pretty, lofty, a bit aloof. But shes really good to me. Lin Qiushi knew better than to give away Ruan Nanzhus true identity. And shes better and more clever than me at the doors. Today she kissed me.

Gu Longming: Ooooooh Hold up, better than you?

Lin Qiushi: Yeah.

Gu Longming: Holy shit then how fucking good is she?

Ruan Nanzhus face came to mind, and Lin Qiushi thought yes, he really was very good.

Gu Longming: Shes the one who kissed you?

Lin Qiushi: Yeah.

Gu Longming was getting worked up: Then what are you waiting for! Find an appropriate place and

Lin Qiushi read up to here, and thought, find an appropriate place to confess?

And then Gu Longmings actual text, in bold and caps, came: DO HER!

Lin Qiushi, He wordlessly closed his computer. Gu Longming That little shit really couldnt be trusted. Besides, Ruan Nanzhu? In Lin Qiushis mind came the vision of Ruan Nanzhus proud and haughty gaze looking down on him and, for a moment, he felt a bit weak. Fuck, if it really came to it, there was no saying whod be doing whom.

On the other end of the computer, Gu Longming waited a long while for Lin Qiushis reply to no avail, pulling at his ears in anxious panic. He was muttering, holy shit, this Yu Linlins not the act-first type is he? Did he go ahead and do it? If he really misunderstood didnt I just teach him to break the law Ah, he was starting to regret saying what he did.

Authors Note:

Serious cold plus sinus infection plus time of the month, I am Xi-zi the Useless now. Everybody stay safe and healthy.

Finally, emotions have made serious progress today /collapses

Names in this chapter

  • L Ynxu / Lu(2) Yan(4) Xue(3) /
  • Y Mnmn / Yi(4) Man(4) Man(4) /
  • Chn Fi / Chen(2) Fei(1) /

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