King of Mercenaries

Chapter 23: Making a mercenary group?

Chapter 23: Making a mercenary group?

In the days that followed, Marin, who was unsuccessful, was depressed, and he was so sad. And a few attendants, do not know how to comfort him. For example, Kahn, when comforting Marin, is basically like to salting Marin's wounds:

"Young master, it's okay, isn't it that you are short and weak? If you eat more meals, your strength will be bigger, and you will grow taller..."

When he heard this, Marin really couldn't wait to kill him. But when he turned his head, Marin would drink milk every meal, and he would drink ribs soup. Moreover, since it has already lost, Marin feels that there is no need to stay in Vienna. After all, the consumption in Vienna is very high. Especially after thousands of knights and their attendants flocked to Vienna, many merchants sat on the ground, causing food prices to rise. Marin is not alone, but with 6 men and 7 animals, the food is very expensive. So, Marin took six men, rode on the car, settled the rent, and left the lively city of Vienna. After leaving the city of Vienna, in a small town on the west side of the city, Marin saw a recruiting point for the emperor to recruit pike infantry. Out of the instinct habits of Chinese people who love to watch the lively, Marin stayed in the town, with a few men, strong onlookers recruiting the scene...

The mercenaries of the Holy Roman Empire were actually the new arms established by Maximilian I after imitating the Swiss mercenaries after the Battle of Nancy. Therefore, the spearman became the most important part of the infantry.

The Swiss Union also belongs to the legal territory of the Holy Roman Empire. However, since Switzerland began to produce mercenaries, the Swiss began to use force to obey the orders of the Habsburg royal family. Moreover, it also encroached on the traditional territory of the Habsburg family in Switzerland.

In the battle of Nancy, the father-in-law of Maximilian I was horrible in the hands of the Swiss mercenaries. Since then, Maximilian I has also begun to imitate Swiss mercenaries and began recruiting a large number of civilians who are willing to be soldiers in the country to form a spearmen's army.

Because the Germans have always used the knight, they are not familiar with the spear infantry. Therefore, Maximilian I's 15,000 spearmen and 1500 knights, although the coach is the Earl of Hohenzollern (belonging to the Hohenzollern family Swabian, non-Brandenburg's Franconia) and Friedrich II (Count of Hohenzollern), but many instructors in the infantry are from Switzerland.

After all, Switzerland is also the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, and although many local lords and parliaments are confronting the empire, there are still many mercenaries who are willing to serve the emperor. Because the emperor can give them the European aristocratic identity. As a result, Maximilian I recruited some mercenary officers from Switzerland, trained new German mercenaries, and used Swiss to learn from the Swiss tactic.

The Swiss spear array is basically learned from the Macedonian phalanx, but unlike the Macedonian phalanx, the Swiss spears' infantry, unlike the Macedonian phalanx infantry, is equipped with a small shield for the left hand, but with halberd.

In the selection of mercenaries, there were one Swiss in the officers responsible for recruiting. In general, whether or not to accept admission, this Swiss "expert" nodded.

According to the requirements of the Swiss, qualified mercenaries must be strong. This is the basic requirement of the soldiers. The second is to "lightly loaded into battle."

What is "lightly loaded"? In fact, it is not to drag the family to the mouth. For example, many mercenaries and quasi-mercenaries who came to Vienna to apply, many people even brought their families. Is there such a drag, can you still fight? Can you still march? Some newlyweds are not willing to separate, so men bring a woman to apply. This is all good, and some even brought an elderly aunt. Bring the old man together, can you march? and so,

The Swiss military officer's disposal is that no one will take care of you. Otherwise, with the family, it is impossible to march. This is also an early feature. After the proliferation of mercenaries in the 16th century, it seems customary to take the family to march. Because there are many people applying for the application, the Swiss officer also requires the applicant to use the long stick to fight. Whoever wins the opponent with the club head first wins, the winner is accepted, and the loser is eliminated. Because of the tight schedule, the officers responsible for recruiting did not give the chance to resurrect the challenge, and the round of knockouts went straight. After all, for the empire, the choice of infantry is enormous, and there is no need to be so sophisticated.

The infantry has to choose 5,000 people, and each person has to undergo conditional review (such as whether or not to carry a family member), plus various types of registration, and then group and contest, so the duration is quite long. Marlin is also watching enough.

One day, Kahn suddenly said:

"Young Master, are we going to apply for the pikemen?"

"Get out of the way!" Marin said without a good breath. He is a knight (although he has no official title, but is a trainee). If he goes to be an infantryman, he is expected to be jokes and die.

Moreover, the pikemen are standard soldiers. He is a passer, can he be used as cannon fodder? It's a shame to pass people across the world. It's estimated that you can throw people on Mars...

Not to mention the artillery units of the lance infantry, that is, the irregular cavalry in the cavalry (such as reconnaissance cavalry, commanders, patrol cavalry, etc.), Marin is not willing to do. Of course, this also has the reason that Marin is not good at those. After all, the irregular cavalry is mainly a saber, and Marin is not proficient in the saber's knife, only proficient in the use of the lance.

"Or, young master, you recruit a team of lanced soldiers, you are an officer? Small to train the five before the young master, and you are quite a trainer and, the young master you did not say, the emperor will you continue to recruit mercenary?" Kohler interrupted at this thoughts.

"I recruit them myself?" Marin slammed. Before, because of the strong knight plot, he was quite a mighty knight, and at the same time he was not willing to be a pikeman of the cannon, so he did not consider it.

In fact, he also thought about setting up a mercenary group by himself. However, the cost of forming a mercenary group is an astronomical figure, even an infantry mercenary group. Therefore, he has not thought about this aspect for the time being.

"Yeah, Master, you have hundreds of marks in your hand now. You can recruit hundreds of people for the time being, and train them for a while. When the training is fruitful, it is estimated that the emperor will carry out the second round of recruiting. When you take it, If you have a well-trained infantryman, how can you mix a military officer? When you are young, you have to appoint me as a quartermaster!" Kohler said with a good dedication.

"Hundreds of people... OK?" Marlin hesitated. Originally, he planned to wait for the rich to recruit thousands of people and form a large mercenary group. At the very least, it is necessary to form a few big squares or something. However, he now has only 750 marks in his hand and can't afford too many soldiers.

But thinking carefully, according to Kohler, first recruit hundreds of mercenaries, train them, and raise them for a while. They are not raising them for a long time, as long as they raise the second round of recruitment of the emperor. It is estimated that the emperor will have a second batch of money coming early next year. At that time, his own men and horses also trained almost. With hundreds of well-trained soldiers, I have to mix a company commander.

"Ah, hahahaha..." Marin in his thought couldn't help but laugh, letting a few attendants be embarrassed.

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