Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 64- Red’s Story

Chapter 64- Red’s Story

[Keeno POV]

“Red was born……16 years ago…Red doesn’t know what happened after…as far as Red remembers…it was Red and Red’s friends……and Old Lady Marian.  Red and the others…lived in an orphanage……everyone was nice and…happy.” (Red)

Though slowly, Red started her tale.  It took her several minutes to get this far as she had to stop and find the right words to say.  At the mention of her friends and the mention of the apparent caretaker of the orphanage she lived in, her tail started to wave and her ears twitched animatedly.

“Lived there……for years…Big Brother…Baldr…would always bring Red sweets…and Tiny Sister…Bryn would want to play house…called Red the other mama…hehehe.  Old Lady Marian……would always pat Red’s head…tell Red things would……be peaceful….Was peaceful…until it wasn’t.” (Red)

Her happy expression was replaced by one of sadness and anger.

“Red was…five…when Families…burned everything……strung up Red’s friends…RED’S FAMILY UP LIKE PUPPETS!  BURNED OUR HOME TO ASH AS RED WAS FORCED TO WATCH!  WANTED RED TO LIVE AFTERWRDS AS EXAMPLE!” (Red)

Her enraged outburst was followed by tears as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

“…” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)


‘Don’t, Ama, I feel it too.’ (Keeno)

The Pure souls floating around us got closer to Red.  I glanced at the other two and saw that they clearly couldn’t see these souls.

‘Ama, what’s up with that?  Since we’re so close to a Dead Zone, shouldn’t they be able to see the souls like that one time and how it’ll probably be soon with these others?’ (Keeno)

{It could be any number of reasons.  In this instance I think it’s a mix of them holding strong feelings of protecting Red here as well as not being strong enough to manifest visually to normal people.}

‘Hmm.’ (Keeno)

After a few more minutes, Red calmed down enough to continue.

“Red cried and cried…until Red’s friends appeared…all small and shiny…made Red feel better…But Red still wasn’t happy…Red wanted everything back…everyone back……Then Red met teacher.  Teacher taught Red…taught Red to kill…to hunt…to live…Called Red…prodigy……Red learned for…long time…hard training…but……teacher was also…kind.  Gave Red lot of…pats…and sweets……Teacher taught Red…everything…then died……made Red sad again……but teacher’s last words……’Find someone you and your friends trust, if you think you can, befriend them.’” (Red)

“Sounds like your teacher was very special.” (Keeno)

“Special…no…teacher always said…she was bad person……got tired of killing…and was sad…for teaching Red to……but was also happy…to raise Red……said Red would one day…no longer have to kill…to live or…for vengeance…And…Red thinks Fluffy lady is…the one to make that true.  Red’s friends…watched Fluffy lady and friends…whole time……Always wanted…to go to Fluffy lady……move on…let Red…find Red’s own way…But Red…wanted to observe……Then…saw Fluffy lady get attacked…and decided…to meet Fluffy lady and…friends…” (Red)

I nodded at the last words Red said before standing up and walking over to her.  She flinched a little at my sudden movement, but calmed down after I pushed her hood off and started to pat her head.

“You’ve been through a lot.” (Keeno)

I crouched down in front of her and met her gaze.

“Red, do you want your friends to move on?” (Keeno)

“No……but Red knows…it needs to happen…Red loves Red’s friends……but knows they won’t rest…” (Red)

I smiled reassuringly at her.

“Red, I’ll help your friends move on, I want you to join me though, as a final goodbye.  Tell them that they’ll rest well.  Afterwards, we can talk about other things like what you want to do in the future.  Does that sound ok?” (Keeno)

Red stared me in the eyes for a few more seconds before nodding.  I then turned to Freya and Pram.

“Change of plans for today.  Freya, we’re going back to that safehouse and taking care of this.  Once that’s done and we figure things out, we move onto the next step.” (Keeno)

“Okami, what are we going to do about our main objective?” (Pram)

“It’s the same, but the way we approach it will be different.  It’s a High Sin to do things like what Red just told us, and I believe that it’s time for me to teach these Families the weight of Life.” (Keeno)

“…” (Pram)

“I pray for their souls.” (Freya)

“Don’t, they won’t get any mercy from me.” (Keeno)

I stood from my position, followed shortly by Red and the others and we made our way back to the safehouse we left not too long ago.  We were careful to avoid any attention and made it back undetected.  Once Freya opened the door, we all stepped inside.  When Red passed her, she flinched, but it wasn’t as drastic a reaction as it was earlier.  It seemed hearing Red’s story made Freya reconsider her opinion of her a little, though the deep-rooted fear of the assassin was still present.  Once we sat down around the dusty table, the first thing I did was pull out some food and place it in front of Red.

“Eat, you look hungry and the sound of your stomach is so loud that even people in Odeen can hear it.” (Keeno)

Red’s eyes shone at the food I gave her and she immediately started to inhale it.

“Hehe.  Slow down, Red, it’s not going anywhere.” (Pram)

Pram, who was sitting on the other side of Red placed her hand on her head and started using healing magic.  Red stopped eating for a second and tilted her head, but quickly stopped caring and started to eat again.

‘What was wrong?’ (Keeno)

‘Lots of small cuts and bruises.  Some old scars that I could see here and there, probably more under her clothes.  I just did a heal everything on her, though I would really like to do a thorough checkup on her later.’ (Pram)

‘I’ll see what I can do to get her to agree.’ (Keeno)

‘Thanks.’ (Pram)

Red finished eating shortly after that and had a small, satisfied smile on her face.

“Tasty.” (Red)

“I’m glad you liked it.” (Keeno)

“Mm…Is it time for Red to say goodbye now?” (Red)

“Are you ready?  We can wait for as long as you need.” (Keeno)

“Red…is ready……have kept friends from rest……for too long…” (Red)

I nodded and got up from my chair.  I walked to an open spot and motioned for Red to come stand next to me.  When she was, I summoned my Soul Weapons.  The blades shone with their blue and slightly orange flames.

“Red, put you hand on mine.” (Keeno)

She silently did as I said and shortly after that, the Pure souls floating around her moved to my blades.  One by one they touched the flames and, in a small flash of light, vanished.  Though I wasn’t completely sure, I thought I heard small voices every time they vanished.  As soon as the last one was gone, I put my swords away.  Red kept her hand on mine and when I looked at her, I saw her silently crying.  I moved my hand and pulled her into a hug and started patting her head.

“Let it out, Red.  Let it all out.” (Keeno)

Her knees gave out and I slowly lowered her to the floor while keeping her in my embrace.  After a while of sitting there letting the wolfgirl cry, her silent sobbing and halting breaths turned into the calmer ones of sleep.  I laid her head on my lap and looked up at the others.  Pram had a small smile on her face as she looked at us warmly while Freya had a complicated expression on hers.

“And you always said you didn’t like kids.” (Pram)

“Shut up, Pram.  She isn’t that much of a kid.” (Keeno)

“…Why?” (Freya)

“Why what?” (Keeno)

“Why do you trust her so much?  If it’s just her story, you could go to any dark alley here and find several others with similar ones.  And, while I agree that none of them should experience something like that, it’s a fact that many have.” (Freya)

“It’s her Soul.  While not completely, it’s purer than a lot of people’s in this city that I’ve seen so far.  It’s a lot closer to Pram’s than mine or yours, even if she’s killed more people than all three of us combined, not that I know your kill count.  No, I don’t know how it works completely or the criteria that decides how a soul remains Pure or gets corrupted, but if I was put in a room and told that I had to trust one of two people on the extreme ends of the spectrum, I’d trust the one with the Purer soul.  Same reason I’m giving you a chance.  Your soul isn’t tainted to the level of the normal Family mooks I’ve seen so far and I think you are even able to cleanse the small amount of corruption already there.” (Keeno)

“I’m not going to pretend to understand even half of this Soul talk, but I think I get your reasoning a little.  Even if I think you have your own kind of naivety driving your actions.  You can’t save everyone.” (Freya)

“I know that and I don’t plan of stopping every time I see someone suffer like this, heck, what I’m doing is going to cause more, worse suffering probably, but it’s something that needs to be done.” (Keeno)

“Okami…” (Pram)

“Tell me, what are you going to do?  If you think that things are going to get that bad, then I think I at least deserve to know.” (Freya)

“I’m dismantling the Dead Zones.  Completely taking them away.” (Keeno)

Freya’s eyes went wide.  She was shocked and that shock was apparent.  She didn’t speak for several minutes and just stared at me.

“That’s-” (Freya)

“It’s not impossible, if anything, I’m the only one who CAN do it.  Think Freya, I haven’t been subtle about things.” (Keeno)

“…” (Freya)

After several minutes of silent contemplation, the shocked look on her face became more exaggerated.

“You’re mad.” (Freya)

“Not in the slightest, as future Goddess of Death, it’s my job to get these things done.  Amaterasu’s Dead Zones have been going for long enough and with me coming into power, they’ll disappear sooner or later.  I’m just speeding up the process so I can fulfill my own wishes.  So, this is your last chance, Freya, if you want out, then leave, if you are willing to stick around, become one of the villains of this part of history, then I will personally give you the power and means to get your own revenge along with Red’s as well as give you people you can trust more than anything else.  Betrayal?  Never.  Love?  Maybe, that’s on you.  Friends?  Absolutely.  A True Family?  I may sound arrogant, but I think me, Pram, Ama, and Fia are a damn good option.  So, Freya, what will it be?” (Keeno)

Freya stayed silent, staring directly into my eyes.  We held each other’s gaze for several minutes before she looked away.

“Damn kitsune and their tempting words.  Fine.  I’ll join you…permanently.  But if you don’t hold up on your end, then I’ll curse your name, even after death.” (Freya)

I was internally shocked.  I honestly wasn’t expecting to get carried away by the mood and give such an impassioned speech and end up convincing Freya to stick around with us.  I was hoping to do this at a later date once we had more trust built up.

{It was a good speech, Keeno.  A bit cringy here and there, but it worked.  Though I think she got caught up in the mood too, but hey, we take a win when we get it.}

“Okami-” (Pram)

“Just use my first name around Freya and Red now, Pram.  It’s fine since I said this much.” (Keeno)

“Keeno, are you really sure this was the time to say all that?” (Pram)

“Well, it’s too late now.” (Keeno)

“True.” (Pram)

“So, Red, what about you?  You want to stick around with us too?” (Keeno)

“Red will…have a family again……Red is…happy.” (Red)

“That’s that then.  I say we all rest and let our minds digest everything and then we can discuss our next move.  Cause, I for one, am mentally exhausted right now.” (Keeno)

“Same.  You don’t happen to have any alcohol in that storage ring of yours, right?” (Freya)

“Nope.  Me and alcohol don’t really mix.  Last time I tried some, I got drunk and nearly burned the whole bar down.  Future Sun Goddesses and alcohol don’t mix after all.” (Keeno)

“Sun too?  But what about Goddess Amaterasu?” (Freya)

“There are two suns, Freya, Ama’s is the orange one while I get the blue one.  And before you say anything about disrespect or whatever, she’s my wife, so I’m allowed to call her that.” (Keeno)

“Would you stop dropping world shattering information like it’s nothing already!  What’s next, are you going to say Pram’s an Apostle candidate or something?” (Freya)

“…” (Pram)

“For the record, you are too.” (Keeno)

“…I need a drink.” (Freya)

“Hehehe…Red likes this.” (Red)

Chaos Realm:

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  Now that’s some good Chaos right there!

Luna: Fufufufufufufufufufu.

Atmos: So fun.  It reminds me of a lot of your interactions, Luna.

True, Luna did go for shock value a lot when dropping info bombs like this.  And for the record, it never gets old.

Luna: If only Tamamo were here to see it.

Atmos: Where is she anyway?

Luna: Mom wanted to do something with her.  They’ve been planning something, but I don’t know what.

Which mom?  Amagi or your first world’s one?

Luna: Both.

Atmos: Hmm.  Well, whatever it is, I know it’ll be nice.

Luna: True.

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