KLRXO Stories

Chapter 142: Mom’s Formula for Sexual Exploration_1

Chapter 142: Mom's Formula for Sexual Exploration_1

This story is purely fictional, and all character contained with this

story are over the age of 18.

(MF, inc, cockold, oral, lac)

Mom's Formula for Sexual Exploration

By Klrxo

Charlene's voice trembled as she sat next to her sister, Claire. The

tears streaming down her face were a testament to the weight of her

words. "I'm such a failure as a mother," she sniffled, her shoulders


Claire's eyes widened in surprise. "You are not. Why would you even

say that?"

A deep, heavy sigh escaped from Charlene's lips. "I was talking to

Tiffany, my son's girlfriend yesterday... and she told me the worst

thing a mother could possibly hear."

Claire leaned in closer, her expression filled with concern. "What did

she tell you?"

Tears continued to flow as Charlene replied, "She told me she loves

Eddie and doesn't wanna break up with him, but that he's the worst

guy she's ever been with when it comes to having sex." The words

felt like a physical blow, heavy and suffocating. Charlene's heart

ached with disappointment and guilt as she relayed the painful


Claire's gasp echoed through the room, her hand flying to cover her

open mouth in shock. "Oh no," she whispered, her heart aching for

her sister, Charlene.

"I should have been more careful with his sexual education,"

Charlene's voice was strained and filled with regret. "I should have

made sure he had the skills necessary to please a woman."

Claire tried to offer words of comfort but knew there was nothing she

could say to ease her sister's pain. The thought of a woman being

disappointed by her son's lack of sexual prowess was unbearable.

Determined not to experience that same level of shame with her own

son, Eric, Claire felt a fierce determination ignite within her. She

would make sure her son was fully prepared for the intimate world of


Weeks later, as Claire's husband, Fred, walked past his son's

bedroom, his eyes caught the sight of something peculiar hanging on

the doorknob. Upon closer inspection, he realized they were his

wife's dainty thong panties. His curiosity piqued, he carefully removed

them from the handle and made his way into the kitchen to confront

his wife about their presence in their son's room. The thin white lace

fabric with floral lace edging felt delicate between his fingers as he

held onto them, wondering what could have led to this strange


"Honey, why were these hanging on Eric's door handle? Aren't these

yours?" fred asked.

Claire turned away from the sizzling stove, her oversized tit-melons

swaying beneath the loose fabric of her nightgown. She shifted her

gaze to the delicate panties in her husband's hand, then fixed him

with a sharp glare of annoyance. "Yes, they are mine," she declared

firmly, her voice laced with frustration.

"What are they doing on Eric's door handle?"

"That's between Eric and I, Fred. It doesn't really concern you."

Fred's heart raced as he tried to make sense of his wife's response.

How could it not concern him? He was Eric's father, after all. "Claire, I

think we need to talk about this. It's not something we can just brush

aside," he said, his voice tinged with concern. "It's our son's behavior

we're talking about.

Claire let out an exasperated sigh, placing the spatula down on the

counter. She was a beautiful dark-haired 38-year-old, who had given

birth weeks ago to her third child, shortly after her chat with Charlene.

Her voluptuous bosom was a veritable milk-factory, nearly bursting

from the confines of her silk nightgown. Her breasts swayed heavily

with each movement, the weight of them blatantly evident. Her round,

supple bubble butt curved out like two perfectly formed half moons,

swaying seductively with each step she took on her long, toned legs.

Every movement was a graceful dance, drawing attention to the

curves and contours of her enticing figure. She turned to face Fred,

her eyes filled with a annoyance. "Fred, I understand your concerns,

but this is something Eric and I have already discussed," she

explained, her tone softer now. "It's a part of growing up—a natural


Fred furrowed his brow, struggling to comprehend what Claire was

implying. "Curiosity?" he repeated skeptically. "But these are your...

panties, Claire."

"Yes, they are," Claire affirmed, her voice steady. "And it's important

for us to respect Eric's privacy and personal journey. He's exploring

his own desires and interests, just like any teenager would."

Fred's mind began to race with conflicting emotions. He understood

the concept of adolescence and curiosity, but finding his son in

possession of his wife's intimate clothing was something he couldn't

easily dismiss. "But, Claire, how did they even get there?" he asked,

his voice trembling slightly.

"Eric puts them on his door handle when he's through with them so I

can put them in the wash?"

"How's he even getting them though? Is he sneaking into our room

and going through your laundry hamper?"

"No, honey, it's not like that. There's nothing secretive going on.

When Eric needs a pair to use he just asks me," Clair confessed.

Fred was hit with a wave of shock and disbelief. He couldn't

comprehend how his son could openly ask his mother for her

underwear. "Wait, so when he asks you, you just walk into our room

and get him a pair?" he questioned.

His wife let out a small laugh and playfully shook her head. "You

really don't understand panty fetishes, do you?"

"Apparently not."

"When Eric asks for my panties, it's important that I give him the ones

that I have on," Claire explained.

"But why?" Fred asked, genuinely baffled.

Claire gave him a knowing smirk, as if she was about to share a little

secret. "Because, when they're worn, Fred, they carry my scent. It's a

part of a woman that a boy craves."

Fred's mind whirled with the implications of what Claire was saying.

He knew about the carnal desires of teenagers, but this was

something he'd never even considered. "And you're okay with this?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'm fine with it. It's all part of him learning about

his desires and exploring his sexuality. I see it as a normal part of

growing up. He's just curious, Fred. He's not doing anything hurtful or


"Yes, but it just seems so...weird and wrong."

"You'd be surprised by how common it is," said his wife with a small

smile, turning back to the skillet sizzling on the stove. "In fact, most of

the moms I know have some sort of panty arrangement with their

sons. It can be a powerful motivator." She sprinkled in some spices

and continued, "Eric and I even have an agreement that if his grades

ever slip, there will be no more panties."

Fred couldn't believe what he was hearing. His wife was casually

discussing their son's fascination with her underwear and even

admitting to providing them for his use. It took a moment for him to

process the information, but he finally managed to stutter out, "So...

you... just... give them to him whenever he asks?"

Claire nodded, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Yes, I do. It's a part

of our routine now. Eric enjoys it when I slip the panties straight off

my body, so he can experience them while they're still warm and

fragrant. Plus, there's something about a boy watching his mother

slide her delicate panties down her smooth shaven legs that

heightens his senses and adds to the pleasure."

"You take your panties off right in front of him?" Fred asked in horror.

"Of course," his wife answered. "It's essential for a young man to

have some visual stimulation before masturbating."

Fred stood there, utterly stunned. His mind raced with a mixture of

shock, confusion, and disbelief. He couldn't believe the openness

with which his wife was discussing their son's... fetish.

"But why?" he stammered. "Why are you okay with this?"

Claire's lips curved into a smile, her eyes filled with understanding.

"Fred, you have to realize that Eric is still a young man, only just

beginning to discover the world of women. Part of that discovery

involves seeing them naked, learning their scent and taste - all vital

things for someone his age to learn."

Fred, however, couldn't shake off the lingering unease. He couldn't

comprehend how his wife could so easily discuss their son's fetish, let

alone participate in it without any qualms. "But isn't there a point

where we should draw the line? Is this really what our son needs to

learn?" he protested.

"Naturally, there is a limit to everything," Claire reassured him. "As I

mentioned earlier, there's an agreement with Eric. If his grades slip,

then there will be no more panties for him to enjoy."

"I don't think there should be any panties, period. It's not normal."

"Fred, you're undermining his natural curiosity," Claire countered, her

voice firm. "This is just a phase he's going through, and if we deny

him the opportunity to explore, he might seek those experiences


"Elsewhere?" Fred's voice trembled with concern. "Like with another


"No, Fred," Claire shook her head, her eyes softening. "I mean, the

internet, or magazines, or who knows where else. This way, I can

ensure he's being educated about the right things, in a controlled


The thought of his son exploring the world of adult content on his own

made Fred's blood run cold. He could almost feel his heart stop for a

moment, but he quickly gathered himself. "Alright, maybe you're

right," he conceded, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't like


"You need to stop being so selfish and trust that I know what's best

for our son," Claire retorted, her tone sharper than before. "Fred, I've

been taking care of Eric ever since he was born. I've dealt with

toddler tantrums, teenage hormones, and everything in between. I

know what I'm doing, and I know this is the best way to handle

Eric's... situation."

The sound of a crying baby drifted from the nursery. "Can you wrap

up here, honey? I have to go upstairs and attend to the little one,"

Claire said.

The smell of breakfast wafted into Eric's room, rousing him from his

sleep. He padded down the hallway and saw his mother in the

nursery, sitting in the rocking chair while feeding the baby. "Hey,

mom," he whispered, not wanting to disturb the child.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Claire said, giving him a soft smile.

Eric's gaze traveled up her curvaceous figure, starting at her perfectly

painted toenails and ending at the huge, naked tit-melon that was

covering his younger sister as she nursed. He could feel arousal

stirring within him even though he had only been looking at her for a

few moments.

A mischievous grin spread across Claire's face as she observed him

fidgeting uncomfortably. Her eyes darted down to his crotch, fixated

on the growing tent forming beneath the fabric of his boxer-briefs.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of power and satisfaction at the

sight, like a teasing cat playing with its prey.

"Are you okay, little muffin?" his mother asked, a twinkle of

amusement in her eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit... you know..." Eric stuttered, trying to hide the bulge

growing in his shorts.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Claire reassured him. "That's only natural. It's

good for you to be aware of your desires. It's part of growing up."

Eric's face flushed with surprise and embarrassment as his mother

continued, "There's no shame in understanding your body and what it


Claire took note of his reaction as she uncrossed her smooth, shaven

legs. She exfoliated daily and used coconut oil to give them a silky

soft sheen. The mother parted her thighs, giving him a glimpse of the

crotch of her beige panties peeking out from under her nightgown.

Eric gulped, staring in fascination at the crotch of her most delicate

attire. The beige fabric was sheer mesh and appeared to be damp in

the crotch, clinging to her labia. He could see the puffy outline of her

womanhood beneath the thin barrier, the dampness betraying its

existence. His heart raced as he became entranced by the sight

before him.

"There you go, sweetheart," she said, knowing she had just given him

a tiny glimpse of heaven while patting the sleeping baby on her back.

"Now go on and get dressed so you can eat breakfast."

Eric nodded, his gaze still locked onto her crotch. He couldn't tear his

eyes away from the damp fabric that encased her sex, as if it were a

forbidden fruit. A sudden rush of desire coursed through him, his

body yearning for more.

Claire, however, noticed her son's fixation on her crotch. She smiled

knowingly, basking in the forbidden, erotic display. This was her

moment to take control.

"You know, Eric," she began in a sultry voice. "I don't think I've given

you my panties when they're wet before."


Eric asked, astonishment coloring his voice.

"That's right, honey," Claire continued, a wicked smile spreading

across her face. "You see, when moms wear panties, they

sometimes get wet from... well, from us."

Eric's face flushed bright red as his imagination ran wild with

possibilities. He could already feel the blood rushing to his face.

"If you're interested," his mother continued, "I can give you a special

pair of panties after I've made them wet," she offered. "You'd have to

do a little something for me in return though."

"A little something?" Eric asked, his voice barely audible. He couldn't

believe what he was hearing.

Claire's smile widened, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Yes, see,

some of the moms have been raving about the health benefits of

sperm. Not just any sperm...young, virile sperm like yours."

"Oh, they have?"

"Uh-huh. How would you feel about making a trade, a few times a

week. My wet panties for your... 'product'?" She batted her eyelashes

and bit her bottom lip, playfully exaggerating her sultry moment.

Hearing this, Eric's eyes lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "I

would definitely be on board with that!"

Claire couldn't help but chuckle at her son's enthusiasm. "Good. As

soon as you get home from school I'll soak my panties for you. You

better get going though or you'll be late."

"Bye, mom,"Eric said, smiling widely as he turned to leave.

Once Eric had left the room, Claire let out a sigh of relief. She

wondered for a moment how she could have Eric capture his

ejaculations for her. Blowing his wad into a condom made the most

sense, but she didn't want to deprive Eric from feeling the exquisite

friction on his naked glans while he beat off. She decided to get

advice from the other moms who'd been doing it for awhile.

"How are you guys getting the sperm from your son's penis into to the

mixing cup?" she asked her friends over coffee later that morning.

Her busty, dirty-blonde friend, Emily, was the first to answer. "I

usually have him ejaculate directly into the mixing cup. Young semen

has such a rich taste when it's freshly pumped from the balls," she


"For a young man, sometimes it can be awkward and ruin the

experience to ejaculate into a cup. However, there is a special sex

toy available that works perfectly for this purpose," Claire's

redheaded friend, Pam, shared.

"A sex toy? What kind of sex toy?" Claire asked, intrigued.

"It's called the Sperm Collector," Pam explained. "It's designed to be

worn like a condom and actually pumps the penis to ejaculation. The

wide rim catches all the semen while allowing the penis to move

freely for a more pleasurable experience."

"That sounds perfect," Claire said, her mind already racing with ideas.

"Does it stimulate the glans? Are you sure it won't diminish his

pleasure at all?"

"Not at all," Rachael chimed in. "In fact, Tim says he loves using it

when he masturbates. He says it feels like he's cumming inside a

warm, wet pussy."

"Especially when it's used with heated lubricant," Pam added. "It feels

magical on a boy's penile flesh and really stimulates the nerve


Claire's eyes widened in delight. "I'v gotta get one of those for Eric.

To think, all these years I've been making him clean up after every

spill, and here he could have been enjoying the process mess free."

"And he can still enjoy the sensation of your silk panties around the

flesh of his cock. He just won't be cumming into them like he's done

before," said Rachael, a knowing smile on her face. "It's a win-win for


"You'll definitely notice a difference in the way you feel after you start

adding his semen to your protein shakes every morning," Pam

added, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "You'll have more energy,

clearer skin, and an overall sense of vitality."

"And it tastes amazing too," said Emily, licking her lips at just the

though of her son's flavorful semen.

"It sure does," Rachael agreed. "I can't stand the taste of my

husband's sperm, but Sean's young semen is like nectar. Sweet and

tangy, with a hint of salt. I think I'm actually becoming addicted to it."

"You're making me hungry just thinking about it," Claire joked,

laughing along with her friends.

"Well, you'll have a constant supply now," Pam said, winking at her.

"So true," Emily added. "There are certain things in life you can count

on, and teenage sons masturbating is one of them."

The moms all burst into laughter, their conversation filled with a mix

of naughtiness and excitement.

"Speaking of masturbation," said Claire, "I'm wondering just how wet

to make my panties for Eric. I don't wanna shock him, but I do wanna

make sure they're plenty moist and fragrant when I give them to him."

"That's a great question," Pam replied, her eyes twinkling with

mischief. "At first, the key is to get your panties wet, but not too wet.

You want them to be saturated with arousal, but not so much that

they're dripping. It's all about the anticipation, my dear. The thought of

your son knowing that his mother was just wearing those panties, and

that they're imbued with your feminine essence, will be enough to

make him absolutely wild with desire."

"True," Emily agreed. "Once Tim started getting used to seeing my

panties damp, that's when I started squirting while wearing them

during masturbation and really saturaturated them. He'd spend hours

using them, jacking off.

"So, I need to build up to it if I want to start soaking my panties for

Eric?" Claire asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes," Rachael said, nodding her head. "Start with just a little bit of

dampness, and work your way up. You don't want to overwhelm him

with your womanly fluids. Think of it like a slow-burning seduction."

"Okay," Claire said, nodding in agreement. "So, what's the best way

to make them moist and fragrant, then?"

Pam was quick to share an idea. "One way is to wear them while

you're aroused. Maybe when you're watching TV, cooking, or even

just relaxing. Just make sure to adjust your sitting position so your

pussy is pressed nice and snug against the fabric of the panties. The

heat and moisture from your vulva will work their magic."

Emily chimed in. "When you wanna soak your panties with cum, just

incorporate them into your masturbation routine like I do. Rub your clit

while wearing them, let yourself get really turned on, and then finish

yourself off. That way, your juices will seep right into the gusset of the

fabric," she suggested.

"And I don't know about you guys," Rachael added, "but I always let

my son remove my panties. Why not let him experience the thrill of

peeling a girl's panties off her aroused pussy, rather than just handing

them to him.

"God, that's so true," Pam nodded. "It makes the experience so much

more intimate and exciting. He'll feel like he's earned them."

"So, to sum it all up, I should start with a little dampness and build up,

incorporate my panties into my self-pleasure routine, and let Eric

remove them from me?" Claire asked, her mind buzzing with


"Bingo!" Rachael exclaimed. "Just remember, this whole process is

about pleasure, enjoyment, and building their confidence. Don't forget

to have fun with it. After all, isn't that what being a mom is all about?"

"That sounds like a plan," Claire said, smiling at her friends. "I can't

wait to get started."

And so, armed with newfound knowledge and excitement, Claire

began her journey into the world of mommy-son sperm trading.

Later that day, just before Eric was due home from school, Claire

reached down beneath her skirt and began to gently rub her clit

through her panties. She knew this was exactly what she needed to

do to wet her panties just enough for Eric. She could already feel the

warmth building between her legs as her vaginal muscles began to

tighten and loosen.

Claire slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties and

adjusted them, pressing her slick pussy against the fabric. She

moaned softly as the pressure against her swollen clit now felt even

more intense. The material of her panties felt wet beneath her

fingertips as she continued to rub herself.

Her mind wandered to thoughts of Eric, imagining him spawled on his

bed, beating his teenage boner while holding her panties to his nose.

As she neared her climax, Claire knew she had to be careful. She

didn't want to soak her panties too much, but still needed to leave a

noticeable wet spot for Eric to find.

With a final, shaking breath, Claire finger-fucked herself through her

panties, causing her juices to leak out and saturate the material. The

hot fluid originated from secretory glands located near her urethra,

known as the Skene's glands. The sensation was intense, and she

could feel the moisture between her cuntal flanges.

Claire knew she had achieved what she set out to do. She quickly

stood up and adjusted her skirt, feeling the slick, wet sensation

between her legs.

As she waited for Eric to come home, she couldn't help but feel a

sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that her plan had

worked, and that her son would soon be coming home to a treat that

she had so carefully prepared.

When Eric finally arrived home, Claire greeted him with a warm smile

and some casual conversation. As they sat in the living room, Claire

could tell that Eric's eyes were drawn to her body. First her huge tits,

which she knew was his favorite part of her. She wore a button up ribknit

tee with her skirt, leaving several buttons undone to allow him to

admire her tremendous tit-cleavage. Eric's eyes then moved to her

hips with peculiar interest. She knew that he could smell the aroma of

her wet panties, and it was driving him wild with curiosity.

"I bought you something today, but it won't be here until tomorrow,"

said Claire. She had paid the extra for rushed delivery for his Sperm

Collector and couldn't wait for Eric to try it out.

Eric's eyes widened, and his smile grew wider. "Really? What is it?"

he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Well," Claire began, her eyes twinkling with amusement, "it's a new

dick sleeve. It's like a Fleshlight, but specifically designed just for

teenage boys like you. It's called the 'Sperm Collector,' and it's meant

to help you collect and store your precious seed like a pro."

"No way!" Eric exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Is it

like a sex toy? Can I use it to jerk off?" he asked, his voice highpitched

with anticipation.

Claire could tell that Eric was becoming even more anxious, so she

decided to play along. "Yes, I suppose it is a sex toy. You can use it

to collect your sperm and even jerk off into it. It's made from a special

material that helps to preserve the freshness and potency of your

semen, so we can pour it right into my protein shakes."

"But," she added, "I must warn you, it's not your average jerk-off toy.

It's designed to be a bit more challenging, to make you work harder

for your reward. There are several levels of resistance that you'll have

to overcome to collect your load."

Eric's eyes widened. "Really? Do you think I can handle it?" he

asked, his voice cracking.

"Of course you can," Claire replied reassuringly. "It's designed for

teenage boys like you. You're strong and full of energy. But

remember, it's not a race. Take your time and enjoy the sensation

when you're using it."

Eric couldn't believe his luck. He had always been curious about girls'

panties, but he never thought he would get a mom who would share

hers with him. He couldn't wait to try out the Sperm Collector and see

what all the fuss was about.

His mom continued speaking. "For today though you can just cum

into my wet panties like you normally do. I'll scrape your fresh load of

semen into my mixing cup the best I can."

"Wet panties?" Eric asked, his voice high-pitched with anticipation.

"Yes, sweetie," Claire replied with a smile. "I was rubbing my clit

earlier to make sure my panties are extra moist and fragrant for you."

"Can I have them?" Eric asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Of course, you can have them," Claire responded, her voice dripping

with seduction, " but you have to take them off me first."

Claire sat on the edge of the sofa, her mostly bare legs stretched out

in front of her. Her skin glimmered with a soft sheen, almost like satin.

Her feet were arched, toes gripping the floor, highlighting the toned

muscles in her legs. She could sense her son's anxiety. "Don't be

afraid, sweetheart. Have you ever taken a girl's panties off before?"

He shook his head.

"Then let me show you how," Claire said, smiling. "Just slide your

hands up under the hem of my skirt, and feel for the waistband of my


Eric knelt in front of her, took a deep breath and did as he was told.

He had never been between his mom's parted legs before and it was

it was quite a rush. His hands trembled slightly as he slowly inched

them up, until he felt the elastic band of her panties.

"You've got them, son," Claire said softly. "Now, just hook your

fingers over the band and pull them down slowly, feeling the

dampness and the scent of my arousal. And remember, take your

time, we're in no hurry."

Eric bit his lip and took a deep breath, concentrating on the feel of his

mother's skin under his fingertips. He slowly began to pull the panties

down, his eyes narrowing with anticipation as the fabric stretched taut

over her mound, exposing a hint of her damp flesh.

He felt the moisture between her legs as the panties grew wetter, and

the damp fabric clung to his fingertips. Claire moaned softly as Eric

pulled the panties further down her thighs, feeling the pleasure build

in her body as he revealed more of her private parts to him.

"That's it," she murmured. "Just a little more. You're doing great."

Finally, the panties were at her ankles, and Eric hesitated, his eyes

wide with awe at the sight before him. Claire looked down at him, her

eyes full of need and desire.

"Finish the job, sweetheart," she said softly. "Pull them off me and

take a good look at what you've done."

Eric took a deep breath and finished pulling the panties off Claire's

feet. He gazed at her wet, shaved pussy, flushed and glistening with

arousal. He could barely believe his eyes, feeling a surge of lust and

hunger coursing through his veins. Then, he looked at her dainty

panties, the damp fabric making his eyes fill with wonder.

"Go ahead," Claire whispered, her voice low and sultry. "Take a sniff.

You've earned it."

Eric hesitated for a moment, then brought the panties to his nose,

inhaling deeply. The scent hit him like a freight train, filling his nostrils

with the heady aroma of his mother's arousal.

"Oh my god," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "They

smell so strong."

He breathed in deeply once more, savoring the scent, but then he

wondered about the taste. He brought the damp fabric to his lips and

took a tentative lick. The flavor was unmistakable, rich and sweet, like

nothing he had ever tasted before.

"Do you like it?" Claire asked, her voice soft and seductive.

Eric nodded, his eyes wide and dazed. "It's amazing," he whispered,

still unable to believe the situation he found himself in. "I love the


"I can see that," Claire said, her voice low and sultry. Her eyes darted

down to his crotch, lingering on the thick slab of his bulging boy-meat.

"You're fully hard, aren't you?"

Eric blushed and nodded, feeling the bulge in his pants flex with


"Well then," Claire said, standing up and giving him a sultry look.

"Why don't you rush to your room and take care of that. You're gonna

really enjoy those panties. I think it'll bring your masturbation to a

whole new level of excitement."

Eric didn't need to be told twice. He jumped up from the floor and

dashed to his room, his mind racing with thoughts of his mother's wet

panties and the taste of her arousal.

As he closed the door and locked it, he fumbled with his pants,

desperate to release his erection. He yanked his pants down and

pulled out his boner, which was throbbing with need. He looked down

at it, marveling at how hard it was, how much he wanted it to be

inside his mother.

He grabbed his mom's panties from the nightstand and took a deep

breath, inhaling the scent once more. It was overwhelming,

intoxicating, and made him harder than ever. He then took a small

taste, savoring the sweet, musky flavor.

He lay down on his bed and spread the panties over his erection,

feeling the damp fabric against his skin. The silky fabric was warm

and soft, and he could feel the moisture spreading over his cock. He

closed his eyes and imagined his mom's body pressed against his,

feeling the heat and wetness of her pussy against his penis.

He began to rub the panties against his cock, feeling the friction and

the sensation of the damp fabric against his skin. He moaned softly,

letting out a stream of small, high-pitched noises, and gripped the

panties tightly, rubbing his cock more vigorously.

He couldn't believe how good it felt, like nothing he had ever

experienced before. He was imagining his mom's face, her eyes

gazing down at him as he pleasured himself, and he was so turned

on that he knew he wouldn't last long.

He started to thrust harder, pushing the panties against his cock,

feeling the dampness spread over his penis, and he moaned louder,

his body tensing with each thrust.

He felt the familiar sensation building in his groin, the heat and

pressure growing stronger with each passing second. He knew it was

time, and he clenched his fists, bracing himself for the explosion.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Eric cried out, his voice high with excitement as he

came. His body shook with each spurt, and he could feel the warm,

sticky liquid coating the crotch of the panties.

He lay there, panting heavily, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He

couldn't believe how good it felt, and he knew that he would never be

able to go back to the way things were before he started using his

mom's panties.

"What are you making?" Claire's husband asked when he arrived

home later.

"A protein shake," his wife replied, scraping Eric's gooey semen off

the gusset of her panties.

"Are those your panties?" Fred asked in shock.

"Yes, Eric was using them earlier. I'm just cleaning out all his semen

before I throw them in the wash," she answered. Claire inhaled

deeply, Savoring the intoxicating scent. It was a heady mix of musk

and desire, lingering in the air like a promise of pleasures to come. It

was a powerful reminder of the raw, primal energy that had just been

released in her son's bedroom, and Claire relished in it, savoring

every last drop of its essence.

Her husband interjected, "Wait a minute, why are you adding his

sperm to your shake?"

"A lot of moms are doing it now. It's all the rage," Claire replied,

mixing the concoction in her blender. "Apparently, it's high in protein

and other nutrients, and it's a natural way to enhance your health and

sexual vitality."

Fred stared at her in disbelief, his eyes widening as he took in the

implications of what she was saying. "You're telling me you're

drinking your son's semen?" he asked, his voice barely above a


"I explained it to you yesterday. I trade my panties for what he fills

them with. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement - I assist him, and

he assists me."

Claire leaned back and took a sip of her shake. The taste was unlike

anything she had ever experienced before. It was sweet and tangy,

with a hint of saltiness that lingered on her tongue. She could taste

her son's essence in every sip.

"Claire, that's disgusting!" her husband scowled, watching her lick the

scrumptious cream from her lips.

"It's not disgusting. It's natural, and good for my body," she replied,

her voice calm and confident. "It's a modern form of nourishment,

Fred. You should be happy that I'm getting myself back in shape after

having the baby."

"But this is wrong," Fred insisted. "You can't be drinking that stuff."

"Oh, don't be so prudish, Fred. It's just semen. It's a natural part of life

and sexuality."

"But it's from your son!" he exclaimed, disgust clear in his voice. "You

never asked me for MY semen."

"Not to sound cruel, but you have middle-aged man semen and it

tastes disgusting. Eric's cum is fresh, delicious, and full of vitality. I'm

sure your crusty old cum would taste like spoiled milk by


"Gee, thanks."

"I'm not being mean, honey, I'm just stating the facts. Besides, it's my

choice to make. I'm a grown woman, and I can drink whatever I want.

If you want to continue being upset about it, then that's your problem,

not mine."

Fred sighed heavily, defeated. He knew that arguing wouldn't do any

good. He just had to hope that Claire would eventually tire of this

crazy new lifestyle they seemed to be living.

Claire finished gulping down her shake and gave him a satisfied

smile. "So, what do you want for dinner tonight?"

"Whatever you want," Fred sighed, resigning himself to the fact that

he would never understand his wife's new obsession.

The next day, when her son returned home from school, Claire

excitedly burst into his room with a small box in hand. Her six inch

stiletto slip-on mules clicked delicately against Eric's floor as she

sashayed towards him, hips swaying and tits jostling beneath her

blouse. "I have something for you!" she announced, beaming with


"Is must be the Semen Collector," said Eric as he tore open the

package. Sure enough, inside the box was the latest model of the

Semen Collector, a device designed to capture and store his semen.

"How does it work?" Eric asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, it's quite simple. You attach it to your penis, much like a

Fleshlight, but it has a pump on the inside that does all the stroking

for you. It's suppose to feel just like a real pussy, you can even adjust

the internal sleeve for greater friction. The best part for me is it

collects your semen into a receptacle that detaches, so I can dump it

directly into my shakes" Claire explained with a sly smile.

"Can I try it now?"

Claire giggled at how eager he was. "Well, I know you're probably

want panties to your nose while you do this. Want me to get mine a

little wet before you take them off me?"

"Sure!" the boy grinned. "I'll never pass up an offer like that."

"Bring your new toy and come down to my bedroom," she instructed.

"I'll get my panties wet then help you practice using it for the first


Eric eagerly followed his mom, feeling the excitement build within

him. He couldn't wait to try out his new toy and feel the sensation of a

realistic pussy. As she walked ahead, he couldn't help but stare at the

curve of her hips, highlighted by the tight denim skirt. Her movements

were a sensual dance, her buttocks swaying with every step, and he

couldn't wait to get to the bedroom and explore all that awaited him

with his new toy.

"Sit down on the edge of the bed, honey,"Claire instructed, her voice

sultry as she moved to her bedside table.

Eric's eyes were glued to her every move as she reached into her

drawer and retrieved a vibrating wand sex toy. He watched in awe as

she sauntered towards him, her ample bosom trembling with each

step. As she settled onto the mattress next to her son, her voluptuous

hips shifted sensually, drawing his gaze even further.

"What's that for?" Eric asked, staring at the wand.

Claire grinned with mischief, her feet slipping out of her heels. "This

will help get my pussy wet for my panty-sniffing sweetheart,"she

purred, her voice dripping with seduction.

With a practiced grace, she swung one leg onto the bed, her foot

confidently planted on the mattress behind him. Her body turned

towards his, and as a result, her thighs splayed open, offering Eric a

tantalizing view of the lace-edged fabric covering her most intimate


The panties were a deep shade of burgundy, perfectly framing

Claire's womanhood as they stretched across her pubis. The lace

trim added a delicate and alluring touch to the fabric, teasing at what

lay beneath.

"I like those," Eric said, his eyes locked on the panties.

Claire giggled, "I knew you would. I bought them specifically for you.

Now, let's get them nice and wet and fragrant."

She clicked on the wand and the vibrations hummed through the air

as it came to life. Claire guided the wand over her panty-covered

mons, sending a shiver of pleasure through her body.

Eric watched in fascination, his eyes glued to the panties as they

absorbed the erotic vibrations. He could feel himself growing hard, his

cock straining against his jeans.

Claire's hand moved with fluid and practiced motions, guiding the

vibrating wand over the smooth fabric of her panties. Her body

trembled and her lips parted slightly as she felt the pulsing vibrations

intensify. Eric's eyes were wide with fascination, his attention solely

focused on the enticing sight before him.

The vibrations grew stronger, and Claire's breathing became heavier,

her body twitching involuntarily with each pass of the wand. Eric

could feel his own breathing growing labored as well, his heart

pounding in his chest.

As the vibrations continued to intensify, Claire let out a soft moan, her

body arching slightly, her stiff-nippled tits heaving as she felt the

pleasure building within her. Her eyes were closed, lost in the

sensation, when she suddenly stilled, her body trembling as she


Eric watched in awe, his cock throbbing in his jeans. Seeing his mom

orgasm for the first time was quite the thrilling experience. Her mouth

made noises he'd never heard her make before and the look of

pleasure on her face was absolutely fascinating.

As Claire caught her breath and clicked off her toy, she opened her

eyes and grinned at her son. "Have I got a treat for you!" she said,

her voice full of mischief.

"I can't wait," Eric replied, his excitement growing palpable as he

stared down at her crotch.

"Yesterday you had a pretty easy time removing my panties," said

Claire, sprawling back on her bed. "Today we'll make it a bit more


"How so?"

"You'll likely be removing a girl's panties during the heat of passion,

so I want you lay down here between my legs on top of me and take

them off while I'm clinging to you and kissing on you."

"Really?! You'll let me do that?" Eric asked, like his ears had

deceived him.

"It's important that we practice this now, honey, so when you get into

a situation like this with a girl at college you're not feeling awkward."

Eric eagerly obliged, laying down between his mother's legs. The feel

of her warm skin under his touch sent shivers down his spine. He

could smell the musky scent of her arousal and hear the soft sounds

of her breath as she moaned and whispered sweet nothings in his

ear. Claire resisted the urge to toss her silky limbs around his welltoned

body and squeeze him tightly.

As he fumbled with the lace of her panties, she was clutching him,

twisting her fingers in his hair, and kissing his neck passionately.

"That's it, take them off me, honey" she murmured, her voice thick

with lust.

His hands trembled with a combination of eager anticipation and

nervous excitement, as if he held the delicate wings of a butterfly in

his grasp. The smooth fabric of her panties slid down her hips and

legs like liquid, revealing her soft and supple skin underneath. Their

proximity and intimacy sent a surge of electricity through his body,

making his hands shake even more as he completed the task of

removing her underwear.

As he rose victorious, Eric found himself kneeling between the

expanse of his mom's thighs, his prize clutched tightly in his hand.

The heat radiating from her bare skin gave him chills, and he couldn't

help but stare at the glistening folds of her femininity.

With her knees drawn back and her alluring feet suspended in the air,

Claire's smile was a mix of amusement and desire as she watched

her son take in the sight before him - her naked, exposed pussy

begging to be explored.

"Smell them, sweetheart," she encouraged. "Smell what I made just

for you."

Eric brought the panties to his nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the

intoxicating scent of his mother's arousal. It was a heady mix of her

musk and the scent of her creamy juices that had seeped into the

fabric during her passionate climax.

He brought the damp lace to his lips, savoring the taste of her on his

tongue. The salty-sweet flavor sent a jolt of desire through him, and

he could feel his own cock throbbing with need.

"That's it," Claire purred, her eyes never leaving his. "Taste the

pussy, honey. You don't have to be embarrassed in front of me."

Eric, feeling a strange sense of pride and arousal, nuzzled his face

into the damp fabric, the scent and taste of his mother's arousal filling

his senses. He could feel his own cock throbbing with need as he

savored the taste of her on his tongue.

Claire's eyes darted down to his cock-bulge, then back up to his face.

"Isn't it wonderful?" she asked, her voice thick with desire.


"Doesn't it make you wanna fuck a girl, honey?" she whispered. "To

slide your erect cock inside her wet pussy and feel the warm, slick

walls of her vagina pulsating around your tender shaft?"

Eric nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yes, Mom," he replied,

his voice shaky with desire. "It definitely makes me think about that."

Claire sat up slightly and patted the mattress beside her. "Lay down

here on your back, and bring the panties and your new Semen

Collector with you."

Eric eagerly obliged, sprawling out beside his mother. "Good, now get

your clothes off while I get your new toy ready for you to use," Claire


Eric quickly removed his clothes, and heard the familiar buzzing

sound as his mom turned on her vibrator. He watched in shock as

she laid down next to him on the bed and started stimulating her

naked pussy with it. He was puzzled because she had just mentioned

preparing his toy, but unknown to him, she had a valid reason for

starting with this activity first.

He felt as though he had a front row seat to a forbidden show, sitting

next to his voluptuous mother as she pleasured herself. His eyes

were glued to her supple figure, taking in every movement of her

limber body and the way her jutting breasts rose and fell with each

heavy breath. Unconsciously, his hand reached down and squeezed

his aching boner, unable to tear his gaze away from the alluring sight

before him.

Claire caught her son squeezing his cock through the corner of her

eye and grinned lasciviously. "It's OK, honey, you can pull on it.

Pleasure your cock, there's no shame here. I'll explain why I'm doing

this once I finish."

Eric hesitated for a moment before obediently taking his hand and

wrapping it around his cock. He started to mimic the rhythm of the

vibrator, pumping it slowly up and down, watching as his mom's

pleasure increased.

Claire's eyes widened as she noticed her son matching her

masturbating tempo. "Oh, honey, we're going at the same pace as if

we're fucking each other," she moaned, her voice thick with desire.

This was music to Eric's ears. "That's cool, right?" he gasped, yaking

his boner with full length strokes.

"Of course it's cool. It means we enjoy the same sexual rhythm."

"This isn't wrong for us to do though, is it?" the boy asked, feeling a

tad ashamed.

"We're not doing anything wrong. We're just enjoying our bodies

together and discovering new things about each other," Claire


Lying beside one another, their bodies shone with sweat in the muted

glow of the room. With an intense hunger driving them, they each

pleasured themselves with fervor, their eyes fixated on the other's

nakedness. A wild mix of lust and malice raced through their hearts

as they strove to outdo each other. The scent of sex and desire hung

heavily in the air as they moved with increasing frenzy, determined to

reach new levels of ecstasy.

"I love how you stroke the shaft of your dick, honey, " Claire cooed,

her eyes fixed to her boy's prick. "Make sure you sweep your hand

completely over your crown with every stroke. The glans are the most

sensitive part of your boner and you wanna make sure you squeeze

on its entire length just like a pussy would if you were fucking a girl."

"Like this?" Eric asked, taking full-length strokes of his teenage cock.

"That's perfect," Claire grinned, watching her boy enjoy the flesh of

his penis. By her estimation, Eric's boner must have been well over

nine inches in length, the thick stalk bursting with blood-rich veins.

Finally, just before climaxing, Claire lifted the wand and gasped

breathlessly. "I think that should do it?"

Eric's heart pounded in his chest as he clutched his cock, trying to

control his breathing. "What should?" he choked out, his eyes wide

with anticipation.

"The reason I wanted to rub myself first is so we could coat your cock

with natural lubricant," Claire explained. "That'll make your Semen

Collector feel even more like a real pussy."

Eric stared at his mom in disbelief, his erection throbbing harder with

each word she spoke. "So you just... used yourself to get me ready?"

he asked.

"Yes," she answered, then reached down between her legs to gather

her juices on her hand. "See?"

She reached over and rubbed her wet fingers around the head of his

cock, spreading her juices over the sensitive bulb, delighted in how

hot and engorged it felt beneath her fingers. Eric moaned softly, his

eyes locked onto her hand as she coated him with female secretions.

"It makes me so happy to know that my hot, slippery juices will help

you enjoy this even more," Claire said, releasing his cock and taking

the Semen Collector from his lap.

She carefully positioned the toy over his erection, sliding it down the

length of his cock and adjusting it to fit snugly against his cock-root.

Eric watched in awe as his mom expertly secured the device, and

since it was made of clear material they could see his boner through

it, making it seem almost like a second skin.

"Are you ready, son?" she asked, her voice a mix of excitement and

motherly concern.

Eric nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "I think so."

Claire leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips, brushing her

fat tits against his chest. "This is gonna feel incredible," she

whispered. "Just remember to breathe and let go of any inhibitions

you may have."

"Got it, Mom," Eric replied, his voice shaking with anticipation.

She clicked on the Semen Collector and it buzzed to life, pumping

around the erectile flesh of her son's cock.

Eric felt an electrical surge run down his spine as the device began to

work its magic on his erection. It was as if his boner had come alive,

pulsating and swelling with every pass of the vibrator. The sensation

was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he could

tell that the toy was providing a much more authentic pussy-like

experience than anything he had ever used.

"Oh, you're liking that, aren't you, sweetheart?" Claire cooed,

hovering beside him.

"It feels amazing, mom," Eric moaned, his hips bucking involuntarily

as his cock throbbed with pleasure. He couldn't believe that the

wonderful slipperiness of his prick was from his own mom's fuck-oil.

"I knew it would," Claire mused, her cunt dripping as she watched the

meat of her son's erection slip through the clear chamber.

Eric's pink cock-flesh, pressed against the spongy walls, mingled with

her slick fluids and his pre-ejaculate and put on a graphic display

within the transparent cylinder, mesmerizing the mother. "Now, just

imagine that's it's pussy wrapped around it, tight and wet."

Eric's mind raced as he tried to imagine his mom's pussy around his

cock. The thought of it made him harder than ever, his precum

leaking out of his cockhead, mixing with his mom's secretions.

Claire watched in awe as her son's cock swelled and pulsated,

entirely under the control of the Semen Collector. She couldn't help

but reach down and touch herself, feeling the wetness that still clung

to her fingers.

"You see, honey?" Claire whispered. "That's just a sample of what

you'll feel when a girl is sucking and fucking your cock."

"I love it!" he gasped.

Claire leaned down, getting a closer look at her son's boner as it dug

rhythmically through the tube of the new toy. It was like a majestic

sword, gliding through a velvet sheath, pulsating with a strength and

vigor that could only be matched by the force of a raging river.

"Your cock is so hard," the mother whispered, watching the muscle

and tendons strain at its root. "Just imagine how good it'll feel when

its wrapped in the pink flesh of a wet pussy."

Eric felt his cock twitch at his mom's touch, his mind racing with

thoughts of her and the Semen Collector. He could feel the vibrations

pulsing through his member, making it feel as though it were being

stroked by a real pussy, and he knew that he was on the verge of

losing control.

Claire wanted to increase the stimulation on his young body, to begin

testing his staying power, so she leaned down across him, pressing

her heavy tits against his lean chest. They felt exquisite to the teen,

even through her tight blouse, blanketing him with fluffy softness. Her

breath was warm on his ear. "Let go, baby," she whispered. "Let the

Semen Collector guide you, and let your cock do the rest."

Eric's body shook as he felt the combined sensations that were

coursing through him. The Semen Collector's vibrations, the feel of

his mother's plush body against him, her sweet smelling perfume

lingering in the air, it was all so overwhelming.

Claire continued to whisper dirty things in his ear to increase his

excitement level. "Just imagine that you're fucking the most beautiful

woman in the world," she purred, "with her tight, wet pussy clenching

onto your cock as you thrust deep inside her."

Eric's mind was swirling with lust, and he could feel his body

responding to his mom's words. He bucked his hips, driving the his

flexing prick through the clear chamber, wanting to feel the satisfying

friction of a wet pussy.

"That's it, baby, push harder," Claire moaned, her voice thick with

desire. "Fuck her deeper and faster!"

Eric's body was aflame with desire as he thrust deeper and faster into

the Semen Collector, his mind consumed with the vision of his

mother's pussy clinging to him. Claire's words were like fuel to his

fire, and he could feel the build-up of tension in his loins. "Yes, that's

it, honey," Claire cooed, her voice feather-light. "You're doing it just

the way girls like it."

As Eric's pace quickened, so did his breathing. The pleasure was

building, reaching a crescendo as Claire continued to whisper dirty

encouragement. Subconsciously, he began to grind his hips against

the striking device seeking to maximize the sensations he was


"Just let go, my darling," Claire whispered in his ear. "Let your cock

take you where it wants to go."

Eric's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt his orgasm building like

a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of his pleasure. With each

thrust, the vibrations of the Sperm Collector became more intense,

sending shockwaves through his cock, making every nerve ending

scream in ecstasy.

Claire, sensing his impending release, reached down and began to

stroke her son's cock through the Semen Collector, matching the

rhythm of his thrusts. "That's it, honey," she cooed, her voice a mix of

motherly concern and lustful fulfillment. "Let it all go."

Eric couldn't hold back any longer. His body arched and his heart

pounded as he let out a loud groan, his orgasm hitting him like a

freight train. Spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum began to flow into the

Semen Collector, accumulating in a creamy pool back in the

receptacle chamber.

"That's my boy...let it wash over you," the mother mewled, making

sure every ounce of his ejaculation was milked from his quivering


"How's your son liking his new toy?" Pam asked Claire as they lay out

at the beach with Rachael in skimpy bikinis, sunning their voluptuous


"He's loving it," Claire replied with a smirk. "He ejaculated four times

yesterday using it."

"That's about how many times Darren is using his," Rachael chimed

in. "Do you notice how much sweeter the boys cum tastes when they

have a powerful ejaculation?"

Pam turned to look at Rachael, a sly grin on her face. "I definitely do.

It's like their testosterone turns into pure honey when they reach that

point." She paused to lick her lips, as if savoring the memory of the

last time she tasted her son's release. "And you know how much we

moms love sweet things."

Claire couldn't help but laugh at their conversation. "It's a win-win for

all of us," she said. "The boys get to enjoy new and interesting ways

to masturbate, and we get to indulge in their sweet creations."

Rachael nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Plus, it's a great way to

keep them out of trouble and occupied." She gave a sly wink. "And

it's not like we're forcing them to do anything they don't want to do."

Claire adjusted her skimpy bikini top before her areola could peak out

over the hem. "I can't help but think about how much harder my son

would cum if I made some sort of sexual contact with him while he

was masturbating. "

"You mean like kissing or licking his body?" Rachael asked.

"Yes, or maybe massaging his balls while he's pumping his cock with

the Semen collector."

"Oh, I like the way you think, Claire," Pam giggled. "You know, you do

have those big, milk-filled titties, have you thought about letting him

suckle while he masturbates?"

"No, but based on the way he stares at them constantly I don't think

he'll object to the idea one bit," Claire snickered.

"Boy love big tits," Rachael added, "and ones that are filled with milk

are like the ultimate masturbatory fantasy. It's like a little cocktail of

hormones and desires all rolled into one. It's no wonder he can't keep

his eyes off of them."

Pam nodded in agreement. "I once read that boys are often drawn to

larger breasts because they subconsciously associate them with a

sense of security and comfort. It's why so many of us moms with big

breasts have such devoted sons."

Claire pondered this for a moment before speaking up. "I've always

wondered if that's why my son is so attached to me. Maybe he sees

me as a source of protection and comfort."

Rachael laughed as she lay back on the towel, gently rubbing her

breasts through her bikini top. "Who wouldn't be attached to such a

beautiful, busty mother? It makes carrying these big things around

even more fulfilling," she stated, glancing down huge, bikini-clad


"Well, we are enjoying THEIR sweet nectar. What's wrong with them

enjoying ours too, right?" Claire pointed out.

Pam let out a hearty laugh. "You make a good point. Maybe we

should start thinking of ourselves as bountiful fruit trees, bearing

sweet, aphrodisiacal fruit for our sons."

"Yes, and the more they 'harvest' from us, the sweeter and more

irresistible we become," Rachael added, running her fingers over her

fantastically plump breasts, causing a faint flush to rise to her cheeks.

"Imagine how good it would feel to have our sons suckling from our

tits while they're using their Semen Collectors on those big horny

dicks of theirs.c

Claire raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the suggestion. It was a

tantalizing thought, to feel the warm, wet mouth of her son on their

nipples while his sperm was being collected for future use. It would

be the ultimate display of maternal nourishment and erotic pleasure,

a merging of two powerful instincts into one intoxicating experience.

Knowing that her son may leave hickies on her breasts from

aggressive tit-sucking, Claire made sure to inform her husband of her

intentions. She didn't want any suspicions or misunderstandings to

arise and make it seem like she was doing something improper

behind his back.

"Before you run off to work, there's one more thing I wanted to

mention," said Claire as she sipped from her sperm-rich protein


"What's that?" asked Fred.

"Since I am helping him with sensitive matters, I've been thinking of

ways to strengthen the bond between Eric and I so I think I'm going to

start letting him suckle on my breasts while he masturbates."

Fred's jaw dropped in disbelief. "What?! So you are going to let him

suck on your breasts while he's, well... you know, taking care of


Claire smiled coyly. "Yes, Fred. I think it might bring us closer

together and help me feel more connected to him as a mother. Plus,

it might just make his... 'harvest' even sweeter," Claire said, taking

another mouthful of her protein shake and letting her son's sweet

ball-nectar linger on her taste buds.

Fred's troubled expression revealed his discomfort with the thought.

"Claire, you have a newborn to nourish. Eric shouldn't be depleting

your milk supply."

"Oh, Fred," replied Claire, "I'm not taking from our newborn. My milk

supply is more than enough to sustain both the baby and Eric. In fact,

the extra stimulation from nursing Eric might even increase my milk


Fred still looked skeptical. "But Claire, is it really necessary? Surely

there are better ways to strengthen your bond with Eric."

Claire shook her head. "I have faith in this method, Fred.

Masturbating and breastfeeding are two natural and normal parts of

life. It's not uncommon for mothers and sons to engage in a

combination of these two activities."

"I'm surprised you're letting him do this," said Fred. "You've hardly let

me touch your breasts at all since the baby came along."

"Honey, you and I have our own ways of showing affection and

connecting with each other," Claire reasoned. "This is meant to be

something special, just between Eric and I."

"Yes, but shouldn't a husband be aloud to play with his wife's

breasts?" Fred asked with a jealous pang in his stomach. "You've

hardly let me touch them since the baby was born."

"Maybe I'll let you give them more attention once Eric goes off to

college, but right now it's important that I use my breasts as a

masturbatory aid for him. Besides caring for the baby, my whole

focus is on making sure Eric has the hardest, most satisfying

ejaculations that he can."

"Why's that, so you can chug them down after he's finished?" Fred

asked sarcastically.

"Well, even though my primary motivation is to help our son, I will

admit, there's something undeniably satisfying about savoring the

sweet, creamy essence of his cum. It's like a little reward for all the

hard work I've been doing."

"Well, you can come up with a hundred ways to justify it, but I still

think it's weird and slightly disturbing," Fred said.

"So, you're saying you'd rather have your son ejaculate in his hand or

a cum rag and waist all those nutrients?" Claire shot back. "I think


"That's what I had to do when I was his age. My mother wasn't

helping me to jerk off and letting me suck her breasts, nor was she

drinking my cum when I was finished."

"Times have changed, Fred," Claire said gently. "And we are a family

that is committed to exploring new ways to strengthen our bonds and

make each other feel special and desired. I don't see anything wrong

with using my breasts to give our son pleasure while he masturbates

and then allowing me to enjoy the benefits of his ejaculation."

"You said all your friends are doing this?"

"All of them who have boys Eric's age, yes," Claire replied. "We're all

committed to helping our sons to reach new heights of pleasure and

sexual discovery before going off to college. That's why I've decided

to start teaching Eric new techniques to increase his sexual stamina."

"New techniques?" Fred's curiosity was piqued. "What kind of


"Oh, you know, things to help him last longer during masturbation and

potentially with a future partner," Claire said.

"But how?" Fred asked, genuinely intrigued. "What kind of techniques

are we talking about?"

"Well," Claire began, "I've been doing some research and there are a

few things I think will be helpful. One is called 'edging'. It's when Eric

brings himself almost to the point of orgasm, then stops and waits for

the feeling to subside before starting again. This can be repeated

several times until he eventually climaxes. It's supposed to increase

his control over his ejaculation and also make his orgasms more


"That sounds...intense," Fred said, trying to wrap his head around the


"That's not the only technique we'll be trying out," Claire continued.

"I've also read about something called 'Kegel exercises' that can help

strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to better control

over ejaculation resulting in unforgettable sex for both him and his


Fred shook his head, feeling both bewildered and jealous by the idea

of his wife helping their son with his sexual exploration. "I don't know,

Claire. It just seems like something that should be left to the boys to

figure out on their own."

"I disagree. We should be giving Eric every advantage we can. We

parents are his first and most important teachers, and I want him to

have the best possible experiences with sex and pleasure. As his

mother, it is my responsibility to help him grow and learn. If that

means teaching him new techniques or showing him how to use his

body in a way that will make him healthier and more in control of his

sexuality, then I am more than willing to do it."

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