KLRXO Stories

Chapter 83: Mom’s 5th Wheel Lovin_2

Chapter 83: Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin_2

Kate and Ashley strolled into the room and Kate swung the door almost all the way closed behind them.

Ashley knelt down on the bed. "Look at these two gorgous hunks in here trying to ignore us."

Kate followed, sitting down and curling her sexy legs up on the bed in front of them. "You boys don't care if we lay in here and watch, do you?"

Both boys muttered "NO," slightly distracted, as the two Moms sprawled out on their tummies. Kate and Ashley stretched their long legs out behind them and propped themselves up on their elbows, watching the TV screen.

Over the roar of machine guns the two Moms began to talk about hairstyles, as if they were alone in the room.

The women's legs were slightly spread and Kate kicked one of hers up, flexing her sexy bare foot as she just sort of waved it around a little, which she knew would command her son's attention.

Alec glaced down to the site just in front of him. His Moms dress had bunched up so much that he could even see the backs of her silky thighs.

He tried to focus on the game, then found himself glancing over at Tim's Mom, who now had both legs bent at the knee, kicked up and flexing her little feet. Like his own Moms, Ashley's legs looked strong tan and silky-smooth.

Alec and Tim both sensed that the other was gawking and they gave each other a quick look, both smiling excitedly.

Keeping one leg kicked up, Kate brought the other down and began to gently rub her soft bare foot against Alec's calf.

"Oh, dude, my guy's getting his ass kicked," Tim said.

Alec tore his eyes away from his Mom's legs. "So's mine."

Ashley rolled slightly sideways, looking back at them. "I'm sorry boys, are we distracting you?"

Kate rolled over onto her back, gazing back at her son. "I don't know how we could be...we're just laying here."

Ashley joined Kate on her back. She tucked her dress down into her crotch, leaving almost all her naked legs exposed and her knees scissored apart. "Oh but you know how boys are Kate...there's certain things that can always make their eyes wander."

Kate turned her head and her and Ashley looked at each other as they lay a few feet apart. "You mean like Mom's sooooft smoooooth legs?"

Kate extended one leg straight out and slowly slid the tiny little bare foot of her other leg across the top of it.

Ashley slipped one of her feet up the leg of Tim's shorts. "That's exactly what I mean."

Kate drew her knees back, brought them together, then parted them again, widening her spread. "They'll pretend like they're not, but we Moms know better."

Like magnets, Alec's eyes were drawn away fron the screen and down between his Mom's legs. The dress was now bunched up at her waist and he drew in a sharp breath as he caught site of Kate's panty covered crotch.

The gorgeous Mom had on a pair white sheer V string panties. Her pussy was almost completely shaven and a big strip of labial meat pressed up against the nylon fabric.

"Holy shit!" Alec thought.

His eyes traveled up to his Mom's face to find her staring back at him. She fed him that naughty little smile and gave him a cute little wink.

"They'll pretend like they wanna sit there and sneak little peaks at our legs..." Ashley said, sitting up and grabbing her son by the shirt.

She pulled Tim down on top of her. "...When where they really wanna be while they play is down here between them."

"Mom!!" Tim giggled, still struggling with the game controller as he now lay against his Ashley's soft chest.

Ashley wrapped her strong mommy-legs up around him, criss-crossing her little feet, right above his ass.

Kate sat up, just in front of her son. "Is that so?"

"Well then I guess we better not disappoint them," she said, then grabbed Alec by the shirt and pulled him down on top of her.

Alec giggled as he struggled to continue playing with his hands up above Kate's head. Her big titties bobbled against his chest and like Ashley, Kate brought her naked legs up and wrapped them around her son.

Outside, Tom and Jim still stood at the grill.

"Well, I'd say these burgers are just about done," Tom said.

Jim looked over at Claire who sat in a lawn chair flipping through a glam magazine. "Hun, why don't go inside...let everyone know it's chow time."

"Tuh!" Clair rose in a tiff, then went into the RV.

She strode down the hallway and heard her mom and Ashley giggling from behind the door, which was cracked open slightly.

Without opening it, Claire peeked inside. What she saw was quite a site...two middle-aged Moms laying side by side, clutching their teenaged Sons between their strong tan legs.

The Boys snickered as they continued playing the game, all the while Kate and Ashley had their faces buried in the boys necks, giving them wet kisses and flailing their experienced tongues against muscles in their necks.

"Fuck me!" Claire whispered to herself.

Flabbergasted, she watched as her Mom kissed up Alec's chin, running her long nails through the back of his hair. Kate tilted his head down and they started to kiss.

Their kisses became longer...more intense, until finally their tongues began to duel.

Claire's eyes traveled to Tim and his Mom who were already making out like a horny young couple.

Aghast, Claire noticed her brothers hips rocking slowly, dry humping his rock hard erection against Kate's genitals. She could see her Mom's heels digging into his ass, the muscles in those smooth dark tan legs flexing as they clutched and pulled.

"OH MY GOD!" Claire muttered under her breath, backing away from the door.

Ashley turned her head toward the door and noticed a shadow disappear from the doorway.

Claire stomped from the RV up to her father. "You don't fucking believe me...go in there and see for yourself."

"Believe you? What are you talking about?" Jim asked.

"They're down in the bedroom making out Dad...all of them!"

Jim ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Claire, NO...you gotta stop this!"

"STOP THIS?? OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SOO PATHETIC!" Claire shouted as she turned and marched towards their RV.

Jim fed Tom an embarrassed glance. "I'll go see what the hell she's talking about."

By the time Jim got in the trailer Kate and Ashley were standing in the kitchen innocently munching on chips.

"I keep telling Tom we need two trips like this a year...not just one long one in the summer," Ashley said.

Jim gazed down the hall and saw the Boys sitting against the headboard playing, just as before.

Kate turned towards him. "Hey sweetie, how are those burgers coming?"

"Good uhh, everything's ready," he muttered.

"Perfect. Boy's dinner," Ashley announced as she moved out the door.

Kate moved towards her husband and tenderly rubbed his cheek. "You okay?"

"We really need to have a talk with Claire," he said.

"Oh no...what this time?"

Jim shook his head, clearly frustrated. "These stories...they're just getting outta hand."

"I'll go talk to her," Kate said.

"Maybe I should come too."

"I can handle it...you and Alec stay and eat. We don't wanna be rude," Kate said.

Claire sat on the couch inside the RV sulking. The door opened and Kate stepped inside and sat down next to her daughter.

Claire gazed hatefully. "What do you want?"

"To talk," Kate answered.

"About what...how I'm making shit up?"

Kate kept her cool. "No. I wanna talk about what you saw...about what you've been seeing."

"All just innocent affection between mother and son right?"

"If you wanna keep acting like a child...I'll keep talking to you like a child," Kate said sternly.

"I'm not a child, Mom...I'm almost twenty."

"So then you want me to talk to you like a grown woman?" Kate asked.


Kate took her daughter's hand. "Grown women can share secrets. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Claire thought for a moment, then looked trustingly back at her mother. "I am."

"Okay then...what do you wanna know?" Kate asked.

"What's going on with you and Alec?"

Kate didn't hesitate to answer. "We flirt. We fool around. It hasn't gone any further than that yet."

"Yet?...Are you gonna have sex with him?"

Kate looked down at her lap for a moment, then back up at her daughter. "Yes."

Claire wasn't angry, but curiosity. "Why?"

"Because we're both sexually attracted to each other. " Kate said.

"But Mom, it's Alec...he's your Son."

Kate smiled. "Don't you think I know that?"

"I mean, I've heard that sometimes guys have those thoughts about their Moms, but..."

"But what? Moms can't have those thoughts about their Sons?" Kate asked.

Claire thought it through for a moment. "Well I guess, but...but what about Dad?"

"Well if it weren't for you, young lady, your Dad would be oblivious to everything that's going on between Alec and I. And what your father doesn't know won't hurt him."

Claire got a sad expression. "But don't you feel bad at all? He's your husband."

Kate giggled and moved in closer to her daughter, squeezing her hand. "Honey...if a wife is attracted to her Son, then she cheats on her husband...it's just what we women do."

"But I thought it was wrong to cheat."

"When if it's with another grown man yes...maybe...but this is different. A Mother and Son have a unique bond, that your Father could never understand. Someday...when you have a Son...you'll understand what I mean." Kate explained.

"So you think I'll be attracted to my son...like you and Ashley are to yours?"

Kate smiled and nodded. "Yes I do...but whether you decide to act on it will be completely up to you."

Claire appeared in deep reflection...almost smiling at thought. "Well if I feel the same way about my Son as you do Alex...I probably will."

Kate got a quirky little smile. "You have to admit...your bother IS a hottie."

Ashley giggled. "Well, all the girls at school certainly think so."

Kate squeezed her hand. "And what do you think?"

"Yeah, he's cute...I guess," Claire muttered.

"Took all you have to admit that..didn't it?" Kate smiled.

Claire got a bashful expression. "Okay fine...he's a hottie okay?"

"He's king of the hotties, sweatheart...he's an absolute hunk."

Claire excitedly gazed at her Mom. "I guess if I'm honest, I did get sort of a thrill when he took his shirt off at the pool."

"Oh, I know, wasn't he gorgeous?! Those strong arms...that lean chest...that bulge in his shorts...Mmmmm, yummy!!" Kate said bringing her knees together and fanning herself with her free hand.

Both her and her daughter started giggling, like young girls giddy over the cute guy in school.

"Damn, Mom!" Claire exclaimed.

"What, I can't help it...I'm in love with him, alright...and it's not the innocent motherly kind of love either. "

"Well one thing's for sure...he has a big dick," Claire said, making her Mom burst out laughing.

Kate's face was aglow. "Yes, your brother has a very large penis."

"Mom, I'm a woman, remember? You don't have to use little girl words."

"You're right...I'm sorry. Your bother is hung like a fucking stallion...that better?" Kate exclaimed.

Claire laughed. "So you were letting him stroke it...out by the pool?"

"Yes, but after YOU ruined our special moment, we forced into the clubhouse...and had to finish off in the girls bathroom."

"What do you mean finish off?" Claire asked.

"Well your brother needed to stroke himself to an orgasm. A boy Alec's age needs to masturbate his cock at least three to four times a day...sometimes more," Kate explained.

"Really? That much...I mean, I know Alec masturbates...but..."

"Your brother's balls are constantly producing sperm and if he doesn't get relief he'll devolop something called blue balls," Kate said.

Claire shared her Mom's look of concern. "I've heard of that. Lots of girls joke about it at school."

"Well, it's no joke," Kate said.

"I know...so is that what you and him did in the RV, when we stopped at the station?"

"No," Kate giggled.

"Well what then? You guys had the door locked. You must have been doing something."

Kate smiled a little in reflection. "Your brother wanted to see my boobs....and...I wanted to see his cock and balls."

Claire's eyes got big. "Ohh...well, you must have been surprised to see how big it was huh? I know I was."

"Alec is a very lucky boy. Most grown men wish they had a cock that big," Kate said.

"I thought my boyfriend was big, but Alec's cock looks way bigger."

"He's bigger than your father too...much bigger." Kate said.

Claire's face filled with excited wonder. " How big do you think Alec's cock is, Mom?"

"Well, I don't know...but I'm guessing close to ten inches."

"Wow! My friend Melissa got fucked by a guy that big. She said size does matter," Claire said.

"Well your friend Melissa is right...a big cock makes a huge difference and boys like Alec with the big dicks usually get all the pussies they want."

"Yeah, even their Moms pussies," Claire smiled.

Kate smiled back, squeezing her daughters hand. "Yup, even Moms pussy."

Jim opened the door and stepped inside. "Everything alright in here?"

"Yup, we're fine...in fact, there's something Claire would like to tell you," Kate said, looking at her daughter.

Claire looked at her mom questioningly for a moment, then remembered all they had talked about. "Dad I...I'm sorry. I was upset at Alec and umm...I made all that stuff up about him and Mom."

"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson young lady."

Claire squeezed her Mom's hand. "I have. I definitely have."

"Sweet, now the two of you better get out here before Tom and I finish off these burgers," Jim said.

Alec and Tim moved along a wooded trail near the park. The sun had just gone down and Tim's flashlight was all that lit the way in front of them.

"So how much farther to this campsite?" Alec asked.

Tim was carrying two sleeping bags. "It's right up here."

Alec was hauling a tent and a small ice chest with soda and snacks.

Arriving at a primitive camp site the boys began setting up their tent.

"Bet you'll be glad you don't have to sleep in the RV around your cock-bag sister," Tim said.

"That's for sure...although, this IS kinda weird dude. You're not gonna go Brokeback Mountain or anything on me, are you?"

Tim burst out laughing. "Oh my God, no way bro...I'm not a queer...hell no! This was my Mom's idea actually."

"Your Mom's idea??"

"Yeah, she's contantly thinking of ways that her and I can get away from my Dad. She's coming up here with your mom in a bit, so we gotta get this shit set up," Tim said.

Alec looked surprised. "They're coming up here?"

"Yeah, your Mom didn't tell you?"

Alec shook his head, confused.

"Yeah dude, they're gonna be up in a little bit to suck on our dicks," Tim said, matter-of-factly.

Alec's heart began to thump hard in his chest. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. That's why we....wait a minute, has your Mom even given you head before?"

"No...we only just started messing around about a week ago. The only thing I've really done is jerked off in front of her," Alec said.

Tim continued working on the tent. "Wow, tonight is definitely your lucky night bro! I mean, your Mom is smokin' hot. I thought my Mom's tits were big."

Alec started helping him. "So how long have you and your Mom been fooling around?"

"Since right after I turned 18. She started wearing less and less around the house, especially when my Dad wasn't around."

"So what's it like...having sex with your Mom?" Alec asked.

Tim fed him a beaming smile and shook his head. "Out of this world dude!"

Back at the trailer camp Jim and Tom sat around the fire having beers and sharing exaggerated fishing stories. The women sat inside the RV chatting.

"I wonder how those boys are coming along?" Ashley said.

Kate eagerly stood up. "Shall we go check on them?"

"Definitely, but we'll have to be careful. The last time I gave Tim a blowjob Tom nearly walked in on us. What a site that would have been."

"Well, you don't think they'll come up the trail looking for us do you?" Kate asked.

"Well, I certainly hope not. If we're in the tent sucking on the boys dicks we'll never be able to hear our husbands coming."

Kate gazed in at her daughter, who sat in on the bed texting. "I think I have an idea."

A short time later Kate, Ashley and Claire arrived at the boys camp.

Ashley hit the tent with the beam from her flashlight. "There they are."

"Mom, is that you?" Came Tim's voice from inside the tent.

"Yes sweetie, it's us."

Kate turned towards her daughter, as her and Ashley tied their hair back in a ponytail. Claire knew why they were doing this. She often did it herself before giving her boyfriend head.

"We'll be just a little bit. Remember if you hear or see anyone coming up the trail..."

Claire had an unhappy look. "Mom, I don't wanna stay out here with the fucking bugs. Just let me go inside and peek out the tent. I won't watch you guys."

Kate looked at Ashley, who smiled back. "I'm fine with it, but it's really up to you Kate."

"Please, Mom. Little girls wait outside, but you were gonna start treating me like a woman...remember?" Claire said.

Kate looked at her daughter with wonder. "Wow, look at you. You went from tattle-tail to moms little side-kick, just like that."

"Are you proud of me?"

"You bet I am. Come on." Kate said, then the three of them strode towards the tent.

Tim and Alec were lounging on their sleeping bags. Both rose eagerly onto their elbows as the tent unzipped and Ashley and Kate climbed inside.

"Well what have we here? If it isn't a couple of gorgeous teenaged boys." Kate said.

As the ladies crawled towards them Alec saw his sister climb in behind them and zip the door closed. "What the hell's she doing here?"

"It's okay, sweetie. Claire and I had a chat and she's not gonna act like a little girl anymore."

"I'm here for mom and Ashley...to be their lookout...and don't worry, I'm not gonna watch," Claire said.

Alec still looked concerned. "But mom, she could tell dad."

"Were you not listening to what Mom said, dweeb? Mom explained to me what's going on between her and you and I'm on her side now. Got it?"

Alec gave his Mom another baffled look and she gave a him a nodding smile in return. "Ok I guess."

Claire peeked out a little slit she left unzipped. "Good, so just...do your thing and I'll watch the trail."

Ashley turned the flashlight off, leaving the tent barely illuminated from the moonlight outside. Claire heard the Boys and Moms start to kiss and MOAN.

Alec sighed as he was smothered by his Mom's voluptuous body. He felt the spongy softness of her braless tits flatten against his chest as they began to make out like horny newlyweds.

This was new and exciting territory for Alec and Kate, but Ashley and Tim were in their already in their established element. Their tongues rolled and twisted together wildly as Tim rolled his mom over onto her back, the sizeable bulge in his shorts settling down between her legs.

Claire knew she promised not to look, but couldn't help but take a peek. Besides, she knew it was dark and they wouldn't know if she was watching.

Against the side of the tent, she could see the sillouttes of their bodies, entwined with lust. She could see the shadow of her Mom's head bury itself into Alec's neck and heard her bother GASP as Kate began to flail her strong experienced tongue against his flesh.

Claire saw the silloutte of Ashley's naked legs as they slid up and wrapped tightly around her Son's frame, clutching him as their bodies rocked, grinding their genitals.

"Holy shit!" Claire thought, as her heart began to thump with unexpected excitement.

After their five minute dry-humping makeout session the two Moms slid beside their Sons and pulled their shorts off. Their big jutting dicks sprung free and stuck straight up long and proud.

Alec felt his Mom clutch his rod and gently stroke it's length. He gazed down and watched the shadow of her head descend towards his groin. His body reacted with a spasm as Kate planted wet little kisses alond the girthy underside of his shaft. She continued all the way down to his baby-smooth balls.

Kate nuzzled her face into the soft of his scrotum, his nuts bulging against the side of her cheeks. The loving Mom inhaled deeply and her eyes rolled back with delight as the young verile aroma filled her lungs.

"Mmmmm." She moaned.

She drug her tongue along the bulging vein along the base, then up and over his bell-shaped head. Alec felt her hot mouth consume him, her pink tongue probed the end of his peter, tracing it's shape as it circled the engorged bulb.

Alec shuttered as her tongue went into flutter-mode. As it did, her mouth dropped further and further, feeding on his rod. The lucky boy's heart raced as he felt his entire length sink into his Mom's throat. Amazingly, Kate's lips sank all the way to his scrotum.

Before long both Moms sucked greedily on the straining young pricks. Claire stared on in awe as she saw the silloutted heads of both women bobbing up and down. It was hard to believe it was her own Mom and Brother.

The tent was filled with wet slurping sounds as both mouths sucked hungrily on the pulsing slabs of flesh.

Alec's cock leaked and throbbed in his Mom's mouth. His hips worked up and down, meeting her sucking strokes. The heat of her mouth and twirling tongue was out of this world.

"Oh Mom!" He groaned.

With her lips pressed around the base, Ashley made a lewd throaty GURGLING sound as she felt her son's bloated cock in her throat. She whimpered softly as she fed on his throbbing meat with desperate hunger.

As she listened to the Boys GROAN and watched the cock-starved Moms work their magic, Claire felt her pussy throb between her legs. Almost with a mind of its own, her hand crept inside her panties and her middle finger began to do little circles against her quivering clit.

Alec gazed down to see the shadow of his own Mom's head rise and fall vigorously. He could feel her tiny hand now clutching the base of his cock, jerking that portion, while she fed on the rest. His boiling balls flopped up and down from the power of Kate's clutching hand and mouth.

Ashley's cheeks hallowed as she provided a suction tight seal for her Son to fuck. Up and down she worked, using all the hot tricks she knew to make her sons prick throb and quiver against her circling lips.

The Boys could smell the strong pungent aroma of wet pussy. All three women's cunts were hot and swampy, craving the strong slabs of teenaged fuck-meat.

Tim whimpered, thrusting his loins and forcing his cock deeper and deeper into his Mom's hot throat. Ashley sucked harder, enveloping every inch of his thick member.

"OH MY GOD!" Tim groaned as hot bubbling jism began to erupt from his cock and down his Mom's throat.

Kate too was moving with such a deep steady rhythem that she literally sucked her Son's cum right out of his balls.

"OHH YEAH!" Alec cried as rockets of cock-milk began to pulse from his peter.

Claire's mouth fell open and a quivering orgasm ripped through her. She imagined the intense sensations her Brother must be feeling against his glans as she watched her Mom suck like only an experienced women could.

Long thick ropes of hot jism pulsed from their piss-slits, soaking their Mother's throats. The Boys bodies bucked and quivered as the hot lips and tongues milked their quivering organs, sucking and pulling at their young dongs.

Even after they were drained dry, Kate and Ashley nursed on their cocks tenderly, feeling the quivering meat deflate slightly in their mouths.

"Mmmm...yum!" Ashley finally said.

Both her and Kate crawled up and gave them a few quick kisses, then turned and moved towards the exit.

"Goodnight boys," Kate said seductively as the ladies made their way out.

The women returned to the trailer camp about an hour after they left. Their hair was back down and they giggled, chatting as they walked.

"There you girls are," Tom said.

Ashley stepped up next to her husband. "The boys have their tent all set up. Sure is buggy up there though."

Tom smiled at Jim. "Well I'm sure they feel better now that their mommies have checked up on them."

"I think so...what do you think Kate?" Ashley said, sharing a smile with the other Mom.

Kate winked back at Ashley. "I think they seemed very releaved by our visit."

Claire began to snicker and Jim watched her move towards the RV.

"Well it's nice to see her a little happier. Your chat must have worked."

"True...I don't think you'll have to worry about her making up those silly stories anymore." Kate said.

"Well thank God for that. Imagine her hating her brother so much that she'd make that shit up about you and him."

Kate shared a meaningful smile with Ashley. "I know, right."

Ashley rubbed her husband's shoulder. "Honey, Kate had an idea that I really liked. Since we've all become such good friends, maybe we can travel and spend the rest of our vacation time together."

"It's okay by me," Jim said.

Tom patted his wife on the leg. "Well it does sound like a good time....and if that's what everyone wants, then who am I to spoil the fun."

Late that night, Alec woke to a text message. He opened it to find a picture sent from his Mom. It was taken at waist level, with her peeking down at the camera over the swell of her mountainous breasts. Her nipples poked out, huge and engorged. Her hair was slightly disheveled, like she had just gotten up to use the bathroom. The dreamy look of love in her eyes was unmistakable.

"I WANT U," it said beneath the picture.

Alec's cock immediately stiffened.

The next morning Tim and Alec made their way back to the RV camp.

"Im gonna get a shower dude," Alec said.

Tim headed towards his family's trailer. "Yeah, me too. See you in awhile bro."

Alec enetered the RV and saw his sister sitting on the sofa reading her glam magazine. She flashed him a look and couldn't help but smile.

He noticed that Claire was wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy boy shorts with pink polka dots and a wife beater t-shirt. She was built a lot like their mother...shapely tan legs, a full luscious buttocks and large teenaged breasts. And although her tits weren't nearly as big as Kate's, they were large enough to turn the heads and harden the cocks of just about every guy at her school.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Alec asked.

She faked concentration on her magazine page. "Mom's in her room...Dad's next door."

Alec moved towards the bathroom. "I need a shower."

His parents bedroom door opened and Kate stepped out, meeting her Son near the bathroom entry. The big busted mom was wearing a pale pink silk button-up nightshirt. It fell just below her ass, leaving those gorgeous legs on display.

She fed her son a flirty little smile. "Hi."

"Hi." Alec answered, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable due to the events of the night before.

"Headed into the bathroom?" Kate asked.


Kate glanced at his chest, then back into his eyes. "Me too."

"Oh, go ahead, Mom...I'll wait."

She smiled lovingly, revealing her gleaming white teeth. "That's ok...you go first."

"No really, Mom. I don't mind waiting."

Kate giggled, then fed her son a playful gaze. "We could go in together," she said, raising an eyebrow.

Claire's mouth fell open as she peeked over her magazine, listening in to their conversation.

Alec giggled. "Mom, that bathroom's tiny, there's no way."

Kate moved in close to her Son, placing her hands against his strong shoulders. "Well, once we're in there you could lift me up and I could wrap my legs around you. Then we'd have plenty of space to do...whatever."

She rose up on the tip-toes of her cute little bare feet, her smooth legs flexing, then gave her son a soft peck on the lips.

Kate dropped one of her hands and Alec felt it gently take hold of one of his. She looked over at her daughter, who was blatantly staring at this point. "Claire?"

"I know, I know...I'll watch for Dad," Claire said.

"Thank you," Kate whispered, then led her son into the tiny bathroom.

Once inside, she closed the door behind her. There wasn't much floor space between the toilet and tiny shower. For a moment Mom and Son just stood there facing each other.

"Take off your shorts," She whispered as she reached under her nightshirt and slid her dainty little pale-pink panties down her luscious legs.

Alec dropped his shorts and and his big bobbing peter stuck straight out hard and proud.

Kate gazed down at it. "Well, there's certainly no room for that big thing out here. Guess you'll have to put it inside me."

Alec's mouth fell open, his heart racing with excitement. "S-s-seriously?"

Kate gazed at him, bit her bottom lip and nodded willingly. Just the site of this doting brown-eyed beauty made Alec's cock flex, arcing at an upward angle. It's big blue veins bulged obscenely along the meaty cock-shaft. The shiny bell-shaped head expanded as it ballooned with blood.

Claire quickly moved to the bathroom, sticking her ear to the door. She heard some movement coming from inside, but it was impossible to tell what was going on. Impatiently, she cracked the door just a tad and peeked in on them.

Alec was holding Kate up off the floor. Her gorgeous tan legs were wrapped around him, her arms thrown around his neck as they kissed hungrily.

Unsteadily, Alec took a few steps sideways then turned, pinning Kate against the wall. Claire saw her Mom reach down between them, grasping her brother's quivering rod.

Claire heard her Mom's voice quiver. "I need you."

The young teen felt his cock being guided to Kate's juice-slickened hole, his nob prodded and slipped through the steaming fleshy layers of labial meat until he felt it pop into the scalding mouth of her vagina.

Claire watched her brother's throbbing dong slowly disappear inside their mother, Kate's shaved pubic lips stretching around it's girth.

"Ohhhhh God!" Kate moaned.

Her inner rings contracted around the stalk, molding to its contours as the strong teenaged erection slithered deeper and deeper along her coital walls.

Kate pushed her pelvis forward and Alec GROANED in delight as he felt the rest of his cock sink into the throat of hot pink fleshy love. Her cuntlips were now plastered to the hairless hilt of his cockshaft, Alec's balls resting snuggly under his mom's ass.

For a long moment they remained still, locked and clinging in full penetration. Alec's cock was so fucking hard that Kate could feel his excited heart beat pulsing through his organ. She tightened her spongy box around his fat prod, gripping it and smothering it with hot slippery fuck-oil.

"UUUNGHH!" Alec whimpered.

Somehow, he knew that his Mom was communicating to him through her cunt. By her squeezing this way, it was as if some primitive maternal signal was being sent through his cock to his brain, saying "it's okay now...you're home."

"Fuck me!" Kate whispered desperately.

Alec set his hips in motion, sawing his big peter up and down his Mom's birth canal. His hands tightened on the soft warm flesh of her thighs as he held her up, lodged against the wall.

Kate rocked her experienced pelvis into her son, meeting his thrusts. "OHHH YEAH!"

She ripped her nightshirt open. Buttons flew everywhere as her big mommy-tits began to bounce and slosh against her son's lean young chest.

Alec groaned, as he felt her warm voluptuous softness clutch onto him, urging him to fuck the shit out of her. "Oh God, Mom!"

Claire watched their bodies pound together. She could see her brother's balls swinging wildly as he thrust his big peter in and out of their Mom's hot sucking hole.

Kate's strong silky legs were grasping at his young body like a mother-spider clutching onto its prey. Their bodies bucked and thrashed, writhing in the heat of the fuck.

"Holy shit!" Claire thought, as her hand crept inside her boy shorts.

Alec GASPED in pleasure. His whole world was centered around his cock and balls. His fingers sunk into the smooth firm flesh of her thighs. Kate churned and ground her hips, fucking every inch of her Son's strong quivering pecker deep inside boiling cunt. Her outstretched pussy-lips smacked against his hairless hilt as beads of fuck-honey lathered his phallis and dripped from his swinging scrotum.

The young teen could feel his Mom's tight coital walls squeezing and rippling, her pink soft inner flesh smothering the sturdy battering ram as it carved through the velvety pocket, packing it full of long beefy dick.

"Ohhhh sweetie, I'm gonna cum! Don't stop! Oh please don't stop!" Kate whimpered.

Hearing that his mom was going to cum on his dick gave Alec a sudden surge of overwhelming confidence. He wanted nothing more than to impress the shit out of his gorgeous Mom, so he increased his tempo, bucking his hips wildly.

"OHHHHH SHIT!" Kate screamed, startling Claire as she crouched at the doorway frigging her clit.

The girl was in awe of her younger brother. He held their Mom up with ease and like a porn star, was fucking the hell out of her.

"OH, OH, OH, GOD...I'M CUMMING! OH BABY!" Kate cried.

With a loud wail Kate flexed her cunt around her son's cock as she began to cum in a shuddering wave of rippling flesh.

The increased friction on Alec's penis sent him to another level of wild euphoric pleasure. His Mom's love-box seemed to be pulsing against his glans in a tight bubbling grip.

Alec GRUNTED and Kate felt his prick swell as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss rocked her body.

"OH MOM, I'M GONNA SQUIRT!" Alec grunted.

Thick ropes of jism churned inside Kate's clutching sheath as they spewed hot and milky from Alec's deep thrusting lance.

Even Claire's pussy quivered with orgasm as she watched her Mom and Brother's bodies shiver and thrash almost violently.

"Ohhh fuck!" She whimpered.

After a few minutes of kissing and grinding, Kate stroked Alec's cheek tenderly. "Oh sweetie, your body's shaking. You better put me down."

Alec eased his Mom onto the floor and leaned against her as they embraced against the bathroom wall. She caressed the back head with her her long nails as he lay his head against her neck, catching his breath.

Alec's softening pecker slithered from Kate's twat making a creamy, throaty plopping sound as it slipped out the gooey mouth of her vagina. It was followed by a thick frothy stream of fuck-cream.

"Wow, that was...uh...amazing," Alec muttered.

Kate gazed at him, with hearts for pupils. "YOU were amazing."

"No, I mean it mom...I've done it with my girfriend a couple times, but it felt nothing like that."

Kate smiled, stroking his head. "Well, your girlfriend is still young, love"

Alec let out a long drawn-out SIGH. "The way you were squeezing and making it ripple around me...how did you do that?"

"Years of experience, sweetheart. Ask any guy and they'll tell you...no one can fuck like a middle-aged Mom can."

Claire pulled opened the door. "Not true!"

"Well...not always," she said, standing in the doorway awkwardly.

Alec did his best to cover his cock with his hand. "Geez, ever hear of knocking?"

"Give me a break...I saw the whole thing."

"What are you a perv or something?" Alec asked.

Claire giggled. "You're one to talk...motherfucker."

"Claire!" Kate chided.

"I may not be your age Mom, but I have had a lot of experience. In fact, I've had guys tell me I'm the best cocksucker they're ever had."

Alec laughed. "Yeah and I'm sure they say that to every girl."

"I'm sure you're wrong," Claire glared, placing her hands on her hips.

Alec noticed the way his sister's large breasts were jutting out. He could clearly see her protruding nipples and the pink circles of areola through the tight wife-beater top. "Bet I'm not wrong."

"What, you think just because you have a big cock and that you've had Mom suck on it that you know everything...well you don't."

Kate put her hands on her hips and glared at her daughter defensively. "Well it seems to me, Claire that I've been sucking cock for over twenty years. I don't wanna burst your bubble, sweetheart, but I'm pretty sure that I can out suck a 19 year old girl."

"Okay, then prove it," Claire said.

Claire's eyes got big, as if she couldn't believe what just came out of her mouth. Kate too looked surprised, but Alec most of all.

Kate folded her arms under her huge drooping breasts, looking at her daughter defiantly. "Ok...you wanna challenge me...fine, come in and close the door."

"Fine!" Claire said, doing as her mom asked.

Alec looked at his Mom like she was crazy. "Wait a minute, Mom are you sure we..."

"No, it's okay, sweetie. We'll let YOU be the judge of who's better at sucking dick...me or your sister."

Both women knelt in front of Alec, who stood there looking down at them in disbelief.

With a little hesitation, Claire reached out and wrapped her tiny hand around the base of her brother's dong. His entire cock still glistened with fresh fuck juice.

She gulped nervously as she stared at the massive barbed head, huge and engorged. She slowly slipped it into her mouth and let her tongue slither around on it's smooth sweet-tasting surface.

Alec felt her tongue twist up underneath his bulb and wiggle against his frenum. This caused him to shiver and SIGH with excited plessure.

Kate rubbed his leg tenderly, gazing up with a smile at the pleasure washed across his face. "Well, little miss hotshot, I think you're doing something right already."

"Umm-hmm," Claire hummed, pushing her ovaled lips down around the throbbing prick-shaft.

Kate looked on as her daughter sucked hungrily on the meaty dick, while jacking the bottom half with a nice tight grip. Alec's big hairless scrotum swung back and forth as his sister clutched and tugged on the hardening phallus.

Alec watched his sister's face as she fed on his prick. Her eyes were closed and she let out hungry little whimpers as she sucked, like a starving baby nursing on a bottle.

He could feel her soft tongue slipping up and down the underside of his shaft. She relaxed her throat and GURGLED obscenely as she took him as deep as she could.

"There's still some left. Come on, Claire...take it all," Kate urged.

As hard as Claire tried she couldn't take all of the massive peter into her mouth, leaving about two inches unswallowed.

When she removed the dick to catch her breath, Kate moved in, taking one long wet lick along the length of the bulging pipe. When she reached the flaring head, the tip of her tongue began to wiggle wildly against the glans.

Alec's legs went weak. "Holy shit."

The blowjob Alec got in the tent was in darkness, but now he was watching his own Mom lick his big horny cock and it was the most amazing site he'd ever seen.

She wrapped her hand around the root and fed his peter into her mouth, which felt boiling hot. Kate gave it a few quick stroking sucks, then let it POP from her mouth.

The horny Mom gazed at the big purple tip with hungry eyes, then let her long pink tongue flail around it. Again, she stabbed the meat into her mouth and sucked greedily. "Mmmmmm."

Claire looked on, in awe as she watched her Mother's mouth drop further and further with each stroke of her brother's shaft. Kate's lips slid up to the head, then drove forward until his entire dong disappeared.

Claire's mouth fell open as she watched her mom's lips become plastered against Alec's hairless hilt, his balls resting against her chin. The boys knees buckled.

"Ugghh!" Alec sighed.

"Holy shit!" Claire whispered, realizing she was being completely outdone.

Kate bobbed her head up and back, sucking the big throbbing boner with deep slobbery strokes. Alec groaned. "O-h-h-h wow, Mom!"

The giant prong throbbed and oozed between her ovaled lips. Again she took him deep, making lewd gurgling sounds as she pounded her lips repeatedly into his crotch.

Alec whimpered with pleasure as he felt his rod plunging in and out of his Mom's throat. All at once Kate pulled the glistening rod from her mouth and offered it to her daughter. "Give up already?"

Claire rolled her eyes. "No fucking chance!"

She grabbed the dick at the root and sucked it into her mouth. The cock-hungry 19 year old stroked and fed on its girthy meat.

"That's my girl," Kate smiled proudly.

Alec peered down to find his mom smiling up at him. "You ready to have those big beautiful balls sucked on?"

He was in too much pleasure to speak and could only nod.

While her daughter face-fucked her Son's dick, Kate buried her face up between his legs, attacking his scrotum with her tongue. Alec felt her suck one of his testicles into her mouth, swirling her hot pink snake around it.

The lucky teen looked towards the bathroom door as he heard the front door to the trailer close. "I think that's dad."

Despite the warning the horny mother-daughter duo continued to feed on Alec's genitals. Even as a KNOCK came at the door their heads remained buried in his crotch. They were savoring the taste of cock and balls and nothing was gonna pull them away.

"Kate, you in there?" They heard Jim ask.

Alec tried to keep his voice from quivering. "No, just me, Dad."

"Where's your mom and Claire?" Jim asked.

Alec heard his sister let out a throaty GURGLE and looked down to see his entire shlong completely enveloped...her lips stretched obscenely around the root of its shaft. He felt both balls and his entire scrotum sack sink into his Mom's warm slobbery mouth and her lips press up against his taint. He put his hands behind both womens heads and let out a shivering sigh.

"I don't know. I think they went down to shower at the clubhouse."

"Well when you see them tell 'em to come next door. Tom and I are making breakfast." Jim said.

"Will do, Dad."

As Claire deep throated her brother's cock a stream a spit and precum burbled from her lips and ran down her chin.

With her Son's nut-sack stuffed in her mouth, Kate attacked the tender eggs with her tongue, battering them with strong wet licks. She let out a long drawn-out moan, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm!" Alec felt the vibration of her circled lips around the base of his scrotum.

Claire's head bobbed up and back, rolling her tongue along the thick throbbing hardness.

Before long, Alec felt his balls plop from his Mom's mouth and she joined his sister at his phallis. "Come on gready-butt, share your bother's dick."

The glistening rod slipped out of Claire's mouth and she let her lips drag down the side of its girthy shaft. Kate took hold of it by the root and slid her lips and tongue along the other side so both mother and daughter were washing the boner with long wet licks.

"Mmmm, such a yummy dick!" Claire whimpered.

They took turns nursing on the big barbed cock-head. Kate sucked and slurped on his knob, scrubbing it's smooth plumb-shaped surface with her tongue. As soon as Alec's cock POPPED from one mouth, the other mouth was there to gobble it up.

"That's it, sweetie...suck on that big throbbing baby-maker," Kate urged.

As they gorged on the quivering peter, Kate and Claire would look up into Alec's eyes, savoring his reaction. As they did this it struck him how truly similar they were. Their gleaming brown eyes, their facial features. Even the pouty pink lips circling his meat looked the same. One was just a young, less experienced version of the other.

"Soo fucking big...soo fucking juicy!" Claire whined, sliding her lips across the creamy head.

Both women were blowing his socks of with their cock-sucking skills, but he knew that Kate, hands down, had his Sister beat. His Mom was sucking his cock in a way that he never imagined possible. He could feel the maturity and experience in her mouth and tongue so that each time her lips sunk to his balls he felt as through his meat was melting in her mouth.

He felt his sister squeeze and tug at his balls with her tiny hand. "Do you like that little Brother? Do you like to have those nuts squeezed and pulled?"

"Claire, keep stroking your Bother's balls with your fingers. I'm gonna get him close and then we'll share his load," Kate said.

"Okay, Momma," Claire answered.

Kate smiled up at her son. "Ready for Mom to bring you off, hotshot?"

He gulped anxiously. "Okay."

Kate planted a soft kiss against his piss-slit, reared her head back alittle, then drove her mouth forward. Her luciuous lips stretched in a perfect circle as they lowered down the vein-encrusted rod, stopping against her hand, which was still clamped around the base.

Alec's knees buckled as his mom went to work on his teenaged prick, her gripping, tugging hand and hot fucking mouth working in unisone. Even Claire was awestuck as she watched her mom hungrily feed on the big dick.

"GGGNNNNFFFFF!!!!" Lewd throaty, sluping sounds escaped from Kate's mouth as her lips moved back and forth over three-quarters of her son's length. She flexed her strong tongue, letting it drag along the underside, plowing back and forth across his frenum.

"Oh yeah, Mom, suck me off!"

The middle-aged mom slowly increased her tempo until she was sucking at an unbelievable pace. Her long dark hair was flying. Saliva and bubbly precum oozed from the corners of her mouth and dripped from her chin.

"OHHHH GODDAMN!" Alec groaned, throwing his head back.

His peter throbbed and twitched as his mom literally fucked it with her hot mouth. It sent an electric jolt to his balls and Claire felt them jump between her fingers. "Mom, I think he's gonna cum," she said, feeling the scrotum tighten in her tiny hand.

Alec's legs began to tremble as he reached the edge of climax. "OHHH S-S-S-SHIT!"

Kate felt his cock flex in her mouth and the fist long rope of milky semen squirt from his piss-hole, straight down her throat.

She slipped her mouth from his pulsing pecker and Claire's lips dropped over gooey cock-head just as a second blast erupted, splashing across her tongue. The cock-hungry teen sucked with everything she had as two more long bubbling strands of spunk fulled her mouth.

Alec GROANED as his body reeled with intense pleasure. "OHH, OHHH FUCK, EAT MY LOAD!!"

With her hand still squeezing and tugging at the root, Kate pulled the erupting dong from her daughters mouth. "I WANT MORE CUM," she cried as she gobbled it up.

Alec's body trembled as Kate milked his lance, pulling what seemed like a never ending stream of fresh spunk from his nuts.

Mmmmmmmmnnnffff!!" Kate whimpered.

For a good two minutes mother and daughter took turns washing the teenaged dong with their mouths, nursing every fucking drop of cum they could get.

Kate finally smiled at he daughter. "Well, I think it's pretty obvious that you and I work much better as a team than against each other, don't you, young lady."

Kate smiled back as they both stood up. "I think you're right."

Kate's hand still slowly stroked his deflating prick. "And what do you think mister?"

Alec could hardly speak. "Whatever you say, Mom."

Both women giggled.

Later that morning the two families hit the open road, pulling their luxury RV's behind them. With the exception of sharing a few flirty looks, Kate and Alec behaved themselves for awhile.

Alec was listening to tunes when he got a text from Tim.



Alec looked up front and could see his mom texting someone, presumably Ashley.


About a half-hour later the families pulled their rigs into a small station for filling.

Jim was topping the tank off when his wife approached. Kate wore a white pleated mini-skirt with matching platform thong sandals. Her upper half was covered by a blue V-neck tank top, leaving plenty of bulging cleavage exposed.

"Honey, I think the boys are bored out of their minds."

"Well, not much I can do about that," Jim said.

Kate gingerly rubbed his shoulder. "What about letting them hang out back in the RV while we travel...play some video games or something?"

"Kate, you know that's dangerous....not to mention against the law."

Kate rolled her eyes. "Ohh spare me, Jim, what are the chances of something happening...or us getting caught with them back there...really?"

"Honey, you know I don't like..." he started, but then Kate cut him off.

"Ashley and I will ride back there with them and make sure they don't get into mischief."

"I'm not concerned about that, I just..." Jim started.

"Well I am. I work hard to keep that RV clean. I don't want them going back there and messing it up. Besides that'll give you and Claire a chance to talk. She really feels bad about making up all those lies yesterday."

Jim laughed. "Oh thanks, stick me with the cranky teenaged girl for the next three hours."

Kate moved in and pressed her tits against her husbands chest. What man could resist her charms.

"Jim, she loves you...and I love you to," Kate said, giving him a sensual peck on the lips.

"Well, make sure you tell the boys no horeplay back there...I mean it."

Kate rubbed him reassuringly. "Sweetie, just relax. Ashley and I will keep them in line if we need to, but I'm sure they'll be quite preoccupied the rest of the ride."

The boys and Claire came out of the store to find their moms waiting by the open door of the RV. Kate and Ashley whispered to each other and giggling like excited school girls. Ashley was wearing a pair of denim hipster shorts, a blue tube top and cute little flip-flops. She looked at the goods her son had bought. "Oh my God, you and that nasty Red Bull."

"It gives me wings," Tim joked.

Ashley fed him a naughty grin, showing her pearly whites, as her and Kate sashayed towards them. "Good, you're gonna need those wings."

"What do you mean?"

Kate stepped up to her son and gently drug her nails up his arm. "What she means is, you two cuties are riding with us Moms back in the RV for the next few hours."

Alec's heart began to thump with excitement. "We are?"

"Yup, you're going back there to play...and we're keeping an eye on you," Kate said, with a mischievous grin.

Tim got a cocky smile. "Sweet"

Ashley pointed at the RV. "Now get those cute little butts in there."

Tim and Alec flashed each other a smile and hurried inside the trailer.

Claire stepped up to her mom. "What about me. Can I ride back there with you guys?"

"Sweetie, Ashley and I want some alone time with the boys. Sit up front with your dad and keep him company okay?"

Claire frowned, "Mom, it's not fair...you guys are gonna have sex with them back there, aren't you?"

"Claire, come on now...I think I've been pretty fair about you being involved up until this point. Your brother and I need some time alone."

"But you won't be alone...Ashley and Tim will be in there," Claire said.

"You know what I mean," Kate said, loving yet sternly.

Claire lowered with sadness. "I know."

Kate planted a kiss on her daughters forehead. "I'll see you in a few hours, sweetie."

The rigs pulled out onto the open road as they continued their journey.

Inside the RV Kate and Ashley found the boys in the bedroom, spralled out on the bed drinking their sodas.

"Get those sodas off my bed you little Rugrats!" Kate playfully scolded.

"That's right, OUT! We need to get ready," Ashley said.

Tim said as he and Alec scrambled out of the room. "Fine."

Kate gave her son a playful swat as he passed. "And get those fucking clothes off. We'll be ready in a few minutes."

Inside the truck Claire sat up front with her dad. Jim glanced over at her. There was an oldies tune on the radio and he patted his hand on the stearing wheel to the beat.

"So you uhh..still feeling guilty about yesterday?"

Claire giggled under her breath. "I guess."

"Look, honey, it's normal for a brother and sister to fight. Hell I came close to killing my sisters countless times growing up."

Claire seemed to have something else on her mind. "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

"And you won't think it's weird that I'm asking this?" Claire said awkwardly.

"Well that depends on what your asking I guess," he said.

"Were you and Grandma close...when you were growing up?"

Jim smiled. "Well of course we were close, she was my mother, honey."

"Did she ever fool around with you?"

Jim got an awkward expression. "Fool around?"

"You know...stroke you...or suck on you...when Grandpa wasn't around?"

Jim let out a surprised chuckle. "Oh Claire, we're not going down that road again, are we?"

Claire seemed to be sulking as she stared out the window. "Well I suppose if she did, you wouldn't tell me. Probably because you still see me as a little girl...even though I'm almost twenty. Mom's starting to talk to me like an adult. It would sure be nice if you would too."

Jim glanced across at his daughter. He took a second to admire the long tan legs which were folded up on the seat beside her. Her cute little bare feet with pink painted toenails. The large swell of her developing breasts. She was truly a younger version of the love of his life.

Back in the RV the boys sat naked on the sofa waiting.

"BOOOYYYSS!" Ashley's sexy voice called out seductively.

Tim and Alec quickly sat up, gazing towards the bedroom. "Yeah??"

Again, they heard Ashley's voice from behind the closed door. "Come to the door, but don't open it."

The anxious young men rushed acrossed the trailer, their big hard-ons bobbing up and down with anticipation.

They stopped at the door, "Now what?" Tim asked.

This time it was Kate's voice they heard. "Here's how this works...

When we say peek in, you open the door, but don't come inside. We'll let you jack your cocks for one minute, then you close the door again...understand?"

Tim shared an eager smile with Alec. "Ummm, okay."

"Peek in," Kate said.

Tim opened the door and the boys both gasped with excitement as they found their moms standing at opposite sides of the room, at the foot of the bed. They were both completely naked, standing in identical poses, with their hands on their hips, big tits thrust out proudly.

One sexy leg was cocked out in front of them, slightly bent at the knee. The foot of that leg was arched, their sexy little toes squatting against the foor.

"Holy shit!" Alec said as he and Tim began stroking the heads of their leaking peters.

Alec looked his mom in the face and she smiled and winked back at him. His eyes traveled down her huge slopping breasts and across her thick round areola and nipples. He then lowered his sites on the flat of her tummy, across her navel and paused at her mound of venus, which was covered by just a tiny of patch of thin pubic fuzz.

Her pussy looked so cute and delicate, yet he knew that between the swell of her outer lips was layers of pink flesh and a wet slippery hole that could swallow his big dick to the root.

Ashley smiled hungrily as she watched them stroke. "That's it boys...pull on those big dicks."

Even though there was another naked woman in the room Alec couldn't tear his eyes away from his own voluptuous mom. He beat his meat with hard fast strokes.

Kate wet her lips with her tongue as she watched the fat shiny bulb slip through her son's hand. His long vein-covered shaft looked so strong and sturdy as it stretched way out from his hairless abdomen.

"Time's up...OUT!" Ashley said with a giggle.

The boys backed out of the doorway and pulled the door closed.

Tim leaned back against the wall, still pulling on his rod. "Holy fuck, dude!"

"I know right," Alec answered, nearly out of breath.

They didn't have to wait long.

"Ok sweethearts...peek in." Kate called out.

Tim opened the door and he and Alec's eyes got big as they saw the moms on the bed, facing away from them, on their hands and knees. Each was displaying her meaty buttocks, the cheeks of which were slightly parted so the boys could see the puckered ring of their butt holes. Both snatches were completely shaven and slightly splayed open, revealing layers of pink pussy-meat.

The sexy moms looked back over their shoulders, watching the boys gawk and pull on their throbbing dongs. "Oh Kate, just look at those hot teenaged dicks."

"Mmmm, aren't they beautiful," Kate said, watching her son's rod slip through his cum-coated fist.

Ashley giggled, shaking her ass. "I think they like what they see."

Tim watched his mom's sexy bare bottom swing back and forth teasingly. "Oh damn!"

Alec could see the backs of his mom's huge hanging tits, which seemed to bobble slightly as they dangled.

"Well we didn't lie to our husbands about the boys being back here playing with their joysticks," Kate said.

Ashley giggled. "And we did say we'd watch them close, which wasn't a lie either."

Kate winked at her son. "Time's up boys."

The two excited teens backed out of the entry and closed the door. Both continued stroking, looking at each other and shaking their heads as they waited for the next invitation.

"Peek in."

This time both moms were on their backs, their legs pulled back, bent at the knees. Alec's mouth fell open as he gawked at his mom's spread. Her smooth tan inner thighs looked so soft and inviting. Her fleshy labial curtains were folded open, revealing the mouth of her creamy pit.

Ashley arched her back, thusting her tits up, which were rolled slightly off the sides of her chest. She bit her bottom lip as she gazed into her son's eyes naughtily. "You boys can come in this time. Stand at the edge of the bed and keep jacking your dicks."

Tim and Alec stepped over to the foot of the bed and gazed down at the middle-aged beauties. Their relentless stroking created a lewd creamy sound as their peters were naturally lubricated by all the slippey pre-cum.

Keeping her knees thrown back, Kate used her forearms to scoot towards her son. She slid her ass right to the edge of the bed so that he was now between her legs, masturbating over her. Their eyes locked together and she smiled mischievously as she studied his arousal. "Well Ashley, I think these handsome boys like being alone in the RV with their mommies."

Ashley legs unfolded slowly as she threw them back into a huge spread eagle. Her little bare feet were flexed and pointed to opposite ends of the room. This made Tim SIGH excitedly and increase his cock-stroking tempo. "I think you're right."

As Kate and Alec remained lost in each others eyes, Kate rested the heels of her feet against his ass, trapping him between her strong silky legs. His dick was directly above her drooling cunt and a bead of precum dribbled down and struck her inflamed clit.

"Our poor baby boys have been suffering on this trip. Boys their age need to stroke their hard cocks as often as they can," Kate said.

Ashley gazed at her son from between her outstretched legs.

"That's why they have loving moms...to make sure they pull on those hard dicks and keep those balls drained, right sweetie."

Tim's voice was shaky from the force of his strokes. "Uh-huh."

"And there's just soooo many ways we can drain them too," Kate said.

"With our hands," Ashley said, as she did a stroking off motion with her tiny hand.

Kate rapidly fluttered her pink snake between her ovaled lips. "Or our lips and tongues."

"We can use our pussies," Ashley said, spreading her fleshy flower open with her fingers.

Tim's body shuddered as he gazed down into her gaping fuck-hole.

Kate used her hands to slap her huge tits together. "Or our big soft titties."

Alec's cock twitched and throbbed in his fist as he watched the soft warm flesh of Kate's breasts ripple each time they struck together. "Oh Geez!"

"And even our asses," Ashley said, rubbing her fingers across her cute little puckered butt-hole.

Tim jacked furiously. "OH DAMN, I'M GONNA CUM!"

"ME TOO!" Alec announced.

Ashley spung onto her knees and backed her meaty buttocks up to her son. "Oh baby, make that hot cum splatter across mommy's ass!

Kate sat up and trapped her son's cock between her tits. "Come on sweetie, let mommy help you squirt!"

The room soon filled with the sound of GRUNTING and GROANING as huge ropes of hot semen erupted from the boys piss-holes.

Tim sent huge ribbons of spunk splashing across his mom's ass. He squeezed her cheeks around his lance, making another gob of milk ooze out and cascade down across her butt-hole. "O-H-H-H SHIT!"

Alec removed his fist from his cock as his mom's squishy tits took over. Kate pressed her breasts tightly together, smothering his rod. Her handsome teen rocked his hips, fucking his huge hard-on through all that soft gooey tit-meat.

"Oh Alec, you're doing it sweetie! You're fucking your mom's big tits," She said as she felt a stream of warm cock-cream run down across her belly.

Kate watched as her son's cock-head emerged from between her tits and spit a thick rope up across her lips and chin.


She used her tongue to swipe the spunk from her lips. "That's my boy!"

Back inside the truck Claire unbuckled her seatbelt and slid over next to her father. She curled her smooth tan legs up on his lap, looking up at him as he fought to concentrate on the road.

"You can tell me you know, it'll be our secret."

"Tell you what honey?" Jim asked.

"About you and Grandma. You must have been horny when you were young. Mom told me that boys Alec's age need to cum at least three to four times a day to keep from getting blue balls."

Jim got an odd look. "Well that's a strange thing for your mother to tell you."

"She said that her and Alec have a special bond and that someday when I have a son, that I'll understand what she means. I know that you and Grandma must have had that bond too."

Jim glanced at her uncomfortably. "Well, I was close to your Grandmother yeah."

"Did you ever see her naked?"

Jim hesitated, but Claire rubbed his leg reassuringly. "It's ok daddy. I won't tell anyone...I promise."

"Well yeah, there were a few times that I saw my mother without any clothes," he confessed.

Claire got a big satisfied smile. "I bet she wanted you to see her that way."

"Well...I..." Jim muttered.

Claire looked at her father. "I bet she wanted to see YOU naked too, Daddy."

"I don't know about that honey."

"I think she did. I think that moms enjoy looking at their sons cock and balls...to see how big they are. I bet Grandma saw yours...didn't she?" Claire asked.

Jim seemed a little speechless. "Honey, I don't think..."

"I bet she sucked on it too...didn't she, Daddy?"

Jim gazed at his daughter, then back at the road...flabbergasted.

"It's ok if she did you know. You and Grandma were attracted to each other and fooled around. Grandpa never knew what you guys were doing while he was at work, so nobody ever got hurt. It's only natural, Daddy."

There was a moment of silence as Jim seemed to be heavy in thought. "So you're saying that you still think..."

Jim peered into the rear view mirror at the slightly rocking RV behind him. He felt his daughter rest her head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Daddy."

Back in the RV the boys were on their backs on the bed. Kate and Ashley were riding them, bouncing up and down on their big dicks.

Alec groaned as he felt his rock-hard pecker being milked by his mom's warm slippery fuck-pocket. He watched her heavy tits bounce and ripple wildly as her ass SLAPPED against his balls.

Kate whimpered as she felt the strong sturdy teenaged erection stretch her birth canal. "Unnnh, baby...fuck my pussy!"

Alec watched his thick, blue-veined boner slam up inside her. Her juices made his girthy rod glisten. "Oh damn, Mom, it feels soo good!"

She stopped bouncing and with her smooth outer lips plastered against her son's balls, she glided her hips up and back. "Such a big fucking dick."

Alec felt his rod being tugged back and forth, stiring his mom's hot clasping cunt. Dripping with fuck-oil, the pink spongy ridges of her vagina gripped his strong teenaged phallus, smothing its throbbing girth. "Oh baby, you're doing it! You're making me cuuuuuuuuuum!"

Kate HOWLED and Alec felt her cunt quiver around the unyielding hardness of his spear.

Alec heard Ashley SCREAM too and gazed over to see her big mommy-tits flopping around on Tim's chest. Her legs trembled as Tim bucked his hips, driving his long rock-hard cock deep into her warm slippery hole.


The boys smiled at one another as their moms cried and shook on top of them. Two big-dicked teenaged boys fucking the shit out of their own voluptuous mothers.

Kate gazed into her son's eyes with wild lust. "MORE!"

Ashley whimpered, clinging to her boy. "LOTS MORE."

The boys smiled and rolled their moms over onto their backs. Their hips set in motion and their big sturdy erections went back to work.

They felt their moms silky, tan, mature legs wrap up around them and their sexy little bare feet rest against their bucking asses.

As Alec fell into a steady hump, he reached under and gripped on to his mom's ass. His fingers sunk into the meaty cheeks as he felt his cockhead pop in and out of the mouth of her cervix.

"Oh, damn, Mom. Sooo fuckin good!"

"That's it baby," she sobbed, "fuck the shit out of me!"

Each deep hard thrust was ecstasy to the cock-hungry housewife. Kate clawed at the bedspread as her son pounded his cock inside her.

Alec fucked like an animal and it wasn't long before he felt that familiar tightening sensation around his cock.


As the RV wobbled slightly from the uneven road the boys big flopping balls beat against their moms asses. Kate body shook beneath her son as her pussy squeezed and sucked at his meat.

"OHHH MOM!" Alec moaned as he slammed his prick through the clasping heat of Kate's aching cunt.

"OOOHH BABY!" Kate cried, still cumming as she gyrated her ass, bucking up into every penetrating thrust.

Cock-cream oozed from Alec's piss-hole and mixed with his mom's juices. This created a buttery froth which lubricated the massive slab of prick-meat as it relentlessly pumped in and out of the cunt that gave birth to him.

Face to face, Alec gazed into Kate's loving brown eyes. She was panting from her orgasm and from the power of his thrusts. "Having a fun vacation loverboy?"

"The best ever," Alec replied.

She tightened her velvety legs around him, letting him feel the strength of a mother's clutch. She felt his cock flex inside her slippery grip and tightened her cunt muscles in response.

"HHHHOLY SHIT!" Alec's voice quivered, as he felt his pistoning dong smothered in warm slippery love.

Kate moved her lips up to meet his. "Rock my world," She whispered.

Alec increased his tempo, driving his dick deep. Their lips met and their tongues danced as their bodies thrashed together. Alec felt as though nothing else existed at that moment... nothing but him and the woman of his dreams.

He felt himself being swept away with his Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin.

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