Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru

Chapter 6 - Cleria

Ive managed to regain consciousness. But Im absolutely clueless about my current situation. Its nighttime already. But earlier, didnt we all

I snapped wide awake. Thats right! We were attacked by a pack of Grayhounds! Everyone else was defeated one by one, and only I and Captain Antes remained fighting.

And even my left arm and my right foot were I raised my left arm and found everything below the elbow was missing. I looked at my right foot next and sure enough, everything below the shin was also gone.


I was on the verge of crying, but I held the tears off.

Did Captain Antes treat me? Strangely, I dont seem to be in pain at all.

Perhaps Fal managed to survive! But I seem to remember her being brought down by a Grayhound in the earlier battle.

When I looked around my surroundings, I caught a glimpse of an unfamiliar man walking towards me.


I sighed in relief when I saw the girl wake up, cry out and then finally manage to suppress her urge to panic. She seems to be quite the levelheaded young girl. I gradually approached her.

Hi there. Good evening. Youre not feeling any pain, are you?

I casually greeted her. She wont understand what Im saying anyway.

The important point was to keep talking. Ill have to make Nanom compile and analyze the local languages soon.


I didnt understand the words the man was saying.

His appearance was also quite strange. His clothes were entirely pitch black and some parts were oddly smooth. When I managed to get a closer look, I noticed that his outfit was not separated into a top and bottom piece.

Just how exactly did he put it on, I wonder? Was it directly sewn over him? There were parts of it which shone in a strange luster under the light from from the bonfires.

Was he a travelling jester? No, that does not seem to be the case. He looked quite young. About 20 years old perhaps.

Just who are you? What did you say just now?


So youre not in any pain. Thats good.

Tonight was definitely a great tragedy. But dont feel discouraged. There are both good things and bad things in life. Some good things will surely happen to you next after all of this has passed.

I gave her some appropriate sounding life advice.


I thought I managed to mishear him earlier, but it truly seems that the man was speaking in an entirely different language.

But what does this mean? As far as I my knowledge went, no foreign country should be unfamiliar with the language I am speaking.

Did he come from a country that was completely unknown to us?

Did you come to aid me, good sir? But just where is everyone else?


Oh yeah, are you hungry by the way? I have some food and water here.

I took a pet bottle and some rations out of my backpack and showed them to her.


As I thought. This man seems unable to understand the words Im saying as well.

He showed me some items which looked like a transparent glass bottle and a square silvery box.

I have never seen such crystal clear glass before. I was honestly quite parched, but now is not the time for quenching my thirst.

Where is everyone?

When I scanned the surroundings once more, I managed to see the figures of my companions seemingly asleep on the other side of the clearing.


So everyone really was

See them I want to see them!

Cleria attempted to crawl towards her fallen comrades. But the strange man stood up and made a gesture which seemingly bade her to stop.


Whoa there. Thought this would happen.

I immediately stopped her. If her actions ended up opening her wounds, my hard work from earlier would be for nothing.

Okay then. Lets try out some charades.


The man began to move strangely.

He slightly stretched out both of his arms, sat up, walked three steps in the direction of my comrades, stopped and turned only his head back towards me.

While I remained petrified due to confusion, he went back to his earlier position and repeated those strange actions. He remained silent all the while.

Was he trying to tell me hed help carry me over to them? I dislike the thought of being touched by an unknown man, but I truly have no other choice.

I nodded my head in agreement.


Alright! I got through to her. Theres nothing impossible if you just try huh.

But this made me feel like Im really playing a game of charades, and I did it while staying whisper quiet. There wasnt any particular rule saying I had to stay silent or anything. Its a bit embarrassing.


The man approached me and held me up. Its my first time getting this close to a man not a part of my family. It made me slightly nervous.

We started walking toward my comrades. Oh, everyone

All of them had their throats mangled badly. Its just like what I saw during the battle. And even Captain Antes was

Everyone was laid out on the ground with their arms crossed in front of their chests. It seems that this man had treated all of them with the appropriate respect. He proceeded to guide me near each of them.

Liner, Jimon, Arro, Antero, Miese, Mirka, Orvo, Fal and Captain Antes.

They were all people who have served me since I was but a child. Fal was even a childhood friend of mine. My tears finally overflow from my eyes. I think I cried for at least five minutes. The man then brought me back to the spot where a blanket was laid out and laid me back down.


Fu~u. I really have no idea what to do when a girl starts crying like that. Guess she really was quite shook up by the death of her companions. Yeah, Im quite familiar with that feeling too.

Well then, I should get back to working on their grave. Guess Ill have to explain it to her somehow as well.


The man brought forth a shovel and started gesturing around once again. He mimicked using the shovel to dig the ground and burying something afterwards. He remained completely silent this time as well.

I managed to understand him right away. He surely means to give everyone a proper burial. I nodded in assent. The man went to work straight away.

Please hold for a few moments sir. Its unfortunate that I am unable to offer any help, but I too wish to send them off if possible.

The man gave me a stern look, seemingly saying not to delay him as he was about to send my companions off.

Like I said, I also want to bid them a final farewell.

The man repeatedly pointed back towards me, which seemed to say it was my turn to get my meaning across with gestures. I see, so we would not be able to understand each other without using such motions. This is a bit troublesome.

I proceeded to point towards everyone and then pointed back towards me. And then I repeated such actions.

The man made an expression which seemed to imply his understanding and nodded to me. I managed to get through to him. He seems to be a fairly smart man.

The man carried me up again and started walking back to where my comrades were. He looked at me, seemingly curious about what exactly I would do. I also gazed back at the man, curious about where exactly he would allow me to send them off. We spent some time in utter silence.

Then the man ended up bringing me back to my previous spot.

It was no good! This man didnt understand me at all!

Well, come to think of it, expecting to have him understand with just those simple gestures may have been too much. I thought for a moment and pointed to the shovel placed at the side. I then gestured towards the man. He picked the shovel up.

I gestured towards the man once more and imitated the action of digging with the shovel.

It was quite difficult to show it with only one hand. The man began to dig again while still remaining confused.

Afterwards, I pointed toward myself and widened my eye with my fingers. How about this? The mans expression lit up and made a gesture of agreement by forming a circle with his index finger and thumb while nodding. It looks like I did it this time.

After thinking for a moment, the man began to gather up the trunk cases which were formerly loaded on top of the carriage and brought them near the burial spot. He stacked three of them on top of each other and then had me sit on them.

He began digging once more. Hed already managed to dig up about a third of a hole which could fit everyone inside. I solemnly observed the proceedings whilst gazing at everyones faces. Tears fell from my eyes once again.

After about an hour, a hole deep and big enough to fit everyone in it was finally done.

The man had actually dug away for close to three hours. I am truly humbled by this. He then carefully lowered everyone inside.

The man seemingly remembered something and went back to get them. What he brought were apparently my severed limbs. The boot has been removed. It feels quite complicated to look at my own severed limbs like this.

The man gestured to put them inside the grave as well. I nodded. Everyone may depart more peacefully if these parts of me were to accompany them.

The man gestured to ask if it was alright to start filling the hole back up. I gestured to indicate that I wished to see the inside of the grave as he did so. I could not properly see it from my current position. The man understood immediately.

He carried me up again and brought me to a spot where I could see inside the grave clearly.

Everyone has served me well for all this time. Your unwavering loyalty is this Clerias lifelong pride. Please rest easy. Farewell.

I called out to the man afterwards, and he nodded back. It took another hour for him to fill the grave back up with soil.

Afterwards, the man brought me back on top of the blanket. I truly need to give him my deepest thanks for what hes done. I sat up and directly faced him.

I cannot find the words to suitably express the depths of my gratitude for your aid in this occasion. You had saved my life and allowed my comrades to depart with dignity. These are things I treat as truly worthy of recognition.

Thank you. This favor; I shall certainly return to you manifold. I swear upon the holy name of the Goddess Ruminas to reciprocate this grace without fail.

I brought forth my magic energy and swore in the name of the Goddess Ruminas. My body glowed as a sign of recognition from the Goddess.

Yes. I cannot allow myself to fall just yet.


Fu~u. Im beat. Im starving as well. I dont think I can get up anymore. I kept running around all over the place and even ended up doing some civil engineering work.

I thought about butchering and having one of the horses for dinner earlier, but nows not the time to be concerned about something like that. A~ah. But I really wanted to try some horse meat.

I finished the burial and brought the girl back on top of the blanket.

While I was preoccupied with thinking about how to invite her to have a meal, she gazed at me looking all serious and sat straight up afterwards. She began talking. A solemn aura radiated from her as she spouted long, formal sounding lines.

When she finished speaking and closed her eyes, her body suddenly glowed!

(What IS that!?)

[Unknown. The moment she closed her eyes, we detected an unidentified energy fluctuation for about a second.]

(But what the heck is it?)


I was surprised that even Nanom couldnt identify that phenomenon. Guess Ill just have to ask her directly after I gain the ability to communicate properly.

Oh well. Lets get to eating! Bet shes starving too.

I took out a pet bottle and two portions of emergency rations. I checked out the labels first. I think girls like sweet things more, so this one seems good. The emergency rations came in two flavors: sweet and salty. I broke quite a sweat earlier, so saltys my pick.

I poured water into a makeshift cup and handed it to her. She chugged it away with tremendous momentum. I took the cup from her and refilled it. This time, she just took small sips. She seems to be examining the cup intently.

I also took a big swig out of my own cup since I was hella thirsty. I have to procure some water nearby soon.

Well then, lets have some food next. I gave her the emergency ration. She gave a curious look at the ration but didnt do anything else.

Well duh. Must be cause Im dead tired. I took back the ration, tore open the packaging and handed it back to her. After gazing at it for a few moments, she took a small bite.

Afterwards, she shoved the rest of it down like there was no tomorrow. Guess she hasnt eaten anything this tasty before. Poor thing. She seemed the youngest among her late comrades, so she was probably worked hard by the rest of the group.

I also started eating. This things tasty alright, but it felt lacking somehow.


Im exhausted.

Rather, its quite the mystery that a person who just had her limbs torn from her would be this vigorous in the first place. This man was surely a distinguished user of healing magic.

It seemed he was quite surprised when I invoked the name of the Goddess earlier. But since he couldnt understand my words, his reaction was understandable.

Im sure hes curious about the contents of the oath I swore under the purview of the Goddess.

It was rare for most people to witness someone swearing an oath to the Goddess after all. Because of my position, Ive had several opportunities to witness such a sight already. But people not belonging to nobility might find such a thing unusual.

Afterwards, the man took out that crystal clear glass bottle from earlier. He also took out a similarly clear glass cup and poured water into it. He then handed it over to me. I was utterly parched, so I drank away with abandon. When I finished it, he refilled the cup right away.

When I calmed down somewhat, I noticed just how strange this crystal clear glass-like vessel was. It was quite thin, and after I finished drinking its contents, it was so light that I felt like I wasnt holding onto anything at all.

And its surface was perfectly even, considering its complex make. Just how much gold would someone pay in order to to obtain something this exquisite?

While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, the man handed over the silvery box next. How curious. Judging from its weight, it doesnt seem to be made out of metal. I cannot fathom its make at all.

After seeing that I was hesitant, the man prompted me to hand it back. He peeled away the metallic surface as though performing a trick; exposing the contents within. He then gave it back to me.

I was utterly amazed by what I witnessed once more. The thing I thought to be a metallic box was, in truth, something wrapped in an extremely thin metallic sheet. The metallic sheet was peeled away so easily.

The man gestured for me to eat it. This was food!? When I tried to bring it near my mouth, an enticing fragrance wafted out from it.

I bit off a small piece near the corner. Sweet! Was this a type of dessert? It had a mellow sweetness and moist texture. I ended up practically devouring it.

Fu~u, Ive eaten all of it up already. This was the first time Ive had such a delectable dessert.

The man had also finished eating his portion, pointed towards himself, and uttered Alan. He paused a little and continued. Alan Corinth.

Was he saying his own name? Speaking of which, I havent introduced myself properly either, havent I?

I tried and pointed towards him while saying Alan. I paused for a moment as well and finished by saying Alan Corinth. The man nodded happily.

I should introduce myself as well. I pointed at my person and said Cleria. I paused once more and gave my full name soon after. Cleria Starvine.

The man pointed back towards me and said Cleria. Cleria Starvine. He repeatedly said my name several times. He seemed to be practicing.

While he was preoccupied with saying my name, I focused on the mans expression. Even after hearing the surname Starvine, this man didnt show any particular reaction. As I thought, this man no, Alan Corinth didnt seem to be a local from anywhere in the surrounding areas.

But even so, was he actually a noble? I find it hard to imagine that items such as those glass containers and that delicious dessert were possessed by a mere commoner.

I was quite familiar with all of the main noble houses of this kingdom, and of the neighboring kingdoms as well. But I have never heard of a noble house called Corinth.

The moment I felt full, a sudden bout of sleepiness overcame me. It might be due to me being relieved because Alan Corinth may possibly be of a noble status.


I was glad that my attempt for a self introduction went quite well. The name Cleria Starvine kinda sounds pretty cool huh.

I wonder what her profession was? Maybe shes some kind of soldier because shes armed with a sword and wore some armor.

Shes of the same trade as me then. We may get to understand each other better because we shared some things in common.

There were still a lot of things I wanted to ask, but Cleria seemed pretty sleepy already. She gestured as much, softly uttered some words and plopped herself right down on the blanket. As for me, I was dead tired, but the night was still young and there was something I really needed to finish no matter what.

(We have an emergency! Well have to produce some prosthetics for Cleria by morning.)

No, we might not even have until morning.

[What level of prosthesis do you require?]

(Basic ones would do. They dont have to be for regular use. But I want them to be able to allow her to walk for at least several minutes at a time. But I dont want something unstable or breaks down quickly. You can use only the materials available to us here. Start designing them immediately.)

[Please scan all the available materials.]

While I was doing as requested, I recalled the shocking truth I just managed to realize earlier.

Cleria just drank a lot of water.

Shed probably have to relieve herself later.

She couldnt walk.

I dont think a girl lacking a foot and an arm would be able to go about her business all that well.

That means Id have to help her out.

A frightening future potentially awaited me! I must somehow avoid this tragedy-in-the-making!

My battle has just begun.

TL Notes: I changed the spelling a bit, but the official name of those monster wolves really reminds me of a certain dog breed And I also decided to refer to the nanom colony inside Alans body as Nanom. Singular. Its kind of like the collective hive mind for the colony, so it makes more sense to refer to it as one entity, even though its composed of lots of individual nanomachines.

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