Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 112: You Won't Sleep With Me

Chapter 112: You Won't Sleep With Me

Irina was furious when she saw him. "You are such an insolent man!"

Ryan was surprised to hear that, wasn't this the time for Irina to try to save him?

"Quit pretending." Irina said in a cold tone. "The last time you pretended to be sick, you attacked me without thinking. I won't be fooled this time!"

Ryan then stood up with a disappointed face, his wife had really become smart.

"Then you don't want to eat?" Ryan pressed the phone and was ready to order a meal.

"You eat first, I still have a lot of business." Irina opened her laptop and checked her work again. After a while, she noticed a name on the document.


"Ryan, do you remember the name that the taxi driver mentioned earlier?" Irina turned to him.

"Huh? Which one?"

"The most powerful man in the Pavona city, didn't he say that his name was Pablo?"

Ryan was surprised, was his wife interested in other people? "Why are you suddenly asking about him?"

"Because the person I'm meeting tomorrow is named Pablo." Irina frowned. 

She began to analyze the contract thoroughly. She definitely felt something was off. This contract letter was made by Pablo's company and its contents stated that Irina would be profiting more. What kind of businessman made a mistake like that? Moreover, why did she have to sign this contract directly?

"Hahaha." Ryan laughed and approached Irina. He then massaged his wife's shoulder and said, "Honey, you don't need to be afraid of someone like that. If he messes up, your husband will beat him."

"Don't worry, nothing can hurt you." Ryan said in a sincere tone.

Unexpectedly, Irina looked at Ryan with a smile. Seeing Irina's sweet smile, Ryan froze and then asked with a smile, "Then, are we going to sleep together soon?"

"You won't sleep with me." Irina quickly looked away.

'Tch! Her heart hasn't melted yet!'

Ryan then returned to the bed with a gloomy face. "Even though I've been looking forward to an exciting night with you."

In the next second, Ryan was kicked and fell off from the bed.

Irina took Ryan to her appointment with Pablo.

When they rode inside the taxi, Irina looked refreshed. It seemed that she slept soundly last night. Meanwhile, Ryan looked ugly and pathetic, the dark circles in his eye bags told it all. That was clear evidence of his wife's violence last night.

Seeing Ryan's face like that, Irina couldn't help but laugh.

"How can you laugh at me like that." Ryan said coldly. "If your husband's handsome face is damaged, our love will not last, you know."

"Oh..." Irina turned to him. "If you did what I said yesterday, you wouldn't be looking like this."

"You were able to beat up several people at once but you couldn't survive me. Isn't that funny?" Irina chuckled when she remembered what happened in the room last night.

Ryan wanted to be angry but he couldn't. A gentleman would never hurt a woman, that's the kind of principle he believed in.

Their taxi drove fast, and it wasn't long before the two of them arrived at the company.

After they approached the receptionist, someone guided them to get into the lift. Then they were brought to the meeting room.

"Please wait for Mr. Pablo to come here. He's currently in a meeting." The guide said.

"Okay." Irina replied. 

The guide immediately left the two of them alone in the room.

Irina was ready by taking out a copy of her powerpoint, connecting her laptop to a projector and practicing explaining again. Seeing how she prepared it, it could be seen that Irina was used to many meetings like this.

"Are you used to explaining your own business?" Ryan sat down while looking at his wife.

"Yes, as a director, I have to understand what kind of business I am in and I am offering. So I often take the time to present my business on my own."

Ryan smiled at her, "In that case, it is an honor for me to see the ability of the director of Avalerion, Irina Hagrim."

However, the woman looked at him coldly. 

Time had passed, it had been half an hour since they had entered this room.

"Why are they taking so long?" Ryan frowned. How could they make business partners wait for them so long?

"Be patient. The company is huge, so it's only natural that their meeting goes for long. There must be a lot of things that they need to discuss so just be patient. It will all be worth it in the end."

Having seen Irina's patience and grace, Ryan impatiently held her little hand. "Then, I will listen to my wife's advice."

Another half an hour passed, now they were already waiting for an hour. Ryan was really tired of waiting, he almost fell asleep. He could not sleep well last night, the sofa he slept on was not long enough for him.

However, the door to the meeting room suddenly opened and a loud thunderous sound shocked Ryan. "I'm sorry Irina, I was really busy earlier."

Ryan was half conscious when the voice surprised him. His reflex almost caused him to beat the person but he realized it was his wife's business client.

"It's fine, I was just getting here too. Mr. Pablo doesn't need to worry about anything." Irina then stood up and shook hands with Pablo.

"Don't be like that." Pablo smiled at her and kissed Irina's hand. "I've been waiting for our meeting for a long time. Then, is there anything I can help you with?"

Pablo's secretary then stepped forward and whispered to him.

"This meeting will discuss our contract with her company."

"Very well, it is better that something like this be discussed in person." Pablo laughed and looked at Irina. "You must be tired from coming all the way here."

"No, I'm excited to meet you." Irina also smiled back and wanted to withdraw her hand. However, Pablo still hadn't let go of her hand.

"Oh..." Pablo felt an unusual tenderness from Irina's hand. "Indeed, the nickname of the most beautiful flower from the city of Avalerion is not a figment."

After releasing Irina's hand, Pablo sat across from her. At this time, his eyes were fixed on Ryan.

"Oh? Your secretary seems to have just woken up from sleep." Pablo then laughed.

Ryan looked at him deeply. Even though Pablo was wearing a black coat, his belly was sticking out and a gold necklace hung around his neck. He also wore more than 3 gold rings. He really didn't look like a businessman. The number one person in this city actually looked like a mob boss.

"Then, let's get started." Seeing that everyone was seated, Irina wanted to start her presentation. However, a hand covered the projector.

"Ah, why are you in such a hurry? We still have plenty of time today to talk about our business." Pablo waved his hand. "In fact, I'm more interested in hearing about you. Irina Hagrim's reputation as director as well as the pride of Avalerion city has spread throughout the entire country."

"You are too much." Irina smiled even though she cursed the man in her heart.

Ryan's eyes looked cold, he was ready to beat up the man. How dare he tease his wife in front of him? Did this person really want to die?

"Ah, you really have a beauty to be proud of." Pablo added, "I heard that many men who chase your heart drown in their own tears because they can't bear with the heartbreak."

"Mr. Pablo, it's all just a rumor. There are many young girls out there who are more beautiful than me." Irina said with a smile. "How about we talk about our business? I will explain the strategy and goals of my company for the next 10 years."

"Ah, Mrs. Irina, don't be overly enthusiastic." Pablo intercepted Irina once again. "I can't make an important decision like this in a day. Besides, I also understand that the reputation of the Avalerion company in this country is extraordinary."

"Then, we will discuss our contract." Irina immediately shot.

"Hahaha I told you not to be so enthusiastic." Pablo's stomach quivered at his laughter. "We have all day to discuss this."

After that, Pablo looked at his watch and said, "How about we have lunch first? I know that you haven't eaten, let me treat you to lunch and then we can discuss business after that."

"But there are many things we have to discuss in this cooperation contract. I hope we can discuss it as soon as possible so that we can sign it as soon as possible." Irina politely refused Pablo's invitation. "Mr. Pablo, I think we better discuss our business first. After our contract is signed, then we can discuss other things."

"Hahaha." Pablo laughed loudly, but Irina did not know what the man was laughing at.

"Sorry, is there something wrong with what I said?" Irina looked confused.

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