Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 114: Punishing My Wife

Chapter 114: Punishing My Wife

Ryan and Irina then return to their hotel. The man said to Irina with a smile, "How was that? Your husband is reliable, right?"

However, Irina replied with a cold tone. "Why are you being so reckless?"

"Reckless?" Ryan looked confused for a moment. "He teased you and let you down, how could your husband stand it when you're being treated like that?"

"What's wrong with that? I can take care of myself," Irina slammed her bag onto the bed.

"You are my wife for heaven sake! How could I not be offended to hear him speak like that? I'm clearly angry as your husband," Ryan said casually. "He's lucky I didn't kill him. That insolent really dared to tell you to sleep with him even though I haven't even done it."

"What?" Irina turned around with an angry face.

"No uh, never mind. I mean he received what he deserved," Ryan said.

"Yeah but you really acted without thinking," Irina's eyes were filled with worry. "I've seen the kind of business Pablo is running in this city. He truly has this city in his hands. Not to mention that he's financially stronger than me. If he decides to attack me, my company will be in trouble,"

"Honey, you don't have to worry about things like that. If he dared to mess with you, wouldn't I be by your side?" 

"Have you forgotten about the Galaxy company?" Ryan sat on his chair. "If he dares to disrupt our company, he won't be able to sleep well!" He explained all of this in a confident and firm tone.

Would the ruler of the underworld submit to a snake controlling one small town? He had a thousand ways to bring down the snake.

"So, my beautiful wife doesn't have to worry about small threats like that. With me by your side, you'll always be safe. You just need to take good care of yourself honey," Ryan said with a laugh.

However, Irina still frowned. "Easy for you to say. This contract letter was signed at a very profitable advantage for my company. What if he doesn't comply?"

"Tell me if he did things," Ryan said casually. "I have a way for him to comply with that contract."

Ryan would give him an endless torture if he dared to lie to his wife.

"You really..." Irina shook her head. "Then we better get out of here. Don't let us meet him again."

Irina's worries were simple. They just beat a boss to a pulp, how could he not take revenge?

And this time, Ryan had offended the lord who controlled the city both in light and darkness. It wouldn't be surprising if there was an evil plan waiting for him.

"Just relax," Ryan then stood up. "Trust me, your husband will protect you 24/7,"

Irina nodded but still looked worried at the same time.

"Hey, I said relax," Ryan walked over to her and hugged her. "This isn't like the usual wife I love. Since when did you become worried like this? If you doubt your husband's abilities again, I will punish you with our family law," he wanted to revive the atmosphere.

"But Pablo is not just anyone. He has a background as a gangster," Irina was really worried. Hearing this, Ryan instantly pushed her against the wall.

"I told you earlier, right? If you don't believe me then I will punish you with our family law," Ryan said.

"What family law?" Irina rebelled but Ryan gave her no chance to run away and held her firmly.

"Of course you know what I mean," Ryan blinked and carried Irina to the bed. He climbed on top of Irina, facing the woman down from above her.

"What do you want to do?!" There was an annoyance in Irina's tone.

"Of course punishing you with our family law," Ryan unzipped Irina's pants and held her hands together so that she couldn't revolt.

While he tried his best to hold back his passion, Ryan turned Irina's body around and now their position was like a parent ready to punish their child by spanking her ass.


The loud voice was heard, Irina's soft ass was really nice to hit.

"HEY!" Irina was really embarrassed as she struggled incessantly.

"Honey, I'm sorry but this is your punishment because you don't trust me," Ryan hit Irina's ass once again. The woman's bottom cheek quickly turned red even though Ryan's slap was not too hard.

"STOP!" Irina didn't expect that Ryan would do something embarrassing like this. However, for some reason, those two slaps on her butt weren't as painful as she thought. Instead, Irina felt that the faint stinging pain ran through her body and made her feel hot.

"No, I have to punish you!" The man had only spanked his wife's soft buttocks two times, how could he be satisfied?

Ryan slapped her ass once again. With his inner strength, each of his slaps stimulated Irina's body and made her unable to resist herself.

Of course, the third slap made Irina sigh erotically. Ryan couldn't stop laughing seeing her.

For him, formalizing this relationship was his ultimate goal.

"How about it? You still don't trust your husband?" Ryan whispered right in Irina's ear.

"Okay, I trust you. Now let me go," Irina's face was completely red, she couldn't stand this embarrassment.

However, Ryan whispered in her ear, "Honey, how could I let you go?" 

He quickly sat Irina on his lap and began to enjoy Irina's beautiful and smooth neck.

"Ryan! Don't!" Irina started to rebel again.


At this time, Ryan slapped her butt once again. Irina suddenly lost her strength and let out a loud sigh which sounded very erotic! She didn't think she could sigh like that and was really embarrassed by it. Why was she always helpless when faced with this man?

Irina tried to push Ryan as hard as she could. Now there was a little gap between them.

"Honey, why are you so embarrassed?" When Ryan tried to hug her again, a sound of crowds clashing suddenly came from outside.

Ryan tried to hear it with his super hearing and then realized that there were many people only a few steps away outside their door.

Were they Pablo's man?

Ryan took a deep breath. Only Pablo had the resources to mobilize this many people.


Ryan suddenly turned serious. Why were there so many gun noises? 

He quickly whispered in Irina's ear, "Shut up, there's people outside our room."

"Let me go!" Irina would not be fooled by Ryan's tricks again.

"I'm serious! Don't move." Ryan quickly covered Irina's mouth with his hand. However, Irina bit it hard.

"Hey! It hurts you know!" Ryan screamed in pain. However, the noise from the outside suddenly disappeared. This made Ryan even more restless.

The time to fight had come!


Suddenly, Ryan and Irina's door exploded and shattered into pieces. Then, a smoke bomb was thrown inside from the direction of the door and quickly filled the room.

Was that a special unit?

Ryan started to worry about Irina's safety. He quickly took Irina under the mattress and said, "No matter what, stay quiet and don't get out of here,"

Irina was so scared that she just nodded her head.

Ryan quickly moved and kicked the smoke bomb towards the door.

At this time, a fully equipped cop lunged in with an assault rifle in his hand. As soon as he saw Ryan, he immediately raised his gun.

However, Ryan was much faster than him. When he tried to aim at Ryan, the man was already holding his gun and he couldn't move.

The policeman reacted quickly by taking off his gun which was being held by Ryan. The cop immediately gave Ryan an elbow strike. However, Ryan avoided him and kicked him. It made him bounce back a few steps backwards.

The policeman roared in pain but Ryan was in front of him!


The cop stared at the wall outside the room.

The special unit outside was surprised to see him. 

What was really happening?

Their friend who was also the greatest among them only lasted 10 seconds inside? 

But thanks to the special training they received, they were completely undaunted and gripped their weapons tightly. They quickly monitored the situation but there was no movement inside.

This silence was terrifying.

Two special units began to enter simultaneously. Both teams lined up while giving back signs or hand gestures. However, when they were checking the bathroom, a figure jumped out.


The sound of people fighting hand-to-hand could be heard from within. This time, the two policemen didn't respond at all after 20 seconds of going inside. The others outside were starting to get anxious. Their opponent this time was very strong!

"You are already surrounded, give up and get out of your room!" One of them screamed.

"Come in and try to make me give up if you can!" Ryan's voice was full of confidence.

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