Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 117: The Contract

Chapter 117: The Contract

"If you were killed just now, the news of you being killed wouldn't come out. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes." This meant that even if he and his subordinates were killed, Ryan would not be subject to any legal consequences. In fact, Jacob could be reported of running away with all of his dirty money. This was the advantage of manipulating the news and becoming a member of the Alkonost Ordo.

"Alright, you should understand what you have to do after this," Elizabeth said her last warning to Jacob who was still lowering his head.

Her figure then quickly disappeared from the location.

The color in Jacob's face finally returned. Perhaps, he had survived an incident that could ruin his life today. As he walked back to Pablo, Pablo asked, "Who is that woman?"

"Don't ask things you don't want to know," Jacob glared at Pablo then walked over to Ryan, taking off his hat.

Seeing the police chief approaching, Ryan casually said, "So, do I still need to come to your office?"

"Hahaha I was kidding," Jacob smiled bitterly. "I am really, really sorry. I'm a fool so I often make mistakes like this,"

Ryan laughed with satisfaction in his heart. Elizabeth really helped him today.

"Oh, don't be like that. After all, I heard the police department in Pavona have a magnificent building. I want to see it," Ryan teased with a sarcastic tone.

"Our buildings are cramped and dirty, great people like you must feel uncomfortable there." Jacob was about to cry. This was the first time he looked so low and pathetic in front of someone.

What's more, the woman from earlier said that if he even dared to touch the hem of this person's shirt, his illegal transactions would be exposed to the public. So Ryan's joke just now was really not funny to him. 

"Oh, what are you talking about? It's clear that the gentleman's subordinate was injured because of me. Just catch me now, I'm responsible for my careless actions."

Jacob completely forgot about this. This guy sure knew how to put people down!

"Hahaha, all of my men slipped and passed out, it's nobody's fault," Jacob said with a smile. "I'll reprimand them to be careful next time."

"Didn't you say earlier that it was my fault? Everyone must have heard it clearly through your megaphone," Jacob's face paled when he heard that.

"Never mind sir, I admit that it was all my fault. It's not good to break the law, I have to be taken to court," Ryan said that he was wise. However, the more Ryan spoke, the more Jacob wanted to cry. He hoped this person would leave soon because his old heart could not stand it.

"It's all just a misunderstanding. How could a nice person like you hurt the police? All that was just a misunderstanding!" Jacob didn't know how many buckets of sweat had seeped out his skin. His only hope was for this person to release him immediately.

Jacob faced the man with both hands tied. He couldn't touch this person at all.

"I didn't hurt them until they fainted? Did I hear it correctly just now?" Ryan pretended to be confused, but he smiled broadly inside his heart.

"No, no, no. I swear on my name," Jacob answered quickly. "You are a good citizen and it is our job to protect you,"

"Then why did you call everyone here?" Ryan turned to the policeman who was still tense.

"Hahaha they were all shocked when they heard their friends slipped until they fainted. They rushed here to see them," Jacob said with a smile.

"You do have a thick face, I like it." Ryan said with a laugh.

When Ryan laughed, Jacob laughed too. As long as the other party was happy, Jacob was happy too.

"Then, can I..." Jacob asked carefully.

"Yes, go on. I'm satisfied," Ryan waved his hand.

When Jacob took just one step, Ryan yelled at him. "Wait!"

My God, what's wrong with this guy?

When he turned his head, Jacob had already put on his mask.

"Don't be nervous like that. I just want to remind you. I don't want to be disturbed as long as I'm in this city," Ryan said.

"Don't worry. Whoever dares to bother you is the enemy of the entire police force!" Jacob quickly lowered his head in respect.

He then turned around and left Ryan. Jacob could not tell whether his pants were wet with sweat or he had peed a little.

"Jacob, what was that about?" Pablo immediately approached his friend. When he saw Jacob looking down at Ryan, he felt a bad feeling.

Did Ryan have an acquaintance in the police department with a stronger position?

Pablo had to determine what really happened.

"Don't ever contact me again," Jacob then pushed Pablo. The man felt stupid for almost losing his throne for someone like Pablo. He then added, "If you want to die, just die alone and don't drag me into your mess next time!"

Jacob then left him and ordered his men to bring their comrades who had passed out on the 9th floor.

When he heard the response, Pablo was completely shocked. It could be said that he had been working with Jacob to control the city of Pavona both outside and inside. Moreover, Pablo could learn many things thanks to Jacob.

He was certain that the woman from earlier had said something to Jacob. Pablo could see it from how Jacob's behavior changed drastically after that.

His opponent this time completely defeated him!

Pablo didn't dare to turn to the devil who made him like this. His whole body was limp, he really couldn't walk at all.

However, Ryan's voice broke the silence. "Wow, Mr. Pablo is not home yet?"

Pablo's face was out of shape, it turned pale and ugly at the same time.

"Then, I have something to discuss with you before you leave," Ryan said as he approached him.

"What is that?" Pablo said, pretending to be calm.

"Look, today our two companies just signed a cooperation contract," Ryan said with a grin. "I don't know whether the contract is valid or not."

"It's valid! It's official!" Pablo said quickly.

"Are there any additional conditions?" Ryan asked in a cold tone.

"Of course not!" Cold sweat started pouring back on Pablo's forehead.

"Then, what if I want to add some additional conditions?"

"Please add, I will obey the entire contents of the contract," Pablo quickly answered.

"Hahaha, you are indeed the most generous businessman I've ever met," Ryan said with a laugh, then he grabbed Pablo's shoulder and whispered to him, "I'm looking forward to it. Thanks," 

"You're welcome," Pablo said while trembling.

"Then, until we meet again," Ryan then patted Pablo on the back and left.

Pablo smiled bitterly in his heart. Working together? This was clearly blackmailing!

"By the way, I don't have enough money to cover the damage at the hotel earlier," Ryan turned back to Pablo.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it," Pablo said quickly.

Ryan just nodded in satisfaction. After finishing all this, he took the elevator and returned to his room. He saw Irina kneeling and praying.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Ryan said in a low voice.

"Ryan!" Seeing Ryan return without a scratch, Irina shed tears.

"Hahaha do you think I'll leave you?" This might have been the warmest smile he had ever had in his entire life.

Irina then wiped her tears. "I thought you were seriously injured."

"Nevermind. If you want to hug me then don't hesitate. I know you love me so don't be shy in front of your husband."

Too bad, Ryan's joke ruined the mood. Irina then quickly turned her sullen face away.

"Hahaha you're cute when you still don't want to be honest like that. Anyway, your contract is guaranteed so you don't have to worry. You can even change it if you think the profit isn't enough for you. So, how about we play and enjoy the city together tomorrow?" Ryan said with a smile.

Hearing Ryan's words, Irina was very happy and immediately agreed to her husband's suggestion.

The next day, Ryan and Irina went on a trip together. When the contract was finished, Irina looked more relaxed and happy.

Ryan pretty much enjoyed their moment together with his wife. They were out shopping and dining with delicious food. He even had the chance to hold his wife's hand all the way! Really nice atmosphere.

"Honey, try this."

"Wow, you are so beautiful in that dress."

"Come give me your hand. I don't want you to be away from me."


The two of them were like a couple in love. Irina didn't refuse him and felt that Ryan's caring side wasn't bad either.

The most important thing was that they were holding hands and Ryan kept trying to sound so romantic. Irina's face was completely red with embarrassment when she realized all of that.

They enjoyed what seemed like an eternal time, and both loved this feeling. 

However, an utterly noisy crowd was seen not far ahead of them.

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