Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 20: Her Scent

Chapter 20: Her Scent


"That's right" Ryan replied, "If you have someone who understands pharmacy, just send it to me. No need for experts, people who are still amateurs are fine. This drug is not that complicated."

Irina nodded, "You can take someone from the Richard division, but I'm afraid there's a big gap between pharmaceuticals and cosmetics."

"My wife, are you worried about me?" Ryan smiled and kissed Irina's hand, "Don't worry, your husband is a smart person. All problems can be resolved."

"Huh? Who is worried about you!" Irina's face was red, "I only care about our agreement."

Hearing this, Ryan stopped walking and looked at Irina. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"Why? What are you looking at?" Irina seemed aware of what she said earlier. She also felt that their relationship was a little awkward. After three months, would this man be gone forever?

"I want to enjoy this moment and paint your face in my memory before we finally say goodbye. I'm still amazed by your beauty." Ryan said with a smile

"Whatever!" Irina said while turning around. She then said, "I will arrange for people to prepare your room."

"Actually I need medical materials. I will write down what I need and later give it to your people."

"Do what you need to do. I have to take care of a few other things."

Ryan smiled as he watched Irina's figure disappear. Shortly thereafter, Irina's men began to prepare Ryan's research room.

After tidying up and arranging the placement of the tools, Ryan gave one of the people a shopping list so they could buy it immediately. Apart from several foreign branded goods, the rest could be found in drugstores.

Potion X was the work of Ryan's previous headquarters. The purpose of this X potion was to suppress the mysterious power inside his body. The ingredients were very common so it was not too costly. However, the key to this formula was in the variety of materials used. This manufacturing step was similar to making perfume. Ryan knew this because he had helped Yasmin in making this concoction. So this remake of potion X shouldn't be that hard.

Meanwhile, Irina was in her office, busy handling several reports. Soon the phone on her desk rang and it was her secretary who was calling. "Sorry to interrupt your time, ma'am. I have information about some of the perfumers who passed the screening exam and e-mailed interviews."

"Okay." Irina then hung up the phone. This should be the job of the HRD department but the perfumer played a crucial role in the survival of her company, so she had to oversee this directly.

"Hmmmm ..." Irina read the report sent by her secretary, "This one has experience in the pharmaceutical field!"

"Ryan said earlier, if you need someone who understands pharmacy, right?" Irina was relieved because she could immediately meet Ryan's needs.

But there was one thing he was not aware of. Irina now thought of Ryan more often.

Ryan was busy making this X potion. Even though he had delegated the processes into several groups, the production still required his supervision and approval. While he was still busy explaining, the door to his room opened.

It turned out Irina was looking for him.

"Ryan, there's a new person who studied pharmacy. I will introduce it to you." Irina said.

When Ryan wanted to tease his wife, his eyes were fixated on a large breasted woman behind his wife. He stood still when he found out who it was.

Valerie, who was behind Irina, was also shocked when she saw Ryan's figure. Wasn't this man the one who had helped her earlier in the park?

Seeing Ryan's eyes made Valerie blush.

Today Valerie was not wearing revealing clothes like yesterday. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt with a blue skirt. The smooth white hands and feet could still be seen. It seemed like she had dyed her hair black again. Her face in the garden that looked young was covered with light make-up. Her mouth was still as tiny as yesterday and looked as if she wanted to say something but she was silent.

Valerie still couldn't stop thinking, 'What kind of destiny is this?' How could this man be her superior? She looked agitated and held her skirt tightly. Ryan on the other hand smiled broadly. What a coincidence that the two met again.

"Hmmm? Why?" Irina felt this awkward atmosphere. She then looked at the faces of the two people, "Do you know each other?"

"I just met her yesterday." Ryan said with a smile, "She was fishing and I helped her get some fish."

Hearing Ryan's response, Valerie added, "That's right Mrs. Irina, yesterday he helped me a lot."

"Very well then, with this we can save time." Irina said, "Then I'll go ahead and do a good job."

Seeing Irina who had left the room, Valerie gathered her courage and said, "What a coincidence!"

"What a coincidence!"

The two of them said this at the same time, then they laughed together.

Valerie began to feel that she wasn't too embarrassed anymore. She then said, "I feel like I haven't thanked you properly yesterday. I intended to call you tonight, but we meet here now."

"So we are meant to be together." Ryan said while blinking, "We are meant to be together even though the distance separates us and finally we are reunited. Can you see how nature wants us to be together?"

Valerie nodded hard, "Actually, to convey my gratitude, I want to invite you to dinner." After saying this, Valerie looked at Ryan doubtfully.

Ryan noticed Valerie's charming eyes and said with a big smile, "You want to take me to dinner? How about now? I'm already hungry and the night is still long."

"Okay!" Valerie looked happy then her face suddenly became gloomy and she said, "But what about work?"

"It is okay." Ryan said, "I'm in charge here so no one will dare to argue with me. You just obey my words."

Valerie was embarrassed and her face flushed while embracing her shoulders. The two of them finally went to lunch.


-At The Restaurant-

Ryan and Valerie seemed to chat while waiting for their food to arrive. They sat facing each other.

"Valerie why did you choose to work in this company?" Ryan asked, "If I'm not mistaken, in your CV didn't say you were a perfumer?" He continued.

Valerie smiled sweetly, "Because I like perfume and other cosmetic tools. I have a hobby to collect all kinds of perfume."

Ryan nodded and started eating the food which had just arrived. While tasting, he said "I didn't expect that you would be transferred to my division."

"I also did not think Mrs. Irina would transfer me to your division." Valerie replied.

"Oh? Do you regret not being able to work according to your hobby?" Ryan asked.

"Ah, I don't mean that." Valerie said quickly, "I just didn't think that you would suddenly become my boss, but after knowing it I felt relieved."

"Oh? What's the relief?" A naughty smile began to appear on Ryan's face.

Seeing this mischievous smile made Valerie blush. Wasn't it obvious why she felt relieved? How could he ask her that!

Seeing Valerie who was shy made Ryan smile widely. He also said, "Valerie do you understand why I have my own laboratory room?"

Valerie shook her head.

"Because I'm the best perfumer in the company." Ryan said with a serious face,"I am the mainstay of the Avalerion company in making the latest perfume products, therefore I made a separate room."

"Is it true?" Valerie's eyes were sparkling.

"Of course!" Ryan might not realize that the woman was like a wolf in a lamb's skin. If anyone dared to say this to her, maybe she would slap him and tell him to be quiet because her prey would soon be caught.

"So Valerie, I can teach you privately about your job." Ryan continued with a sly smile, "I can make you a famous perfumer."

When she heard this, Valerie looked excited and her brows twitched slightly.

"Come over to my side." Ryan took Valerie's hand. He then smiled and said, "The scent you emit is so nice, can I smell it?"

When Ryan grabbed her hand, Valerie felt her heart tremble and let her hand be kissed. Her hand felt soft. Ryan stroked the hand first then kissed the hand to find out what perfume she was wearing.

Valerie was silent when Ryan kissed her hand. Then shortly Ryan raised her head and said, "Hmmm ... I think your hand is not enough for me to determine what perfume this is, can I get closer to you so I can smell your scent better?"

Valerie blushed even harder. Her face was completely red. She knew that Ryan was doing a terrible job on her, but somehow she couldn't resist this person's charm and could only be stunned when she saw him. Valerie finally just lowered her head, not knowing what to say. Ryan who saw this immediately smiled mischievously, "Valerie, if you don't say anything I will assume you allow me."

Ryan immediately stood up and sat beside Valerie. Valerie didn't speak at all and only lowered her head.

Ryan then said, "Come closer, let me smell what perfume you are wearing." After saying this, Ryan was already near Valerie's face. He smelled something fragrant.


The fragrance of perfume and the fragrance of a pure girl made Ryan smile broadly and love the smell.

"Did ... You smell something?" Valerie asked in a low voice.

"Of course! It's very fragrant." Ryan said with a smile.

Valerie then lifted her head and looked Ryan's eyes, "What do you smell?"

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