Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 74: Breaking The Boundaries

Chapter 74: Breaking The Boundaries

Yasmin's casual face immediately turned serious, "What's wrong?"

"You know that I keep my ace." Ryan said with a look of hatred, "She betrayed me and joined the Eclipse. Today they both tried to kill me."

"WHAT?" Yasmin was completely shocked. "How could that be?"

What was an ace card? It was a factor that played a role in reversing the hidden, often difficult circumstances that a person had. And Ryan was not an ordinary human he was one of the 12 Aesirs. Now, his aces even dare to betray him!

Yasmin really knew how angry and disappointed Ryan was right now.

Trust was not something that was easily obtained, it grew over time and was not easily formed.

Though Ryan had known that Golge rebelled against him from the start, this still disappointed him.

'Eclipse and Golge, you two must die! I will kill you with my two hands!'

Yasmin then asked in a serious tone, "Can I help you?"

Please check if there's any suspicious workers at our headquarters, we can't miss again. And please look for Eclipse's whereabouts. Tell me as soon as you find him." Ryan said.


"Ah, my ace is called Golge. She is great at gathering information. She's an expert at erasing her tracks so you better focus your attention on America and Crimea."

"Understood!" Yasmin nodded.

"One more thing, Eclipse succeeded in creating perfect human cloning technology. He can clone himself and produce the same power and speed as his original self."

"WHAT?" Yasmin was surprised after hearing Ryan's words. Cloning?

It was true that cloning had begun to develop in this era and was starting to be applied to animals. The problem was that human cloning had never progressed at all, because the complexity of reducing the intelligence and abilities possessed by the individuals. The human cloning that Ryan said might be a case of extraordinary technological advance.

Seeing Yasmin's shocked expression, Ryan sighed, "The cloning is really complicated. He must have a base for his experiments, so you try to find out where that base is too."


"I entrust this all to you." 

After finishing the call, Ryan frowned. Yasmin's expression shouldn't be made up. Earlier, Eclipse said that he was using his resources to produce his clones. Maybe what he said meant to divide himself with Yasmin's help.

Ryan scratched his head. Though he trusted Yasmin's loyalty a lot, he was still anxious about her. Due to Golge's betrayal, he began to doubt the loyalty of his underlings. Golge should be his hidden ace but she easily switched sides. This made Ryan even more worried.

This also applied to all his subordinates. Were there any hidden pawns in his new base? Before clarifying this, Ryan still had to be vigilant even towards Yasmin.

"I know you two are still in this city!" Ryan clenched his fists, "I'm looking forward to your next plan because otherwise when we meet next, you two will die!"

In a house on the outskirts of town, in a room with almost no lights, a male figure was seen drinking something.


The man slammed the glass, "Didn't you say he was injured?"

The man was really angry and took it out on his glass. Eclipse still couldn't believe his plan to kill Ryan had failed.

Golge looked calm as she stood in front of him, "He was indeed injured, my information could not be wrong." She said.

The Eclipse snorted coldly, "So why are we still failing to kill him today? My clone shouldn't be any less powerful than me. And sure enough, 20 of my clones pitifully died all without a single one alive!"

Golge was silent for a while, "I've been following Ryan for quite a while. He's really hurt. When he was fighting, he took some medicine, I think that medicine made him survive."

"Enough, I don't need your analysis. I just want Nergal to die!" This Eclipse had become furious.

Golge was silent. When she recalled Ryan's ability earlier, her body involuntarily shivered. She was the one who understood her former master's abilities the most so she really knew what Ryan was capable of.

And now that her guise had been exposed, the only fate awaiting her was death!

But Golge wouldn't die without a fight, either she died or her former boss died!

There was no other way.

"He must have known that I was in this Avalerion city all the time." Eclipse suddenly said in a cold tone, "He even knows that you are going to betray him."

Golge shook her head, "I don't think so."

Before this, Golge believed that Ryan only suspected her and he came to her trap to confirm his suspicions.

"Now that all of our hidden cards have been exposed, we don't need to bother planning." Eclipse snorted, "We will finish this straight away!"

"Even if you are one of the 12 Aesirs, I believe I can kill you!" The Eclipse kicked off the table and made it split in two.

At his house, Ryan was meditating and focusing his thoughts.

Until now, his internal power was still abundant. The effects of his grandfather's medicine hadn't worn off and made Ryan curious about his new power. Could he have it or not?

When Ryan was young, his grandfather always told him to practice all the time and meditate to increase his inner strength. Since then, he continued to train day and night and at night he would meditate to train his inner strength. Thanks to that, he earned the nickname Nergal the God of War.

Without waiting long, Ryan's mind entered his conscious state. While sitting cross-legged, Ryan quickly entered his senses.

His inner power circulating quietly throughout his body. With Ryan's direction, all the inner energy immediately flowed to his wounds. He felt a surge of calmness flowing within. The man felt completely at ease and wanted to let out a satisfied sigh. 

He forgot everything in an instant. However, he immediately sat up straight after realizing something.

Breaking the boundaries?

This idea actually came across him by accident. All this time, he had been training to control this mysterious power in his body. Even though he made progress on his first few tries, he couldn't tame it at all. To this day, he realized that the effect of his grandfather's medicine could calm this mysterious power.

Ryan was currently concentrating on channeling his inner power into the mysterious power. His inner power was like a river's stream flowing calmly.

The man's eyes were tightly closed as he was now trying to mix his inner power with that mysterious power. This was a defining moment. With the help of his grandfather's medicine, he might be able to surpass his limits and get stronger.

He must not be caught off guard and 100% focused.

However, his nightmare came true. He forgot to lock his bedroom and a sound came from the door!

Ryan's heart clenched, even though his eyes were tightly closed but his other senses were still functioning properly. Someone walked into his room but he couldn't break his concentration. Otherwise, his mixed inner power would be sucked in by his mysterious power, causing his entire body to suffer internal injuries and that he might die from it.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Ivanka's soft voice rang out.

Ivanka came to tease her brother-in-law, but when she opened the door to his room, she saw Ryan sitting cross-legged on his bed. Her brother's face looked pale and even more so, his entire body was emitting white smoke.

Was her brother practicing magic? How could he be emitting white smoke like that?

Ivanka became more curious and approached Ryan.

"Hey Brother! Oiiii!" Ivanka said with a smile.

'Damn it!' Ryan really couldn't stop thinking, why did Ivanka suddenly come here?

Cold sweat started to flood Ryan's forehead, this situation was really dangerous. At this moment, Ivanka was right in front of his face but he couldn't answer or move his body at all. He could also feel Ivanka's hand that was examining him.

"Hmmm ..." Ivanka felt that maybe her brother had overslept.

After a while, there was no sound or movement at all. Did his sister-in-law leave?

Ryan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If Ivanka had touched him and shifted his position then his life might end.

However, Ivanka didn't actually leave. Instead, she turned around and moved behind him. The girl was watching the white smoke coming out of his back.

"How can this smoke come out of your body?" Ivanka was getting confused, "Brother, are you practicing some sort of magic?"

"Hey answer me! Don't keep ignoring me." Ivanka was excited because she found something interesting.

Ryan was still frozen and didn't move.

'Oh my God, I hope she's not going to do anything to me' he thought. Ryan then prayed again just as when his sister-in-law took him and drove away in her car. 

Why would his sister-in-law always appear at the wrong time?

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