Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 76: Sudden Attack

Chapter 76: Sudden Attack

'Well, yesterday's problem was partly my fault for not locking the door so I won't bring it up again.' Ryan thought.

While Ivanka was still grappling with guilt, Ryan thought of ways to exploit his sister-in-law. In the midst of the silence, a voice came from the door, "I didn't expect the war God of the underground world to be this weak."

Ryan immediately put on a serious face, 'Who just came?'

Ivanka also turned towards the door and found an unknown male figure.

"Brother, that person is scary." Ivanka immediately hugged Ryan's hand.

Of course the killer knocking on your door would be clearly scary!

Ryan was speechless, his face was still expressionless, "So Eclipse sent you here? I didn't expect the news about my condition to spread so quickly. "

"Hahaha doesn't matter who sent me, the important thing is Nergal the God of War will die in my hand!" The killer spoke in a cold tone. At the same time, he took out a knife from under his shirt. It made Ivanka scream in fear, 'Is this person a murderer?'

Ryan still didn't move, but the remaining internal energy was circulating. As long as this assassin was near, he could defeat him even in his current state.

"Looks like my reputation has spread widely in the world of assassins." Ryan snorted coldly.

"Of course." By killing Ryan, the reputation of this killer must have shot a long way. He immediately lunged at Ryan.

"Brother watch out!"

Ivanka could only close her eyes, while Ryan was ready to launch a counterattack. By the time the knife was about to hit him, he had already delivered a punch straight into the killer's face.

His whole body bounced and the knife fell too.

Ryan's internal energy instantly ran out.

'Damn! I still need time to recover.' Ryan cursed his current state.

The man was still in the process of regaining his inner strength that had previously been mixed in his mysterious power. Now with the arrival of this assassin, his initial little energy was completely exhausted.

"Indeed, you shouldn't be underestimated even though your condition is like this." The killer spat out the blood from his mouth and stood back up, "But today you will die!"

The killer darted back, pulling out his second knife and pointed it at Ryan's throat.

His situation was really bad.

Ryan had no other way to deal with this second attack.

However, a punch came from the side and repelled the killer. The killer couldn't escape and could only fall down in pain.

Ryan was surprised and Ivanka cried happily at the figure's arrival Mrs. Susan had come!

"I hope you can keep up with me!" Mrs. Susan looked very excited.

Seeing Susan's presence made Ryan breathe freely. He immediately focused himself on regaining his inner strength. He had to be on guard because he didn't know how many assassins were sent to kill him.

"Mrs. Susan!" Despite her shock, Ivanka was relieved that her maid had gotten over the situation.

"Don't worry, nothing can hurt you guys."

The killer then stood up and realized that it was an old woman who hit him. His pride was clearly hurt, 'An old fart thought she can hit me? I will kill you!'

"She's old but still acting young, don't blame me if your brittle bone is broken." The killer didn't care who his opponent was. If they got in his way then that person would die.

"Fragile?" Susan shook her head, "We'll see who will laugh in the end."

"Then die!" The killer changed at Susan.

However, when the killer lunged forward, Susan grabbed his wrist and slammed him down to the ground. While his body was in the air, Susan did not forget to throw a punch to his chest. In an instant, the killer curled up in pain.

"Mrs. Susan is amazing!" Ivanka got excited, "Beat him!"

The killer's heart clenched, how could he get beaten by a granny?

Without realizing it, Susan had stomped her feet about to step on him to death. The killer barely managed to avoid it.

When he stood with difficulty holding his aching chest, the killer glared at Susan. That old woman's strength was truly beyond expectations.

Her first attack was a surprise attack so naturally he was caught off guard, but she didn't move at all in her second attack. How could that be?

The granny in front of him had such a strong murderous aura that it made the killer wonder if Susan was wearing a disguise.

"As the saying goes, Water ripples deep." Susan insulted him.

When he was insulted, the killer lunged back. He was seen lunging at high speed but he took a side step at the last second and immediately threw down several knives.

When Susan dodged the knife attack, the assassin launched his original attack and aimed his kick at Susan's face. But Susan swiftly caught his leg and slammed him down again. He then bounced towards the door.

"Mrs. Susan is really strong!" Ivanka wanted to jump for joy while Ryan just smiled with relief. He was glad he didn't mess with the old maid Susan!

When the killer tried to stand up again, Susan had stepped on him. He felt as if he was being crushed by a car. Though he tried to break free, he still couldn't escape.

"It's useless to rebel, you're done for." Susan was truly unforgiving. She then knelt on the chest of the killer and beat him many times in the face. All that was heard was the sound of pain and teeth falling. This old granny turned out to be a savage!

Susan's last blow succeeded in making the killer faint while shedding tears. His cheeks were so swollen and his lips were bleeding.

"Mrs. Susan, you are amazing! I didn't think you were that great." Ivanka immediately embraced Susan. The murderer was helpless in the presence of this mighty maid.

However, Ryan frowned and Susan's expression also changed.

Ivanka was aware of the awkward situation and asked, "What's wrong?"

At that instant, the door to the room opened and two men entered.

They immediately took out their knives and emitted a thick killing aura towards Ryan. 

Eclipse Clones!

His enemy this time wanted to take advantage of his condition to kill him. Truly the hallmark of The Eclipse.

"They both. Are strong!" Mrs. Susan swallowed her saliva. She might have a chance if it was one on one, but in the face of a combined attack, she would be overwhelmed.

"Die you Nergal!" The two Eclipse clones immediately charged at Ryan!

Their wide grins precisely conveyed, 'Whether you are healthy or sick, you will die by my hands!'

Ryan brows then furrowed. His inner strength still hadn't recovered at all, the Eclipse precisely used this time to attack him.

At the same time, Susan also charged forward. Three people were now involved in fist fighting midair. Susan didn't bother defending and launched her punches and kicks without paying attention to her attackers.

The three of them fell to the floor and immediately stood back up.

"Nothing will die under my watch." Susan said as she took a swing.

"We just want to kill that man. If you block us one more time, you will die with him!" Eclipse was not kidding.

"Oh? Then let's dance!" 


The Eclipse immediately rushed towards Susan, and launched a combined attack to immediately kill the sluggish granny.

One of the clones jumped in the air, the other one was fighting Susan. After he landed, he immediately kicked Susan's back.

The old woman was sent flying forward, where Eclipse's fatal blow awaited her. Susan caught the punch but from behind her but then noticed an elbow was waiting to strike her. She immediately let go of her hand and jumped into the air.

She landed on the table and used it as a foothold to dash forward. With that high speed, she managed to cast a kick in Eclipse's face and use it as a foothold to dash into the other Eclipse.

The Eclipse immediately took a step back while looking at his clone's condition. The two of them then glared at Susan, "You're pretty good, pervert grandma, but today you will join him in hell."

The two Eclipses crashed again. Susan couldn't help but get on the defensive mode because the combined attacks of the two men were so good. If she let her guard down just a little, she would be the one lying lifeless on the ground.

Ivanka could only watch the fierce battle from the side. She prayed with all her heart that Susan would succeed in defeating the two men.

Ryan started to worry in his heart, 'Damn, how dare you guys play sneakily like this?'

For some time, these three people exchanged blows. At first, the battle was evenly matched but the difference in stamina gradually began to show. Susan must survive two combination attacks while looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

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