Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 78: A Caring Sister

Chapter 78: A Caring Sister

Ryan felt he was being chased by dozens of Eclipse. No matter how many clones he had killed, they continued to chase him without stopping.

Suddenly, he caught his wrist and he was detained by four people. Then he was beaten alternately by dozens of Eclipse.

"Ah!" Ryan immediately woke up from that nightmare. His breath was gasping as he tried to remember what had happened. He looked around and realized that he was in a warm room that he did not know. But this did not panic him because he still remembered his last memory when Christa picked him up.

Nonetheless the dream was really terrible.

He couldn't understand why the Eclipse was haunting him so much. Where did his fear originate from? Was it from his fear of being killed by him or the fear of being unable to protect his loved ones from his enemies?

"Hmmm? Brother are you awake?" Ryan turned and saw that Christa was beside him reading a book.

Then Christa left the room and brought back a bowl of porridge.

"Eat this first. Your stomach must be filled and we have to keep your body warm." Christa sat back beside Ryan and fed him.

Ryan smiled and devoured it, "Hmmm so delicious! I did not think that you are good at cooking like this."

"Of course!" Christa smiled broadly. Seeing Ryan eating her food made her heart happy, "This porridge is made from a recipe taught by the third grandfather."

"This porridge is delicious because it contains your love for me, I can feel the warmth in it." Ryan held his sister's hand tightly, "Thank you."

Christa immediately blushed as she continued to feed Ryan. Deep down inside, she was very happy to be of use to her brother.

Ryan looked at Christa and said, "Christa, I want you to feed me every day."

"Well, if that's what you want, I'm happy to be alone with you." Christa's smile was filled with warmth.

However, this romantic atmosphere did not last long as the porridge bowl had finally run out.

Christa wiped Ryan's messy mouth while saying, "Brother, did you just have a bad dream? You looked uncomfortable when you slept. "

"Yeah." Ryan didn't need to cover it up from Christa, "Eclipse and Golge are still out there and they always target me all the time. If I haven't taken care of them then I can't breathe freely yet."

The thing was, Eclipse and Golge were truly adept at covering their tracks. This left Ryan with no clue about their whereabouts. He felt miserable for feeling helpless.

Worse yet, Eclipse and Golge saw the chance when he was injured and immediately attacked him.

Therefore, the two of them must die!

"You don't need to worry, The Alkonost Ordo will also track them down." Christa said.

"You asked the ordo to help me?" Ryan was shocked.

"Right." Christa nodded, "Brother Ryan has helped us before so let's just think of it as a gift. Besides, you are a citizen of this country so it is our responsibility to protect you from attacks."

Ryan scratched his head, he didn't think that his younger sister was so generous. This was really good news.

"How do you guys track them?"

"Unfortunately, I can't explain it in detail." Christa said with an apologetic face, "But what you need to know, we have found their base. But unfortunately, they both have fled and left this country. Looks like he has known about our effort for a long time."


Ryan was a little confused by his feelings. On the one hand, he felt relieved because he could focus on recovering, but on the other hand he still did not accept being cornered to such an extent by the two of them.

However, he decided to hold his grudge and enjoy this truce. Now he didn't have to worry about their surprise attack.

Moreover, even if the Eclipse and Golge were hidden at the end of the world, they would not be able to escape their destiny.

The destiny of a traitor was death!

This concerned Ryan's pride as one of the 12 Aesirs' Gods and more importantly, they had betrayed the trust he gave them.

"Don't worry brother, they won't dare to touch their feet again in this country." Christa confirmed, "The Alkonost Ordo has sent several people to chase them and put some people at certain points so if they re-enter this country then you will definitely be the first to know."

"Wow, thanks!" Ryan kissed his sister's forehead. He was really proud of his little sister for being reliable.

"Ah, brother remember you are still married to someone else." Christa immediately turned red.

"Right." Ryan then pulled Christa onto his bed as he battled to restrain himself. He then stroked Christa's beautiful face and whispered in her ear, "Today you are my wife, and since we are husband and wife, it is fine if we are a little intimate."

"Brother!" Christa blushed. "Grandfathergrandfather has not blessed our relationship."

"Forget the elders, they have dementia." Ryan said with a smile, "Christa, today you are my wife, I don't want to hear any other word except yes!"

"Ah, the stove! I forgot to turn it off, I was boiling water for hot tea earlier." Christa immediately looked for excuses and tried to break off from Ryan.

Seeing Christa's panicked and embarrassed face at the same time made Ryan love her even more.

This little sister was really like a shy bride. This trait made Ryan like her even more.

Ryan then took it off and let Christa go to the kitchen, "Christa, how is my body?"

Christa then turned around and said in a serious tone, "Brother, I can only hold it for a while. Yesterday, your internal power was completely messed up and all of your veins were swollen. I think it takes a month for you to recover."

"Can my body return to its original state?"

"Unfortunately not if I take care of you." Christa shook her head, "My abilities are inadequate and I can't tame your incredibly strong inner force."

"It's okay, third grandfather will definitely be able to handle it." Ryan really had to return to his hometown. But he wanted to spoil his wife for now, "You said you wanted to make hot tea for me?"

"Ah yes, I forgot about it. Wait here."

After Christa returned, Ryan was still teasing his little sister. After a while, Christa took her leave to cook.

Ryan was now sitting alone holding his hot tea glass. He then daydreamed and thought about the continuation of this life.

For now, the healing of his body was really crucial. His body was a complete mess, he simply couldn't bring out his strength 100%. His grandfather's acupuncture technique only gave him about 80% of his internal power back. What's worse, he could not quickly replenish his inner strength. Hence, he nearly lost to 20 Eclipse's clones.

Only by mastering his body 100% could he breathe freely and be afraid of nothing. He had to be on guard in case one of the 12 Aesir Gods attacked him. Though it was unlikely, the chance was still there.

Ryan decided it's time for him to return to his hometown and recover.

The only hope for him was his grandparents. 

"Hey don't daydream like that!" At this time, Christa entered carrying soup, "Try my food."

"You don't want me to bribe you."

"Ah, how come you are spoiled like this?" Even so, Christa still panned it.

"Wow, how delicious, you really are suitable to be a wife." Ryan was satisfied with his sister's food.

"Thank goodness if you like it." Christa smiled and said, "After this is over, I will take care of your body."

"Hmm take care of my body?" Ryan looked at him.

"Yes." Christa nodded, "Brother still has wounds on your body, I have to check it."

"Then I will stay here for a month?" Ryan smiled bitterly.

"It's not that." Christa laughed at her panicked brother, "It's just your external wound. But your inner strength is the real problem."

"No problem, I've decided a way to deal with it." Ryan then took the soup from Christa and ate it straight away, "I'll go back to grandpa after getting out of here. The third grandfather should have a solution for this."

"Third grandfather does have the ability to do that. If grandpa took care of you, your chance of getting back into your prime state is very high."

After that, Ryan immediately finished his soup and looked at Christa.

"Is there any soup left? I'm still hungry." Having not properly eaten since yesterday, his stomach felt empty and soup was not enough to fill him up.

"Brother, that was medicinal soup not your breakfast." Christa laughed when she heard that, "We'll find breakfast when I'm done taking care of you."

"Lie down for now." Christa took out her acupuncture needle.

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