Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 82: Babysitting The New Kid

Chapter 82: Babysitting The New Kid

Then they both entered the house and sat in the living room.

"Your inner power is mixing with your mysterious power and we have to separate it first." Then the third grandfather went to the bathroom and got a towel, "Take a shower with my medicinal mixture first, after that I will perform with acupuncture."

Ryan nodded. In the bathroom, there was already a bucket of water mixed with his grandfather's special medicine.

When the warm water touched his skin, his pores opened and the medicines contained in the water seemed to enter his body. He felt very comfortable and felt that his inner raging energy had started to tame thanks to these medicines.

After that, the third grandfather started sticking his acupuncture needles into Ryan's back.

Ryan closed his eyes and felt the energy spin in his body. The inner strength that was wrapped around it began to straighten up again and separate itself from its mysterious power.

After half an hour, Ryan opened his eyes and felt that his body was very light.

"Hey brat, I still can't touch that mysterious power of yours. But I've to teach you about how to control it." Said the third grandfather while playing with his beard.

Hearing that, Ryan immediately put on an amazed face at his grandfather.

"Get up and put your clothes on."

Like an obedient child, Ryan quickly stood up. But he just stood still after that, "Grandpa, you haven't removed the needle."

"Get it off on your own."

"Huh? The needle is on my back, how do I remove it?"

"Ah, you prick!" The third grandfather walked out.


Ryan was speechless, apparently his grandfather still had a grudge because he used to destroy the medicinal plants when he was little.

With the help of the second grandfather, Ryan removed all the needles and put on his shirt. He then caught up with the third grandfather who sat on the terrace.

Not long after, the third grandfather gave him a piece of paper.

"After researching my books, I found some way. You must follow every step I write down and boil all those medicinal herbs. After three years, you should be able to perfectly control it."

"Three years?" Ryan was shocked to hear that.

"There's no such thing as a shortcut." The third grandfather rubbed his grandson's head, "This is the only way I've found without needing to damage your body, be grateful that you can control it in 3 years."

When he heard that, Ryan's heart felt warm. He then replied to his grandfather with a smile, "Yes, thank you grandfather, you really are the greatest."

"Then, we will go to Haifa tomorrow to look for missing ingredients. I will teach you how to make that medicinal soup."

When Ryan was about to answer, his grandfather immediately interrupted, "Don't forget to clean our medicinal fields and our houses because it's been quite a bit dirty."

Ryan was silent at the reply, his grandfather was indeed lazy.

......... ..

The next day, Ryan tried to make medicinal soup accompanied by the third grandfather.

"How bitter!" Ryan just drank a sip and he was not strong. This was the most bitter medicine he had ever taken.

It was so bitter that Ryan wanted to throw up. However, the third grandfather quickly scolded him, "The more bitter the better for the body. Do you want to recover?"

"Yes, Grandpa." Ryan couldn't argue with his grandfather.

After cleaning the fields and houses in the morning, Ryan said goodbye to return to Avalerion. He kept the recipe that the third grandfather had given him very well in his pocket. His internal injuries were fine so he didn't have to worry about being attacked in the near future.

"Son, wait a minute." Suddenly, the second grandfather told him not to go yet.

Ryan turned and put on a confused face.

"Kane!" The second grandfather's voice was very loud. Kane's room was behind the house so he ran as fast as he could to his teacher.

"The second teacher, Kane has come." Kane wiped his sweat.

The second grandfather nodded and pointed at Ryan, "Starting today, go with your fellow disciple."



Ryan was surprised, Kane was also surprised. What did he mean?


Kane's two knees quickly sank into the ground, "Teacher, what's wrong that you kicked me out?"

"Grandpa, aren't you too harsh?"

"Kane, get up first, that's not what we mean. We don't mean to kick you out." The second grandfather then explained, "We want you to follow your fellow disciple."

"WHAT?" Ryan dropped his bag.

Ryan couldn't stop thinking. Even though Kane's martial arts were very good, his intelligence was not suitable for him to live in urban areas.

"Okay, teacher, Kane will study under the direction of this brother."

"Ryan, you will learn a lot in the end." The fourth grandfather said with a laugh.

Ryan could only nod. When Kane packed up, Ryan looked up at the sky and could only sigh.

He had to obey his grandfather's words and take Kane with him. 

During this time, his fourth grandfather's prediction had never been wrong. He only had to believe that things would turn out beautiful in the end.

Together with Kane, Ryan took a bus to the Avalerion city. On their way there, Kane never stopped talking.

"What's that?" Kane pointed to the outside view and curiously asked.

"Senior brother, the dogs are like the ones in the village!" Kane pointed at the two dogs that were running with their master.

"Oh? Do you have a dog?" Ryan asked.

"No, I usually see him in the forest when I'm looking for wood. They always drool and scream 'Aummm' whenever they see me."

Wasn't that a wolf? Ryan felt that the wolves would pounce on Kane a long time ago if they didn't feel the guy's inner strength.

"Brother, see the building there! It's very high!" Kane was truly like a child.

"Hey, have you been there before?"

"Yes." Ryan answered without turning around. He was tired of answering Kane for a long time.

"Wahhh, you're so great brother!" Kane stared in amazement at Ryan. Their conversation was heard by several people behind and in front of them and they found this funny.

Ryan then scratched his head and turned to Kane, "Kane, don't call me your elder brother later."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Kane was confused.

Ryan was really frustrated, he was confused about what to say. But Kane was even more confused, "Then what should I call you?"

"Brother Ryan." Ryan started closing his eyes.

"Alright, later I will call you Brother Ryan." Kane said with a smile.

Throughout the journey, Kane was always babbling incoherently and Ryan had to patiently listen to him until they arrived at Avalerion.

After getting off the bus, Kane said, "Senior Brotherah, I mean Brother Ryan. I'm thirsty."

"Follow me." Ryan took him to a small grocery store outside the terminal and bought him sweet iced tea. While they were enjoying it, Kane saw something, "Brother Ryan, there are people fighting."

When Ryan turned his head towards the alley that Kane was pointing to, he saw several people holding machetes and metal sticks. Not to mention that a number of people were seen crouching in pain on the ground.

It looked like there was a battle between gangs. Ryan certainly didn't want to interfere with such a problem. Whether they wanted to kill each other was none of his business.

When he was about to take Kane away, Kane said in a confused tone, "Brother Ryan, are they fighting? The teacher said fighting is bad."

"No, no, they're just arguing." Ryan smelled trouble and tried to pull Kane away, but it's all useless because he couldn't move the guy even an inch.

"Why are you glaring at them? Do you want to fight like them too?" Ryan knew it was pointless to lie with Kane, all he could do was make him lose his curiosity.

"No ..." Kane shook his head, "I'm a good person, the teacher said fighting is for bad people."

Ryan smiled bitterly, his junior younger brother was really innocent.

"Let's just go and let them fight as they please." Ryan said.

"You don't care about them?" Kane began to hesitate to leave those people.

"Didn't the teacher say you have to follow me?" Ryan looked at Kane, "Are you going to deny his orders now?"

Kane thought for a moment and said, "I will listen to you, brother."

However, things in the alley were getting worse. Two people were seen arguing.

One of them shouted loudly, "It turns out that only that much strength of the Vulture gang?"

"Huh? Your friends are lying down, are you blind? You think you can cheat us?"

"You think we are afraid of you?" His opponent immediately replied, "You guys are not aware that our fight is being recorded by those two!" The man looked like he was the leader of the gang, and was looking for a way to buy time for his reinforcements to come.

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