Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 87: Inhuman Power

Chapter 87: Inhuman Power

Matthew screaming out loud from a far, "Hey fat boy! Get off there!"

When Kane turned his head, he saw a bodyguard already swinging his metal stick. In an instant, Kane grabbed his wrist and lifted his entire body.

The man was shocked, how could he be lifted so easily by that fat person? Then his body was flung towards the crowd.


About five people fell down because of him.

However, a bodyguard managed to hit Kane in the stomach. What surprised him was that when his punch landed, a part of Kane's stomach sank but bounced back to normal in an instant. The person immediately bounced off and hit one of his friends.

Dozens of guards saw some of his friends lying and stopped for a moment. For them, anyone who got in their way was their enemy, and therefore they also lunged at Kane.

Kane did not remain silent, he was now also lunging at the men in black.

Like a rushing bull, no one could escape Kane's attack. What's more, Kane's flesh was so thick that he feared nothing as he lunged towards the crowd.

The Avalerion employees were amazed to see it. They all saw that the burly people were floating with ease. What an amazing sight!

When Kane threw a punch, one would either sink on the floor or float away. Meanwhile, the enemy's Tidal Wave attacks were very ineffective. Each of their punches had no effect at all, and instead they were bounced off because of Kane's inner strength.

"Damn, that fat person is so fierce!" Everyone was amazed to see the strong Kane. Was he human?

The receptionist was the most surprised to see the scene in front of her. Her gaping mouth could fit a watermelon. That fat fellow was actually a martial artist? She really didn't expect it.

Matthew looked pale while still standing at the back. Who was that fat man who beat up his bodyguards?

When Kane managed to beat the last bodyguard, the whole room fell silent. What was heard now was the painful groaning of the guards who fell to the floor.

Everyone stared at Kane in awe and did not think that such a fat person could beat dozens of people without breaking a sweat!

"Why are you all looking at me?" Kane's face still looked innocent and stupid. He looked around and felt restless when everyone was watching him.

"Amazing!" Someone started clapping and everyone followed. In an instant, all Avalerion employees cheered and clapped their hands at the same time, approaching Kane.

Kane blushed, he could only enjoy this moment while scratching his head. He then said while holding back his embarrassment, "You praise me too much, my senior brother is much stronger than me." The atmosphere of joy still filled the lobby of this building.

Kane just turned his head and pointed at Ryan with a smile, "He's my brother."

In an instant, all the employees looked at Ryan.


Everyone was shocked once again. The strength of this fat person alone was almost equal to God, but Mrs. Irina's husband was actually even stronger?

People who had seen Ryan's action start nodding their heads. They already knew that Ryan was not just anyone but they didn't know how strong Ryan really was. But after the fat man said that Ryan was much stronger than him, how terrifying their leader's husband could be?

However, the expressions of the perfumerists looked normal. They had seen with their own eyes that Ryan jumped from the 5th floor and could still run fast. They already thought of Ryan as not an ordinary human.

Seeing the admiring and curious gazes of people, Ryan laughed a little with satisfaction in his heart. Kane was a good boy, he did not forget to glorify his fellow disciple brother when he was praised.

Such a thing was not that bad, and it would be a lie if Ryan didn't enjoy this feeling.

Ryan then walked over, clapping his hands, "Hey Kane, I don't want to be the center of attention. You should have kept that fact a secret."

"Oh?" Kane did not understand such a complicated matter and only nodded.

Matthew who stood still still couldn't believe all this.

Ryan then looked at Matthew standing not far from him. It's good to hear Kane's words just now, how strong was actually the man who beat him to a pulp?

Now, when Ryan's gaze fell on his eyes, Matthew couldn't stop shaking. He immediately turned around and wanted to run away as fast as possible.

"Stop!" Ryan suddenly shouted loudly.

This made Matthew stop in his feet and cry inwardly.

Walking past the many people curled up in pain on the floor, Ryan got behind Matthew and said in a flat tone, "Did I tell you to go?"

"No ... no ..." He trembled violently at the voice. If he found out that the man he was dealing with was this strong, he would be better off playing with the Russian woman he paid for yesterday.

The elite bodyguards didn't last 5 minutes against the fat man. Then, if they fought Ryan, would they be knocked down faster?

That possibility continued to fill his mind. That Matthew was he going to die today?

"Face me." Ryan casually said, "An ant like you doesn't deserve to stand up and turn your back on me."


Matthew was quickly on his knees and in tears, "Please don't kill me! There are still other beautiful girls who are waiting for me out there, please forgive me!"

Seeing that crying Matthew, everyone was shocked. He dared to storm the place with an army and now he was asking for forgiveness for his life. Was he alright in his head?

The girls who heard it wanted to spit on him immediately. This guy was a pervert.

Ryan was also disgusted when he heard that. It felt like this heir of the Andromeda Company had a low IQ.

"Stand up." Ryan was getting tired of dealing with this person.

Matthew hesitated at first but when he saw Ryan's sharp gaze, he immediately stood up.

"Please don't kill me."

When they were standing face to face, Ryan then reached into his pocket while saying, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'll just teach you a lesson so you won't bother me again."

"I do not dare!" Matthew quickly denied it, his opponent was like a devil so how dare he come to him again.

"That was what you said this morning, heir of the Andromeda company." After saying that, he stuck an acupuncture needle into Matthew's chest area.

The needle immediately spread the energy inside.

"You! What are you doing!" Matthew shuddered in fright, would this be his last moment?

"Don't worry, you won't die." Ryan casually said, "It's just that in this month you will feel this stinging sensation several times a day."

When two more needles were stabbed into Matthew's chest, he felt like his skin was being bitten by red ants all over his body. He rolled around in pain in an instant.


Ryan then lifted Matthew's body and whispered in his ear, "This situation will last for a month, if you or your men are bothering me again, then this torment will last forever."

Matthew grimaced in pain and nodded quickly. When he was released by Ryan, he quickly ran out of the building.

Today was truly a nightmare for him. He felt that if he met Ryan in the future, it would be better for him to hide.

"Why do you know this place?" Ryan went to Kane and took him out of the building. He did not expect Kane to be able to trace his whereabouts.

"I don't understand myself. I'm just tracking your inner power, brother. Ah I remember! I want to ask something about the progress of my style, Brother Ryan. So I decided to look for you." Kane tried to explain it simply as possible.

Inner power?

Ryan then slapped his forehead. He used this technique to track Roger's whereabouts, meaning Kane could track him down in the same way.

In this way, the two students from the same school could track each other's whereabouts.

"Is that all why you wanted to see me?" Ryan still couldn't stop thinking.

"Ah, yes!" Kane remembered his biggest problem, "I'm hungry brother, I have no money."

Hearing this, Ryan immediately slapped his forehead again. It seemed like Kane had been lied to by someone and gave up all his money when he went out to eat for the first time.

City life was really cruel!

After escorting Kane back to his rented house and giving him some money, Ryan returned to his house.

At home, he ran into Ivanka who was watching TV. As he approached, Ivanka was oblivious to his existence as she was completely fixated by the movie she watched.

Ivanka didn't dress sexy as usual today. However, Ryan still glanced at her. The untied hair, the usual white shirt that stood out, the hot pants that highlighted her smooth thighs and legs still made Ivanka look sexy. Not to mention that the scent of soap that escaped her skin reminded Ryan of Irina when the woman had just finished taking a shower.

Could it be that Irina was just like her sister during her childhood?

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