Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 93: The Dancing Plant

Chapter 93: The Dancing Plant

"You don't need to worry, I didn't do anything bad. I just visited Martin, the leader of the Andromeda Company. With your husband's great negotiation skills, I succeeded in making the Andromeda Company believe in our vision and mission and rewarded us with Felix's formula."

"At first I was surprised by their kindness and when I offered to share the profit, he said he didn't need a penny! How could I reject such a generous offer? We then drank together for a few hours."

"How could they be sincere like that? This formula is worth billions out there. Even if their wealth surpasses us, they should understand how valuable this formula is." Irina still couldn't believe it.

Ryan then thought, 'Why is my wife so naive?'

He briefly looked at Irina and then kissed her!

Irina was surprised and hit Ryan on the shoulder to make him stop.

After they kissed for two minutes, Ryan said with a satisfied tone, "Consider this my wedding present to you." He then kissed his wife's hand, "You don't need to ask many questions, the most important thing is that the Andromeda Company will never bother you again."

After saying that, Ryan came out of Irina's room with a happy face.

Seeing Ryan's disappearing figure, Irina's feelings were still mixed. She still couldn't stop thinking about how Ryan solved the problem with Andromeda Company.

So far, Irina still couldn't understand Ryan at all. Every time Ryan acted perverted and made her uncomfortable but the man would come at the most critical moment and solve all problems perfectly.

Was he really a roadside chicken noodle seller? 

Irina was lost in her own thoughts.

After 3 months, their contract marriage would be over. But would she be willing to let Ryan go?

Then her gaze shifted to look at her hand that Ryan kissed earlier. She deeply stared at it and thought, had she fallen in love with that man?

Questions filled Irina's mind, but she decided to forget all about it and focus on her company's problems first.

Since the Andromeda Company didn't bother her anymore, her company had to think of a new marketing strategy.

Arriving at his room, Ryan and his team went back to work on potion X. Even though the medication his grandfather gave him was able to perfectly control his mysterious power, it still took 3 years for him to perfectly master it. So without potion X, Ryan still couldn't breathe freely.

If by chance another situation where he used his inner strength to the limit was like against the previous Eclipse happened again, he might have his consciousness taken over by that mysterious power and died.

Although the team he formed was drawn from perfume experts, the making of potion X was not that complicated. With the help of the new recruits who understood pharmacy, the development of the potion went smoothly. But why did he still fail to keep making it?

Where did it go wrong?

Ryan scratched his head, he should have done the exact same procedure. Why couldn't he make it up?

Valerie felt sad as she saw Ryan having a hard time. Though she didn't know the function of the medicine they were making, she knew that it was something valuable to Ryan.

Valerie then gave him a warm towel, and Ryan accepted Valerie's kindness with a smile, "Thank you Valerie."

"Since you're stuck, don't think too hard about it for now." Valerie then smiled, "Go outside and get some fresh air. That usually helps me."

Ryan nodded, then he shouted at his subordinates, "All of you, rest for 30 minutes. Get some fresh air."

Without waiting long, everyone had already walked out of the room. However, the outer hall was completely filled with people. In fact, to support the development of international products, Irina had bought a lot of new equipment and raw materials.

This expansion was perfect as a camouflage for Ryan's laboratory so he wasn't too worried about his enemies lurking through the darkness.

Everyone looked busy, especially Richard. With Felix's formula, Ryan's workload was greatly reduced. So this was the right time for him to develop potion X. 

However, when Richard saw Ryan, he immediately went to him and said with a smile, "Mr. Ryan, please try to smell the results of our experiment. This is one of the perfumes that we developed from the formula given by Mrs. Irina."

Ryan's job now was to decide whether perfume was appropriate for a launch or not.

"Wow, I'm not good at such matters, maybe you can ask Irina directly?" Ryan didn't want to be disturbed.

"Ah, you are belittling yourself. Your expertise in making perfume is legendary so I hope you can rate my work." Richard said with a smile.

Ryan had no other choice. After sniffing the perfume, his nose was instantly filled with a strong scent. However, that strong aroma turned into a jasmine scent.

"A little too strong." Ryan then gave the sample to Valerie beside him, "Valerie, didn't you say that you collect perfume? Try inhaling this."

Valerie took the perfume and inhaled carefully. Then she started commenting at length. Ryan didn't believe that his Valerie would explain it like a demon. Surprisingly, it seemed that Richard understood what Valerie meant. Even though Ryan himself could only hear the woman mutter quickly.

After she finished explaining, Valerie returned to normal. Richard nodded in satisfaction, "Your team is all great, right? I will consider both of your suggestions and come up with a new one."

After Richard left, Valerie immediately blushed and said, "I'm sorry, I look like a maniac when I talk about perfume."

"Hahaha you really are amazing Valerie!" Ryan laughed loudly.

When the two of them were joking, there were screams from those near them, "Ah! Monster!"


Ryan and Valerie were surprised together, there were monsters in the real world?

The two of them quickly walked into the room the screams came from. Many people stood frozen, some shocked, some terrified and all their eyes were fixed on a half-opened box in the middle of the room.

From inside the box, a moving turnip appeared! She had legs and arms, and she's trying to get out of the box.

The people who saw her immediately hid while screaming hysterically. They all stared at the turnip in horror.

"What's that turnip?" 

Everyone's question remained the same, why did the turnip move? This must be one of those frequent supernatural phenomena.

Ryan himself was confused. However, he felt a strong attraction to the radish. His instincts told him he needed to strengthen his inner strength.

Under people's eyes, the turnip fell from the box and then stood up casually.

Then what surprised them the most was that her eyes, nose, mouth and ears suddenly appeared!

Then, it was as if the radish was stretching its muscles by doing a gymnastic movement.

Even though she looked like a doll now, people clearly saw that it was a turnip before.

The doll then looked around and looked shy. Then she stretched out her right hand as if to greet humans.

Everyone was getting scared and running out, "Monster!"

The panic of these people made the atmosphere chaotic. Some were pushed to the ground, some were scratched by their friends. 

"How cute!" Valerie looked at the doll and was amazed by it. 

The doll was confused about why the humans were running so fast. Afraid of being stepped on, she hid behind the box and waited for the atmosphere to calm down again.

Suddenly, someone was about to catch her. But the doll was unexpectedly agile. When the man was about to catch her, she had already jumped high. Then it landed on the person's head.

The doll just shook its head while jumping overhead, showing that humans were too slow.

When he understood the meaning of the doll, Ryan was surprised that the doll had intelligence and awareness of its own.

When he tried to catch it again, the doll had already jumped onto the table.

"Catch that thing!" Ryan quickly shouted.

Ryan had to get the doll in order to understand what he was really dealing with. He felt that he had seen the doll somewhere. The man then went to the box where the doll came from and read the contents of the pamphlet.

That's not a turnip, it's a ginseng!

The box was full of ginseng.

One of the ingredients this company needed was ginseng imported from Canada. What surprised him was that one of the ginsengs was thousands of years old!

Ginseng was known as a medicinal plant that absorbed the essence of the earth and sky. As it grew for hundreds of years, a consciousness would arise in that plant. The prime example was the doll he wanted to catch earlier. It must be thousands of years old!

Nature was indeed mysterious, mankind had not been able to solve all the mysteries of nature like this ginseng doll. This ginseng doll was like a legend, it was very rare to hear the story of its existence. However, the story said that the ginseng doll was very nutritious for the health of the wearer.

Ryan's blood boiled at the thought. He then looked at the ginseng doll that was still jumping to the right and left. There was no doubt that the doll would be of use to him.

However, the ginseng doll was very agile. She easily escaped three people!

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