LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 16: The G.O.A.T

Lyerin had finally reached the colossal fortress-like building.

The high walls and heavy gates were imposing, but the guttural zombie roars and sporadic gunfire that echoed from within were even more daunting. He knew his mother was inside, held captive by the Borgias family.

Lyerin's heart reimagined calm as he surveyed the scene.

He had two options: transform into his formidable Ibex form, a humanoid giant with immense strength and the ability to intimidate zombies, or remain in his human form, more vulnerable to the undead but less likely to be gunned down by the guards.

Each choice carried significant risks.

Time was running out, and the situation was growing more perilous by the second. If he didn't move immediately, the zombies might target the bigger fellows, and it would be over even in his human ibex form. So he needed to save his mother fast and get the hell out of there.

Weighing his options, Lyerin decided to start in his human form to avoid drawing immediate fire from the guards. He needed to find a way inside, past the walls and gates.

The facility's layout came to mind; there was a service entrance at the back, likely less guarded and potentially offering a way in.

With his knowledge from a past life dealing with zombie apocalypses, Lyerin remained neutral and focused. Navigating the private property of the zoo, Lyerin avoided infected animals and guards alike.

He moved swiftly and silently, taking advantage of his knowledge of the layout and the chaos around him. He knew the facility well from his previous life when they recovered this place back then and he used this to his advantage, heading toward the fifth floor where the holding cells were typically located.

As he approached the entrance, he saw the guards with advanced modern weapons, all on high alert. He slipped through unnoticed and made his way up the stairs.

The sounds of battle outside intensified, but Lyerin remained focused. He needed to reach his mother before it was too late.

Finally, he reached the fifth floor.

The moment he stepped into the hallway, a dozen guns were immediately aimed on him.

The guards in uniform, their faces hardened and eyes cold, were ready to shoot at the slightest provocation.

"Stop right there!" one of them barked. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

Lyerin raised his hands slowly, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. "I'm Lyerin," he said calmly. "I'm here for my mother. Lina Borgias."

The guards exchanged glances, their suspicion evident. One of them, a tall man with a scar across his face, stepped forward. "How did you get here without a scratch? How did you know the passcodes?"

Lyerin knew he was in a precarious situation. He needed to tread carefully. "I have my ways," he said cryptically. "Look, I'm not here to cause trouble. I just want to get my mother and leave."

The tension in the room was heavy and intense.

The guards were not convinced.

They tightened their grips on their weapons, ready to fire.

Just as the situation seemed to be escalating, another man stepped forward from the back of the group. He looked at Lyerin intently, recognition dawning on his face.

"Wait," the man said, holding up a hand to stop the others. "Is this... are you the Eleventh Rank Eldren Apprentice?"

Lyerin was taken aback. He hadn't expected anyone here to know about his rank, and then his eyes knitted, it seemed that his mother was really here, so he said, "Yes,", nodding slowly. "I am."

The man who recognized him turned to the others and gestured for them to lower their weapons. "Stand down," he ordered.

The guards hesitated but eventually obeyed, lowering their guns but keeping a wary eye on Lyerin.

"I'm sorry for the rough welcome," the man said, stepping closer. "It was an order to take your mother. We had no choice."

Lyerin's eyes narrowed, but he forced himself to stay calm. "I understand," he said, though his voice was tense. "Just let me see her."

The man nodded and led Lyerin down the hallway.

The other guards followed at a distance, still cautious. As they walked, Lyerin's mind was thinking. He needed to get his mother out of here, but he also needed to find out more about what was going on in this facility.

They reached a large room filled with capsules. Each capsule contained a person in a state of suspended animation. Lyerin scanned the room quickly, his heart pounding. Then he saw her: his mother, Lina, unconscious inside one of the capsules.

"She's here," the man said, stopping in front of the capsule. "She's safe. We haven't harmed her."

Lyerin approached the capsule and placed a hand on the glass, relief flooding through him. He turned back to the man. "Thank you," he said quietly.

The man nodded, a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "We were following orders, but... I understand. Take your time. When you're ready, we'll help you get her out of here."

Lyerin nodded, but his mind was already racing with plans. He needed to get his mother to safety,

The guards were still watching him closely, but for now, they seemed willing to let him be.

As he stood there, next to his mother's capsule, Lyerin knew that the real challenge was just beginning.

The zombie apocalypse was spreading, and they were far from safe. But for now, he had found his mother, and that was a start.

For a moment, Lyerin closed his eyes, he was not suspicious why they are so welcoming, he knew the reason why, feeling the strange sensation coursing through his body, he felt the room was sapping his strength away, and he could sense the subtle yet powerful force at work.

When he opened his eyes, the door had already closed, sealing him inside. For a moment, worry tugged at his mind, but then a chuckle escaped his lips.

"If you wanted to trap me, you should have tried trapping me underground," Lyerin muttered to himself. He knew all about the Borgias family's weapon—a device designed to drain Eldren Mana from its surroundings.

It was a formidable tool, capable of rendering most Eldren apprentices helpless. But Lyerin was not like most apprentices. He had faced this device before and knew how to handle it.

Besides, he had an alternative plan, one that would be much easier to execute since he got this one.

His eyes darted to the window beside him, fortified with strong steel bars.

With a deep breath, Lyerin began to morph. His muscles bulged and expanded, his bones shifting and cracking audibly. The skin on his arms thickened, sprouting coarse fur. His hands twisted and morphed into powerful hooves, and his legs followed suit, becoming the sturdy limbs of a beast. His face elongated into a formidable snout, sharp horns spiraling out of his skull.

The transformation was intense, every fiber of his being reshaping into that of a massive, muscular, and wide Ibex.

The room seemed to shrink around him as he grew larger, more powerful, and more intense.

Instead of charging at the door, Lyerin turned his attention to the window. With surprising gentleness for his massive form, he lifted the capsule containing his mother, cradling it in his strong arms. He moved towards the window, his keen eyes assessing the situation.

Outside, the workers who had orchestrated his capture were buzzing with excitement.

They had been worried about the apocalypse and the chaos it brought, but trapping Lyerin had given them a much-needed morale boost.

"We did it!" one of them exclaimed. "An Eleventh Rank Eldren Apprentice! The family will reward us handsomely for this."

Another worker, slightly more pragmatic, nodded. "Now we just need to focus on surviving this mess. As long as we can hold out, we're set for life."

Their conversation was cut short by the sound of metal bending and glass shattering.


They paused, and they, familiar with windows breaking, so when they opened the door, they turned in shock to see Lyerin, in his massive Ibex form, stepping through the wreckage of the window.

The bars and glass lay in twisted heaps around him. He carried the capsule with ease, balancing it on his back as he prepared to make his escape.

In one fluid motion, Lyerin leaped from the window, his powerful hooves gripping the exterior wall of the building.

Goats are known for their incredible ability to balance and climb on the steepest, most precarious surfaces. Their hooves have a unique structure that allows them to grip even the smallest footholds with remarkable stability.

Drawing on this natural ability, Lyerin began his descent.

He moved with an agility that belied his massive size, his hooves finding purchase on narrow ledges and outcroppings.

The capsule remained secure on his back, held in place by the strength of his transformed limbs. He climbed down the side of the building with the same ease that a mountain goat would navigate a sheer cliff face.

Below, the guards were in a state of confusion. They had heard the commotion and were preparing for an internal breach, but now they looked up in disbelief at the sight of the gigantic Ibex descending the building's exterior.

"He's getting away!" one of them shouted, raising his weapon.

"Hold your fire!" the leader barked. "You might hit the capsule. We need him alive, and maybe we need whatever's inside that capsule."

Lyerin continued his descent, unfazed by the commotion below. His focus was on reaching the ground safely and making his escape.

The guards could not follow him on this treacherous path, and even if they tried, they would not be able to match his speed and agility.

As he neared the ground, he leaped the final few meters, landing with a heavy thud.

The capsule remained intact, and Lyerin wasted no time in setting it down gently.

Standing tall, he looked back at the building, seeing the faces of the guards peering down at him. He knew they would come after him, but he also knew he had gained a significant head start.

Lyerin picked up the capsule and began to run, moving with the swift, sure-footedness of someone who had survived countless dangers before.

His goal was clear: get as far away from this place as possible and find a safe location to hide and plan his next move.

Soon, he disappeared into the shadows of the surrounding area, leaving the guards behind.

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