Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 379: Decisive Battle (1)

Chapter 379: Decisive Battle (1)

It turned out that Craspio possessed thick, hard scales just like a reptile, but its overdependence on its vibration barrier made it react sensitively to direct hits. In other words, it was a big crybaby.


As expected, its still a first-dimensional monster no matter how powerful it is. Theres no way were going to lose after the amount of preparation we have made!

To be honest, mobilizing one thousand second-dimensional warriors against a first-dimensional monster could be seen as cheating. This army was enough to conquer Earth ten times over, and it would not make sense for such an army to be unable to defeat a monster that appeared in the first dimension.

Mana Explosion!



The mighty colossal monster seen ten days ago was nowhere to be seen, but Craspio did not simply sit around and take the beating. It retaliated every chance it got by swinging its fists and unleashing a wave of vibration attacks.

Woooong! Ziiing!

[Evade it!]

Whoosh! Bam!

However, the monster was unable to inflict any significant damage on its adversaries.

Leading the battle, Mariam meticulously analyzed every minute detail about Craspio over the past ten days. She not only watched the video of the initial confrontation between Han-Yeol and Craspio but went to the extent of reviewing all footage of Craspio's first appearance on Earth, engaging with Japanese Master Rank Hunters. No subtle movement made by Craspio escaped her attention, and any behavior that remotely resembled a habit was keenly observed. Mariam committed to memory every single attack pattern of Craspio in meticulous preparation for the impending battle.

Thanks to this, she was able to alert the Bastro Warriors to evade the moment Craspio showed the habitual movement it made before preparing to launch an attack.

Naturally, Mariam lacked the ability to converse in the Bastro Language. While it might have been an insurmountable challenge for Han-Yeol, Mariam, being a Master Rank Hunter, relied solely on her telepathic prowess. Consequently, she could now communicate effortlessly, bypassing the need to comprehend the language itself by directly transmitting her thoughts to the intended recipients.

To put it simply, she was now able to communicate with whoever she wanted without having to worry about a language barrier.

Kieng! Craspio cried out in frustration after seeing its attacks repeatedly fail to hit its target.


[You dare!]



However, the colossal monster wasn't even given the luxury to express its frustration as Kandir jumped out of nowhere and slammed his ax right in the center of the monsters head. Although vulnerable after the attack, Han-Yeol quickly provided cover fire for him.

Eruption Slash!

Three waves of magma shot out from Han-Yeols Magma Longsword and flew toward Craspios head, chest, and abdomen.

Kieeeeng! Craspio cried out, desperately swinging its fists in an attempt to block Han-Yeol and Kandirs attacks.

The monsters desperation paid off as it managed to shove Kandir back and block Han-Yeols Magma Slash.

This is getting boring Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

He did not expect the raid to progress so smoothly and easily. He couldn't help but feel he overestimated his enemy and ended up exaggerating the amount of effort he put into the preparation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


Mavros circled around the colossal monster at high speeds, and Han-Yeol would attack with Magma Slash and Explosion whenever he found an opening in the monsters barrier.





He repeated this ten times until the shiny scales of the once mighty monster were now in tatters.


Craspio growled and glared at Han-Yeol. It was as if the monster was telling him it was going to drag him along to the pits of hell even if it meant costing its life.


Han-Yeol smirked, raised his middle finger, and said, Fuck off, asshole.

Craspio was a blessing in disguise for Han-Yeol, greatly benefiting from its appearance. However, that did not mean he was happy about it as the bitter taste of defeat still lingered strongly in his mouth. The only way he could remove this annoying bitter taste was to absolutely dominate the monster and beat it to a pulp.

Well, using an army against one opponent is indeed a bit shameful but who cares? Han-Yeol shrugged the thought off.

If one could not solve a problem alone, then it was only logical to get help from others.

Im going to fight and win alone next time, he swore.

Of course, there was not going to be a rematch between him and Craspio ever again after this.

Its time to end this, Mavros.



Mavros spread out his wings the moment Han-Yeol gave the command.

The duo had practiced various flight maneuvers, developing a few interesting ones.


[Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?]

Tell Riru and the others to throw everything they have to distract that bastard.

[Yes, I understand.]

Han-Yeol called out to Tayarana this time after relaying his instructions to Mariam.


[Yes, Han-Yeol?]

One order of Judgement of Horus extra spicy, please.

[Sure, leave it to me.]

She had done an excellent job against Craspio so far, and it was now time for her to unleash her full power against it.

Haa Gotta calm my breathing first


Han-Yeol and Mavros calmed their breathing.


Then, Han-Yeol gently kicked Mavros side.



Mavros shot up into the sky.

Kieng? Craspio was flustered when the most annoying one among the multitude of ants attacking suddenly soared into the sky and disappeared from view.



However, its attention was diverted back to the ground after an even fiercer barrage of attacks was unleashed against it.

The strongest of the Bastro Warriors retreated to the back lines to gather their strength, but the rest of the Bastro Warriors and Yoo-Bis drones emptied whatever mana they had in their reserve as they rained down mana bullets at the colossal monster.

[Dont conserve your mana! Squeeze out every drop you have!]


Ratatatata! Boom! Boom!


Most of the mana bullets were blocked by the vibration barrier, but Craspio had to fully focus on defending for now due to the unrelenting shower of bullets directed at it. The attack was a huge success.



Craspio noticed the absence of the stronger ones attacking it and seized the opportunity to stomp its foot. Then, a powerful earthquake shook the ground.


[Watch out!]

[Dont get swallowed up by the fissures!]

[Be careful over there!]

The ground split open as Craspio unleashed its trademark earthquake skill, attempting to swallow everything on top of it. However, the Bastro Warriors easily avoided it, showcasing their expertise in mobility.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Beep!



However, the same couldn't be said for Yoo-Bis drones as the earthquake swallowed up her drones on the ground, and most of her screens monitoring these drones blacked out once the signal was cut.

Whats our status?

We have lost signal with all of our drones on the ground!

What about our drones in the air?

The shockwave has destroyed most of them too! Only the ones filming from afar survived the shockwave!

The reports were not what she wanted to hear, but she still had some of her flying drones remaining.

Tsk This is frustrating Yoo-Bi clicked her tongue and scratched the back of her head out of frustration.

This was a new habit she recently developed after facing numerous frustrations while cooped up researching in her laboratory.

So theres nothing else we can do to help?

Yes, that is correct, professor.

Haa Yoo-Bi let out a sigh and worriedly watched the remaining screens.

It seemed that Han-Yeol was currently winning, but there was no telling what could happen in a boss monster raid.

Hang in there, oppa. She earnestly prayed and prayed while looking up at the sky.


Han-Yeol finally reached the altitude he wanted and looked down at the ground. A fierce battle was unfolding on the ground just as he ordered, and everyone was pouring everything they had to keep Craspio busy.

Phew This is it, Mavros, Han-Yeol said.

Kiek! Mavros enthusiastically replied just like he always did.

We are going to end that guy with this.


Sword Breath. Magma Sword.

Fwaaah! Plop! Plop!

This was a combination he recently developed, barely managing to successfully combine Sword Breath and Magma Sword, given their somewhat similar elemental properties. Well, others might accuse him of not trying hard at all and relying solely on his overpowered abilities. He had nothing to retort at his accusers as he fully agreed with them.

I mean Things just happen easily so

His response would probably trigger numerous people, and it probably did just now.

Anyway, Han-Yeol used his new skill combination and gathered as much as he possibly could.

Kieeeeeek! Mavros responded by gathering as much mana as he could into his dragon heart.

The ability to gather mana into his dragon heart was something he only managed to do after going through numerous trials and errors.


I am becoming one with Mavros

Just like how Mujahid became a Master Rank Hunter by becoming one with Furion, so was Han-Yeol trying to become one with Mavros right now.

Of course, the way Han-Yeol and Mavros were going to become one was completely different from how Mujahid and Furion did, and this was only normal as every person and monster were different.


A mana storm brewed around Han-Yeol as his body started unleashing a blue hue. Mavros responded by unleashing his green mana from his body as well. The blue and green mana intertwined until it combined into a bluish-green mana.

Whoosh! Chwak!

Han-Yeol swung his sword and chain to his sides while exuding a powerful burst of mana.


The amount of mana he was exuding was so powerful that even the space around him started to tremble.

Kieng? Craspio looked up at the sky after sensing the powerful mana emanating from it.

[T-This power is?!]


Even the Bastro Warriors looked up after sensing the familiar mana in the sky, and it didn't take them long to recognize it.


[This is Harkan-nims mana!]

[H-How can this be?!]

[What?! How can Harkan-nim be?!]

The mana emitted by Han-Yeol and Mavros was identical to the mana Harkan wielded, but that was not the end of it.

Rage Mode.



A burst of red mana forced itself between the blue and green mana the moment Han-Yeol used Rage Mode, and the color of the mana changed into something difficult to explain with words.

Chwak! C-Crack!

Han-Yeol took it a step further and crushed a large mana stone.


The mana from the large mana stone seeped into his hand before further amplifying his and Mavros mana.

Han-Yeol used buff after buff before activating Demon Eyes. Then, he patted Mavros neck and said, Lets go, Mavros.


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