Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 391 – Age of Confusion (7)

Chapter 391 – Age of Confusion (7)

Han-Yeol quickly composed himself, thanks in part to Tia’s tough love, but also because he wasn't a weak person. The surprise of seeing the White Dragon had momentarily caught him off guard, but that was all.

Focusing his senses on the mana the White Dragon exuded, Han-Yeol discerned that its abilities were, at the very least, top-class.


“Hoho~ You just realized, master?” teased Tia.

“H-How can this be...?”

The White Dragon's mana didn't initially seem remarkable to him, which was the source of his surprise. At first glance, there was nothing special about it. However, Han-Yeol could sense something unique within its seemingly average mana.

What he detected from the dragon’s mana was none other than...



Flap! Flap! Flap!

“Kiyu! Kiyuuu!”

The White Dragon initially appeared wary, sticking closely to Mavros. However, after Han-Yeol used Restore, the dragon suddenly raised its head and flapped its wings, flying toward him.

Of course, the dragon couldn't fly far since it had just been born moments ago.

“Kiyu! Kiyu!”

The White Dragon clung to Han-Yeol’s hand, rubbing its face against his hand as if seeking comfort from its mother. It looked genuinely happy during this interaction.

“As expected...” Han-Yeol remarked.

“Hoho~ Congratulations, master. You've gained a new pet without using your skill.”

“Ah, thanks.”

‘A divine creature...’ Han-Yeol pondered, curious and concerned about the changes that would unfold from this fateful encounter.

Despite the uncertainty, he wasn't scared, as he regarded such meetings as precious.

‘I’m responsible for you now that you’ve become my pet,’ he thought.

“Kiyu! Kiyuuu!”

The White Dragon continued to rub its face against Han-Yeol’s hand, and he looked down at it with warm, gentle eyes.


That was how the White Dragon became a part of Han-Yeol’s family.

While having such a young, weak creature join his family might be considered a burden, that was not the case at all. The White Dragon, akin to mythical creatures like the Pegasus or Unicorn, was destined to become a formidable ally once it matured. Hence, Han-Yeol was more than pleased to welcome the White Dragon with open arms.

“Kiyu! Kiyuuu!”

The White Dragon seemed to have fully acknowledged Han-Yeol as its parent, rubbing its face on him even without using Restore. Yet, he occasionally used Restore, as the White Dragon appeared to love it, clinging to his hand and slurping up Restore at every opportunity.

“You’re so cute, Dragonie!” Han-Yeol exclaimed, watching the dragon slurp up his mana.

Not having settled on a name for the White Dragon, he temporarily called it Dragonie. Han-Yeol intended to give his first divine creature a name that exuded divinity, so he decided to take his time choosing one.

Han-Yeol, currently relaxing in the mansion’s back garden with the White Dragon, was addressed by Tia.

“Hoho~ You seem to like your new child, master.”

Flinching, Han-Yeol replied, “Hahaha... What are you talking about? I like all of you.”

He started sweating profusely at her remark. While he did dote on Mavros as always, he couldn't help but give a bit more attention to the White Dragon these days.

In his defense, the White Dragon clung to him twenty-four-seven, leaving him with no choice but to give it more attention compared to the others. This was a different side of him that even he did not know existed.



Kyu...” Mavros cried as his ears and tail drooped.

He loved Han-Yeol more than anyone else and was happiest whenever he flew around or hunted monsters with him, but that wasn't the reason he felt sad right now. A mini-dragon was a very independent creature, so he wasn't going to sulk or be sad just because his master was paying attention to someone else.

The reason for his sadness was none other than the White Dragon. Surprisingly, the White Dragon turned out to be a female, and Mavros had fallen for her at first sight. However, the White Dragon only had eyes for Han-Yeol at the moment and didn't even spare a glance at Mavros.

Despite being young, the White Dragon was a perfect combination of majesty and beauty in Han-Yeol’s eyes, making it understandable why Mavros would fall for her at first sight.

“Kyuuu... Kyuu...” Mavros cried from a tree, looking down at the White Dragon and Han-Yeol, who was currently relaxing on a hammock.

Unfortunately, the White Dragon didn't spare Mavros a glance despite his desperate cries. Then, she finally glanced at him.


Just as Mavros was about to rejoice, thinking the White Dragon had finally noticed him, she looked at him for less than two seconds before turning her head away. It was evident that the White Dragon had no interest in Mavros at all.


“Kyuuu...” Mavros cried as tears started streaming down his face.

“Hoho~ Stay strong, Mavros,” Tia said with a smile as she comforted the crying mini-dragon—not that it was any comfort to him.

‘I think you’ll have to go through hardships first before getting to be in a relationship with Dragonie, Mavros...’ Han-Yeol could clearly see what was going on, so he wished the mini-dragon luck.

Relationships were bound to be more difficult for the person who liked the other person more. Han-Yeol would have loved to become Mavros’ wingman, but he knew that this was something Mavros had to overcome alone.

Seuk... Seuk...


The White Dragon began making sounds similar to a cat purring whenever Han-Yeol stroked her back.

‘Ah... This feels good...’ Han-Yeol felt very relaxed while patting the dragon, for some reason.

As it happened, there was a specific reason for Han-Yeol's heightened focus on the White Dragon, and it revolved around the peculiar mana she emitted. This mana, he discovered, had a similar effect to the soothing incense burned to aid people in managing stress. Being in the presence of the White Dragon genuinely made Han-Yeol feel more relaxed, akin to the comforting sensation he experienced when using Restore on himself.

‘Is this why she’s a divine creature?’ Han-Yeol couldn't help but grow fonder of the White Dragon the more he learned about her.

Anyway, Han-Yeol was able to relax properly for the first time in a long while thanks to the White Dragon. He tackled the majority of the backlog he had been postponing, having been burnt out from the overwhelming events unfolding around him.

Now, he only had one task remaining, and that was to make his decision, which was no longer difficult thanks to him being able to think with a clear head.

‘Alright! I’ve decided!’


Han-Yeol stood up from his seat.

“Oh? Have you finally made up your mind, master?” Tia asked.

No longer able to enhance her strength by consuming humans, she found herself devoid of the urge to venture outside. Thanks to that, she was able to spend more time beside Han-Yeol compared to before. Instead, she picked up a new hobby that was a stark contrast to her previous hobby—knitting.

“Yeah, I’ve decided to flip this world upside down and change it however I want.”

“Hoho~ I knew my life wouldn’t be boring the moment I was born and I saw you, master. I have a feeling things are going to become very exciting from now on.”


The White Dragon had no idea what was going on, but she cried out in joy after sensing that her master was in a good mood.

On the other hand...


Mavros was still depressed as the White Dragon would not spare him a glance.

‘Hahaha... Hang in there, buddy,’ Han-Yeol could not help but feel bad for him.


Han-Yeol had a tendency to ponder for an extended period until he grew bored of his own thoughts, yet once he made up his mind, he promptly sprang into action. Detesting procrastination after decision-making, he was the type to act immediately.

His first move involved summoning the entire Gurkha raid party and heading to Yeouido, where South Korea’s parliament was situated. Following this, he reached out to news outlets and broadcasting stations, announcing his intention to host a press conference.


[BREAKING NEWS! Lee Han-Yeol Hunter is holding a press conference at 3 PM today!]

[The press conference will be held at the Yeouido Neighborhood Park!]

[All reporters are requested to go to the park at this instant!]

News outlets and broadcasting stations mobilized every available reporter, regardless of leave, vacation, or sickness. The mere mention of Lee Han-Yeol and the press conference served as sufficient justification for the urgent summons.

For reporters, Han-Yeol was a prime target, and securing a scoop before others virtually guaranteed a promotion. Conversely, tardiness in reporting anything related to him risked a news outlet falling behind its competitors.

Despite thirty minutes remaining until the clock struck three, the park was already bustling with reporters.

Murmur! Murmur!

Yeouido Neighborhood Park, often frequented by celebrities, had a substantial number of reporters, including those who camped at the park for exclusive shots of celebrities.

“Where is Lee Han-Yeol Hunter?”

“There’s still twenty-nine minutes left before three, senior.”

“Ah... This is so annoying... Why did he choose this place, of all places, to hold a press conference?”

Not every reporter was a Han-Yeol enthusiast, and a senior reporter exemplified this sentiment. He was uninterested in promotions; his sole motivation for becoming a reporter was capturing images of celebrities and girl group idols up-close.

Regularly stationed at the park, eagerly anticipating celebrity sightings, the sudden decision by Han-Yeol to host the press conference there irked him. His news desk compelled him to cover the event, an assignment he found infuriating, diverting his focus from his favored celebrities.

As the clock struck three o’ one, the press conference was set to begin.


The sound of an EV resonated as a black, top-of-the-range supercar arrived in front of the park. A luxurious, handcrafted bespoke supercar, there was only one person in South Korea who owned that specific model from that brand.

Recognizing the car, reporters immediately identified the owner.

“Lee Han-Yeol Hunter is here!”

The crowd at the park grew rowdy upon realizing his arrival.

Han-Yeol leisurely exited his car, walking into the park with the Gurkha raid party forming a human barricade to prevent the crowd from reaching him. Reaching the stage set up for him, he grabbed the mic.

“Hello, I want to first thank each and every one of you for coming at such short notice,” Han-Yeol greeted, initiating the press conference.

This was his usual starting point, and the reporters were accustomed to it by now. However, what he said next completely caught them off guard.

“I also want to apologize for hosting a press conference to deliver such news, but I, Lee Han-Yeol, can no longer bear to watch the incompetent and corrupt government and Hunters’ Association. Therefore, I am here today to deliver a stern warning against them.”

“W-What did he just say...?”


“Did I hear him correctly just now...?”

“I... I think I heard him right, but...”

Most of the reporters were not expecting anything special that day, so they came without many expectations and were unprepared. It was akin to the Korean Forces caught off guard when the North Korean Forces swarmed south during the Korean War. This wasn't just a scoop; it was a bombshell announcement from Han-Yeol. No, it wasn't an announcement; it was a declaration of war against the South Korean Government and the South Korean Hunters’ Association!

“This is not some sort of joke or a verbal warning. As some of you might be aware, I have attended the funeral for the raid party and our soldiers who went missing at the DMZ,” Han-Yeol continued.


“Right, he was there.”

“That was quite the issue at that time, right?”

“Even Princess Tayarana and Prince Mujahid came all the way from Egypt to pay their respects, right?”

“Lee Han-Yeol Hunter looked quite serious at that time... He didn’t say much, so I thought he was just there to pay respects to his friend’s friend...”

“No way! Was he thinking about this since that time...?!”

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