Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Side Story 24

The place where the main phase of the Great Celestial War begins.

In a space dominating the view of the stadium, General Chief Lee Rangjin muttered:

"A formidable guy has joined."

The participants were revealing themselves one by one.

The selection of the 64 participants was based on who would survive until the end.

The only criterion for victory was strength.

However, in the eyes of Lee Rangjin, the winner was already evident.

"Is he referring to Asura?"

In response to the other General's question beside him, Lee Rangjin nodded.

"Of course."

"Indeed, even if he is the last, he is still a single-digit High-Ranker."

Asura's rank, originally 10th, rose to 9th after Vishnu's death.

Although the ranking ascent was due to a vacant position, the significance of a single-digit rank was different.

Moreover, the fact that Asura, not affiliated with any faction, had a single-digit rank meant he had power comparable to that of a Great Guild on his own.

"The problem is his violence."


His name was used as a synonym.

Whether on a blood-soaked battlefield or as a killer who slays people like a demon.

The name Asura was associated with places emitting such a violent odor.V/\Issα»‹T n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).π˜€π‘œ/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

"When that guy becomes the General Chief, will it be a gain or a loss...?"

"It doesn't matter, does it?"


At the unexpected sound, Lee Rangjin turned his head.

A rough and somewhat hoarse voice.

Within it hid a friendly, gentle yet firm voice.

He had forgotten it for a while, as it had been too long.

"Taishang Laojun...?"

"You don't even kneel anymore."

An elder with a long white beard leaning on a staff.

Exuding an aura that made him appear like an immortal descending from the sky, it was none other than Taishang Laojun, who hadn't even appeared during the great war between The Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, and The Great Sage, Who Pacifies Heaven.

"They say you'll soon be the Jade Emperor, but it must not be the time yet."

"Greetings, Taishang Laojun-nim."

"Greetings, Taishang Laojun-nim!"

The General beside Lee Rangjin also knelt next to him.

Due to his long silence, there were currently more people in the Celestial Realm who didn't know Taishang Laojun's face than those who did.

The General who knelt beside Lee Rangjin raised his head slightly and looked at Taishang Laojun.

'That guy, Taishang Laojun?'

He was a legendary figure.

If he hadn't been listed in the rankings, most people would have been sure he was already dead.

However, Taishang Laojun's position in the Celestial Realm was not much different from the Jade Emperor's.

"It's been a long time, old man."

"That little one has grown a lot. It seems like yesterday when you became the General Chief..."

"It's a thing of the past."

"And your head has also become stiff. It's expected when you live for a long time."

It was just a few words.

By raising his head after lifting the kneeling knees, Lee Rangjin soon began to discern Taishang Laojun's intentions.

Why he had come.

Whether his intention would be beneficial or detrimental to the Celestial Realm.

Time had flown, and in Taishang Laojun, the kindness of old was no longer seen.

"Why have you come out?"

"My seclusion has ended."


Taishang Laojun was not a being with an official position.

However, the reason he had as much influence in the Celestial Realm as the Jade Emperor was that he was the former Jade Emperor's Master.

He had been in seclusion for a long time. His sole purpose was to surpass his limits and reach a higher realm.

"Have you achieved a satisfactory result?"


A faint smile appeared on Taishang Laojun's lips.

"I have transcended my realm."

"...Is that so?"

Lee Rangjin briefly read Taishang Laojun's energy.

He couldn't sense anything around him.

If someone saw him, they would only see him as a normal old man, nothing more.

"Now that I come out and look at the world for a moment, I see there has been an event called the Great Celestial War."

As soon as he came out, Taishang Laojun looked back at the past world.

That is, what happened while he was in seclusion.

"It's ridiculous. Celestial Realm turned upside down because of two simple Yokais, the Jade Emperor died, and now you've been chosen as the next Jade Emperor."

"...It's my fault for being incompetent."

"Yes, you're incompetent. You were quite incompetent. But can a guy who isn't even fit to be the General Chief be the Jade Emperor?"

His laughter echoed through the room. In no time, Taishang Laojun turned around and left.

"Should I be happy for the old man's return...?"

Lee Rangjin's gaze followed Taishang Laojun.

'Why do I feel so uneasy?'

Lee Rangjin felt a strange unease seeing Taishang Laojun seeming to have become a completely different person.

At this moment, as the final round of the Great Tournament to determine the next General Chief begins.

Lee Rangjin couldn't discern whether he should be happy or not for the sudden appearance of Taishang Laojun.

"General Chief."

While still stunned by Taishang Laojun's appearance...

"It's time to go."

The start time of the final round was rapidly approaching.

Lee Rangjin nodded and began to walk towards the battlefield.

Whatever happens.

He must complete this tournament safely, so that the Celestial Realm has a future.


Yu Won and his group entered the battlefield of the Great Celestial War.

The stadium was in a frenzy.

Due to the cheers of the large crowd filling the place.


"I bet everything on you-!"

"I bet everything on Tsukuyomi!"

"Beautiful Tsukuyomi! Kill them! Win! Crush! Destroy! Tsuku..."

As in any tournament, the most fun was in betting.

The money wagered by each participant.

Supportive voices resonated for the championship favorites, from Asura to Tsukuyomi and Lee Ye.

"Wow, there are so many fans!"

Most voices cheered for Asura and Tsukuyomi.

It was understandable that Asura, a championship candidate with a single-digit rank, had so many followers, but Tsukuyomi's popularity seemed to be based more on the fascination she aroused.

It was natural since this was one of the few times the normally mysterious Tsukuyomi appeared at a public event.

"It's strange to receive so much attention."

Lee Ye approached Yu Won slowly.


Passing his arm over Yu Won's shoulder, he asked quietly:

"Don't you think so?"

'Is it a threat?'

He didn't feel any hostility from him. Yu Won removed Lee Ye's arm from his shoulder and replied:

"It seems like you're not that popular."

"They still don't know me well. I don't mind."

"I see."

"Weren't we going to finish our previous conversation?"

"The Elixir?"


Lee Ye's gaze changed.

The Elixir.

Lee Ye was willing to risk his life to obtain it.

"I don't know what the conditions are, but if you tell me what you know..."

"I'll tell you after the tournament is over."


Yu Won's unexpected response filled Lee Ye with doubts.

Was it a lie?

Whatever the Elixir was, it wasn't credible that Yu Won would simply reveal how to obtain that legendary potion.

Lee Ye was sure there would be some other condition.

"Do you think I'm bluffing, right?"

Yu Won's words seemed to read his mind.

"Anyway, you'll find out it's not a lie when everything is over. For now, just make sure to survive."


Ignoring Lee Ye's impatient question, Yu Won looked down at his Player Kit.

Is there any problem? Why is there no news?

Several days had already passed.

Son OhGong, who had promised to contact him as soon as he arrived, was nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't the first time this guy had broken his promises, but this time he was going too far.

Until now, Yu Won hadn't worried too much because he trusted Son OhGong more than anyone.

But if something went wrong...

At that moment, the Player Kit vibrated.

Yu Won hurriedly checked the message that had arrived.

[Son OhGong: Sorry, I'm late.]

Yu Won let out a sigh of relief.

The fact that he had received a message meant that the situation wasn't too serious.

To use the Player Kit, the surrounding Arcane Power had to be stable.

[Son OhGong: I'm almost there. Get ready. Oh, and by the way, it's quite fun here too.]

It seemed like he could hear Son OhGong's mocking laughter through the message.

'It looks like they've already started on their side...'

A too-late message.

Yu Won felt like a fool for trusting Son OhGong and looked around the stadium, including the stands.

'It looks like it's about to start here too.'


His eyes shone with a golden color. The Eyes of Foreknowledge gleamed brightly.


The clouds swirled in the previously clear sky.

On top of a high hill.

Son OhGong scratched his ear and stored the Player Kit that had sent the message in his inventory.

"Maybe he got scared because I contacted him late? Even though I'm just a little late..."

Son OhGong, who had worried for a moment that Yu Won would scold him, quickly brushed off those thoughts.

"Bah, it doesn't matter."

Son OhGong, who was full of complaints until yesterday, now had a cheerful expression.

It was understandable.

He couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun fighting.


Son OhGong heard a faint groan coming from the hill below where he was sitting. His ears perked up.

He stood up from the pile of Envoy corpses he had used as a seat and asked with a satisfied smile:

"Well, are you still alive?"

It was the Chief Envoy-ranked Envoy from the Administration Bureau, a guy named Horan.

The Administration Bureau without the presence of the Administrator.

The over ten thousand Envoys who had stayed there.

Son OhGong had fought alone against all of them.

Horan, the Chief Envoy, had tried to stop him alongside the other Envoys, but Son OhGong showed no signs of fatigue during the two-day battle.

"Suddenly... this... what are you doing..."

"Weren't you guys the ones who started the fight?"


Son OhGong's Eyes of Golden Cinder Eyes narrowed fiercely along with his sharp claws.

"Why did you kill Vishnu?"

Vishnu's death had reignited the flames in Son OhGong's heart, which had been extinguished for a while.

The moment he heard the news, he realized that, unlike the future, he hadn't been able to protect his comrade.

Every day, he felt an unbearable need to take it out on someone.

"I don't know what you guys want. Yu Won will take care of that. But one thing I tell you."


Along with his sharp claws, Son OhGong grabbed Horan's head.

"Since you've touched us, all of you will die by my hand."

"Now... soon... he... will come... then... you too..."


The head crushed under the force of his hand.

Son OhGong muttered as he threw the shattered body and head to the ground like minced meat.

"We'll see."

At the same time, Son OhGong raised his head.

The blue light from the sky, hidden by the dust clouds, fell upon him.

A knight in steel armor mounted on a horse appeared with the wind that cleared the dust clouds.

As expected, the appearance of the Administrators was completely different.

The corners of his lips curled up with excitement.

Through the Golden Cinder Eyes, he could clearly see the flow of Arcane Power enveloping the man's body.

Arcane Power flowing smoothly like a living being.

Seeing it, he knew for sure.

"Here you are. Administrator."


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