Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 82 – Queen’s Reaction

Chapter 82 – Queen’s Reaction

*** Queen, Next day ***

I sit in front of the mirror, getting the rundown from Irdru of the various programs she has running. The most interesting is a spy network from the Phoenix clan. They report that a few princesses have gone missing, yet the Queen doesn't seem to be worried. She just waves it off like it is silly to care about it when questioned in court.

"Any updates on the attack yesterday? Did the guild find anything missing or strange about the guards poisoned?" I ask.

"No, the guards seemed somewhat random besides the two that live close together. One of the guards found that an old trap had gone off recently, likely by the assassin. Nothing was found missing in the guild, and they report the infiltrator was killed; an acid boiled the body completely," she says.

"I doubt that. What magic was used by the assassin?"

"Sound and illusion."

"Is Yuki still breathing?"

"Yes, by all accounts, that princess is fine."

"Good. Rather not deal with that mess. Let the guild be. They've lost more than enough now to know they need to clean up their act. Maybe send a threat to not mess up like this again or something."

"As you wish, your Majesty. Is there anything else?"

"No, that's all. Keep me updated on the Phoenix clan. I want to know the second those princesses are found."

"Of course, your Royal Highness," she says with a bow before the mirror returns to showing my face.

"Now, to check up on that troublesome princess. Even Elora is causing me less of a headache."

Getting up from the desk, I head out towards the front of the mansion. I'm already dressed to leave the castle grounds, probably overdressed for going to a brothel, but I am meeting a princess of that annoying realm. Always a threat to just end a royal line if one pushes them too far. One of the few races to have a patron goddess. Just like the stupid Phoenix clan.

My carriage is ready by the time I make it out front, the door open, and a small gathering of maids and guards on their horses.

Wordlessly, the maids help me up, few follow me in before the door closes, and we set off.

"My dear you didn't think you were going out by yourself this time. We all want a little bit of time with the prostitute that got our wife pregnant," a sneaky wife says.

"I'm not going out to meet the whore. I'm going to meet an annoying kitsune."

"Oh, don't tell me I got dressed all slutty for nothing? You've been caught up with that little girl of yours for too long. Some of us are still young here and wouldn't mind a kid or two more. It's too bad our husband can't do it anymore. The Goddess really is too cruel to the men," she says. None of my wives are young. While some may not be past their prime, they aren't young.

"Lotus, if you want to spend time with the whore you can. I've got business to handle. The kitsune needs to be warned off of causing any more trouble," I say, taking in what little clothing the dryad put on. She really did dress for a brothel. I would say plenty of cleavage, but it may be better to say she had very little clothing. Almost everything but her nipples were free to see. A single band holding the giant things back, a corset bringing in her stomach, ending with a short skirt letting me see her white underwear. "You could come to me dressed like that and find yourself in my bed more often," I say after getting a good look at my pale green wife.

"Oh, we know. Now that you aren't focused on that pretty little daughter, you'll be getting more of your pretty wives. What you should do is let your wives and husband have some time with the little princess. She is also our daughter. Then you would be free to let a few of us slip into your bed."

"You know it's rare for us elves to have a kid this old. I wanted to spend the most time I could with my last."

"When you finish with the kitsune, come join me with the whore. Maybe she can work a miracle on us both," she says, finding her way onto my lap. "It's been so long since we've shared a cock, and rumor has it she can last all night." Her ass grinding into me, her sultry voice tempting me to make a mistake.

"Lotus, having another kid is a mistake. Our husband, while not able to perform anymore, wasn't happy about my last one. Soon, the next Queen will be decided, and Then we'll have a new man. One that may be able to give us kids again. It would be a mistake for me to end up in the prostitute's bed."

"You know those young men never look at us, old needy women. They have all the young women to play with. Then, the maids and servants. Come on, one last time with a real cock. As you said, it's rare for the old, dried-up us to get pregnant. You have a silly excuse to be in the same building as one that did it." Those silly hands wandered over my pants, sliding up the insides of my thighs. "Join me. You won't get pregnant; I likely won't get pregnant. Though I did say a little prayer to the absent Goddess. I know yesterday was stressful for you. Let your wife and a little slave help you."

"Lotus," I start.

"Dear, go in. Be a Queen for twenty minutes, then come down and be a slut with your wife. Pretend to be trying to get pregnant again with me. Let us pretend to be young again. Then we can go back to being the old cronies that own the castle for another decade till one of your daughters passes you in strength."

"Fine. Then, after this, we go to the Goddess of fertility like the little girls you want to be and do a silly little prayer. Hoping for a little boy but will be happy for a girl." Giving up, I wrap my arms around the sexy old dryad, pulling her in close. The sweet, natural smell of pine fills my nose.

"That's the spirit. Things are calm right now. Take advantage of it. Remember the stress from the war. It'll happen soon. Everyone wants more land; things have been peaceful for too long."

"I would say you were jinxing things, but you're right. One of my daughters is likely to inherit a war with the throne. And don't think I didn't notice you going back on being young."

"Hmph, I am young," she says, taking my lips before I can protest.

The maids are professional as we finish the ride snuggling like two love-sick teens. My hands easily found all her private parts with what little clothing she had on. All she did was tease me back, ensuring I joined the girl after dealing with Yuki.

"Your Majesty we are nearly to the district. Should we do the switch, or do you want to show up as the Queen?" a maid asks.

"Do the switch," I say before my lips find my wife's neck for a kiss.

The guards lead an illusion of a carriage down a new street as we continue to the brothel. Our carriage goes invisible until it makes a turn. It's not a perfect way to go undercover, but it's good enough for my own city.

Once out front of the brothel, we get a small illusion artifact to adjust our faces enough to not be found out, and then the maids help us down. The maids leave me alone with my wife to enter. I ignore everything going on in the lobby and head straight for the troublemaker. My wife goes to the lounge to find the dragon.

Up five floors, I enter the first door to the antechamber Yuki somehow got. I don't bother looking around, and when I enter the next room, I find her performing a song for some members of the Mournbow family.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm hear on business for the Queen. The royal family will pay for this session and another one later for your family," I say, moving to take a seat at Yuki's desk.

The family gives me a small bow before they leave. No complaints were lodged, just a dirty look from the performer.

"What do you want, Queen?" she snarls, putting away the instruments she was just playing.

"You are in my lands, not your realm. Your mother won't do anything if I teach you some manners. Now, why are you making a mess in my city?" I say.

"I'm not."

"There's no need to lie. Do you think I don't recognize what the Crazy Kitsune did to the warehouse? Think I can't pull the records for the assassin's guild and find they attacked some of your lovers. You killed three nobles yesterday. It would've been four if one didn't have a meeting with me. Rosemary had to spend several hours fixing the damage that poison did."

"I don't know..."

"Stop. You had your lover give you her mana for that poison. Many healers would go out of their way to kill her if they found out. They won't care that she didn't know what was happening. Don't risk that innocent girl like that. Now explain."

"I did what was needed. They attacked people they shouldn't have. This is the deal all assassins have. Correctly identify their target, or they'll become the target. It was fair; I gave them the option to give the information willingly, but they didn't want to. Blame them, not me," she says. She is sitting in her fancy robes on the small stage put in her room. I can feel the teleportation rune somewhere in the room. What is this girl getting at?

Nakuma must have already been in the country for her to respond so quickly to the attacks.

What was her original purpose for coming here?

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing you need to know about. Unless you or your daughters do something stupid, I won't hurt your Queendom."

"Why do you need Nakuma?"

"I want a friend."

"I can have you sent out of my lands if you don't tell me more."

"I'm working on the same thing I've been working on for the past eighty years. Go ask your mother if you want more on the subject."

"You don't need a friend for that."

"But I do."

"You can go to any man and have him come with you willingly. You don't need a friend."

"Don't tell me what I need. If I say I need her, then I need her."

"Where is she?"


"Do you want me to kick you out?"

"You can't. The previous Queen gave me permission. I have it in writing. Your nobles attacked my friends first. So you have no right to kick me out. Mother would be very happy to correct your mistake in that matter. I mean your Queendom, no harm. Now, I am tired of this talk. Manners say you should announce and plan these meetings. Remember that next time you wish to talk to royalty. Now, goodbye." With that, she disappears. Maybe an illusion, or maybe Nakuma teleported her out.

Mother just had to do it in writing. If I can't find out her goals, I won't be able to kick her out. Later. I have Irdru; she'll figure it out.

Lotus better have that slave warmed up. I need to work out this frustration. Stuck-up princesses are the worst kind and too easy to raise.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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