Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

92 – Go with the Flow

92 – Go with the Flow

After that hectic afternoon, things went back to normal peaceful times.

I made sure to play more with Norn and Aisha while secretly teaching them magic disguised as games.

Eris got more clingy since I wasn't super edgelord anymore and insisted that I sparred with her.

It was still a bit awkward considering that she was Rudeus's first lover and most definitely not mine.

But she was also a lot less rough around the edges than the Eris that guy knew too.

Probably because she hung around Sylphy so much.

Instead of being a super tsundere that like beating people to a pulp, Eris was about the level of R*n To*saka from F*te/St*y N*ght.

In short, dishonest about her feelings and a bit bratty at times, but good at heart.

Still didn't mean I liked her. She was still a bit too grating on my nerves... But I could at least be friendly with her. She *was* my relative, after all.

...On Dad's side.

And also part of the reason why everything hit the fan...

Okay. Maybe I still hadn't gotten over that part just yet. I was doing my best to be the bigger person and not judge her too harshly though.

But by GOD was that hard some days...

Sylphy was Sylphy. Maybe because she was jealous of Eris, she was more clingy these days too.

Not that I minded. It was always nice when Sylphy was around.

...Though I was starting to get worried about her yandere tendencies.

I was fine now since Rudeus had left... Ah. Well, I suppose things might still get a bit hairy if I used Laplace's Demon God mana. But for the most part, I didn't have those edgelord or psychotic/sociopathic/yandere tendencies anymore.

I think.

Part of the reason why I was starting up a journal was to keep track of that though, so hopefully that worked.

But anyway, Sylphy.

These days, she was getting really good at using a sword. A short sword too. And her favorite attacks with it were stabbing. Then there was the fact that she somehow picked up the villainess 'ohohoho' laugh... Though that part was apparently Rostelina's fault.

And speaking of Rostelina.

At first, she avoided me. She made some excuses about having to take care of my mom and helping out around the house. Then when I had free time in the evening, she said that children should get some rest and refused to talk to me.

But it was time.

A couple of weeks had passed.

Master Roxy, Miss Rose, and my mom were heading to Sylphy's house to go check on Miss Rose's garden. They also took Norn and Aisha so that my baby sisters could get out of the house some more and get fresh air.

Sylphy and Eris were out on an adventure together in the forest and said I couldn't come with them... something about a girl secret.

Slightly concerning, but as long as they were getting along, it was fine.

Which meant that it was just me and Rostelina alone.

It would have been fine with just me, but I managed to pull a ploy about being tired and convincing everyone that Rostelina would be fine.

...I think it got some concerned looks from Mom, but awkward misunderstandings aside, it was time to make sure *I* wasn't misunderstanding anything.

And to find out the truth.

Inside our house, I was sitting at our dining room table, sipping on a cup filled with fruit juice.

And seated across from me was my target.

Rostelina giggled and said, "My, my. Asking a woman like me out on a date..." She gave me a sly smile and said, "It seems you really did inherit a lot from Paul. Should I be worried that you'll eat my granddaughter up when we aren't looking?"

I rolled my eyes. "As if. I'm not a pervert like Dad."

Besides, the longer I could avoid thinking about the mess that would probably ensue when hormones kicked in, the better.


I stared at Rostelina and compared her to the 'Elinalise' that Rudeus knew.

Her appearance was the same. A beautiful elf woman with lightly curled blonde hair and scarlet eyes. A lithe but curvy body and a naturally seductive atmosphere paired with mannerisms that were just barely proper instead of lewd.

Her way of teasing was similar too. But it was different. More reserved, with a bit of distance. A proper distance instead of the way too familiar and inappropriate innuendoes she made with that guy.

But the biggest change was her attire.

The Elinalise Rudeus knew always wore a revealing outfit. Even when adventuring, she was the sort of person to actually wear bikini armor.

But I had never seen Rostelina wear anything except modest clothing. A full body robe, long dresses, a gray coat... She never showed anything more than necessary, as if thoughtful and aware of how lewd her usual clothing was.

Which was weird.

Well, weird considering what she was supposed to be like.

I already thought that Miss Rostelina was weird even before knowing that. Mostly from how she acted around Sylphy and her family. Also from how Mom and Dad acted around her too.

But anyway, Elinalise and Rostelina were the same person, but also not. And the latter seemed to know a lot more than she was letting on, so...

Rostelina laughed and then leaned on the table. Laying her left arm flat against the tabletop, she supported her head with her right and tilted her head to the side, smiling at me. "You two really are similar. It's funny, really."

I frowned and then moved my cup of juice to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Rostelina shook her head. "Nothing~ Just that it's cute how you trail off into thought." She smiled as she looked at me, a tinge of nostalgia in her eyes.

My frown deepened and I said, "Dad was like that too?"

I didn't take him to be a thoughtful person. I mean, he did that now, but that was because he knew how important it was to avoid jumping in. But when he was younger...

I imagined a younger Dad.

He probably looked like me. But his actions...


'Yep! Definitely a B cup!'

'What's that dress hiding...?'

...Yeah. Couldn't imagine him being similar to me.

Rostelina blinked and then laughed. "Oh, I'm not talking about Paul. He was the same then as he was now." She paused and said, "Well, he's definitely more considerate and thoughtful than he was back then. But mostly the same. I was talking about my beloved master."

Beloved master.

That was new.

Elinalise had always been alone. At least, in terms of actual companionship and not just her transactional flings.

But the way she talked about that 'master', her actions, and the fact that she seemed to be knowing more than she let on...

I grabbed my juice and took a long sip to gather my thoughts. And then I set it off to the side and looked up. "Miss Rostelina."

A serious tone of voice.

...Well, as serious as I could make with my childish voice.

I looked at her and said, "Who are you?"

She wasn't related in any way to Being W. My gut told me that, and it didn't seem to fit her actions either.

...Well, Rudeus had made a big fuss about how Being W like playing a wolf in sheep's clothing and make a bunch of helpful tips that really weren't. But assuming that Being W knew the future Rudeus belonged to... and he would have to, considering how Being W tried to force things back on course. Anyway, assuming that, his goal should be to get me off guard and then spring a trap on us all.

Which made Rostelina unlikely because she was just waaay too suspicious. And that wasn't Being W's style. That guy liked being subtle and manipulative.

But that begged the question of who Rostelina was.

She looked like Elinalise. She was apparently Elinalise. And Elinalise *was* amnesiac according to what Rudeus said. And she never recovered her memory from what he knew.

So why did she now?

Rostelina laughed and then reached out to flick my forehead.

"Ow!" I flinched and covered my head. "What was that for?!"

She smiled and then said, "You're thinking too hard, Rudy. Relax. Grandma Lina will always be on your side."

I pouted and said, "Don't pull that on me!" I pointed at her and said, "You're being weird! I want to know why! Like that magic thing you did!"

Okay. Being serious didn't work, so I'll just vent my frustration out like the kid I am.

Rostelina stuck out her tongue and said, "Secret~ But if you really want to know... How about I tell you on your tenth birthday?" She tapped her finger on her chin and said, "He won't mind then, right? It should be long enough. And it really is annoying having to keep secrets from my cute grandchildren..."


I sighed. "You're just going to keep dodging the question, aren't you?"

Rostelina laughed and then said, "Well, it's rude to make a lady spill her secrets, Rudy. Besides, my granddaughter might get jealous. But I guess I can give you a hint."

"Hm? A hint?"

Rostelina nodded and then winked. "I'm like this because of you, you know~?"



I sighed and then shook my head. "Never mind."

At least nothing was going wrong over here. And even if there was, Miss Rostelina seemed to be here to help us. And she was sincere in caring about all of us, so... I guess it's fine.

But first-

"Do you know anything about time travel, Miss Rostelina?"

She blinked and then laughed. "I might know a lot of things, Rudy, but time travel's a bit out there." She gave me a sly smile and said, "Why? Are you embarrassed about the looks my cute granddaughter has been giving you?"

I blushed. "N-No, that's not why-"

"Oh my. Should I tell Zenny? Her cute son is growing up faster than expected and is already starting to pay attention to girls~"

"W-Wait. Don't do that. Miss Rostelina-"

"Ooh, Paul would be so proud... Here!" She stood up and then reached over to grab me, swinging me around in her arms.

"W-Whoa! Stop that! Hey! Let me down!"

How is a such a slim woman so strong?!

"Don't worry, Rudy! Grandma Lina will teach you all the right things to know about girls. I'll make sure you don't end up like your dad, kay? But first... We need to get you some sunshine. Right now, you look like a ghost... Ooh, and we can style your hair a bit to make it cool. Even Eris will be impressed!"

...Okay. Maybe I shouldn't have tried teasing information out from a woman who experienced countless hardships and had over a century of life experience. Might have been a *bit* too cocky there.

I sighed and let Miss Rostelina lug me around like a sack of potatoes over her left shoulder.

Nothing to do but have fun, I guess...? I wonder how Dad's doing?


The sound of clashing steel filled the air. Metallic clangs, resounding staccatto notes.

And then Paul flew back. Landing on the ground, he clicked his tongue and glanced at his sword.

The blade that Rudy made for him was fine. The crimson edge was as pristine and honed as ever.

But if it had been an ordinary sword...

"Hoh?" A man with blue hair and strong, wolf-like features lowered his sword. He grinned, an expression that emphasized the scar below his left eye and the scar at the tip of his right eye.

The man gave Paul an approving nod and said, "That's a good sword. And you're not half bad too."

Paul ignored the sweat running down the back of his neck and grinned. "And that's all the Sword God can do? For a guy so famous, your swordsmanship is pretty plain."

The Sword God, Gal Farion, chuckled and said, "Plain, huh? Yeah, yeah. I guess it seems that way to a guy with fancy swordplay like you." He lifted his left hand and grabbed his head, cracking his neck. After that, he raised his sword and said, "Let's keep going. We can't disappoint the crowd now, can we?"

Paul laughed and raised his sword as well. But at the same time, he took stock of the situation around him.

A makeshift stage in the center of the Milbotts region capital city. A crowd of people watching them, cheers filling the air.

'...How did I end up like this again? Oh, right. Because that bastard younger brother of mine was being stubborn about letting us in.'

"Don't you dare lose, Husband."

Amidst the crowd's cheers, a calm and collected voice cut through. Lily's.

Hearing that, Paul straightened and focused.

Gal noticed and grinned. "Hoh? Got an admirer watching?"

Paul grinned back. "Yep. And you know what they say."

Gal shifted his body, moving into a loose stance. "I don't, actually."

"You can't look bad in front of your girl!"

Paul kicked off the ground, swinging his sword at a blinding speed.

A fast strike. Faster than anything Paul had done before in the fight. An ambush.

But instead of cutting flesh, steel reverberated.

Gal bared his teeth, easily parrying Paul's sword with his own. "Well then. Show me what you got." After saying that, he leapt back.

A flicker of danger. A faint prickling on his neck.

Paul's eyes widened and he turned, bringing his sword up.

Steel clashed again, and Gal's blade barely missed Paul's neck.

...Damn. If this was the mess they were getting into right out the gate, this was going to be a long trip, wasn't it...?

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