Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 111 - 108 I’m Not a Demon Either

Chapter 111: Chapter 108 I’m Not a Demon Either

Translator: 549690339

Du Chuan felt that Bi Fang’s gaze was regarding him as if he were a fool, his face was stiff as ice.

Dense blood vessels threaded through the whites of his eyes, and it felt like there was blood dripping down his own heart.

“This is murder!”

“Nonsense! How can you smear someone’s reputation like that?” Bi Fang was furious, pointing at the expanse of quicksand before him, angrily saying, “Do you think I knew in advance that this was quicksand? Didn’t I fall in just a moment ago as well?”

“Can you tell the difference between this patch of desert and the ones before? Huh? Speak up!”

The questioning left Du Chuan momentarily breathless.

Yes, even if the other party did it intentionally, what evidence did he have to prove it?

Under the dim sky, all the desert was the same shade of grayish-black.

Where was the difference?

Du Chuan tried desperately to recall, when suddenly, a jolt, like an electric current, went through him—he remembered the last thing Bi Fang had said and immediately pointed at Bi Fang’s nose and cursed furiously.

“Then why did you say ‘welcome to Hell’?”

“I meant to scare the audience, but who would have thought this place really was quicksand.” Bi Fang, looking at the steadily sinking Du Chuan, was still calm and composed.

Bi Fang’s acting was so convincing that Du Chuan for a moment couldn’t discern the truth, and just as he was about to speak again, Pan Wei beside him couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Master Fang, save me! Please, I beg you, save me! I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die!”

“I swear, I swear I’ll stop leeching off your popularity from now on, please, I’m begging you!”

“I have an old parent above me, a young child below me, I can’t die yet, it’s all him! He led this, I was just confused!”

Under the huge shock, Pan Wei cried as if blood were bursting, mucus mixed with vomit sliding down the corners of his mouth. His breath was like that of someone about to freeze to death in the deep cold of the night, exhaling feeble white air, yet he did not forget to point his finger at Du Chuan to lay blame.

Severe sunburn combined with water intoxication, wet sand compressing the chest and squeezing the lungs, causing breathing difficulties, it was already a testament to his survival instinct that he hadn’t fainted from such a significant shock.

Old Fang had saved so many people last time, so he would come to save him this time too, right?

Pan Wei naively thought.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but you’re so far away, how can I save you?” Bi Fang spread his hands, indicating he really was powerless.

The other was sent directly over by the collapse of the dune, at least tens of meters away from him; there were no trees, no ropes, how to save?


Use torn clothes as a rope to throw? He, a frail man, who couldn’t even pluck a chicken, how was he supposed to tear clothes?

It’s no use.

Bi Fang shook his head in disappointment. He too wanted to save them, but he really was powerless!

Du Chuan was left to rely on himself.

Meanwhile, the online friends who had been watching were already dumbstruck. Since the collapse of the dune, they could no longer understand how events were unfolding.

Is someone going to die here?

Is there any way to save them?

Many people’s impressions of quicksand came entirely from various films; in their minds, quicksand was a monstrous creature that could suck people into a bottomless hole.

Once trapped in it, one couldn’t extricate themselves, and could only watch helplessly as the victim was swallowed by the sand in a mere moment.

[This is a bit too much…]

[What’s too much? Master Fang didn’t do it on purpose, didn’t you see he just fell in as well? Can’t you think a bit?]

[They got what they deserved, they chose to follow; if they lose their lives, who’s to blame? Better to die early and be reincarnated earlier.]

[The above is over the line.]

[Stop playing the saint, I don’t think it’s too much, no one’s dead yet, right? This is instant karma!]

[Won’t Old Fang get into trouble? For not assisting someone in danger?]

[If he’s not capable of saving, how can he save? Didn’t you see how far away it is? Swim over to save? I think that’s doable.]

As the online friends argued, Du Chuan and the others had already sunk to their chests, and breathing was becoming difficult.

Pan Wei was crying his eyes out, fear gripping his heart like a claw, scraping deep bloody marks upon it.

He felt a warmth in his crotch.

The moisture in the surrounding sand had increased.

In the midst of his panic, Du Chuan could no longer afford to consider whether Bi Fang’s actions were intentional or not; Pan Wei turning against him wasn’t on his mind either, he just wanted to survive!

Grasping at the nearby car, Du Chuan tried to pull himself up by the counterforce, but it was no use at all—the horrifying suction coming from his lower body was relentless!

Why isn’t it working?

Du Chuan panicked, truly panicked.

He had never imagined that he would risk his life just trying to catch on to some popularity.

Wrapped in burning hot quicksand, Du Chuan felt like he was being cooked alive as large droplets of sweat fell from his body.

“You must remember that the more you struggle in quicksand, the faster you sink. If you stay still, the sinking will be very slow. Moreover, this is wet sand. Just be honest and you won’t sink,” Bi Fang pointed to the unconscious fatty with a look of concern.

Indeed, among the four people, only the fatty who had hardly moved was decently stuck in the sand, with the sand only up to his buttocks, and he had barely sunk at all.

Seeing this, Du Chuan and the others dared not move, fearful that sinking further might truly mean the end for them.

“You’re lucky it’s wet sand, not dry sand. Theoretically, wet sand is just sand permeated with water. The friction between the grains decreases, creating a semi-liquid, weight-bearing difficult mixture of sand and water.”

Bi Fang scooped up some quicksand, clutched it in his hand, and squeezed tightly—his online friends could clearly see that the sand stuck together like putty.

Just like the watered-down mud we played with as children.

The danger of wet sand isn’t very high, nor is it as dangerous as everyone thinks. As long as one masters certain techniques, survival is quite simple, which is why Bi Fang dared to do so.

“In this type of quicksand, if you think that by shaking you can loosen the sand around your body, making it easier to pull out your limbs, you’re terribly mistaken. Such movement will only speed up the sedimentation of the clay, increasing the viscosity of the quicksand, causing you to sink deeper the more you struggle.”

“To escape quicksand like this, the trapped person must gently move their feet, allowing water and sand to seep into the vacuum created to alleviate the pressure on their body while gradually letting the sand loosen.”

“Additionally, one must strive to spread their limbs apart as widely as possible, because the greater the surface area of the body that touches the sand, the greater the buoyancy obtained. Provided the trapped person has enough patience and moves gently enough, they can slowly extricate themselves.”

Bi Fang spoke earnestly, and Du Chuan and the others listened intently, wishing they could glue their ears to his face. The distance, however, made some words unclear.

But they all caught the key points.

Move gently, slowly extract oneself.

“In fluid mechanics, quicksand is classified as a dilatant fluid, meaning the greater the shear, the more resistance the quicksand has to shearing motion. Researchers have calculated that to pull out one foot of a person trapped at the rate of one centimeter per second would require about 100,000 Newtons of force, roughly the equivalent of lifting a medium-sized car.”

“Therefore, unless there’s a crane to help, it’s tough to pull someone out of quicksand all at once. Besides, based on this calculation, if one was to pull forcefully, the person’s body would likely be torn apart before the quicksand ‘let go’.”

Torn apart?

Many viewers were startled by the word.

[Holy shit, is it that terrifying?]

[Hand-tearing devils?]

[Now we’re getting into fluid mechanics, take a look. What doesn’t Master Fang know? Meteorology, geography, biology… emmm]

[So terrifying! Surprised to find out Master Fang really knows everything!]

[But Master Fang climbed up so quickly, I didn’t see clearly, how did he manage that?]

“Because 1 react quickly. Wet sand is slow quicksand; as long as you don’t sink too deep, with swift movements and accurate direction, you can escape it,” Bi Fang explained.

Knowing that he was dealing with quicksand, Bi Fang had been prepared all along—now his response level was a high 12, significantly surpassing that of ordinary people.

“However, many people were not focusing on my side at that time. If you missed it, you can wait for my survival success and then check the edited video I’ll post on B Island.”

Bi Fang was both speaking to his online friends and teaching Du Chuan and the others survival techniques.

Severe sunburn, water intoxication… Bi Fang touched the scorching sand, hmm, now he had to add low temperature burns, breathing difficulties, wound infection, and dehydration to the list.

With this entire process, the chances of dying weren’t high, they’d just lose some skin at worst.

After all, he wasn’t a demon and was relatively magnanimous.

They didn’t have any serious feud to die for, just a bunch of shameless people looking to catch on to some popularity. It wasn’t worth making a deadly enemy of them. Make a show of punishing one to warn the others.

To let those who wanted to buzz off his popularity next time weigh up if they could handle another encounter like this.

Whether they were up to the challenge..

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