Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 482: The country is about to perish, and snakes rise together

Chapter 482: The country is about to perish, and snakes rise together

 Da Zhao Kyoto.

 Inside the palace.

Emperor Rende is on his deathbed. In this world, the life of an emperor can be extended to two hundred years at most. This is the result of Taoists using magical means and the treasures of heaven and earth.

"National Division."

“My greatest wish in this life is to fulfill the last wish of my ancestors of Zhao Dynasty. I originally thought that I could do it during the years I ascended the throne and become an emperor throughout the ages. Unfortunately, it was all in vain. After so many years, it still has not been completed.”

“So I hope you can continue to assist the next king.”

 The Imperial Master saluted solemnly and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best to assist the successor."

He also did not expect that it would be so difficult to reduce the number of Taoists with the support of powerful Taoist lineages such as Tianshan Kunlun. It has been unsuccessful for nearly two hundred years. On the contrary, the national power of Zhao has declined drastically in recent years. The people are full of demons and monsters. He was always wondering if he had done something wrong.


 Emei Mountain, Shuzhou.

The national division has persuaded countless times, and it is not useful. In the end, he can only reluctantly listen to it. Anyway, the Emperor Jingren ignores the government. It is also a good thing. At least, it will not be controlled by other courtiers, so that the matter of cutting the Taoists will be repeated back and forth.

 After finishing washing.

As a result, under this repeated situation, the people are even more miserable, and some remote counties have reached the point where no one can survive.

 Inside the Taoist temple.

Shen Ping closed his eyes and used the avenue of heaven and earth to wash the blessed land. After more than a hundred years, he finally broke through the Yin and Yang Qi and the reincarnation bone to the earth immortal level, allowing the scope of the blessed land to expand from a few hundred feet to a thousand feet. , greater than the blessed land of any earth immortal.

 Other earth immortals agreed.

During the period of Guoshang, alcohol and entertainment were banned for half a year.

However, after the Taoists in the world knew about Emperor Jingren's character, they sent women directly to the palace to influence the government affairs. In just three years, the reduction of Taoist officials' government affairs was in vain.

The nameless mountain was renamed Changling Mountain a hundred years ago. The entire mountain range has continuously absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth over the years, and has been transformed by Shen Ping's spell formation, and it has become comparable to some famous mountains and rivers.

 Emperor Rende passed away.

 Many Emei Taoists have resumed their previous practice.

Emei Tianxian smiled and said: "Those two guys from Tianshan and Kunlun have completely miscalculated. Humph, they want to use the imperial court as a chessboard to destroy the foundation of our Emei. It is really a wishful thinking. Even if a mortal emperor has the blessing of dragon veins and dragon luck, he is still just The mortal body cannot exceed the limit of life span. As long as it survives one term, it will be dark and bright."

The Immortal of Emei pondered deeply. When a country is about to perish, dragons and snakes must arise. If the dragons and snakes are successfully supported, the benefits to the luck of the entire Taoism will be obvious. For example, Tianshan Mountain has been competed for several times before it became the most powerful in the world. Strong Dao Veins.

You must know that Xuejing Tianxian once said that the transformation of blessed land is long, and many earth immortals have been unable to transform until their life span is exhausted.

Even if he has understood many great ways and the washing efficiency is very high, it will still take half a year of energy. However, with this kind of washing, the growth rate of the blessed land is also far ahead. According to his estimation, it only takes a thousand years for the blessed land to transform into a cave.

The scale of the Taoist temple has also expanded. There are now more than 300 Taoists, and ten of them have reached the level of real people. Although it is not as good as the Lingyin Temple, it is much better than the previous Changling Temple. Besides, , with the spiritual immortals taking charge, Taoist temples will sooner or later become a world-famous Taoist institution.

 After saying that, he smiled and took his last breath.

  Weeping in the morning.


“Today, the reduction of Taoist officials is considered a complete waste of government affairs. Even if the national adviser does it forcefully, it will not affect our Emei. Instead, it will continue to decline the national fortune of Zhao, and eventually the country will collapse.”

He has seen that the national destiny of Zhao will decline from Jingren's generation, but the reduction of Taoists was ordered by the gods, so he has to continue even if he bites the bullet.

 Listen to the advice of the earthly immortals.

 The Imperial Master sighed.

Although there are risks involved, in this situation, we may be able to compete for one or two. After all, Mount Futu is a thing of the past. If they compete in Emei, the chances are still quite good.

 The incense is at its peak.

Of course, he has a decision in his heart, and Emei Tianxian has not said it out loud. Zhao still has hundreds of years of national destiny, so he is not in a hurry.

 “I am worthy of my ancestors.”

 With the new king ascending the throne.

“When the Blessed Land transforms into a cave, and we understand the five elements, reincarnation, yin and yang, etc., the speed of the heaven and earth avenues will speed up. Then we may be able to try to integrate the Hundong Avenue and condense the prototype of the small world!”

 So washing is also very time-consuming.


"What are you afraid of? There is a paradise in the cave, and the mountain will be closed for thousands of years at worst!"

 Inside the Paradise of Cave.

 In one of the secluded Taoist temples.

"Ah... rashly participating in the battle of dragon veins will have a huge impact on our Dao veins. Once we fail, the dragon energy will backfire, and we, Emei, will be in danger of overthrowing."

“Judging from the energy of the Dragon Veins, Zhao is not far from being destroyed. I am afraid that the new dynasty will continue to reduce the number of Taoists. I think we in Emei must send Taoists to the end this time.”

 “Great Zhao is going to perish!”

The reduction of Taoist priests continued to be implemented, but Emperor Jingren was still respectful to the imperial advisor at the beginning. However, five years after he ascended the throne, his lustful temper was gradually exposed. He neglected state affairs every day and indulged in drinking and sex.

 At this moment.

He pondered, if he could condense the prototype of the small world, would he truly understand the Hundong Heaven and Earth Avenue? This is the top Heaven and Earth Avenue, and other merged avenues also include powerful Heaven and Earth Avenues. How powerful is its power? He It's unimaginable.

 “When you understand the great way of heaven and earth in Hundong, you will officially ascend!”

 Suppress thoughts.

 He walked out of the Taoist Temple.

 After being in seclusion for more than a hundred years, it’s time to go out and relax.

 Step out of the palace gate.

 The magic power of the Earth Immortal enveloped the entire Changling Mountain in the blink of an eye. Looking at the terrain of the earth veins and the vitality of the spiritual energy, a trace of satisfaction appeared on his lips.

 “I’ve seen Lingzhen Earth Immortal.”

 When Uncle Lingwu saw Shen Ping walking, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Shen Ping smiled and said, "Lingwu, has nothing happened in the Taoist line recently?" Over the past hundred years, thanks to the rich vitality of Changling Mountain, Uncle Lingwu has also broken through to the level of a Taoist.

Lingwu said, "The incense is at its peak, and the Taoism is steadily improving. All the ancestors are full of praise, saying that with this speed of development, our Changling Taoism will definitely be among the most powerful Taoism in the world."

 Shen Ping laughed dumbly. The ancestor of the Changling lineage was quite confident.

"Lingzhen Dixian, the court has been unstable recently. Many Taoists have deduced the secrets, saying that the national fortunes of the Zhao Dynasty are declining and there are signs of national subjugation. Every time like this, it is a huge opportunity for the Taoists. If we can support the New Dynasty Dingding, the Dao Meridian will be protected by dragon energy for thousands of years, and within these thousand years, the development of the Dao Meridian will rapidly improve."

 Listen to this.

Shen Ping shook his head, "My lineage of elders does not need to participate in this kind of competition. Even without the blessing of dragon energy, a thousand years are enough to grow."

Lingwu hurriedly said: "Yes, Lingzhen Earth Immortal."

 After the two separated.

 Shen Ping came to Yin Shu's Taoist temple. In these years, Yin Shu has never left or stepped out. She has been in seclusion for a long time like him. She only goes to the blessed place to have **** with him every night.

 “Junior brother.”

  Sensing the breath of Shen Ping.

Yin Shu opened her eyes and shouted.

Shen Ping stepped forward and hugged her waist and said, "Senior sister, you are already a true king. You will not make much progress if you continue to practice hard. Only by traveling around the world and accumulating experience can you have a new understanding of the world."

 Yin Shu is different from him.

With the talent of Devouring and the True Spirit, he naturally does not need to travel around the world. Even if Yin Shu has the teachings of Emei Immortal, it will be difficult for her to understand the laws of heaven and earth on her own, unless she gives up her own consciousness and chooses to merge with Emei Immortal's consciousness.

Seeing Yin Shu, she didn't say a word.

Shen Ping continued: "Look at your senior sister, she went to Lingyin Temple the moment she became the true king. I heard that she recently went to the East China Sea to cause trouble."

Yin Shu said quietly: "I just can't bear to leave my junior brother. If my junior brother travels with me, I will go out."

Shen Ping was speechless. In fact, he knew that the reason why Yin Shu was like this was because she had been affected by the words of the Earth Immortal before, which led to the idea of ​​being world-weary and just wanted to hide in Changling Mountain to be pure.

 Emei Immortal revealed this to him when he controlled his body.

 After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll travel with you."

After using the Great Way of Heaven and Earth to cleanse the blessed land for a long time, even if his true spirit is strong, he will feel tired. This time of relaxation can be as short as three years or as long as five years. It is not a bad idea to take Yin Shu with him to travel and see the changes in the world today. A pleasure.

Yin Shu looked happy and said, "Thank you, junior brother."

 A few days later.

Shen Ping set off from Jianzhou all the way up the Yunjiang River. In addition to Yin Shu, there was also Gui Ji. Originally, Ghost King Youyue also wanted to accompany him, but there were still many things to deal with in the Taoist Netherworld, so she only Can stay.


The river was choppy, and there were layers of water splashing in some steep places. However, after passing through the narrowest section, the river became open and the water flow became gentle. Some cruise ships gradually appeared.

 Wait until entering Jiangzhou ground.

The number of cruise ships on the Yunjiang River has increased sharply, giving a sense of prosperity along the Qinhuai River.

Gui Ji said: "The Yunjiang River has been well managed in recent years. The people on both sides of the strait have enjoyed good weather, but it is only limited to the nearby areas, and not further away. Bandits are rampant, and demons are prevalent... This has lasted for nearly a hundred years."

“Those Taoists didn’t care, they only focused on confronting the imperial court.”

Shen Ping looked calm. The world was prosperous and prosperous. The court wanted to reduce the number of Taoists. The Taoists themselves could not protect themselves. They could not care about the people. It can only be said that the starting point of the government was good, but the methods used were too violent.

 But there is actually no way to do this. The successive emperors of Zhao wanted to promote it, but unfortunately they did not come up with a way to get the best of both worlds. In the Rende Dynasty, strong medicine was directly administered, and the backlash was naturally very severe.

His fingers moved.

Calculating the direction of his dragon energy and the future national destiny of Zhao, we can indeed see the serious decline of his national destiny. However, the national destiny can only be speculated about the general direction. As for the specific situation, no one can predict it. This is why he does not let Chang Ling say The main reason why Pulse participated in the battle of Dragon Pulse.

 After all, this matter is not of much use to the Changling Dao Lineage. With the blessing of his spell array, Changling Mountain will prosper sooner or later.

“Let’s go to Yunjiang Dragon Palace as guests.”

No matter what, Yunjiang Dragon God has done well in recent years, but for his sake, he has to go there both emotionally and rationally.


 The tour is over.

Senior Sister Yin Shu's inner knot has eased a lot. At least she no longer just lives in seclusion as before. She returned to the Taoist temple and began to take care of the vegetable garden and cultivate herself physically and mentally.

This kind of thing that is close to the nature of life can make the true king understand the world.

Shen Ping went into seclusion again to practice.

 Time passes year by year.

Emperor Jingren reigned for less than fifty years before he lost his vitality and died. The next emperor who passed the throne was just as debauched and immoral as Jingren. It seems that the descendants of the great Zhao succeeded Jingren and the dynasty became worse as time went by. After three emperors and one hundred and seventy years, the state of Zhao was in an extremely bad state. Bandits were everywhere in the country, and people revolted, gradually leading to chaos.

However, just when the various Dao lineages were gearing up to support the dragon and snake in the fight for the Dragon line, the fourth emperor of Zhao after Jingren was a rejuvenating king. On the first day he ascended the throne, he canceled the government affairs that reduced the Taoists and showed favor to Various channels, as well as various tax-free blessings, suddenly alleviated the court's crisis.

 Many Daoists continued to wait and see, and at the same time began to help the court rebuild the City God's Yin Division, kill demons and protect the people.

In just thirty years, the imperial court had a completely new look. Although there were still many bandits in various states and capitals, the number of demons and ghosts decreased sharply.

 After recharging their strength, the imperial court sent large armies to encircle and suppress bandits in various places.

Seeing the restoration of Zhao's national strength and the people living and working in peace and contentment, in the fortieth year, the ZTE king contracted a serious illness and died.

The next emperor was tyrannical and murderous. He exposed his true nature only two years after he ascended the throne. He carried out extensive construction and gardens, which brought the treasury that had finally accumulated some wealth to the bottom. However, he imposed unreasonable taxes and increased taxes, once again letting the people of the world suffer. fell into poverty.

You Daoist can't stand it and want to get rid of this emperor secretly. Unfortunately, with the blessing of dragon energy, ordinary Taoists can't get close to him. In addition, there are forces behind him, which leads to repeated assassination attempts.

Finally, in the fifty-second year of his accession to the throne, various states and governments revolted one after another, starting a dragon vein dispute in the name of the Qing emperor. For a while, the world seemed to be in chaos.

But the emperor didn't care at all and continued to enjoy his own way. He also built wine ponds and meat forests in the palace to entertain his concubines.

 “The fate of the country of Zhao will collapse.”

 The wise man sighed.

In fact, any Taoist with some Taoism can see that the last glimmer of hope for Zhao has been extinguished by this emperor. Even if another ZTE king appears, he will be unable to save the day. At this time, the world's Taoism will no longer continue. Wait and see, but directly participate in the battle for dragon veins.

Every competition for dragon veins is very fierce. It is both an opportunity and a source of destruction. But even if they know the risks involved, many Taoists still join in without hesitation. After all, this is a leap to become a true king, and even to condense the blessed land and break through the earth immortal. Opportunity.

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