Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 11: A Plan Begins

Chapter 11: A Plan Begins

The next morning, Lucius opened his eyes and rose from his cultivation.

"A good session huh.", he suddenly heard a voice near him. Looking in that direction he saw, Ka'lor'ah staring at him. Lucius ignored her and started getting dressed. After dressing himself, Lucius put her in his pocket and made his way out of the house.

"Hey could you not, handle me properly. Is this how you treat a lady!", she grumbled.

Lucius ignored her and spoke,"We must first go to a lab and retrieve my project. Then we will then think about how to deliver it to her."

Lucius then made his way through to the campus, heading towards one of the labs. The labs for research were not free to use in the academy. One had to have sufficient academic points to gain access to labs. Academic points are gained from completing the monthly tasks allocated by the academy. It can also be gained from ranking in the top, in the examinations. Lucius being quite the hardworking student, always placed in the top 10 and completed his tasks almost religiously.

The Earth Alliance Academy was one of the toughest academies to get into. Not only does one have to be smart, but the they must also come from an influential family. It is almost impossible for a student, who is not from a prominent family or without any connections in the academy to be admitted in it. The only other way to get admitted into the academy is through scholarships. But getting a scholarship is no easy task. One must contribute to humanity in any field, and the contribution must be of considerable importance.

Throughout the existence of the academy, less than 10 students have entered it through scholarships. Two of which, were admitted this year. Lucius who was admitted into the academy this way, can be considered as a once-in-a-decade prodigy. The other person who was admitted this way, was of course, Olivia.

Even though, such students enter the academy with great honours, they are generally discriminated against by the other students. Since the other students come from an influential background, they consider the rest as 'commoners', and heavily bully or discriminate them.

Although the academy does have the power to step in and deal with these issues, in reality they do not bother to do so. They would rather see a genius be bullied, than risk stepping in and angering an influential family. Hence as long as the students don't take it too far, the academy turns a blind eye to such situations.

That is why, even though everyone knew Lucius was being bullied by Luther and his gang, no one bothered to step in. In fact, some of the other students were even encouraging such activities. This is why Lucius and Olivia always have each other's back. The fact that Lucius is her foster brother, further reinforces her care for him.

Lucius, who had been heading to the labs, finally made it to the place. In front of him, stood a large circular building with black-stained glasses. Lucius calmly made his way inside and was greeted with the sight of a large lobby area. The lobby was richly decorated and had many leisure facilities. Since the academy hosted, children form, large rich families, all buildings and facilities were also carefully catered to their liking.

Lucius, then made his way to one of the electronically manned booths. He then spoke.

"I would like to rent a lab for an hour. Student Lucius.", he said as he offered his ID to the robot.

Upon being admitted to the academy, each student will have a personal profile created for them. All of their academic points, research, lab sessions, etc, were recorded in these profiles. No person, other than the individual themselves, can access their profiles. All profiles were linked to a student ID and were stored in the academy's central monitoring facility, and is guarded by an AI.

In Lucius' plan to get closer to Reyna, he had decided to give her a part of his project. The same project that Luther and Keith had been trying to get. One way or another, it was going to reach her, hence Lucius figured that he might as well use the opportunity to succeed in his plans.

After paying the robot, with some points. Lucius made his way to one the free labs. He then accessed his profile and downloaded the project. While, downloading Lucius also read through it to refresh his memories.

"This research is so prehistoric.", Lucius clicked his tongue.

"While it may be prehistoric for us, it's something that is completely new to the people in this timeline. Although I have to admit, the you of 300 years ago, really was a genius, even from my standards. You ventured into a branch of study, that most people were still debating on whether it exists or not.", Ka'lor'ah remarked.

"If not for the events that are going to occur next year, people would have treated my research as trash. After all the existence of the soul cannot be understood by lower beings." , Lucius said cynically.

After the project finished it's download, Lucius retrieved the drive and made his way out of the building. He then paused and thought about his next course of action. He couldn't exactly walk up and give it to her, as there were various issues with it.

One, he might get brushed off as a crazy guy trying to win her favor. Two, 'They' might notice the altered causality and might intervene. Although the chances of that happening were quite low, as the cosmos are incomparably large, Lucius and Ka'lor'ah could not afford to take such risks. After all, they were not supposed to be here.

Lucius continued to ponder as he resumed his walk through the campus. The Earth Alliance Academy, is situated in humanity's mother planet, Earth. Although other colonized planets also have their own branches, none can compare to this one.

It sprawled over a total area of 12,000 acres and is situated in one of the most beautiful lands on Earth. Lush forests, green meadows, snow capped mountains, all sorts of natural environments were found inside the campus. Even the weather and season cycles were carefully controlled by the academy's AI.

All major and minor fields, were available for study in the academy. Though the academy was extremely vast, the amount of students in it was very low. Technically, the academy wasn't actually built, solely for the purpose of learning or teaching. It also plays headquarters to the 'World Council'.

All major families and corporations were situated just outside the academy. With the academy as the centre, a large city flourished all around it. This was basically the gathering spot for the most important and influential people in the 'Human Alliance', save for the leaders of the 'World Council'.

Although mankind expanded into the vast cosmos, it never abandoned its mother planet, similar to how successful child would never forget their own parents. This planet was their origin and they would always return to it. This was a feeling of kinship.

As Lucius continued to walk, he unconsciously put his hands into his pocket. Finding a thin metallic card in there, he pulled it out to see. Seeing the card, a change occurred in his emotionless face.

A devilish smile formed on his handsome face.

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