Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 233: Battle With the Crying Serpent. Part 1

Chapter 233: Battle With the Crying Serpent. Part 1

"Quick, move to reinforce that hole on the left!"

"It's behind you! Duck immediately!"

"Aah, aah! Go away! GO AWAY YOU MONSTER!!"


"When's the leader going to act?! We are dropping like flies here!"

"I don't want to die! Please! I don't want to die!!"

Screams and desperate cries filled the barren moon's surface. All valor had disappeared from the faces of the elites, replaced entirely by hopelessness and primal fear. It was a strange contrast, especially when compared to the scene prior to Lucius' arrival.

However, what was even stranger than this contrast was the scene of the battlefield. 

What was previously an attacking formation surrounding a singular figure in its center had now changed to a circular formation, playing defense at the center.

With thirty shield bearers forming an outer wall with their tower shields and the remaining twenty or so survivors gathering within and fending off the attacks from the enemy, it was no longer a hunt, but a desperate attempt to prolong their lives.

Occasionally, a dark streak could be seen flashing across their circular formation, with two to three of the elites dropping dead on the ground. No matter what the group did to avoid this, the outcome was always the same.

Morale had completely been broken and despair was prevalent. These men would have already lost their will to fight, if not for one of the Peak-Level Stage 2 Vice-Captains having a mental-type soul, allowing him to suppress the fear and enhance courage, these men would have already scattered.

"Do not lose hope! Leader will be here anytime now!" 

"Ooh!! Delay that beast!!"

"Your sacrifices will not be meaningless brothers!!"

Since the start of the battle, around 20 minutes had passed with around fifty of the elite pirates dying. 

Why was the death count so low, you ask?

It was obvious. Lucius was toying with them.

It was in the nature of a superior predator to toy with its food before killing them. It was this dark, twisted desire that morphed this hunt into a cruel cat and mouse game.

It had to be noted that if Lucius had retained his sanity during this trial, he would've never performed such meaningless acts. It was his nature to kill in the most efficient, time-saving way possible.

Intentionally delaying a death would only result in unforeseen accidents.

Such as now.

Having brought down the number of survivors to forty-two with his consequent attacks, Lucius was preparing for another explosive rush when suddenly his pupils shrunk and fear appeared within his eyes.

Instantly changing the orientation of his body, Lucius leaned back and kicked off the ground with all the power he could muster. It was a desperate attempt to dodge at the final moment.

Not that it worked.

A trident containing an enormous amount of energy suddenly appeared in the space before him. With speeds that surpassed Lucius' own the trident stabbed towards his chest, following which the energy at its tip exploded.


A crater instantly formed underneath the point of explosion and Lucius' body was flung back at an insane speed. His body over the horizon, dozens of kilometers from what the eye could see.

With that one hit, Lucius was completely, utterly overpowered.

"Humph! And here I was expecting something more from this 'mysterious entity.' Nothing but a Stage 2 dog that has lost control." A heavy voice declared, his tone tinged with disappointment.

Standing at the spot where Lucius previously stood was a tall, Lacerman holding an aquamarine-colored trident with crossed arms. Apart from the blue armor that covered his upper body and legs, he wore no helmet to hide his face. 

Two scars crisscrossed above his right eye, giving the Lacerman a savage, battle-hardened look that complemented the arrogant look on his face. His sizeable muscles rippled out of his armor, giving him the look of an experienced powerhouse.

As stated previously, Stage 2 and above existences can survive in the void of space solely on their soul power. Stage 3 and above existences can even project their voices in space, using their soul power as the medium. (The Lacerman had just done so.)

Seeing this man arrive, shouts of joy echoed from the survivors behind him.


"Leader Jaros! You're finally here!!"

Some of the men dropped to the ground and cried tears of happiness. Relief filled their bodies as their minds finally relaxed at having survived this nightmare. 

That beast was no longer a threat. They were finally safe. For their leader had appeared.

One of the three Stage 3 powerhouses of the Flying Dutchman. 

The Crying Serpent, Jaros!

Hearing the cries of relief from his men, Jaros turned around and shot them a cold look. Seeing that look in his eyes, the elite pirates instantly forced themselves to become quiet. 

Truth be told, Jaros had been on this moon since the start of this battle. He had been watching each and every movement of Lucius and all of his men, since the start, having had the power and opportunity to intervene at any point.

However! He never did so.

While Jaros looked like a battle-crazy, hot-blooded person, his real nature was in fact the exact opposite. He was a very patient and cunning individual who would never make a move until he was sure of his victory.

Just like a snake!

He coldheartedly used his own men as bait in order to lure Lucius and make him reveal all of his strengths and techniques. However, the more he continued to watch, the more he was disappointed.

Apart from being faster, stronger, and having more soul power than a normal Peak-Level Stage 2 individual, there was nothing special about Lucius!

In fact, there were a lot of weaknesses, the lack of control over himself, being the most prevalent! 

While Lucius might've been an insurmountable mountain to these hundred men, to Jaros, he was nothing but a maddened Stage 2 dog! 

And against such a dog, there was no point to lie in wait or too elaborately plot. 

"What a waste of time." Jaros spat a mouthful of saliva. 

"That pig must be stealing all of my achievements by now." He hatefully said, referring to the third Stage 3 in their group.

Walking towards his men, he ordered. "Move your asses and call for the ship. We need to leave and quickly join the main battle."

It was then, that Jaros suddenly paused and slowly turned around.

"Oh," he spoke while staring at a distance. "Still not dead, huh?" 

Surprise was evident within his eyes. 

Almost a hundred kilometers away, Lucius shakily rose from within a mountain wall. His limbs were twisted in horrific directions, with his right arm hanging by a thread of muscle from his shoulder.

A cavity had formed at the center of Lucius' chest, exposing his inverted, triangular heart pumping furiously. Burns covered the entirety of his frontal body exposing his bones and inner muscles. A good portion of Lucius' face had also been destroyed with all of his hair been burnt off.

Right now, Lucius looked like a deformed corpse that was subject to an explosion attack. His half-muscular, half-skeletal look was the stuff of nightmares.

However, there was something very different about his demeanor. The complexion of his skin had lightened, going from ashen-grey to a more whitish-grey. His bright, discolored eyes had also dampened revealing a calmer, intelligent light within its depths.

Looking down at his body, Lucius ignored the grievous amounts of pain that he felt within his mind and calmly evaluated.

'I lost control once again. And this time, I almost died.' His thoughts were eerily calm, without a hint of panic, dissatisfaction, or even fear.

'If that attack contained even 5% more power, I would've most certainly died. In the end, I have no one to blame but myself for losing control. I have been taking this too lightly.'

Lucius quietly sighed to himself. Ever since his return, this was the greatest injury he had sustained.

'This can no longer be allowed to continue. As my racial abilities become stronger, I also become more prone to go berserk. At this rate, I would rather give up the Void Eater's abilities than lose control like this.' A serious look appeared within his eyes.

'But first, to deal with this...'

Grabbing onto his hanging right arm with his left, Lucius positioned it in its correct spot, before leading his soul power to the point of connection.

A sharp pain shot out from his shoulder, as the grievous injury slowly started to heal. Bones started to grow, muscles started to mend and skin started to cover. 

Flexing his newly healed right arm, Lucius then placed both his hands on his chest and started to control the soul power and heal the major injuries.

Having devoured the souls of hundreds upon hundreds of living things, he was in no way lacking soul power. Under his elaborate control, Lucius managed to heal 80% of his gruesome injuries in a matter of minutes. As for the rest, they would not hinder his combat ability.

'Alas, if I had been Stage 3, it would've only taken a few dozen seconds to completely heal.'

Confirming the state of his body once more, Lucius then looked at the distant horizon where he felt the overwhelming presence of the Stage 3 Lacerman.

Stepping forth once, the black shadow underneath his feet expanded before enveloping him inside. Lucius' figure disappeared as he entered the Void.

"[Void Travel]." (AN: New ability. Will be explained in the next chapter.)

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