Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 294: David vs Goliath. Part 3

Chapter 294: David vs Goliath. Part 3

"I'm gonna rip apart that who*re-mouth of yours for saying those words."

Hearing those words, the Stage 3 Sword-Winged Angel showed an expression of confusion and displeasure. 

Confused at not being able to understand the sentence and displeased that an ant dared to talk back at her.

Shaking her head, she inwardly thought to herself, 'This creature seems to be dumb. Unable to comprehend the difference between us and daring to talk back.'

She then gathered massive amounts of sword energy around her and started to shape multiple sword-like projectiles similar to the first attack. 

Pointing the forefinger of her right hand towards the bloodied figure of Olivia, the Stage 3 angel, voiced, "Die."

Accompanied by furious gales, almost a dozen swords headed towards the indent within the rock wall. For a Stage 2 being hit by such an attack, death was inevitable.

'Understand the difference between us, Intruder.'


Watching the near-dozen sword-shaped projectiles fly towards her, Olivia distinctly understood one fact.

'Stage 3 beings are really strong, huh? Like crazy strong to the point of being incomparable to Stage 2,' she distractedly wondered.

Thinking back to Lucius' stern warning, her thoughts continued, 'Just a single attack has reduced my body to such a state. I see why Lucius called it a foolish idea to challenge such a being.'

Calmly seated within that rock indent, she continued to absent-mindedly ponder, as soul power shrouded her broken body. Apart from the tremendous amount of murderous intent pouring out of her body, she showed no signs of moving or evading that attack.

'But still'

Olivia's bewitching violet eyes keenly tracked the trajectory of the attacks. There was neither panic nor fluster, only curiosity and calm indifference.

'These swords are soslow,' Olivia curiously thought.

Those swords which were moving at speeds unseen to the naked eye on the outside seemed so slow to her. She could clearly see every aspect of those attacks; their shapes, energy composition, trajectory, wind resistance, etc.

Actually, it wasn't just the swords.

The movement of her soul power, the mending of her cells, the tremors of the mountain, the weight of the air, and many moreOlivia was suddenly able to feel these sensations and view their information.

A tremendous amount of previously unavailable and incalculable information by her brain had suddenly become obvious and instinctual.

'I see so this is what he meant by saying I would immediately know it,' Olivia quickly realized.

With these unique sensations and information that was suddenly being observed and filtered by her mind, she understood the change that had occurred to her.

Flexing her healing hands, she thought, 'So this is [Perfect Control].'

Turning to face the swords that had almost reached the rock indent within which she was seated, Olivia moved her lips and spoke in a soft and quiet voice.

"Set Boundary."

"Expand Field."

Soul power exploded violently from her figure and filled the space around her.



An enormous explosion shook the ground, the walls, and even the sky within the narrow gorge. Countless pieces of shrapnel carried by the furious winds flew in all directions increasing the damage that was caused by the explosion.

The Stage 3 angel calmly waved her hand and a barrier of soul power formed around her figure. The shrapnel, winds, and dust were immediately silenced upon meeting the barrier. 

Untouched by the winds and unsullied by the dust, the Stage 3 Sword-Winged Angel dressed in pure-white robes continued to maintain her inviolable status.


A sharp noise of rock grazing against rock deeply rung out within the surroundings, unbothered by the sounds of the wind. The grand rock wall then started to slide as car-sized chunks of hard, cloud-like rock started to fall off the face of the gorge, from tens of meters in the air.


Falling to the ground one after the other, the rocks fissured and cracked the ground causing tremors which in turn caused even more rocks to fall from the rock walls. Similar to an avalanche, a perpetual motion of large-scale destruction was slowly being created.

Seeing this scene of destruction, the Sword-Winged Angel made a face of displeasure.

'At this rate, the entire gorge will collapse.'

Obviously, such an event could not be allowed to transpire. As such, she raised both of her hands and prepared her attacks once again. 

Wave upon wave of sword energy was created with the mighty being as the center and started to form hundreds of swords. The lethality of each attack was equal to a full-powered attack of a Peak-Level Stage 2 being.

In other words, every single one of these swords could kill, or at the very least, seriously injure a Peak-Level Stage 2 existence if it was to directly strike them.

"Move," she calmly spoke.

The hundreds of swords exploded towards the falling rocks at her command, struck them, and ground them to inexistence. The car-sized chunks of rocks were turned into mere dust from the attacks of the sword.

A few of the swords directly struck the rock walls themselves, pinning the fissuring rocks to its surface. This cause delays in their falls, which eventually broke the perpetual part of this destructive cycle.

After a few minutes of violent grinding and the noises finally came to a stop. White dust blanketed the entire gorge turning the whole scene unperceivable to the naked eye.

Feeling the tremors underneath her feet stop, the Stage 3 angel relaxed her hands. The cycle of destruction was stopped and the gorge was preserved.

'That intruder menace was also dealt with. Looks like I can return,' nodding her head with satisfaction, the Stage 3 angel turned around, prepared to fly off in return.


"Where do you think you're going?" A voice was heard from her left side, followed by a flash of violet light.

The Stage 3 angel's body instinctively paused as her mind recognized the danger. Exerting force into her legs, she hurriedly tried to leap away.

But alas, she was a beat too slow.


A ray of dense sword energy struck her unguarded face and drew a deep line across her lower jaw. The line perfectly cut her through the middle of her mouth, separating the upper and lower jaws from her face.


The lower portion of her mouth fell to the ground, followed by a profuse amount of blood. 

Using her hands to cover the bleeding area, the Sword-Winged Angel quickly backed away and hurriedly threw a sword projectile towards the area of the sudden attack.

The sword projectile cut through the dense white dust but ultimately hit nothing.

"I told you," the voice sounded once again, taunting the Stage 3 being, "I would rip apart that mouth of yours." 

Another flash of violet light appeared within the clouds of dust. This time, the attack aimed at an area underneath the chest of the Sword-Winged Angel. The muscles in that area were very thin, making it a point of weakness in the Sword-Winged Angels. 

Olivia, having learned that fact from killing thousands of their kind, naturally struck at their weakness.


The attack instantly and accurately appeared at its target destination. This time, however, the Sword-Winged Angel was vigilant and destroyed the attack almost effortlessly.

ButOlivia's strike wasn't that simple.

Three other flashes of sword energy simultaneously appeared behind the Sword-Winged Angels and aimed at the back of her head respectively.

The angel, being preoccupied with dealing with the first attack and searching for her opponent, was unable to respond to these new attacks. By the time she realized the appearance and trajectory of those attacks, it was already too late.


Landing on the back of her head, the three attacks etched deep into her feature-less skull, almost reaching her brain. The sword energies were especially sharp and ruthless, as it effortlessly cut through the barrier of soul power surrounding the angel's body.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings," Olivia's voice mocked.

Unable to suppress her anger anymore, the Sword-Winged Angel exploded, "ENOUGH!!"

Slamming her feet on the ground with enough strength to cause cracks, she leapt up into the air, intending to leave this disadvantageous dust-filled area.

Unlike Lucius and Olivia, the Sword-Winged Angel hadn't reached the realm of [Perfect Control]. The dust clouds, being materials imbued with some amount of spiritual energy interfered with her soul senses and messed with her detection. 

As such, her control over her soul power was quite basic, rendering her unable to accurately track Olivia's figure within the clouds of dust.

Her figure quickly dashed past the layers of dust clouds and appeared at the top of the gorge. Just as she was about to use an attack to blow away the clouds of wind, she heard the voice once more.

"And checkmate," Olivia's voice was filled with cold confidence and murderous intent.

To her horror, the Sword-Winged Angel saw dozens of large chunks of rocks crashing against her figure. The timing of her appearance above the clouds and the impact of the rocks on her figure, perfectly coincided, giving her not an iota of space for evasion.


Although she managed to raise her hands and tuck in her legs to reduce the damage, the impact still managed to throw her backward. Her figure flew through the air, before slamming against the side of a nearby mountain.


Crashing against the wall, the Sword-Winged Angel fell to her knees and threw up a mouthful of blood. Multiple stab wounds were present around her body, making it clear that Olivia had hidden multiple attacks composed of sword energy in between those rocks.

Her body was in disarray and her internals was in a mess. Even more, a strange violet-colored soul power messed with her soul power pathways, making her control over her soul power falter.

Still, the combat experience of the Sword-Winged Angel was quite great. She quickly organized the situation within her mind and used her focus to first deal with the rampant foreign energy within her body.

However, just as she was about to deal with the foreign energy, she felt a weight land on her back. A sword suddenly appeared beneath her throat, catching her in a head-lock position.

Once again, that hateful voice was heard, "All conditions for a trial have been met. Beginning judgment."

"[Judgment- Final Verdict]"

The strongest spell in Olivia's arsenal was released and violet soul power crazily exploded into the surroundings. Chains appeared to bind the struggling Sword-Winged Angel and forced her body immobile.

The 'Scale of Judgment' appeared in the air above her and tipped towards the side signifying [Evil].

"The scale finds you guilty," Olivia calmly declared and used her sword to behead the Stage 3 Sword-Winged Angel.

"NOOO!!!" the Sword-Winged Angel desperately screamed and struggled.

However, her body and soul power were immobilized by a strange foreign force, leaving her under the mercy of the Arbiter.

Olivia's sword moved and the Stage 3 angel's head fell.

'Finally,' Olivia's mind relaxed, feeling the body underneath her lifelessly fall to the ground. 'I met the requirements.'

Drained of all blood and power, literally and figuratively, Olivia's mind blacked and she too fell listlessly next to the Stage 3 being.

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