Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 74: Kill Bill.

Chapter 74: Kill Bill.

"Isn't that right.....Bill." Lucius coldly stated.

"Bill?" the rest of the spectators in the room were confused.

Seeing the looks of incomprehension on the faces of the people present in the rom, Lucius simply shrugged his shoulders. With a flick of his hand, he threw the young man in his hands, directly into the floor.

Heavily crashing into the floor, the young man started violently coughing.

"Cough, cough! You must be mistaken. I do not know any person by the name Bill." he hurriedly explained himself.

Turning to look at the people present in the room, he put on a pitiful expression and cried out.

"Look at how he's treating me! Teacher, aren't students forbid from fighting each other? Why are you simply standing there?!" he grievously tried to appeal to the teacher.

"This...." the middle-aged teacher tried to intervene, only to be shot a look by Lucius.

Seeing those indifferent and cold eyes staring directly at him, the middle-aged teacher, found himself unable to breathe. A formidable pressure was being exerted on his body. At this moment he clearly understood that if he tried to intervene, only a single outcome would follow.

His Death.

There was no fighting it. No struggling against it. If he went against this mysterious black eyed youth, he would undoubtedly, irrefutably, without question would die.

Understanding this fact, he immediately stood down. No matter what, he still had his life to look out for. A family that he had to provide for.

Seeing the teacher silently standby without trying to stop Lucius, the heart of the young man on the floor, dropped.

He faced Lucius, grit his teeth and spoke.

"How dare a lowly commoner like you accuse me?! Do you think my family would standby and do nothing!?" he venomously spat out, trying to threaten him.

Alas, Lucius simply did not care about this young man or his family behind him. All he wanted to do was to get rid of this pest, that might have possibly ruined his plans. It was suffice to say, Lucius was in a bad mood. A very bad mood.

He simply stared at the youth on the ground with his unfathomably deep, indifferent eyes.

"Do you really think you can maintain this farce any longer? I'm starting to get quite annoyed by it." saying so Lucius moved towards him.

"Wait! Stay back! What are you doing?!" the young man began screaming.

Ignoring his screams, Lucius pinned the young man to the floor using his legs. Then, reaching his arm towards the man's face, Lucius held him by his chin and forcefully pulled.


Along with the sound of something tearing, Lucius hand was pulled away from the young man's face. In his hand, was shockingly a face mask. The the mask suddenly let out a light buzz, before slowly turning transparent, until it resembled a plastic cover.

The teacher and the students watched these series of events in shock. Jerking their heads towards the young man in the floor, they saw an unrecognizable face.

"You- Who are you?" pointing a shaky finger at the man in the ground, the boy who had earlier screamed in defense cried.

'Bill' who sat in the ground with a depressed expression, upon hearing this turned to face him, "Well, did you not hear him? I'm Bill."

The teacher who was also in shock, took a few deep breaths to calm himself and spoke.

"There was no student with the name Bill, who boarded this ship. Who are you and why are you here?", he threateningly asked.

Sitting on the ground, Bill simply laughed at this question. It first started as a chuckle, which then turned into a light sarcastic laugh, before turning into a full blown maniacal laughter.

Using his nails to dig into his facial skin, Bill simply continued to crazily laugh. He nails broke through the skin on his face and blood started dripping from his face.

His average face from before, now looked bloody and demonic. Looking at this sight, the weak-hearted students, directly passed out.

"HAHAHAHA! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I'M HERE?! IT'S FOR REVENGE!!" screaming in a crazed manner, he abruptly swung his neck to face Lucius.

"DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID TO ME THAT DAY LUCIUS?! I DISGRACED MYSELF BEFORE THE ENTIRE CLASSROOM! EVERYONE LAUGHED AT ME, MOCKED ME!" his voice started to turn hoarse. His laughter and screams were starting to resemble that of a beast.


At this point he had already ripped out all the skin and surface level muscles in his face. Pieces of skin and flesh barely hung onto his muscles and blood continued to flow from his face.

His fleshy appearance coupled with that big smile showcasing his teeth, resembled that of a demon from hell. Even the teacher was feeling uncomfortable that this point, with many of the students directly vomiting or passing out.

Lucius, however continued to stare at him with an impassive expression.


Looking at the 'demonic' young man, getting closer to him, Lucius simply stated.


His words were flat with zero emotions present in them.

Turing his body sideways, Lucius doged Bill's lunge with minimal movements. Raising one of his legs high into the sky, Lucius smashed it down upon Bill's back.

A large amount of force was transferred into his body and Bill felt his mind momentarily blacking out. Multiple bones broke throughout his back, with a part of his spine also being crippled.

His strong body, immediately collapsed into the ground.

"Hiss...." he took a sharp intake of cold air. Pain continued to flood his mind, suppressing his rationality. His entire body was painfully writhing in the ground.

Lucius simply stared at this scene with indifference. Approaching his body, Lucius crouched near him and asked.

"How did you get into this ship?"

"I'LL NEVER TELL YOU!" Bill furiously shouted back.

Unable to move his body, he tried to use his mouth to bite Lucius. His eyes had already lost all traces of sanity and were filled with madness and hatred. No matter the cost, he was hellbent on bringing Lucius down to death along with him.

Seeing him being so uncooperative, Ka'lor'ah suggested.

'Why not try using [Charm]?'

"It will not work. He has already lost his sanity, becoming nothing but a wild beast." Lucius shook his head in response.

'Then, the old way?' Ka'lor'ah inquired curiously.

Reaching his hands to grab Bill by his head, Lucius started to infuse his soul power into his body. Then in a voice that only Bill could hear, he spoke.

"You want to take me to Hell? I'll show you what real hell feels like." saying so blandly, Lucius converted the soul energy inside Bill's body into [Decay].

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Bill suddenly let out a inhuman scream. It was so loud that his vocal cords tore in response, leading to further pain.

Bill could currently feel, every single cell in his body decaying and dying. It felt like millions of ants entering one's body and eating it from within.

"So? Feel like telling me?" Lucius asked once again, staring into his eyes.

Bill stared into Lucius' eyes and suddenly let out a maniacal laughter. Blood and chunks of flesh, fell out from within his mouth, as he hoarsely said.

"She was right! You are indeed different from the others! Already having awaken your soul!"

Bill's eyes suddenly turned calm as a his pupils suddenly turned gold. His voice suddenly turned gentle and soft, resembling that of a woman.

"You are an anomaly in mankind's fate, Lucius. I'm looking forward for the game we are going to play later. Please do survive the upcoming ordeal." Bill's face suddenly smiled.

Then without any warning, he suddenly banged his head into the steel floor using his full force. His head broke apart under the force, turning it into a mess of blood and flesh.

The room suddenly became silent for a second, before earth-shattering screams rung out. The teacher also immediately rushed towards the body.

Lucius who was kneeling right next to the body, was staring blankly into the air. His mind had completely blacked out from the shock.

Ka'lor'ah voice from inside the pocket trembeled before she spoke,

"That- That was Stage 1, soul energy!?." she said in disbelief.

Lucius just blankly nodded. He continued to stare blankly into the air for a few seconds, before a powerful wave of energy swept across his mind, wiping away all his emotions and thoughts.

Lucius' gaze once again returned to its previous state of indifference and his face was expressionless. Wordlessy standing up, he spoke to Ka'lor'ah.

"There is another person at Stage 1. Judging from her words and tone, she also knows about upcoming trial."

His gaze firmed and his voice chilled once again.

"There exists someone like us. Possibly having come from the future. Question is, what are their goals?"

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