Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 390: Revenge Bureau

Chapter 390: Revenge Bureau

Audrey Hall is practicing a new piano piece in the piano room.

Suddenly, gray fog surged in front of his eyes, and there was a figure praying in the gray fog.

"...Please tell Miss Justice that I need all the information about the Psychological Alchemy Society..."

At the same time, the "Fool" above the gray fog also threw out a paper man. The paper man turned into an angel, descended with dreamy phosphorescence, and embraced Audrey's body.

This is a paper angel that combines the power of gray fog and dreamy phosphorescence. It is also the highest level of angel protection that Mr. Fool can currently give.

"What is Mr. World going to do?" Audrey Hall relied on her Sequence Five physical fitness and spirituality to not stop playing because of a trance, but her heart was already alive.

After an exploration of the travel world, she has a very deep understanding of Mr. "World". She can be said to be the person who knows Mr. "World" best besides Mr. "Star".

"Bishop John Constantine seems to have transferred away from Backlund recently, and now Mr. World's investigation of psychological alchemy will be a new task?"

"Could it be Mister Fool's order?"

Audrey seemed to have been exposed to the deeper information of the Tarot Society, and she was a little excited, and her dancing fingers were a little more lively.

At the end of the song, Audrey lifted her skirt slightly, stood up and bowed gently to her piano teacher.

"It seems like my psychology teacher hasn't been here for a long time, right?" Audrey asked her personal maid.

"Miss Esilante has left Backlund." The maid's response surprised Audrey.

"Then help me prepare to invite a highly respected psychology master. I have a few questions that I need to ask." Audrey was going to use this reason to approach the top management of the Psychological Alchemy Society.

"Yes!" The maid slowly withdrew, and Audrey came to the study to prepare for the meeting.

"Susie? Remember to keep an eye on me and tell me privately if anything happens in the next few days." Audrey was both excited and scared.

"Okay!" Susie agreed happily, wagging her tail.


"My father's death is related to Viscount Stratford..." Hugh felt dazed for a while when he received the news from Mr. World.

"Xio..." Forsi looked at Xio with worry.

"It's very possible!" Xio made a judgment with the intuition of a "judge". "He took my father's place. It's very possible that he knew the inside story, and even... he was the one who executed it!"

Xio's face looked a little excited and sad.

"I can't deal with him on my own. I can only join forces with Mr. World and cooperate with him!" She had already made a decision.

"Then go! I'll go with you!" Forsi supported his best friend unconditionally.

Afterwards, Fors, who was prone to procrastination, pulled Xio out of the house in a rare move, heading towards the residence of Viscount Fordford in Queens.

"It's not a bad idea to help Tarot Club members deal with their hatred."

Klein was leisurely enjoying fragrant coffee in a gorgeously decorated cafe.

On the line of cause and effect, Miss Judgment and Viscount Stratford were so tied that it was hard for Klein not to notice.

After combining the information already possessed, there is no need to say more about the relationship between the viscount and Xio.

"The power of the 'Causal One' has its limits, and it requires experience, information, etc. to assist in judgment." Klein felt that he had completely become the mastermind behind the scenes.

After drinking this cup of coffee, Klein paid the bill, walked out of the coffee shop, and went to the place indicated by Karma.

At the same time, Viscount Stepford had left his mansion, and Forsi and Xio followed him from a distance, looking for opportunities.

"Why hasn't there been any news from Mr. World?" Forsi was already a little impatient.

On the contrary, Xio, the person involved, adjusted his condition to the best.

"It's time!" At a certain moment, both Xio and Forsi had some strange feeling, and subconsciously knew that it was time.

They couldn't understand the means, but it didn't stop them from making up their minds.

The two speeded up and approached the factory area.

"What's going on?" Viscount Stepford jumped mentally and felt something was wrong. He already wanted to give up.

"Why did the Witch Sect ask me to meet here?"

"Yes, why is the Witch Sect so familiar with the Chief of Palace Guards?"

Bishop John Constantine, wearing a white divine robe, suddenly appeared in this factory area, with a young woman who had passed out in a coma in his hand.

The line of cause and effect led him here, but it didn't explain why.


Viscount Stratford's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized John Constantine, a bishop who had been in the limelight recently but suddenly disappeared.

He turned around and ran away, not daring to face the bishop, but the next moment, there was a chill coming from behind him.

"Cold Blade", "Psychic Piercing"!

Xio had already rushed out of the obstacle and was only a few meters away from Viscount Stepford. He was there in the blink of an eye.

"Hypnosis! Stop!" Forsi had already taken out a travel notebook and turned to the page recording hypnosis.

This notebook is also available for rental in the Tarot Club. It records many powerful extraordinary abilities. Moreover, Forsi is now backed by the entire Abraham family!

Viscount Stepford only felt his eyes blurred, and the world was blurred. He had no resistance at all and his spiritual defense was broken. His body was unable to move, and then the "cold blade" also pierced his body!


Feeling a coldness spreading, Viscount Stepford, who was deeply threatened by death, did not care about Bishop John behind him. After regaining his sense, he immediately made a majestic judgment.

His eyes all turned golden, with powerful majesty.

At the same time, a bronze-green cross appeared in his hand, suddenly blooming with powerful and pure light!

"Space Exile!" Forsi turned the page again. Driven by her spirituality, she turned directly to the page recording the power of the demigods.

Viscount Stepford felt that the "cold blade" in his body had been pulled out, but the space in front of him suddenly collapsed, and an inexplicable force was pulling him, trying to exile him to a dangerous place.

"The Realm of Darkness!"

At this critical moment, he directly pierced his finger with the bronze cross in his hand, stimulating the strongest power of the cross with his blood.

A realm centered on him spread, expelling all forces that did not belong to him.

The power of space exile and the power of "No Darkness Realm" formed a stalemate, and after reaching a certain limit, they exploded!

"Ahem!" Viscount Stepford walked out of the center of the explosion. He was severely injured by the explosion of space exile, and his body was almost severed by space debris.

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