Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 397: Wedding and Restart

Chapter 397: Wedding and Restart

In two days, Klein and Leonard also reviewed the work of the Nighthawks.

With the addition of a demigod and a Sequence Five, plus Ms. Dai Li, Tingen's mysterious side suffered the biggest blow in history and no longer dared to stir.

And today is already wedding time.

"Today's captain is really handsome!" Klein and Leonard were sitting on the benches in the first row. In front of them was Dunn Smith, who was wearing a straight dress and looked a little nervous.

This is the Church of St. Selena. This holy church of the Church of the Night in Tingen is also closed for a day to hold a wedding for two night watchers who have paid blood and sweat for Tingen.

This means that the newlyweds will receive the blessing of the goddess.

Soon, festive and cheerful music sounded, and the quiet church became sacred.

Dailly Simone, wearing a holy wedding dress, came from the door, holding the hands of Old Neil and his wife, and walked along the aisle towards Dunn Smith.

The two newcomers looked at each other and smiled.

"Under the gaze of the goddess of mercy and the supreme dream, I will witness a sacred marriage." Truman spoke softly, making the sacred meaning of the church more intense.

He made a cameo appearance, and after all he was once the bishop of St. Selina Church.

"I've watched Dunne Smith and Daly Simone come together and complement each other..."

"Sir, madam, are you willing to enter into a marriage contract with the lover next to you? Are you willing to love each other, respect each other, accompany each other, and take care of each other in the rest of your life, no matter whether you are poor or rich, whether in sickness or in health, until The end of life?"

The ceremony hosted by Truman was very brief, and he just asked a question.

"I do!" The two newcomers nodded solemnly.

"Then...may the goddess protect your marriage, and may the dream protect your love." Truman announced the conclusion of the marriage contract with a chuckle, and gave his blessing.

Bang bang bang!

All the guests stood up and applauded to celebrate the newlyweds entering the palace of happiness.

Klein also stood up and applauded, with a cheerful smile. He looked at Truman, who nodded lightly and retreated silently.

"A dreamy blessing..." Klein felt that his mental state was very stable and he had regained hope in life.


Klein and Leonard did not stay in Tingen for long and soon returned to Backlund.

Leonard is ready to enter the red gloves of Backlund's Church of the Night and return to his previous life rhythm.

"I will also go and take a look in the future, but now I still have some things to deal with." Klein said that he needed to go to the Solomon Empire.

There is still a small group of people in Grossel's Travels that has not been dealt with.

The Solomon Empire, the only surviving empire from the Fourth Age, ruled half of the northern continent. It was mysterious and ancient.

And the Solomon Imperial Capital is the ancient capital that everyone yearns for.

Klein was also amazed after coming to this city through the illusion world.

"The atmosphere of mysticism here is overflowing." Klein stared at some ancient asymmetrical buildings, which contained terrifying power that made him spiritually alert.

"Is it the 'Black Emperor'? That's a true god."

Klein took Hvin Rambis, who had transformed into a waiter, into the city.

The youngest building that I have seen along the way is not even younger than the time when Loen founded the country.

"No wonder, the people of the Solomon Empire are all high-minded and full of arrogance."

Living in such an environment, it is difficult to take a high look at people outside the empire.

Backlund was called the Capital of Ten Thousand Domes, and it only started after the Industrial Revolution began.

"Let's go to the Zoroaster family first." Klein thought for a moment and decided to finish the travel notes first.

Behind him, Hvin Rambis also walked forward, hired a carriage, and went straight to the inner ring of the imperial capital, arriving in front of the famous Angel Family.

"My master wants to visit Duke Zoroastrian." The title of Duke Zoroastrian was passed down very early and is no longer the first generation.

Hvin Lambis handed over the invitation in accordance with the custom of the Solomon Empire.

In order to prevent certain unwelcome things from happening, Klein came to visit as the Archbishop of the Dream Sect.

"Please come in!" The waiter quickly informed the Duke and invited Klein to enter.

An archbishop of the Dream Sect is still qualified to be a VIP of the Angel Family.

Along the way, Klein finally saw the foundation of the Angel Family. The number of Extraordinaries he saw were already dozens and hundreds, and they were all children of the family, mostly in the middle ranks.

But what is even more shocking is the mansion itself. It seems to have the characteristics of life or living, giving Klein an extremely dangerous feeling.

But soon Klein saw Duke Zoroastrian.

This is an old man wearing a retro-style dress, with a serious face, and his eyes seem to have some kind of terrifying meaning.

"Angel?!" Klein's heart skipped a beat, and he really felt the pressure.

Before his disappearance, Pales Zoroastrian put all his efforts into building a family, and even asked Truman for the invisible protection of the Dream Sect, and only then was he saved in the mouth of a man who cannibalizes people without blinking an eye. of this family.

Even now, members of the Zoroaster family are not allowed to leave the imperial capital.

"Your Majesty, does your family have a family member named Mobet Zoroaster?"

Klein calmly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with a badge from Leonard on it.

This is the personal emblem of Pales Zoroastrian, representing the "worm of time".

"You..." After seeing the badge, Duke Zoroast's stiff and serious expression changed a little, seeming excited and worried.

But He just looked at Klein deeply and didn't ask anything.

He seems to regard me as a parasite... Klein is keenly aware of this, but this should not be a bad thing.

"Mobet is my nephew, but he has been missing for more than a thousand years." He answered Klein's question.

"He is not dead, he is just trapped in a place, his lifespan has been exhausted, but he is still alive and needs some way to save him." Klein directly stated his purpose.

"This... is not difficult." The angel thought for a while and already had an idea.

Klein's mouth twitched slightly, why are all these angels so powerful?

"Just teach me how to cheat the rules." Klein requested.

"..." The angel frowned, and a certain terrifying aura fell on Klein.

Klein deliberately opened and tore the paper divine robe, silently took out a dream badge from the hollow body and placed it on the table.

He who dared to enter the adjacent angel family had been preparing for a long time.

For example, what is sitting here now is a paper man.

For example, the Pope of the Dream Temple should have received news of his arrival in the Solomon Empire.

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