Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 46: Treasure House

Chapter 46: Treasure House

In the dreamy paradise, four figures descended on the beautiful and dreamy palace.

"This is for you." Amanissis handed a quill to Truman.

"Succeeded?" Of course, the goddess took action herself, and the nightmare dragon couldn't jump away.

"Al Suhode's pen..." Truman took the quill pen in his hand, and an urge to write a story came to his heart.

That's the "writer's" instinct.

Similarly, the dream sea also fluctuated, and there seemed to be a force echoing it.

That is the power of "cause and effect".

The two forces can become one to some extent, reaching a new level of intervention in destiny.

"Sure enough, this pen is very compatible with me!" Truman was very satisfied with this.

Saslier looked at the quill in Truman's hand, his expression a little strange, but he still didn't say anything.

In the many previous Dream Parliaments, several people have made various plans and compromises, and this pen will be "temporarily" hidden in the Deep Dark Heaven.

This is also the reward for the goddess of misfortune herself.

It's just that Saslier also has the right to redeem it, and he can exchange it back as long as he pays a sufficient price.

But now that Al Suhode's pen is in Truman's hands, is there any hope of getting it back?

Saslier expressed doubts about this, but he didn't care too much. The characteristics of the Dragon of Fantasy were enough for the ancient sun god.

"Who's next?" Lilith didn't care about this and looked at the other three people. "You are too slow. I don't want to wait for hundreds of years."

"The next step is the abyss." Saslier said softly, "The plan is about to enter a critical moment, and any spoiler at this time will be fatal."

The demon king Fabuti is the biggest unstable factor.

For an ancient god who is completely crazy and whose goal is to destroy the world and pollute the universe, any action he can take is possible.

Therefore, before the ancient Sun God actually launched the war to regain his power, such unstable factors must be eradicated.

"If possible, I hope you can also take action." Saslier said suddenly.

"Are you sure?" Lilith frowned slightly. Hundreds of years later, she had digested the original "Mother of Desolation" and became an angel with extremely stable humanity.

But the Demon Lord was an opponent that even she, as an ancient god, could do nothing about. Now it was even more impossible.

"This is a commission, and I hope that all three of you can participate in it and be capable enough to stifle any accidents."

Saslier's face suddenly turned serious and he looked at the Truman trio.

Truman thought thoughtfully, "Abyss?"

"Yes." Saslier nodded seriously, "I need you to help me confirm the current situation of the abyss."

"Next, the Creator will go to war with the abyss demon clan in order to protect mankind." Saslier said the next plan.

"Something came in?" Truman couldn't help but ask, the time was wrong!

Things from outside should be able to invade this world at a relatively later point in time, and their power is extremely limited.

Now at the end of the second era, the barrier is extremely stable.

"Not really," Saslier denied, "just making some preparations."

So the ancient sun god made some kind of prediction about the future?

Truman can only say that this prophecy has probably come true.

In the future that he knows, Abyss has never been very good.

"The reward is..." Sasili paused before continuing, his eyes moving on Amanisis and Lilith.

"All the information known to the stars, the history before the Second Age, and our Lord's legal right to preach after he returns to the status of the Creator."

"As for you..." Saslier looked at Truman, "You will take care of the Creator's treasure house."

This reward was also carefully considered by Saslier. He only took care of the treasure house, and the ownership rights did not change. Truman could use these things, but the ancient sun god could only give them back if he spoke.

Truman's eyes suddenly lit up.

Now in the Creator's treasure house, there are at least the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor", the uniqueness of the "Perfect One" and several sequence-one characteristics.

If the ancient sun god successfully takes back his power, there may be more unique "door" paths and sequence-one characteristics, as well as other...

Before these characteristics are given to certain people, they are all in their own pockets!

Truman is very interested in this!

Amanisis and Lilith also nodded. The history before the Second Age and the knowledge of the starry sky are very important and must be mastered.

And that missionary power will play an important role in the future.

"Okay, it's settled." Saslier didn't even need to ask Truman for his opinion and settled the matter directly.

"Then can you give me the treasure house first?" Truman couldn't wait.

Since the Sage's Robe was integrated into the second "Master" of the "Artisan" sequence, Truman has mastered the ability to create magical items.

This was the reason why the last time I casually gave Hermes a mask with extremely low negative impact.

If those things are in your hands, you have to take off!

Saslier threw a golden key directly to Truman, "This is the key certified by the Lord. You can use it to open the treasure house of the Kingdom of God."

"Okay!" Truman held the key in his hand and could vaguely feel the existence of a space, which should be the depths of the Creator Kingdom.

"Then this meeting is over. Let's take a rest and prepare to start the next step."


The Elf Clan, the Queen of Scourge, returned to the Elf Palace.

After a fight with Dream Angel, He was in a bad state, confused and exhausted.

"Coshinam!" The Elf King spoke, and his voice sounded like thunder, which actually lifted Goshinam's spirit and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

"King! You defeated the sun! You destroyed the alliance between the sun and the giants!" Goshinam returned to his normal appearance and congratulated the Elf King.

"I will personally carve a mural recording this war for you and pass it on to future generations!"

Cohinam's words made the Elf King in the Spiritual Palace feel much better. His irritability seemed to have been suppressed and he was able to think normally.

Just tell me why Coshnam became the Queen of the Elves!

"Haha!" The Elf King laughed, with a voice as loud as thunder. "That's right, this time Olmir has clashed with Gray Carrie, and his cooperation with the sun has also been ruined. He was alerted by the gods and suffered a heavy loss!"

"That dragon ran so fast, but it was hit by me and Taiyang. It was seriously injured!"

The Elf King's tyranny was suppressed and his mental state improved. However, Coshinam fell into uneasiness again.

The dragon of fantasy runs so fast that it is difficult not to make people wonder what happened. Who is profiting from it?

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