Lord of The Mysterious Realms

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Realm

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Realm

[Simple Boxing (White Basic)]

[Contact Healing (Green Life)]

It didn't take Barnard to ask,Jenkins read aloud the text he saw himself. The two lines of text that resemble skills were not in the common language of the kingdom but he was still able to understand them somehow.

"Okay, healing abilities have always been the scarcest." Barnard said dryly, his eyes were still fixed on the dark figure at the table, he looked even more nervous than Jenkins.

Pulling Jenkins towards the round table: "I will give you a general overview now , we will discuss everything later. But you have to remember to not just casually disclose your abilities to the outside world, it's the most important secret for people like us."

"Of course I know, but isn't this just to gain your trust?"

Jenkins cursed in his heart , then used his spirit to activate the last purple light point:

[The Unknown Path (Purple Destiny)]

So what exactly does this mean? While they were walking towards the table a lot of dust stirred up which left both Jenkins and Barnard in a pretty miserable state . When both of them reached the table ,Jenkins noticed that the man in the black was actually unaffected by the dust.

He was now a little doubtful whether the person sitting in front of him was even alive . From the beginning, he never moved or made a sound, simply sitting at the table and bringing an eerie pressure to the travellers who were just getting used to their identities.


A hoarse voice which didn't feel human came from across the table. It was just like a mechanically synthesized electronic voice.

But given the fact that this world is currently in a steam age , it was just a useless speculation.

He also noticed that the mysterious man was speaking the common language of the Kingdom of Fedictelli, which was more standard than Barnard and Jenkins' accent which comes with an obvious Norland dialect.

"Do we need to fight?"

Barnard pulled Jenkins, somewhat apprehensive to sit on the two protruding stakes in front of the table and inquired nervously.

"No." The strange voice sounded again.

"That's good."

Barnard's appearance at this point reminded Jenkins of his big brother when he sneaked out on a date behind his parents' back while thinking that he hadn't been spotted. But in fact, that incident was known to everyone in the family.

"My ass feels a little cold,is there ice under the stake?" Jenkins can only rely on these unreliable thoughts to distract himself as the pressure of facing the black-robed man head-on was too much.

Probably misinterpreting Jenkins' strange expression as confusion, Barnard explained in a low voice, "[Mysterious Realms] are a series of fragmented worlds formed for unknown reasons, and we who have awakened need to clean them up periodically. We will talk about specific things later. You just need to know that our luck is pretty good to encounter a non-combat type of [Mysterious realm]. After all, I'm not very good at meeting enemies head-on and you're just a little rookie."

After saying this, the middle-aged man gestured to him not to speak, while he himself cautiously asked the mysterious man across the room.

"Hello, may I ask, what should we do now?"


The mystery man replied almost instantly, Jenkins even felt that there was no gap between his voice and Barnard's last word.

"It's not really a robot, is it? No, according to the world it should be something close to an alchemy puppet or a golem ."

He slowly speculated, while pricking up his ears so as not to miss anything important.

But the black-robed man stopped talking and in a moment of silence, the murky air around the round table seemed to distort for a moment after which ten small, shiny golden bowls appeared abruptly on the table, surrounding the candles which seemed to burn forever.

The outer surface of these golden bowls were all lightly engraved with branch-like patterns but Jenkins seems to think that the shape and posture of these plants was somewhat bloodthirsty and ferocious much like the so-called man eating vines.

The inner surface of the golden bowls was incomparably smooth which contained a clear transparent liquid .Both the liquid and golden bowl together were shining in the dim light of the candle.

Jenkins chimed in with a gasp, while in his heart praised his own acting skills.

Seeing that the black-robed man was silent, Barnard tried asking again :

"Probably we have to drink it, right?"

The black-robed man nodded slightly.

"[Mysterious Realms] are always like this, as long as a certain goal is accomplished you can get out, and then the entrance to the real world will collapse. Of course, if we are lucky, we can still get some benefits from it." Barnard explained.

"And what if it fails?"

Jenkins immediately asked, while his face was trying to put on an expression of nervousness mixed with excitement and panic.

Maybe I should have become an actor back then, Jenkins thought.

"Do you think the big octopus you just saw crawled out of the sea?"

He didn't elaborate any further, but Jenkins could pretty much guess that if the two failed and died here,the things in [Mysterious Realm] would run into the real world.

Jenkins didn't know if it's because he hasn't quite accepted the reality of his transmigration, but he felt no fear toward the current situation, only a strange sense of excitement.

Steampunk, treacherous magic, supernatural?

The excitement even made his whole body tremble, but Barnard seemed to think it was fear."So that means we need to drink the liquid from these bowls to leave?"

Jenkins asked again in a whisper, his voice trembling a little, but the black-robed man across the table made no reply.

"Maybe it's enough for only one person to drink from the bowl."

Barnard tried to guess, he carefully looked up at the black-robed man but there was still no response.

The cramped chamber was very stifling, guessing from physical sensation it feels very likely that it is late summer outside the Mysterious realm, while here it feels like the hottest summer day. Jenkins did not know exactly how long the original owner of the body ran for, but at the moment he sat down, the sweat on his body quickly evaporated and even his underwear got stuck to his body.

He even suspected that the middle-aged man beside him and the black-robed man opposite him could smell the stench of sweat on his body, after all according to the inherited memories the wild boy Jenkins was not a person who loves to take the bath

"I'll go first."

Barnard seemed to have made up his mind and turned his head towards Jenkins and said in a low voice.

Jenkins was now glad the first person he encountered after crossing over was a good man, at least he did not force the "poor little rookie" to step on the mine.

"Sir, this is really ......"

No matter which world you are in, these kinds of people deserve respect. Jenkins is not a person who will be ungrateful to those who are kind to him.

"Don't worry, my luck is not that bad."

The middle-aged man muttered as if he was emboldening himself, his body twisting on the stake.

(TN: I wanted to leave you guys at this mini cliffhanger but I am too generous ....sigh)

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