Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1161: Empty city

Chapter 1161: Empty city

Seeing the heavy gate rising without warning, both Yalvi and Ulis were startled. They subconsciously ordered the surrounding lieutenants to start to prepare for the attack.

The current situation is self-evident. The opponent is obviously going to leave the city to fight!

However, accompanied by the heavy and rapid sound of the trumpet, just as the new noble soldiers of the five legions stood up with shields and formed a large formation to attack.

In front of the open gate of Wangxing City, no soldiers appeared, but a dozen or so ragged free farmers wandered out in twos and threes and began to sweep the gate with brooms.

That slow and leisurely look, as if what stood opposite them was not a dark and murderous army of new nobles, but bright sunshine and a gentle spring breeze.

This extremely abnormal behavior caused Jalvi and Ulis, who were watching the battlefield closely, to be startled again and began to look at each other.

These two kingdom generals who have experienced hundreds of battles have never encountered such an incredible situation!

You know, not far in front of those free farmers, there are many corpses of soldiers who have just fallen from the towering city walls!

Moreover, there are five legions of new noble soldiers led by these two kingdom generals, ready to send these guys to **** at any time!

What kind of support do they have that can make these despicable ants turn a blind eye to such a **** battlefield?

More importantly, what kind of confidence does the opposing commander in the city have that dares to open the city gate in front of their five legions?

"Is there an ambush in the city? Or maybe some kind of large-scale magic trap has been set up, waiting for us to fall into the trap?"

Looking at the open door, a trace of uncertainty appeared on Alvi's calm expression, and he murmured to himself.

"General Yalvi, aren't you afraid? How could Princess Keqing lay out a large-scale spell trap in such a short period of time?"

Even though the grumpy Yulis was also surprised, he still said solemnly: "General Yiben thinks it's just a bluff, why don't we go in and find out what's going on!"

"General Yulis, have you forgotten Kongqing Town mentioned in the battle report? Didn't that Lord Knight in Black Armor suddenly turn Kongqing Town into a deathly land of black mist?"

Alvi stared at the position of the city gate closely, as if he wanted to see some flaws, and mused: "If the guest princess also started preparing the trap early, this is not an impossible thing."

"...There is some truth to it, and this possibility cannot be ruled out."

Yulis rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "This war has continued until now. From the series of actions of Princess Keqing, it can be clearly seen that she is bold and careful in using troops and planning. She is indeed not an ordinary person. , Besides, there are two despicable guys, Bert and Ju Bai, as well as some useless neutral nobles as assistants."

"That's right, before this huge war began, I'm afraid no one would have thought that the fifth princess and princess Keqing, who only owned Kongqing Town on the surface and had almost negligible strength, actually had the laugh until the end. "

Alvi's expression began to become more solemn, and he nodded: "From this, do you think that thoughtful princess guest would open the city gate for no reason and do such an unbelievable move?"

"It seems that there is a high possibility of fraud."

Yulis's voice also began to become uncertain, and he frowned and said: "After all, this is still an uncertain matter. Facing an illusory trap, it stopped me from waiting. I waited. How should I explain to His Highness the Second Prince?"

After a pause, Ulis's staff was heavily placed on the ground again, and he said unwillingly: "If the other party is just bluffing, once this matter is spread, won't our reputation be instantly disgraced? What should we do? To gain a foothold in front of other new nobles?"

"That's better than knowing it's a trap and stepping into it recklessly. At least it can preserve the vitality of this new noble and your and my lives."

Alvi narrowed his eyes slightly, still staring in the direction of the city gate, and said gloomily: "Then again, we really can't leave this place easily, so it's better to keep an eye on it. Once we find out that the princess guest is just here If he bluffs, he will be close to death without a burial."

"That's right. If you want to hide it from our eyes, just rely on the humble alien lord who just arrived. It's still too much to think about."

Eulis snorted heavily, then rolled his eyes and suggested: "How about sending a legion in to test it out first?"

"My Army of Arrows is not willing to get into trouble like this."

Alvi waved his hand without hesitation and responded: "This legion that I personally trained has to fight and perform meritorious service for His Highness the Second Prince, so it cannot be left here."

At this point, Yalvi raised his eyelids and suggested: "General Yulis, how about letting your heavy artillery regiment go? If you find out that it is just a bluff by the other party, you will have made a great contribution this time."

"General Jalvi, why don't you seize such a good opportunity to "make meritorious service" yourself? You have never been so generous before. "

Naturally, Ulis would not let the legion he had trained so hard to be the experimental subjects that stepped into the trap. Instead, he said in Yarvi's ear: "How about letting an ordinary legion go in? In this way, Come, everything will be solved perfectly.

"I don't have a problem with that."

Alvi shrugged and said helplessly: "But if Lord Nakong Qing lets the weak ordinary legion leave, but waits until I wait for the main legion to enter the city, what should you and I do?"

"That's right. As the saying goes, a war never tires of deceit. If it were this general, he might do this. Killing the main force is always the top priority."

Yuris stroked the staff in his hand, nodded thoughtfully, and then said angrily: "Then I'm really just looking at the city gate that I have opened, and I can't go in?"

"Precisely because this is the city gate that we have opened, we must carefully consider our actions."

Just when Jalvi said this, a deputy general came forward and bowed to report: "Two generals, according to the soldiers who were defeated just now, they seemed to have heard the attack on the city wall. Soldiers, shouting about the red dragon or something..."

"Red dragon?!"

After hearing these words, Yulis and Alvi could not help but be surprised.

I remember that not long ago, I did receive reports of three inexplicable red dragons hovering above many cities. Fortunately, there were no signs of attack...

"But why did the giant dragon appear here? Is there really a trap?"

Thinking of this in their minds, the uncertainty on the faces of the two new noble kingdom generals became even more uncertain.

At this moment, a tall figure slowly walked out of the Wangxing City Gate that was wide open in front of him.

The person who came was none other than Lei Xiao.

The method of opening the city gate wide was naturally the empty city strategy that Lei Xiao imitated from Prime Minister Zhuge.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that although this was a very familiar and wonderful plot to Daxia people, as long as he thought about it for a moment, he might be able to see the clues.

But this is a truly different world, and there are no profound classics for these opponents to read.

Therefore, this is an empty city strategy on the surface, but in fact it is just a simple plan that takes advantage of the information gap. Of course, it also requires a little calm courage.

"As long as I can make this new noble army retreat without a fight, my goal will be achieved. When I completely stabilize the entire eastern part of Leng Yan and integrate the troops, these guys will no longer be afraid."

Lei Xiao looked at the dark army of new nobles in front of him and thought like this in his heart while walking leisurely.

However, although Lei Xiao's steps were free and easy, he felt panicked in his heart.

If the other party refuses to follow this trick and insists on marching in, then it is very likely that your territory and previous efforts will really be lost.

"As the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. I hope that with so many cobblers, I and my subordinates can get the blessing of Prime Minister Zhuge Liang."

Thinking of this, although Lei Xiao's heart suddenly trembled, his expression remained calm.

Of course, he was not alone and unprepared, and he rashly appeared in front of the five legions.

Among the free farmers who walked out just now, most of them were illusions cast by Jin Wen, and only two were real people, namely Polygonum cuspidatum and Gracilaria.

Since Jin Wen, the illusion master, is by his side, he naturally has to make good use of it.

Therefore, if the situation changes, as long as Jiang Li, who is not far away from him, uses teleportation, he will not be threatened.

"The reason why I appear alone is to further frighten the other party. After all, from a common sense perspective, if there is no corresponding precautions, it is absolutely impossible for me to open the city gate first and then appear here alone."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao simply stood in front of the opponent's formation and said loudly: "Two generals of the kingdom, I have opened the city gate, why don't you come in? If you don't come in, I will close the door again. "

Lei Xiao's outrageous move made the new noble soldiers of the five legions in front of the city and the lords of the Xiao Shen Regiment on the city wall start to look at each other.

For a moment, the battlefield of tens of thousands of people fell silent.

I saw that most of the new noble soldiers of the five legions had doubts on their faces, a look of confusion.

This guy is obviously the leader of the city, but just now he annihilated the soldiers who stormed the city wall with thunderous force, and now he opens the city gate wide... and even walks out alone. What on earth is he going to do? !

You know, during the siege, the defenders either resisted desperately or surrendered. This incredible situation of opening the door but not surrendering, and welcoming them into the city is undoubtedly unheard of!

The lords of the Xiaoshen Regiment standing on the city wall all looked so nervous that many of their hands were soaked with sweat, making the weapons in their hands extremely slippery.

As Daxia people, most of them already understood what Elder Xiaoshen wanted to do the moment he decisively ordered the city gates to be opened.

However, everyone has no idea whether this empty city strategy can work on these alien natives.

While feeling extremely nervous, the lords of the Xiao Shen Group, including Qin Qian, Feng Ling, and Jiang Hao, all looked at Lei Xiao's back in awe.

Now the elder Xiaoshen is facing five legions of indigenous soldiers alone!

The two large groups of siege soldiers they had just faced had scared them to death. What's more, Elder Xiaoshen alone faced an opponent that was 25 times more than 2,000 people?

This momentum and courage were enough to make all the members of the Xiaoshen Regiment present worship them!

"May I ask if you are the Lord of Kongqing City, or the princess's guest?"

Not long after, a middle-aged commander who looked like a captain walked out of the new noble camp and asked cautiously.

"Yes, it's me."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and immediately understood the current situation.

It seems that Yulis and Yalvi were obviously afraid of being beheaded by the fifth-level strong men under their command, so they found an agent to test them.

It can also be seen from this that the other party does have some concerns.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao relaxed a little.

Next, I should add some more fuel and jealousy.

"Excuse me, why do you want to open the city gate?"

The middle-aged commander paused for a moment, as if he was receiving instructions, and then frowned and said: "Your armies and mine are at war."

"It is because of the battle that I open the gates."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "What? Don't you want to see what is in the city?"

"Since you want to enter the city, and I have fulfilled your request, why are you still refusing to come in?"

After a pause, Lei Xiao shrugged again and said, "Is it because your commander is afraid?"

"Asshole! This guy is really bullying people!"

Hearing what Lei Xiao said, Yulis, who was hiding in the army, spat and said fiercely: "General, I will lead my troops to rush in now and see what tricks this guy is playing!"

"Don't act rashly, that's the opponent's way of provoking you!"

Alvira grabbed the arm of Ulis who was about to move forward, and said thoughtfully: "He actually dared to appear alone in front of such a large army like us. Coupled with these provocative words, it is undoubtedly further proof that There is indeed a scam in the city!"

"indeed so."

After calming down, UU read a book www. uukanshu netUlis shook his head helplessly and said: "This general has never seen such a bold person. If there are no traps in the city, then he must be a madman."

"Unfortunately, a madman would not say such inflammatory words."

Alvi sighed softly, and said helplessly with some worry: "The current plan is to temporarily withdraw the troops. If the time delay is too long, and when the reinforcements from the traditional nobles arrive, then we will be surrounded by enemies from both sides. situation."

"That's right. Let the reinforcements from the traditional nobles come and taste the trap of this position for us. Then I will wait for the opportunity to reap the benefits."

Eulis didn't say anything else and shrugged.

After finishing speaking, a trace of murderous intent appeared in Yulis' sharp eyes again, and he said solemnly: "If we encounter you on a frontal battlefield next time, I, the general, will make this scheming princess guest splatter with blood on the spot! "

At this point, under the urgent orders of the two kingdom generals, the new noble army approaching the city quickly changed from the rear to the front and retreated quickly and orderly.

Seeing this miraculous scene, the lords of the Xiaoshen group on the city wall, as well as Carol, the elder of the Bingliu family, and others all immediately became excited.

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