Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1166: break boundaries

Chapter 1166: break boundaries

Standing next to Lei Xiao was Wu, who was originally in charge of the Lion City.

The moment the army disappeared, after Ariel's strong suggestion, Lei Xiao finally ordered Jiang Lei to secretly take over the veteran country-controlling powerhouse of the Cold Flame Kingdom.

After all, Lei Xiao can easily carry it with him as the [God's Stone], and it can undoubtedly become a good trump card.

"None, thank you very much."

Looking at the densely packed corpses and broken arrowheads around him, Lei Xiao, who was walking on cotton, panted heavily and nodded to the flame-robed strongman beside him who had returned to his burly form.

Because of this, the moment before the attack came, Lei Xiao decisively summoned Wu.

With the protection of Wu's energy barrier, and Lei Xiao's continuous use of a fifth-level absolute elemental defense enchantment scroll and several fourth-level absolute elemental defense enchantment scrolls, he was able to survive this fatal attack unharmed.

At present, the opponent still has many long-range legions that retain their combat effectiveness, which undoubtedly means that the fatal threat has not been eliminated.

"Without further delay, start breaking the [Death Cage] immediately, otherwise the situation will only get worse."

Seeing that the opponent's attack was gradually slowing down, Lei Xiao nodded decisively to Wu.

In the previous desperate battle with Severn, it was precisely because of Wu's action that we were able to break the opponent's trap.

However, despite issuing the order, Lei Xiao was still extremely uneasy.

The last time Severn cast [Death Cage], he did not see the [God's Stone] or the Stone Elf held by the other party.

According to Wuwai's stone elf's later confirmation, it was just a magic scroll made by the stone elf. Its body was indeed not at the scene, and it did not feel the breath of any other stone elf.

Therefore, after Wu breaks it, the barrier will naturally cease to exist.

But this time, we are on the other side's territory, so what we are facing is very likely to be a real hostile [God's Stone].

"As you command, Lord Lord!"

After receiving Lei Xiao's instructions, Wu held up the former and quickly flew to the edge of the barrier wall.

When he got closer, Lei Xiao observed that the barrier wall with dark gray light flowing was extremely thick, exuding a strange and vast energy fluctuation.

At the same time, Lei Xiao also tried to activate some magic scrolls. After some attacks, he found that the barrier wall was indeed difficult to shake and could not be teleported out.

Wu Ze didn't hesitate at all, and with a soft wave of energy rippling in his broad palm, he pressed directly towards the barrier wall.

The moment Wu's palm and the barrier wall were released, a small silver magic circle emerged from Wu's palm and began to rotate continuously.

As the silver magic circle slowly unfolded, the seemingly indestructible gray barrier wall immediately melted quickly. However, the barrier wall just melted and created a gap, but it quickly returned to its original state. This was repeated several times, but still unable to Shaken every bit.

"I'm sorry, Lord. My subordinate tried to lift this strange barrier, but it was immediately repaired by the caster. Please give me some more time."

Wu Jianyi's face was full of solemnity, while he tried his best to strengthen the supply of magic power, making the silver magic circle shine more brightly, while reporting the report.

At this time, Lei Xiao could clearly see it.

Under the influence of the powerful unloading effect of [Death Cage], Wu's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his face became increasingly pale. This was obviously a reaction to the body's consumption of a large amount of magic power.

"Is that true? It seems that the hostile [God's Stone] is nearby."

Lei Xiao's eyes wandered around through the barrier wall, trying to find suspicious targets, but because the arena was too chaotic, he was unable to find the exact target.

"Just go all out to crack it, I'll delay it."

In desperation, Lei Xiao once again had several defense scrolls in his palm and nodded to Wu.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that although the opponent's attack was dense and fierce, comparable to that of a fifth-level powerhouse, and could quickly consume any defensive barrier or energy barrier, it could not attack one point in an instant after all.

This means that as long as the speed of activating the defensive magic scroll can keep up, even a fourth-level defensive scroll will be enough to gradually offset the opponent's offensive.

Of course, he can also summon other combat powers according to the situation. Although the combat power of the puppets in this kind of enchantment will also drop significantly, and even the core will be damaged, but once the situation is critical, he can't take care of that much.

While Lei Xiao was having a conversation with Wu, Hall, the new king of Grimm, who was sitting at the VIP table not far away, had already understood the situation and laughed again, jokingly saying: "So what if you summon a personal guard? Its just a struggle beforehand!

After saying that, Hall's face was full of anger, and he waved his hand and ordered: "King Gu, continue to attack with all your strength. King Gu will see this despicable alien from the outsider shattered to pieces with his own eyes!"

As Hall's words fell, dense arrows and various spells followed closely, roaring towards Lei Xiao.

Since all the enemy soldiers in the barrier have already died, this attack is obviously more targeted. The target is Lei Xiao and Wuer on the edge of the barrier wall!

"Even in adverse circumstances, if you want to kill me, you are still not qualified."

Facing the opponent's overwhelming attack, Lei Xiao did not hesitate and immediately began to activate the magic scroll.

This time, the magic scrolls used by Lei Xiao were not limited to personal defensive barriers, but defensive spells such as giant ice shields, earth fortresses, waterfalls, water curtains, and plant tree walls rose up one after another, like thousands of peaks. Wan Zhang generally blocked Lei Xiao and Wu.

Although in the unloading barrier, these defensive spells are also weakened, and they soon fall apart in the opponent's offensive.

But Lei Xiao's speed in activating the magic scroll was terrifying, and within a short time, a large number of discarded scrolls were piled under his feet.

"How much inventory does this despicable guy have?!"

Seeing this scene, Hall's murderous voice began to become more and more hysterical, and he roared: "You bunch of trash, speed up the attack for the lonely king!"

Even if he is attached to the Temple of Light, he naturally knows the truth behind the change. He clearly understands that only by killing this alien as soon as possible can he rest easy. As long as this alien dies, the remaining millions will The army is nothing to fear.

In the [Death Cage], facing the fierce and violent offensive, Wu, who had been pushing against the opponent's [God's Stone] to the limit, suddenly thought of something and blurted out: "Lord, my subordinates have thought of a way!"

"Come and tell me!"

Lei Xiao's hands were a little numb under the repeated actions of activating the scroll, and he asked immediately.

"Lord, my subordinates will soon be repaired by the opponent after opening the barrier gap. But if the opponent's repair can be delayed, I will be sure to break through in one go!"

Wu's words were like exploding beans, reaching Lei Xiao's ears.

"Delayed repair?"

Lei Xiao's brain began to work rapidly, and he blurted out: "Wu, if you use some hard objects to block the gap in the barrier first, the other party's repair will naturally be hindered. Is that okay?"

"Back to my lord, this is exactly what I mean!"

Wu immediately nodded and responded: "However, the power of this barrier is extremely strong. Ordinary objects may be crushed to pieces by the vast magic power."

"The fifth-level weapon should be hard enough, right?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lei Xiao did not hesitate and took out ten metal fifth-level lances and told Wu to take them by himself.

Although this kind of national-level magic weapon is extremely valuable and can be called a rare treasure in the human nations, for Lei Xiao, it is obviously not something that cannot be discarded.

After all, compared to the fifth-level national-level magic weapons, the human nations still have a lot of fourth-level equipment.

After accumulating upgrades during this period of time, Lei Xiao already had more than thirty level five lances in his possession, which was enough to handle him with ease.

After taking Lei Xiao's lance, Wu Shi didn't hesitate. After bundling it up with magic power, he directly saw the opportunity and threw them all into the gap in the barrier that had just been opened.

Due to the extremely fast repair speed of the other party, Wu just put all his strength into the lance and immediately came into contact with the barrier wall that was repaired at a rapid speed, causing the metal barrels of the bundle of lances to be half inside and half outside, just stuck in the middle of the barrier wall. Location.

Sure enough, under the obstruction of ten fifth-level lances, although the unstoppable barrier wall was still trying to shrink inward, the lances began to squeeze each other violently, making bursts of tight metal muffled sounds, and even the gun barrels Started to dent and deform one after another.

But the country-level magic weapon is the country-level magic weapon after all. It is not unreasonable to be rare. For a while, it was still in a stalemate with the barrier wall.

Taking advantage of this moment, the silver magic barrier surrounding Wu's palm suddenly expanded, and he slapped the gray barrier wall hard with his palm.

The originally seemingly indestructible barrier wall suddenly began to have small cracks starting from where the lances were locked in a stalemate, and spread rapidly to the surrounding area.

With the sound of shattering glass, the barrier wall that trapped Lei Xiao and Wu finally broke into a big hole, causing the bundle of twisted and deformed lances to fall to the ground.

Just as the lance fell, Wu Zesi flew out with Lei Xiao and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Seeing this incredible scene, the huge ancient arena fell silent for a moment.

After losing the trace of Lei Xiao and the two men, most people did not search immediately, but focused their attention on the bundle of lances that still exuded a rich splendor.

Hall and other dignitaries of the Kingdom of Grim who had seen the world, naturally saw at a glance that this was actually ten country-level lances that even the entire human race could not put together. Their eyes bulged, and their faces were filled with confusion. incredible.

Of course, although Lei Xiao's way of breaking the barrier surprised them, what was even more surprising was the ten national-level lances themselves.

Although the other enemy soldiers did not know the specific class of the lance, they could clearly see that it was an astonishing splendor that they had never seen before, and it must be priceless!

"I've long heard that this despicable alien has a rare treasure, but I didn't expect that he actually took out 10 national-level magic weapons at once!"

After Hall was stunned for a moment, a trace of uncontrollable greed suddenly appeared on his face filled with anger.

As long as he can successfully kill this despicable alien, even if the Temple of Light will take away the bulk, he can still take a sip of the hot soup.

With this despicable persons bottomless knowledge, just a mouthful of soup is enough to make the Kingdom of Grim reign supreme in the human world!

While feeling agitated in his heart, Hall licked his chapped lips and immediately yelled: "Quick! Search for the Lone King! Even if that guy escapes from the cage, he is still trapped in the confinement barrier. As long as he is found If we find the other partys traces, a new cage will follow them immediately!

Upon hearing the sound, a considerable number of enemy soldiers located near the original cage immediately took action.

Of course, their target was not just Lei Xiao, but also the 10 fifth-level lances scattered on the ground.

Although these lances have been twisted and deformed, the rich splendor on them shows that these things are still valuable!

For a moment, the nearby enemy troops, including the commander, rushed forward and rushed towards the lance at high speed, directly looting it.

Among them, a dozen of Grim's low-level generals who arrived first, their eyes shining with greed, even started fighting over the lances, causing the scene to become extremely chaotic.

"These **** wastes, those lances all belong to the Lone King. You can't take any of them away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Why don't you hurry up and search for the target?"

Upon seeing this, Hall immediately became hysterical and yelled.

Just when the scene was in chaos, Lei Xiao put on the invisibility cloak as soon as he and Wu left the barrier.

While hiding his figure, Lei Xiaoda could rest in a corner for a while to adjust the unfavorable state affected by the force-removing magic circle.

But the current situation is urgent, his soldiers are still in danger, and Lei Xiao obviously has no room to breathe.

After Yu Wu swallowed several energy-restoring potions, Lei Xiao's eyes moved around and began to search for traces of the hostile [God's Stone]. Only by defeating it quickly could this fatal crisis be completely resolved.

"Lord, look quickly!"

Not long after, Lei Xiao looked attentively along with the direction of Wu Finger.

It was discovered that in a shadow not far from the VIP desk, a slender figure stood alone, looking out of place with the messy battlefield around him.

"Is this it? The stone elf who cast [Death Cage]."

Lei Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and lightning began to appear faintly in his palm, and he said solemnly: "Although the [God's Stone] is the key to the truth, I can't care about that much now, and I must defeat it as soon as possible."

After receiving Lei Xiao's instructions, Wu Ye began to recite the spell silently and flew towards the opponent at high speed.

But just when Lei Xiao and Wu were about to approach the slender figure, a helpless and desperate clear female voice suddenly came over: "I'm sorry, sir, please save me!"

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