Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1186: Broken city

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Under our overwhelming attack, the absolute defensive barrier wall of Glowing City on the opposite side immediately aroused waves of violent energy waves, just like the surface of a lake in a storm, turbulent in the wind and rain.

In the blink of an eye, the other party's translucent barrier wall that originally shone with rich brilliance was dimmed and looked crumbling.

"Give it to me, you bunch of complete losers!"

Feeling that our offensive was becoming more and more fierce, no matter how furious Gusta was and how he was hysterical on the city wall, the surroundings were still in chaos, filled with wailing and corpses everywhere.

As for Beavis and other high-ranking bishops of the Holy Chanters, although they are also trying their best to assist Gusta, our sonic counterattack is too abrupt.

Not only did it cause a mess on the opponent's city wall, but it also caused the energy-supplying priests in the surrounding magic towers to fall. It had little effect at all, and these high-ranking bishops also suffered a lot of damage.

"It's time, Mr. Bing, let us destroy each other's barrier together."

On the wall of our city with a rainbow of momentum, Lei Xiao held a light blue sixth-level attack magic scroll in his hand, and said sternly to the old man in blue robe beside him: "This will be the first blow that changes the fate of the human world!"

"Understood, Your Excellency."

With a solemn expression on his face, Bing Lao nodded to Lei Xiao and said, "I am extremely honored to be able to take this epic step with you!"

After saying that, Bing Lao's majestic aura surged, causing the surrounding temperature to instantly drop to freezing point, and ice and fog everywhere.

The old man's chanting followed, and as Bing Lao's voice became louder and louder, a giant blue magic array began to unfold in front of Bing Lao's burly body, and then rotated rapidly, causing the blue robe to make a hunting sound.

Not long after, I saw Bing Lao's closed eyes suddenly open, and he shouted coldly: "Broken Mountain Cold Blade Kill!"

A giant ice sword that was a hundred meters long and filled with cold energy emerged from the magic circle, and under the control of Bing Lao, it swept straight towards the opponent's city.

Upon seeing this, Lei Xiao immediately activated the [Level 6 Magic Scroll: Wrath of the Ice Dragon King] that he had already prepared in his hand.

Another giant blue magic circle unfolded instantly, and an ice dragon whose size and momentum was not inferior to the giant ice sword also jumped out quickly, followed behind the giant ice sword with its teeth and claws, and stormed towards the opponent's city together. .


In just a moment, the giant ice sword with overwhelming force had already stabbed the opponent's barrier wall fiercely, instantly stirring up waves of ice that filled the sky. The momentum was extremely astonishing.

The majestic energy surged crazily between heaven and earth, and the sharp giant ice sword was rubbed shorter and shorter by the barrier wall, and was soon completely offset.

The moment the ice sword disappeared, there were already traces of fragmentation on the extremely dim barrier wall.

However, the opponent is the largest behemoth in the human world after all. After cracks appeared in the barrier wall, it began to be repaired quickly. Just when the dim absolute defense barrier was about to return to its original state, the giant ice dragon released by Lei Xiao happened to kill it.


There was another loud bang like thunder. This time, the already exhausted absolute defensive barrier could no longer hold on. The cracks began to spread towards the surroundings with unstoppable momentum, until they spread to the front of Glow City. Every corner above the city wall.

Clatter. Clatter.

The crisp sound of glass shattering followed, and this absolute defensive barrier, which could be called the strongest in the human world, finally completely fell apart, turning into pieces of translucent fragments that slowly fell down until they completely disappeared.

So far, with the efforts of Lei Xiao, our strong men and our soldiers, we have successfully opened the barrier of Glow City, causing countless magical artillery fire to hit the opponent's city wall.

More screams mixed with explosions suddenly sounded on the opponent's city wall.

Under the cover of our intensive firepower, the enemy reserves that had just rushed up the city wall were torn apart in violent explosions before they had time to show their sharp blades, causing a **** storm in the sky.

After noticing that the offensive finally successfully landed on the enemy's city wall, there was instant joy in our camp.

Even the injured soldiers who were carried off the city wall stood up excitedly and prepared to join the battle again.

You know, in this kind of war at the level of national war or above, breaking down the opponent's defensive barrier first will undoubtedly mean that our side has gained the upper hand and tore out a glimmer of hope of victory from the darkness!

"Long live His Royal Highness the Prince! Long live His Royal Highness the Prince!"

Continuous cheers resounded through the city walls, and each of the tens of thousands of our soldiers continued to attack with excitement on their faces.

Even the half-elf long archers who had been preparing to attack before, under the command of Qiduo, opened their bows and nocked arrows, and began to rain down arrows from the sky.

"I didn't expect that he actually broke the absolute defensive barrier of Glow City!"

Feeling the high-spirited and warm atmosphere on the ice stone city wall, Diana's long eyelashes trembled. She was surprised in her heart, but also involuntarily excited.

You know, in the three thousand years since the Blank Age, no monarch has ever been able to break through the barrier of Glow City!

No, to be more precise, no monarch in history dared to shake the Glory City!

And the young man from another world in front of him not only has a powerful strength that surpasses any human dynasty, but also has a powerful courage that no human monarch can match!

"I have to say, he is always impressive."

Thinking of this, this famous female half-step sixth-level powerhouse in the human world couldn't help but feel that being able to meet Lei Xiao was undoubtedly the greatest honor in her life!

"It is indeed true. I look forward to witnessing this historic moment."

Looking at the shocking scene of thousands of cannons firing on the city wall, Hui Lao gently stroked his short white beard, nodded slightly and said: "The wonderful scenes I saw today are enough to be worth a hundred years of time."

"I feel the same way. Ever since that dragon slaying, I haven't had this kind of passionate feeling for a long time."

Yoniel's old eyes moved and fell on Qi Duo, who was commanding the long archers beside Lei Xiao, and sighed: "I didn't expect that after five hundred years, I could still see two dragon-slaying companions together. Show up here."

"Yes, we are already old, but she is still young and beautiful. Everything we did when we took risks together is still vivid in our minds."

Hearing this, Hui Lao also sighed: "As a human race, sometimes I really envy those immortal races."

"Don't forget that although the lifespan of the Immortal Race is long, the long years also limit many things, such as population and dreams."

Yoniel shrugged and said seriously: "Perhaps under the leadership of this prince from another world, the human race will one day stand at the top of all races again, instead of being limited to this corner of the world."

"But the premise is that we can successfully overcome the current difficulties."

Hui Lao became solemn again and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Old guy, don't you think everything will be fine if you break through the absolute defense barrier of Glow City?"

"Of course not. Glow City has been closed for a hundred years, and even we don't know what has become of it."

Yoniel's silver robe rustled in the strong wind stirred up by the magic cannon, and he responded: "The real challenge has just begun. Let us continue to wait and see."

"As expected of the guy that I like, the human prince is indeed extraordinary!"

Beside Lei Xiao, Louise was so excited that she couldn't help but hugged Lei Xiao's arm and said, "Don't you really think about becoming my husband?"

"Miss Louise, it seems that now is not the time to talk about this, right?"

Lei Xiao felt the softness on his arm, smiled helplessly and said, "Let's focus on the battle in front of us first."

"Lord True Ancestor, His Highness the Prince is right."

Catherine immediately came forward, nodded and said, "It's better to continue to obey His Royal Highness the Prince's instructions."

"I know what I am doing."

Louise let go of Lei Xiao with a look of reluctance, pouted slightly at the Scarlet Queen and said, "Catherine, you girl can't..."

"Lord True Ancestor, what are you talking about?"

Catherine waved her hands hurriedly, and said with some embarrassment on her fair face: "Don't forget that the whereabouts of the Prince of the Wand and others are still unknown."

Just when Catherine and Louise were pulling each other, a wave of mysterious energy that was difficult to detect suddenly surged out from the Glow City, causing our strong men with keen senses present to frown and start to look at each other.

"Bing Lao, is this true?"

Lei Xiao gathered his thoughts and immediately looked at the old man in blue robe beside him.

"Yes, it was the mysterious energy fluctuation at the beginning, or in other words, it was a sign of the other party's so-called "holy plan". "

Bing Lao's wrinkled old face was full of solemnity, and he nodded to Lei Xiao and said: "The other party's progress has obviously taken another step forward."

"It seems we don't have much time left."

Lei Xiao slowly took a deep breath, and immediately ordered to our strong men and generals who were waiting around: "Bombard with all your strength for three more rounds, and then start the next step according to the planned plan!"

"Yes! (Lord Lord) Your Highness the Prince!"

Everyone touched their chests and saluted, and immediately began to move separately.

On the turbulent ice stone city wall, according to Lei Xiao's instructions, after three rounds of magic bombardment, bow and arrow coverage, and attacks from the strong group, several wide ice bridges with rising cold air extended from our camp. Go straight towards the opponent's city wall.

At the same time, along with a surging wave in the space, we saw Bing Lao, Louise, Catherine, Jiang Li, Hu Zhan, Hong Ye and other main powerhouses on our side already appearing on the other side's messy city wall. Start cleaning up the remaining enemy forces.

With Bing Lao and Louise bearing the brunt, the enemy warriors who were still lingering were quickly defeated. This included not only the generals of the Temple Guard Knights, but also the warriors of the Holy Chanters.

Among the rebels, only Gusta, Beavis, and a few other fifth-level archbishops were still able to fight, gritting their teeth and holding on.

After several ice bridges were built up on the glowing city wall, the second echelon, with Lei Xiao, Wu, Shuang, Xiaojie and others in front, followed by two fourth-level powerhouse groups, also flew over and began to further consolidate the entire structure. Facing the city wall.

Later, the main army of Zhuyue, the main army of the Blood Clan, and other main armies of our side led by Qi Duo also arrived one after another. They quickly occupied most of the city wall and suppressed the enemy army that tried to rush up again.

"This **** despicable alien!"

Seeing that the situation was over, Gusta's gloomy face was full of forlornness, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Even though he possesses heaven-defying anti-magic power, after all, he is unable to defeat four hands with two fists, and he was beaten by our strong men in a miserable state.

As for Beavis and other archbishops, they no longer had the contempt and murderous intent they had just now. People kept falling down screaming during the offensive of our strong men. The originally bright golden priest robes were soon covered with stains. Bright red and muddy.

Just when Gusta and Beavis were about to have no way out, the calm voice of a mysterious existence suddenly sounded in their ears: "That's it, let them enter the city. What awaits them is still despair."

After hearing the order of the mysterious existence, Gusta and Beavis' mouths twisted, and then they both used teleportation scrolls and disappeared on the city wall in an instant.

As for the other enemy strong men, they were quickly killed by us one after another, causing the entire city wall that was in a mess to calm down again soon. Find Shuyuan m

"Your Highness, Prince Qi, we have completely suppressed this city wall, and the soldiers of the main army are advancing towards the city walls in the other two directions in an orderly manner."

Qi Duo stroked her chest and saluted, then reported to Lei Xiao.

"Thank you for your hard work. Time is running out. Let's gather our elite combat forces and attack the center of the city first."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said: "The main strong men and the fourth-level strong group regrouped, and the other soldiers continued to suppress other city walls!"

After hearing Lei Xiao's order, it didn't take long for more than two hundred people with level 4 and above elite combat power to quickly stand behind Lei Xiao and get ready to attack.

However, even though he was standing on the towering city wall and looking towards the nearby city, wherever he looked, there was a thick fog that was rolling by itself.

Vaguely, Lei Xiao even smelled a rich and fishy smell that was far better than that on the city wall, slowly drifting from the city.

"It really has a disgusting smell."

Louise put her hands on her hips, wrinkled her nose and said, "It's time for us to reveal the true face of the foggy city that has been covered in dust for hundreds of years."

"Yes, this step of ours will forever be engraved on the monument of human history."

Lei Xiao tightened his grip on Rolandel and ordered: "Let's go!"

As Lei Xiao's words fell, two spacious ice bridges condensed again, extending into the fog deep under the city.

Then, all our strong men flew out together with Lei Xiao, heading towards the depths of the mist.

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