Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1229: Fierce battle under night

The strong winds stirred up by the strong violence and energy fluctuations roared, and under the two cold moons with the clouds appearing and disappearing, the earth was shaking crazily.

I saw the cold light of thousands of gnoll soldiers' sharp blades and fangs intertwining with each other, rushing toward Lei Xiao like a tide from all directions.

Judging from the constant agitation in the opponent's camp, it is no less than that of Lei Xiao, who has been promoted to a fifth-level powerhouse.

"The momentum is indeed good, but the formation is extremely loose and has no structure at all. With such strength, you actually want to invade the territory of the human race?"

Lei Xiao, who was covered in a purple cloak, flashed and instantly turned into a purple light, easily dodging the dense screen of arrows fired by the opponent first.

"What an amazing destructive power and speed!"

Seeing Lei Xiao destroying those giant catapults with the force of thunder and gale force, and easily dodging the opponent's arrows, Blair's eyes widened, and he blurted out excitedly: "He is actually an extremely rare mage with lightning attributes. When did such a powerful country-level warrior appear in our human realm?"

"It is indeed very admirable! His courage to face an army of 50,000 people alone is definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary country-level powerhouse!"

The young staff officer's eyes were full of awe, and he tried to follow Lei Xiao's pace with his eyes, but found that he couldn't catch even a single bit.

But after a moment, his worried voice sounded again: "But those jackals have surrounded the strong man. If he is forced to turn to close combat, the strong man will definitely be in a disadvantageous situation. After all, the strong man Your Excellency is a mage who is not good at close combat."

"The strength of a strong man at the national level

The power is beyond your imagination. As long as the magic power is enough, these first-, second- and third-level jackal soldiers and low-level commanders alone will be difficult to shake the strong man. "

Blair's voice was full of determination, but a trace of doubt appeared on his resolute face.

It stands to reason that with the speed of that powerful man, it is obviously easy to break through the opponent's encirclement.

But Lord Strong seems to have fallen into the siege on purpose, which is simply unbelievable.

You know, no matter how powerful the magister is and protected by energy barriers, once the magic power is exhausted, even if he is attacked at close range by first-order jackal soldiers, he can still pose a huge threat.

After all, no matter how powerful a fifth-level warrior is, he will never be able to fight against five legions alone before his own energy is exhausted.

What's more, the opponent's camp also has an extremely brutal main force as well as an unknown number of fourth-level and even fifth-level experts.

"What on earth is that mysterious powerful man going to do?"

Confused, Blair ordered the surrounding soldiers to prepare for support, while concentrating and continuing to observe.

Under the towering city wall, Lei Xiao was already surrounded by at least two legions of jackals. Like the eye of a storm, he stood out in the open space at the center of the dense jackal formation.

"The eye of the storm? Then let me start a **** storm."

Looking at the Gnoll soldiers around him who were baring their teeth and claws and salivating, Lei Xiao smiled sternly, and the vast aura around him rose into the sky.

"The human race has just experienced a crazy rampage of taboo roots. It is absolutely impossible for them to rush to rescue so quickly."

It was a remote area. From this point of view, the strong human race was just bluffing or delaying time. "

The wolf man leader's turbid wolf eyes rolled, and then he waved his hand and said: "Human race, no matter what your plans are in your heart, no one can stop my leader's army today and kill me!"

Before the Jackal leader could finish his words, Lei Xiao waved the silver staff in his hand very fast, and instantly drew a perfect six-pointed star array in mid-air.

"Running Thunder Sky Yin!"

At the same time that the magic circle appeared, purple light flashed all over Lei Xiao's body, piercing the surrounding jackal soldiers so that they could not open their eyes.

Within a 100-meter range centered on Lei Xiao himself, one after another thunder fell from the sky, accurately hitting the surrounding Jackal soldiers.

For a time, with mud and gravel splashing everywhere, the roar of thunder and the screams of jackal soldiers came one after another, and the smell of burnt smell hit his face.

It didn't take long for hundreds of Jackal soldiers to turn into charcoal on the ground, making subsequent enemy soldiers so frightened that they did not dare to take another step forward.

"Is the coverage area of ​​the Thunder Field reaching a maximum of 100 meters? This is more than ten times stronger than the fourth level, and the power and frequency have also increased by more than one level. Although it is still unable to instantly kill all targets within 100 meters. , but the attack efficiency is already extremely impressive.”

Lei Xiao looked at the thunderous scene around him and carefully felt the energy changes in his body.

"As for the magic power consumed, although it is much more than the ordinary thunder spell, after all, Thunder Sky Yin can automatically attack any target around it, and it will not delay my progress.

It is self-evident to carry out other attacks, which plays a role in single combat and such situations of being alone in the enemy's camp. "

Lei Xiao thought like this and waved his staff again.

"Triple Thunder Technique!"

Following the direction of the staff, one after another new thunderbolts crossed the thunder field and directly blasted into the dense enemy formation, causing another wave of frightened screams.

After being promoted to a fifth-level powerhouse, and with Odost's assistance, it was easy for Lei Xiao to instantly cast third-level spells such as triple thunderbolt.

"The range of the triple lightning strike can reach 300 meters. Coupled with the coverage of the lightning field, it is obviously impossible for these ordinary jackal soldiers to get close to me."

Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to release the triple thunder technique.

"As expected of the mysterious strong man!"

On the towering city wall, seeing Lei Xiao easily clearing away the Jackal soldiers trying to surround him, Blair was excited and nodded with a clear mind.

No wonder the strong man allowed those jackals to surround him. It turned out that he had an extremely rare and advanced method of continuous automatic group attack!

Just as Blair was rejoicing, the battlefield changed again.

I saw that the jackals who knew they could not get close to Lei Xiao reacted very quickly. While retreating to a safe distance a hundred meters away, the archers and crossbowmen who were ready to attack stepped forward.

Accompanied by the sound of the bowstring vibrating through the air, countless arrows shot out, instantly sweeping towards Lei Xiao from both directions in the sky and mid-air.

"Oops, although Lord Strong's automatic attack method covers a range of 100 meters, the jackal archers and crossbowmen

However, its range is much longer, and it can still launch intensive attacks on the powerful. "

"Although Lord Strong's thunderbolt technique has sufficient range, its attack range is relatively limited, and there is no time to clear out the enemy forces in all directions!"

Blair frowned and murmured anxiously in his heart.

In this situation where we are outnumbered, even if the strong man moves to one side, the attack coverage of 100 meters is still a drop in the bucket for a military formation with tens of thousands of people.

But as the dense arrows hit the energy barrier, it will accelerate the consumption of the strong man's magic power.

In this way, plus the automatic attack spell is a type that consumes extremely much magic power. When the magic power is exhausted, the result will naturally be self-evident.

Around Blair, the other soldiers were obviously aware that Lei Xiao was at a disadvantage, and they all looked worried.

"Hahaha, arrogant human race, so what if you can kill my soldiers instantly? This leader can grind you to death even if he grinds them!"

The wolf leader's face was full of pride, and he said with murderous intent: "Taste the anger from the jackals, you will eventually become the prey of the jackals!"

"There are at least 3,000 arrows, mixed with a considerable amount of corrosive spells, and even attacks from many fourth-level experts. If I hold them hard, it will indeed cause a lot of magic loss to me."

Surrounded by thick energy barriers, Lei Xiao's perception was fully activated. He looked at the sky-wide attacks that were coming at him at extremely fast speeds, and said calmly: "But it would be too naive to think that this can threaten me."

I saw Lei Xiao smile faintly. Originally, it was only a hundred meters away.

The coverage area of ​​the thunder field expands instantly. Wherever the thunder field goes, there are thunder and light, lightning and thunder.

Not only were all the arrows fired from the sky turned into ashes, but before the gnoll archers and crossbows who were standing in the front row could react, they were overwhelmed by the rolling thunder falling from the sky and began to scream. fell down.

As for those incoming corrosive spells, Lei Xiao easily dodged them without being hurt at all.

For a moment, the Wolfmen were caught off guard and their already loose military formation was thrown into chaos, and their morale could be said to have hit rock bottom.

"Then the coverage area of ​​automatic lightning strikes has actually expanded again? At least it has reached a range of two hundred meters?"

After seeing this sudden scene, it goes without saying how excited Blair and the other soldiers on the city wall were, while the jackal leader on the other end looked furious and his blood-red wolf eyes widened.

"The coverage of one hundred meters is just a basic operation. If you think of me as an ordinary fifth-level powerhouse, it would be a big mistake."

Lei Xiao's purple cloak rustled in the strong wind stirred by the energy, and the God's Familiar emblem hidden in the leather armor shone even more brightly.

At the beginning, he did not use the power of God's Familiar. Naturally, he was only at the level of an ordinary magister. But with the blessing of the power of God's Familiar, it was obviously easy to expand the Thunder Field by another hundred meters.

And those arrows that were directly reduced to ashes in the field are the strengthening effect of the Thunder Field strengthened by the power of the gods.

In other words, as long as the power of Lei Xiao Divine Familiar is fully activated and the Thunder Field is maintained, these ordinary arrows will no longer be able to cause any damage.

"Then, let's see

Let's see how long the magic power in my body can last without using other auxiliary means. "

A cold light flashed in Lei Xiao's dark eyes, which turned into a purple light again, and began to rush left and right in the chaotic jackal army, causing the screams and the roar of thunder to resound through the sky again.

"So, so strong!"

Seeing that Lei Xiao was in a deserted state among thousands of troops, and everywhere he went was wailing and scorched, Blair couldn't help but widen his eyes filled with lightning.

He once had the honor to witness the heroic appearance of His Highness Cecilia and Lord Commander Barnett on the battlefield, but compared with the mysterious and powerful Lord under the city, these two were simply inferior by more than one level.

As for the other soldiers around Blair, their eyeballs bulged out and they were all stunned on the spot.

They have never seen such a one-sided battlefield. This is a wonderful scene that can be bragging at the wine table for a lifetime!

What's even more fortunate is that the mysterious powerful man is still their ally!

Just as the fortress was rejoicing, in the dark military formation of the jackals below the city, the leader of the jackals was angry and bared his fangs, but he still looked at ease.

Although Lei Xiao almost crippled an ordinary legion with his own strength, this loss was obviously not a traumatic event for him.

But the brilliant and shining Odorst in Lei Xiao's hand was always reflected in the greedy wolf eyes of the Jackal leader. Although he could not tell the class of the staff, it was obviously an extremely rare magic weapon!

"The arrogant human race maintains such a large-scale magic field, and then

Coupled with such a high-intensity lightning attack, your magic power must have been almost exhausted, right? "

The Jackal leader's eyes narrowed slightly, and looming energy barriers began to condense around his body. He said solemnly: "Then, first remove your spells, and then fall under my leader's sword. By then, your weapons and The leader accepted the belongings without any ceremony."

After saying that, the Jackal leader swayed and disappeared into the hazy night together with a group of strong Jackals who were surrounded by murderous intent.

boom! boom! boom!

With Lei Xiao flying around like a purple meteor, looking for Shuyuanwwww. The continuous sound of thunder shook the earth, and the jackal soldiers within the coverage area were blown to pieces.

But without any warning, something strange happened again.

Before Lei Xiao's lightning strike from the sky could get close to the enemy formation, it mysteriously disappeared without a trace, leaving only a burst of black smoke still rising in the air.

This scene began to spread quickly around Lei Xiao.

Although the thunder field is still functioning, the attack effect has obviously declined, and more thunders have disappeared inexplicably one after another, making the jackal soldiers who had been staying away refreshed and surrounded them again with bared teeth and claws.

"No, is that...?"

Seeing this, Blair was stunned for a moment, then seemed to realize something, and looked at the dark wolf man formation.

Among the densely packed Jackal soldiers, groups of Jackal shamans carrying weird human-shaped bronze statues appeared at some point and were chanting loudly while holding up their staffs.

And those missing thunderbolts were caused by strange humanoid figures.

The bronze statue was absorbed, so it did not play its due role.

"It's the statue of the Demon Breaker! This is undoubtedly the nemesis of the powerful magician. The mysterious powerful master is in danger!"

Blair's expression tightened, and he was about to lead his troops to rescue Lei Xiao, but before he could speak, a slender figure appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"How, how could it be you?"

After seeing the person clearly, Blair was startled for a moment, then his face was full of disbelief, and he opened his eyes involuntarily.

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